Chem. Mater. 1992,4, 62-67
process of simulation is not as straightforward as might be wished. First there is the challenge of obtaining appropriate interatomic potentials. Fortunately, simple potential models which neglected polarizability worked well for the Na(I)-p’-alumina structure but will almost certainly be too simplistic for the simulation of more complex /3”-aluminas, such as those in which the sodium content has been replaced by various divalent cations. Then there are more subtle issues. For example, if ordering is known to occur in the system under study, information or at least an insightful guess about the superlattice repeat unit must be known a priori so as to avoid a simulation box size that will frustrate the ordering. Detailed knowledge of the crystal structure is also important. Although previously suggested in the literature, this work is the first to explicitly demonstrate that the Mg(I1) distribution in the spinel blocks apparently does affect the placement and conductivity of the mobile Na(1). Unfortunately, MD does not provide a way of determining which Mg(I1) distribution is correct, thus making the results obtained in this work valid only with respect to the chosen spinel configuration. Finally, the simulations must be run for a long enough time to allow any correlated motion to be observed. Had
the simulationsof Na(I)-8”-alumina been run for only lo00 time steps, the low-temperature correlated motion observed after 6ooo time steps would have been missed. Long simulations require plentiful computer time, which may not always be available. Nevertheless, once the groundwork is established and a generous computing facility located, MD can be an excellent aid to understanding experimental data. This is clear in our simulation results showing an apparent change in the mechanism of ionic conductivityin Na(I)-fl”-alumina from a vacancy mechanism at high temperaturea to highly correlated superlattice motion at lower temperatures.
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation, MRL program, under Grant No. DMR8819885. All simulations were performed on the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Y-MPor a Stardent Titan provided by the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (NSF-MRL) at the University of Pennsylvania. We express our gratitude to M. Zendejas and J. 0. Thomas for many useful discussions. Registry No. Na(I)-p”-alumina, 110619-69-7;aluminum magnesium sodium oxide, 56780-19-9.
Lithium-MV05 (M = Nb,Ta)Bronzes Jose-Manuel Amarilla,t Blanca Casal,’ Juan-CarlosGalvan,*and Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky**t Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Serrano 115 bis, 28006 Madrid, Spain, and Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalrirgicas, CSIC, Gregorio del Amo 8, 28040 Madrid, Spain Received April 10, 1991. Revised Manuscript Received September 23, 1991 Mixed oxides NbV05 and Tavo6 have been synthesized by a sol-gel procedure. Both compounds are with m = 2). isostructural with the so-called ‘monophosphate tungsten bronzes” (MPTB, (P02)4(W03)2m, In such structures single M04 tetrahedra (M = P, V), share corners with M’06 octahedra (M’= W,Ta, Nb) building pentagonal tunnels along the [OlO]direction. In this work, we have studied lithium insertion redox reactions carried out by treatments with LiI in acetonitrile in MV06(M = Nb, Ta) hosta. Lithium insertion appears as a topotactic and reversible process. The intercalated compounds constitute a new family of Li bronzes showing LixMV06compositions with 0 < x < 0.3, which have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, conventionalchemical analysis, and X-ray photoeledron spectroscopy. Complex impedance spectroscopy reveals the ionic character of the electrical conductivity in LixMVOs. Typical values of the specific conductivity are in the 10-6-10-8 cm-I range at 573 K, with activation energies on the order of 0.5 eV.
Introduction Transition-metaloxides are extensively applied as component materials in a wide diversity of electronic devices due to their semiconducting,superconducting, and ionic conducting properties. Of particular interest are those oxides able to act as host lattices for alkali-metal (Li, Na) ions, because they can be used as electrode materials in solid-state batteries and as specific sensors. Certain oxidea in which the metal element have doelectronic configuration (Le., group V metals) show intrinsic insulating or semiconducting properties, whereas partial reduction of the lattice and/or inclusion of electron donors (i.e., alkali-metal ions) into the host lattice can change drastically their Instituto de Ciencia de Materides de Madrid.
* Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metaliirgicas.
electronic pr0pertiea.l On the other hand, the coexistence of two or more metals in the composition of the oxide matrix can provide an advantage, because the associated electronic structure can improve the resulting properties with respect to those of the parent oxides.2 In a previous work? we have shown the potential application of the sol-gel methods to the synthesis of a new crystallinephase in the syetem Nb-V-0, characterized as NbVOS. We have extended this sol-gel method to the SynthMk Of Tavo6, b&”with Nbvo5,88 discussed (1) Rao, C. N. R.;Gopalakrishnan, J. New Directions in Solid State Chemistry; Cambridge solid state science series; Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge 1986. (2) Lmgo, J. M.;Horowitz, H. S. Solid State Synthesis of Complex Oxides. In Preparation and Characterization of Materiah; Honig,Rao, Eds.; Academic Press: New York, 1981. (3) Amarilla,J. M.; Ca4, B.; Ruiz-Hitzky,E. Mater. Lett. 1989,8,132.
0897-4756/92/2804-0062$03.00/00 1992 American Chemical Society
Chem. Mater., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992 63
Lithium-MVOB Bronzes
Scheme I
vanadyl tritercbutoxide ('PrOH)
1 I
I ONb,Ta
Figure 1. Projection of the structure of MVOs oxide (M = Nb, Ta) along the [OlO] direction.
in this paper. These mixed metal oxides are isostructural with the family of monophosphate tungsten bronzes [(PO,),(WO,),,] with m = 2.4-8 The structure of these compounds is built up of corner-sharing V04 tetrahedra and (Nb,Ta)06 octahedra. The most salient structural feature is the presence of pentagonal and rhomboidal channels along the [OlO]direction (Figure 1). Therefore, one can expect that these materials may be suitable for insertion of metal ions, such as Li+, into the empty channels. Our main interest is the synthesis of the Li,MV05 bronzes of both mixed oxides (M = Nb, Ta). These materials are attractive due to their potential applications as cathode materials in solid-state batteries. We will apply impedance spectroscopic measurements for characterizing the electrical behavior of the lithium insertion compounds.
Experimental Section 1. Synthesis of TaV06and Nbvos. Nbvo6 was synthesized
The method of according to a procedure already de~cribed.~ synthesis of TaVOs is similar to that described for NbVOs. In Scheme I a flowchart corresponding to the preparation of the Ta-V mixed oxide by a sol-gel route is shown. A solution of water/isopropyl alcohol with 1:lO molar ratio was slowly pumped (1mL/min) into a MOO isopropyl alcohol solution of Tach (Fluka, 99.9%) in N2 atmosphere with constant stirring. After total addition of water/isopropyl alcohol solution, appropriate amounts of a solution 1:lOO vanadyl tri-tert-butoxide ([(CH3)3C0]3V0, prepared as described in ref 3) in isopropyl alcohol was slowly added (1mL/min). This addition sequence was selected in view of the different hydrolysis rates of these reagents. The whole system was maintained under 63% relative humidity at 295 K, until the formation of a yellow opaque gel was observed (approximately 12 h). The gel was dried at room temperature for 3 days to yield a brown xerogel, which gives crystalline TaVO6 after heating in a platinum crucible at 773 K for 6 h. 2. Lithium Insertion. Lithium insertion in MVOs (M = Nb, Ta) mixed oxides was carried out by treatment with LiI/acetonitrile solutions at 373 K in an autogenic Teflon reactor. All mauipulations were done in a drybox under controlled atmoephere (Nz). In this way undesirable secondary reactions were avoided, in particular with atmospheric COz, which generates insoluble lithium salts. Procedure I: 25 mL of a saturated solution of LiI (Fluka,98%) in acetonitrile was added to 0.5 g of the mixed oxide. The resulting mixture was kept in an autogenic reactor, which was maintained (4) Giroult,J. P.; Goreaud, M.; LabM, P.; Raveau, B. Acta Crystallog. 1981, B37, 2139. (5) Chahboum, H.; Groult, D.; Hervieu, M.; Raveau B. J. Solid State Chem. 1986,65, 331. (6) Chahboum, H.; Groult, D.; Raveau B. Mater. Res. Bull. 1988.23, 805.
