laboratory and analytical services available on ... facturing. 166. Companies interested in a listingin this ... Phone toll free [800] 228-4373 .. CIR...
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ES&T LITERATURE Lime for wastewater. Case history C-236 tells how a company uses machinery to transport lime for treatment of wastewater; blockages and bridging are eliminated. Vibra Screw 151 Fluorescence detectors. Brochure describes fluorescence detectors for high-performance liquid chromatography as well as a spectrofluorometer and filter fluorometer, models 970 and 950, respectively. Kratos 152 Laboratory supplies. 1982-83 laboratory supply handbook features pH testers, electronic balances, safety and emergency equipment, chemicals, and many other items. LaPine Scientific 153

Radiometer. Brochure describes YSI-Kettering radiometer, which measures radiation in restricted areas for photobiology, photochemistry, botany, and agriculture. Instrument contains a small sensor and is wavelength independent. Yellow Springs Instrument 154 Dual-media Filters. Bulletin CF-52 gives design information on dualmedia, deep-bed filters especially useful for removing oil and taking in suspended solids below 1 ppm. Transamerica Délavai 155 Refuse-fired stoker. Brochure describes ReciproGrate, a reciprocating, refuse-fired stoker with water-tube boiler applications. It has 50-100 ton/d capacities. Detroit Stoker 156 Centrifugal pumps. Catalog No. 11.3 lists and describes all-plastic, selfpriming centrifugal pumps, 5-175 gal/min, for handling corrosive fluids to 250 °F. Vanton Pump & Equipment 157 Materials containers. Buyers' guide lists polyethylene materials containers such as drums, totes, tanks, and barrels. Plastech 158 Thermal processing. Brochure describes Bartlett-Snow rotary thermal processing equipment for waste management and many other applications.

It can incinerate toxic and hazardous wastes. C-E Raymond 159 Metal removal from water. Brochure describes FKJA process and FKJ-72 agent, based on formaldehyde, for removal and recovery of heavy metals and destruction of cyanide. No toxic substances remain or evolve. Greco Bros. 160 pH measurements. Brochure describes 870 Electrochemical Two-Wire Transmitter and 871 Sensors using electronic technology to measure pH, conductivity, and the like. Foxboro Analytical 161 Total ion analysis. Brochure lists column and detector capabilities for total ion analysis, as well as analysis of amines, surfactants, aliphatic and aromatic sulfonates, and others. Dionex 162

Materials analysis laboratory. Brochure describes materials analysis laboratory and analytical services available on contract or fee basis. Many analytes plus zeta potential, particle size, and other parameters are available. Micromeritics 163 Dust control. Brochure describes stockpile dust control system that uses water with specially formulated dust suppression chemical. Johnson-March 164

Water resources engineering. Brochure describes full range of services concerning surface and groundwater and water quality, including hydraulics, ecosystems, planning, and numerical and physical modeling. Tetra Tech 165

Dust collection. Announcement describes tube-type after-filter for use where medium dust volumes are created in manufacturing processes, and clean air is required. Aget Manufacturing 166


Sample w a t e r for priority pollutants, suspended solids. ISCO sequential and composite toxic samplers alleviate cross- . contamination between samples with direct pump-to-bottle collection and line pre-purgeand post-purge operation. High line velocities effectively provide representative samples by keeping solids suspended. The samplers also feature: 1. Ability to withstand high humidity or accidental submersion. 2. Watertight, stainless steel encased motors and electronics. 3. Clog-proof high speed or superspeed pumps. 4. Insulated bases for ice preservation of samples. 5. Rechargeable battery or AC line power. 6. Timed or flow-proportioned collection. ISCO's portable Model 2100 Sequential Sampler can collect up to 24 discrete samples in 350-ml glass or 1-liter polypropylene bottles. Toxic samples contact only Teflon® , medical grade silicone rubber and glass. The Model 2100 has four built-in modes of operation including a composite mode. ISCO's Model 1580 Composite Sampler pumps uniform, small sample increments into a single receptacle. Three- and five-gallon polypropylene and 2 Va -gallon glass bottles are available.


531 Westgate

Companies interested in a listing in this Lincoln, NE 68528 department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Literature, 1155 . . Phone toll free [800] 228-4373 .. 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC. 20036 CIRCLE 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16. No. 10, 1982
