Literature service for chemists

literature service for chemists. Dr. Julian F. Smith is leavingthe du Pont Company,where he has been doing chemical literature work, to become associa...
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LITERATURE SERVICE FOR CHEMISTS Beginning October 1 the Hooker Scientific Library. Fayette, Polish, and Russian. The combination of a specialist in techniMissouri, will inaugurate a new literature service for chemists. cal literature and one of the most comprehensive chemical libraDr. Julian F. Smith is leaving the du Pont Company, where he ries ever assembled is unique in chemical reference service. I t has been doing chemical literature work, to become associate di- offers an unprecedented opportunity to all chemists to have technical literature or patents dearly and accurately translated rector of the "Friends of the Hooker Scientific Library." Dr. Neil E. Gordon is director of the association and head of the by a chemist, and to have the literature on any problem skilfully chemistry department a t Central College, owner of the library. combed by an experienced searcher who is not hampered by Through Dr. Smith the Library will offer translations and literalanguage barriers. ture searches, backed by facilities for furnishing filmstat or The Hooker ScientificLibrary will render these services at cost photostat copies of any matter in the more than twenty thousand (on a self-supporting, but a non-profit basis) to members of the volumes comprising the collection. To his chemical education "Friends of the Hooker Scientific Library." The minimum (B.S., University of Illinois, 1916; M.S., University of California, fee for an individual life membership is ten dollars; for a 1920; P h . D . ,The University of Chicago, 1922) and his long expermanent corporation or institutional membership, one hundred perience in chemical literature work Dr. Smith adds linguistic dollars. All who are interested are invited to write to Dr. Neil skill acquired by years of practice in translating from German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Scandinavian, E. Gordon, Central College. Fayette, Missouri.