(7) Kinomura, N.; Hirose, M.; Kumada, N.; Muto, F. J. Solid State Chem. 1988, 77,156. (8) Wang, S. L.; Wang, C. C.; Lii, K. H. J. Solid State Chem. 1989,82,
I xerogel 1
1 cryrtrlllzrtlon
I Ta"05 I at 373 K. After the time periods specified in Figure 3, aliquots were removed from the autoclave, filtered, and washed with acetonitrile until complete elimination of the characteristic iodine color. Procedure II: This is similar to procedure I, but after each extradion of aliquots, a proportional amount of the initial solution was added to the system, in order to minimize the reversibilitiea of the insertion process (see eq 1). Procedure I was applied to obtain Li bronzes of both MVOb (M = Nb, Ta) mixed oxides, whereas procedure I1 was used to synthesize LizTaV06 bronzes. The evolution of the insertion degree with the time of hatanent was followed by spectrophotometricmeasurements of the lithium content in the solid samples. The reversibility of the insertion process was determined by treating the Li bronze with an excess of Iz/acetonitrile solution at 300 K,under continuous magnetic stirring. To remove all the Li inserted, in the case of (L&.laNbVOs) bronze, the use of an autogenic reactor thermally treated at 373 K was required. CharacterizatiOL MVOS mixed Oxid@ and LiJdVOS bronzes (M = Nb,Ta) were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometzy (Philip PW 1710 instrument equipped with a Cu anode and Ni fidter), IR spectroecopy (Perkin-Elmer 58OB spedrophotometer; KBr pellets), SEM-EDX analyses (Zeiss Model DSM-960, EDX Tracor-Northem Model ZII instrument), and XPS spectroecopy (Vacuum Generator ESCA LAB MKII spectrometer; radiation Mg Ka (E = 1253.6 eV) or Al K a (E = 1486.6 eV)); the signals of V, and TQ have bean used to charactariza the oxidation state of these elements in the starting and inserted samples. Ac impedance measurementswere carried out at temperaturea ranging from 423 to 723 K, with a frequency response analyzer (FRA, Solartron 1174) coupled to an electrochemical interface (Solartron 1286). The applied signal amplitude was 60 mV in the frequency range 1 MHz-10 mHz. Cylindrical disk (area = 0.56 cm2,thickness = 0.11 cm) samples, previously sintered at 573 K, were placed in a Pyrex cell provided with a platinum grid as current collector. By silver sputtering on the two opposite flat surfaces of the sample, two identical electrodes were formed.
Results and Discussion Following the method described in the Experimental Section, a series of amorphous xerogel precursors were prepared by sol-gel from vanadyl tri-tert-butoxide and niobium or tantalum pentachloride mixtures in isopropyl alcohol (Scheme I). Spots and average SEM-EDX analyees of these precursors show good homogeneity,giving a M/V (M = Nb, Ta) molar ratio close to 1. Subsequent thermal treatment of the M-V xerogels at 873 K for 6 h gave crystalline products identified by XRD as NbV05 and
Amarilla et al.
64 Chem. Mater., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992
250 t(h.)
m a
0.05 50
250 t(h.)
1.400 300 wavenumber (cm-') Figure 2. IFt spectra (1400-300 cm-' region) of the xerogel precursor (a) and of the TaV06 crystalline oxide (b).
TaV05 (refs 3 and 6,respectively). Characterization of the amorphous precursor and crystalline NbV05 mixed oxide has been previously reported? In Figure 2 the IR spectra of both the xerogel precursor (a) and the crystalline TaV05 compound (b) are shown. The spectrum of the latter (b) is similar to that described by Chahboum et al.? whereas spectrum (a) is appreciably different, showing an intense broad band centered at about 684 cm-'. This band can be assigned to stretching (M-O) vibrations in the polymeric mixed oxides.s11 The band at 984 cm-', which dissapears after thermal treatment, could be attributed to stretching metal-oxygen vibrations of remaining short bonds (like V 4 ) existing in the starting reagent (vanadyl tri-tert-butoxide). The development of the intense band at 795 cm-I in the crystalline phase of TaV05 (b) suggests that the structural [VO,] tetrahedra (Figure 1)are distorted, as was also evidenced by 51V NMR solid-state spectroscopy in NbVO5.I2 This band is also observed, but as a shoulder, in the xerogel (a), indicating the heterogeneity in the structural coordination in which vanadium atoms are arranged in the amorphous precursor. Lithium Inclusion. Chemical inclusion of Li+ ions into MV05 (M = Nb, Ta) was carried out according to eq 1. MV05 + xLiI Li,MV05 + x/212 (1) This is a redox reaction in which the iodide ions act as a reducing agent of the transition-metal ions of the host lattice; thus, lithium ions are inserted in the solid, balancing the net charge of the system. Appreciable changes of color (from yellow to dark-gray) occur with the progress of the reaction. Similar behavior is also observed in other transition-metal oxides (WO,, Moo3,V205,etc). This is of great interest for applications in electrochromicdevices.13 The mechanism of coloration
(9) Baran, E. J.; Escobar, M. E. Spectrochim. Acta 1985, 41A, 415. (10) Dartiguenave,M.; Dartiguenave,Y. Bull. Soc. Chim. I% 1968,171. ( 1 1 ) Abe, M. Inorganic ion exchnge materials; Clearfeid, Ed.;CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1982. (12) Davis, J.; Tmet, D.; Fripiat, J. J.; Amarilla, J. M.; Casal, B.; Ruiz-Hitzky,E. J. Mater. Res. 1991,6, 393.
Figure 3. (1)Time evolution of the lithium insertion reactions
for the materials NbV05 and TaVOs. (2) Time evolution of the lithium insertion reactions for TaV06 oxide without (a) or with (b) changes of the initial lithium iodide/acetonitrile solution.
is ascribed to the simultaneous injection of electrons with the compensating cations (i.e., Li+) in the host lattice. In contrast, any changes were observed in the corresponding X-ray patterns after lithium inclusion, showing the t o p chemical character of the procese. Wang and Greenblatt', describe the chemical intercalation of alkali-metal ions (Li, Na) in the structurally related compounds [ (PO2),(W03)2m], for values of m 1 4. In these cases, the Li/W ratio is clcme to 2, with lithium ions basically located in the cubooctahedralcavities of the (WO,), slabs. In the MV05 (M = Nb, Ta) compounds, where m = 2, such cuboodahedral cavities do not exist, and the location of inserted Li+ ions must be limited to the pentagonal channels or to the rhombohedral tunnels (Figure 1). The time evolution of the insertion reactions (Figure 3) shows that the lithium insertion degree increases with respect to the reaction time, reaching a "plateau" that depends on both the nature of the elements in the oxide and the experimental conditione: in this figure are shown the differences in the lithium insertion degree in samples of NbV05 and TaV05 (Figure 3.11, obtained without (Figure 3.2.a) or with (Figure 3.2.b) changes of the initial lithium iodide/acetonitrile solutions, as described in the Experimental Section (procedures I and 11,respectively). The successive change of the initial solution (procedure 11) minimizes the reversibility of the process (eq 1)enhancing the insertion reaction. In this way a Li bronze of Li,,22 TaV05 composition is obtained working at 373 K (7 days). However, experiments performed without removing the supernatant (procedure I) gave a compound of lower lithium content (&.os TaVO6). In the case of NbV05,with procedure I, the degree of lithium inclusion is about 0.2 lithium/formula, comparable to that obtained for the TaV05 oxide following the more drastic conditions (procedure 11). This fact does not have an easy explanation considering (i) the topochemical character of the inclusion reaction and (ii) the similar ionic radii of Nb and Ta in octahedral ~oordination,'~ which determines a priori the (13) Bange, B.; Gambke, T. Adu. Mater. 1990,2, 10. (14) Wang, E.; Greenblatt, M. J. Solid State Chem. 1987, 68, 38. (15) Shannon, R. D.; Prewitt, C. T. Acta Crystallogr. 1969, B25,926.
Chem. Mater., Vol. 4, No. I , 1992 65
Lithium-MVO, Bronzes
7;-0.8 0.6
k 0 . 4
301@&L e' 0 7
N 20 *I
Figure 4. Impedance spectra (Nyquist plots) for TaV05 (a), L&.18NbVOs (b), L&.zzTaVOS (c), and L&,osTaVOS (a). Table I. Analysis (%) by XPS for the MVOr (M = Nb, Ta) Oxides and Their Li,MVOs Bronzes
TaVOS LhwTaVO6 Nbvos L&,,aNbVOS
79 75 76 62
N S +
100 100
similar size and sections of the structural channels. At this point, we thought that vanadium and niobium atoms in the h a t lattice of NbV06 could be affected, during the first steps of the inclusion reaction, by the reduction process induced by the LiI, whereas the tantalum, in the structure of TaV05,did not. This hypothesis could also explain the two plateaus observed at the kinetic c w e of NbV05. Nevertheless, an evaluation by XPS measurements of the M4+/M6+(M = Nb, Ta) ratio at the surface of the samples before and after the lithium intercalation (Table I), indicates that neither niobium nor tantalum are reduced during the reaction. Thus, we must conclude that the stability of TaV06 toward the reducing agent is greater than that of the NbV05, at least in the initial step of the reaction. It is noteworthy that the stability toward Li insertion of the MV06 (M = Nb, Ta) mixed oxides is greater than that of V2O5. Thus, Li,V206bronzes (0 I 3c 5 1)are easily formed by LiI/acetonitrile treatments at room temperature.16 On the other hand, more active reducing agents (i.e., n-butyllithium/hexane)are required to reach high insertion degrees (approximately 1Li/metal) in other vanadium/niobium or tantalum mixed oxides as VM9Oz5(M = Nb, Ta)," which show a structural arrangement of vanadium ions closely related to MVO@ The use of more active agents, as n-butyllithium in hexane at room temperature (24 h), produces significant damages in the original MVOs structure, giving amorphous materials. In agreement with the structure established from the X-ray powder diagrams6and the 61V high-resolution N M R study,12Mv05 mixed oxides are orthovanadates, whereas the XPS analysis (Table I) indicates that a fraction of vanadium is originally reduced at the surface of the host (16)Murphy, D. W.; Christian, P. A.; DiSalvo, F. J.; Waszczak, J. V. Inorg. Chem. 1979,18, 2801. (17) Cava, R. J.; Murphy, D. W.; Zahurak, S. M. J. Electrochem. SOC. 1983,130,2345.
Table 11. Lithium Desintercalation for the Li,MVOI (M 5 Nb, Ta) Bronzes lithium desintercalation. % IP/acetonitrile, Iz/acetonitrile, room temp, in reactor, 373 K, 7 days Li bronze stirring, 7 days 95
matrix, probably due to residual isopropyl alcohol able to act as a reducing agent during the thermal treatment in the mixed oxides preparation. After Li insertion, the increase of the quantity of reduced V6+ deduced from the XPS (surface) is close to the Li amount determined by conventional chemical analysis of the samples (bulk) suggesting a homogeneous composition of the bronzes. Table I1 shows the degree (percent) of reversibility of the lithium insertion reaction (eq 1)in both LbeOs TaVOS and Li,,.18 NbV05 bronzes. In both cases, high lithium desinsertion levels are reached, without changes in the corresponding X-ray diffraction patterns. The original color of the host matrices is recovered; this behavior is attributed to the changes in the oxidation state of vanadium of the host lattice with the insertion-desinsertion processes. These results show that the lithium insertion processes are reversible in these bronzes. Electrical Properties. Figure 4 shows the complex impedance spectra of the TaV06 host sample a~ well as t h o e correspondingto the Li,,18 NbVOs, Lb.03TaV05, and Li,,zz TaV05 bronzes, respectively. The host material, TaVOS,lacks electrical conductivity in the measured temperature range, which produces a dispersion of points in the Nyquist diagram (Figure 4a), also observed for the NbVOs oxide. In the case of the L&.18NbV05 (Figure 4b), a semicircumferenceappears in the corresponding diagram, which can be interpreted by an equivalent circuit compoeed of a resistance (Ri) and a capacitance (C,)in parallel. The discontinuous lines in the Nyquist plot represent a dispersion of points at high frequencies, probably due to limitations in the measuring equipment. Nevertheless, it has been possible to determine the controlling stage of the electrical transport process in the solid, by the impedance values in medium- and low-frequency zones. At high frequencies, for the Li,TaV05 (3c = 0.03 or 0.22) bronzes, the Nyquist plots show well-described semicir-
Amarilla et al.
66 Chem. Mater., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992 Table 111. Calculated Values, Prom the Nyquist Diagrams, for the Geometric Capacitance, C, Permittivity, c', Rssistence, Ri, and Specific Conductivity, ui, of the Li,MVO, (M = Nb, Ta) Bronzes (T = 573 IC) sample 10" C,, F c' Ri,k0 5, (0cm)-' Lio.lsNbVO5 4.62 62.28 27.8 3.5 X lo4 17.78 157.9 7.8 X lo-' Lb.~TaV05 1.27 9.13 1215.0 8.0 X Lio.oSTAV05 0.38
-8 1.3
2.1 2.5 1000*(l/T) (K-')
Figure 6. Plots of log (UT)versus 1 T (K-l) for the L&.lsNbV05 (a), L&,zzTaV05 (b), and L&.03Ta O5 (c) bronzes.
cumferences, whereas in the domain of low frequencies, straight lines appear with slope close to 1. This observation is explained by a modification of the equivalent circuit by addition of a new element, the Warburg impedance (&), in series with the resistance Ri and in parallel with the capacitance C,.18 Table I11 shows the values calculated for the geometric capacitance, C,, permittivity, e', and specific conductivity, q, of the bronzes at 573 K, obtained from the corresponding Nyquist diagrams.18Jg In all cases, the values of the C, fall within the range 10-11-10-12F, which according to Irvine et aL20 is associated with a capacitance whose dielectric properties are due to a phenomena controlled by the bulk material, rather than other effects such as grain boundary, sample/electrode interface, etc. Likewise, an independence of C and e' from the temperature, shows the constancy in t i e physical and chemical nature of the materials in all ranges of temperature studied. On the other hand, the low values obtained from the capacitance are indicative of the lack of any contribution related to electronic transport.21 According to the equivalent circuit proposed, in parallel with the capacitance there is a resistance, Ri, physically associated with the resistance of the lithium ions migration through the structural channels of the bulk, assuming that these cations are the electrical charge carriers. Specific electrical conductivities, ai, were calculated from the experimental resistances and the geometric dimension of the pellets22(Table 111). For ionic conductors, the dependence between specific conductivity and temperature is given by the Arrhenius expression in the form log u ~ T = log A - 0.434Ea/RT
(18)Casal, B.; Ruiz-Hitzky,E.; Crespin, M.; Tinet, D.; Galvh, J. C. J . Chem. Soc., Faraday Tram. 1 1989,86,4167. (19)Macdonald, J. R. Impedance spectroscopy: emphasizing solid moterials and systems; Macdonald, J . R., Ed.; Wiley: New York, 1987. (20) Irvine, J. T. S.; Sinclair, D. C.; West, A. R. Adu. Mater. 1990,2,
132. (21)West. A. R.Solid State Chemistry and its Amlicatiom:. Wilev: Chichester, 1984. (22)Oliveira, A.L.;Damasceno, 0.0.;Oliveira, J.; Schouler, E. J. L. Mater. Res. Bull. 1986,21,877.
Table IV. Activation Energy for Ionic Conduction Procers in the LiMVO. Bronzes (M = Nb. Ta) Li bronze E,, kJ/mol temprange, K Lb.22TaV05 51.4 423-515 62.9 515-723 L5.03TaV05 62.5 523-723 Lb.18NbV05 38.4 473-723
in which E, is the activation energy involved in the transport process, A is a constant, and R and Tare the gae constant and the absolute temperature, respectively. Figure 5 shows the Arrhenius plots for the different samples studied. Generally a linear relationship is observed between 1 / T and log (uiT); in the Li,,22 TaVOs bronze (Figure 5b) the slope of the plot changes at around 515 K, whereas in the other bronzes such change is not defined probably due to the absence of experimental data in this temperature region. Considering the hypothesis that lithium ions are located in the structural channels of the solid this change in the slope would imply that, above a defined temperature, lithium ions are able to move through the two types of the structural channels. A similar interpretation has been described by Greg~rkiewitz~~ in feldespathoid type materials. Slope changes of the log (uiT) vs 1/T, in differents polypho~phates,2~ have been recently interpreted as a modification in the charge carrier (Li+) number with the temperature, without invoking crystal structure modifications. As is known, there is a direct relationship between the number of charge carriers and the ionic conductivity of the materials. Thus, we can explain the differences found in the ionic conductivity of the Li,TaVO, (x = 0.03 and 0.22) bronzes, observing that this one increases as the lithium content increases. This fact supporta the idea that the lithium ions are responsible for the electrical-transport process. The comparative study of the bronzes Li,,22 TaV0, and L&.18NbVO, can also be of interest, due to their structural analogies and the similar amounts of inserted lithium. Both materials have similar conductivities (Li,,18 NbVO6 slightly higher) showing that the transport process does not depend on the transition metal (Ta, Nb) included in the host lattice. This result is in line with the relative chemical analogies of Ta and Nb. Table lV shows the values of the activation energies for the ionic conductivity process in the studied bronzes. In general, the obtained values are all of the same order of magnitude. They are comparable to the values described in the bibliography for good lithium ion conductors." The similar values obtained for the activation energies in the L4,22TaVO6 bronzes, for temperatures above 515 K, and the L&.osTaV05 indicate that the structure of the host material in not affected by insertion of lithium ions, in accordance with the conclusion reached by the XRD technique, showing the topotactic character of the lithium insertion prows. On the other hand, the activation energy at this temperature range suggest that the mechanism of the ionic conduction is identical in the two Li,TaVOs bronzes ( x = 0.03, 0.22). For the TAVO, bronzes, besides the semicircumference, a straight line appears at low frequencies (Warburg tail, Figure 4c,d), associated with a diffusion process;22therefore, in these cases we must suppose a mixed mechanism: diffusion conduction plus ionic transport. Unlike ionic conduction, which is exclusively produced by the gradient (23)Gregorkiewitz, M. Solid State Zonics 1986,18-19,634. (24)El Horr, N.;Hammou, A.; Bagieu, M. J. Solid State Chem. 1991, 90,361.
Chem. Mater., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1992 67
Lithium-MV05 Bronzes
ow4 0 -6 5
575 K/ 626 K/ 10
t 1041
T(KrO Figure 6. Temperature dependence of Warburg’s coefficient for TaV06 (b) bronzes. Lb.22 TaVO6 (a) and
of potential created by the applied electrical signal, diffusion takes place by the existence of a gradient of concentration, caused either by the effect of the imposed sinusoidal signal or by inhomogeneities of the material. At the highest frequencies, only the fastest processes are developed (ionic transport and polarization), whereas at the lowest frequencies all the processes can be observed (diffusion and ionic conduction). Warburg’s impedance, Z,, is defined by the expression (3)
where w is the frequency of the applied electrical signal and u, is the Warburg diffusion coefficient, defined as (4)
D = DoeQ/RT
I ~
,*,i/ A ,, , , ,
OW (c,s-”*)io~
Figure 7. Relationship between the ionic resistivity and the Warburg’s coefficient for Lk.2~TaVO6bronze.
2, = uw(l- j > / &
524 K/
where D is the chemical diffusion coefficient of the controlling diffusion species, C represents its concentration in the bulk, n,is the number of transferred charges, F is the Faraday constant, Do is a factor which comprises various constants, including the vibrational frequency of the carriers, and Q is the activation energy of diffusion. Figure 6 shows the temperature dependence of the Warburg coefficient for the Li,TaV05 bronzes (3c = 0.22 and 0.03),respectively. Three aspects are worthy of note: (i) in both cases, a large decrease of a, is observed with the temperature; (ii) Li,,22 TaV0, presents, at the same temperature, lower values of the Warburg coefficient than Lb.03TaVO,; (iii) the u, values approach a plateau at the highest temperatures. Regarding point i, the decrease of u, with temperature, which implies larger values for the diffusion coefficient (eq 4), can be explained by an increase of the thermal activation, which favors the beginning and development of the ionic diffusion movement. Regarding point ii, in accordance with eq 4, a, is inversely related to the bulk concentration of electroactivespecies. Thus, the lower value of u, for L&.03TaV05 is consistent with eq 4. Finally, the plateau in Figure 6 at high temperature suggests that the crystalline structure of the bronzes allows the lithium ions to move freely through the material above
a critical temperature. Thus, the analysis of the experimental results strongly support lithium ions as the main species responsible for the transport processes in these materials. It is interesting to note the close relationship existing between ionic conductivity and the values of the Warburg coefficients. Figure 7 shows the variations of the log Ri vs log u,, for Lb.22TaV05. We observe that these parameters evolve almost identically with temperature, which can be interpreted by a noticeable increase of transport barriers as the temperature is lowered. This behavior suggests that the ionic conductivity and the Warburg coefficient (associated with the diffusion process) depend on the same phenomenon: the ability of the ions to move along the structural channels of the solid. Conclusions Sol-gel methods allow for the synthesis of new NbV05 mixed oxide and appears as an alternative route to prepare TaV06. These oxides show interesting structural features, such as the presence of channels with pentagonal and rhomboidal sections along the [OlO]direction, which allow for the insertion of lithium ions. Thus, a novel family of Li bronzes can be prepared by redox processes involving chemical reactions between the MV05 oxides and LiI dissolved in acetonitrile. Lithium insertion appears as a topotactic and reversible proceas. This interesting property opens a way for potential future applications in the field of electronic devices (cathode batteries, electrochromic materials, etc.). Electrical conductivity of the Li bronzes studied by impedance spectroscopyreveals suitable values for the activation energy (less than 0.5 eV), although the number of charge carriers (Li+) is relatively low. More active reducing chemical reagents, as n-butyllithium, or electrochemical lithium insertion are currently being studied in our laboratory in order to enhance the amount of Li in the Li,MV05 bronzes.
Acknowledgment. We are very grateful to Dr. Crespin (CRSOCI, CNRS, Orleans, France) for his assistance in the XPS measurements. This work was partially supported by the CICYT of Spain (Project MAT 725/90); J.M.A. was subsidized by a grant from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain. Registry No. NbVOs, 12201-62-6;TaVO6,16452-69-0;Li, 7439-93-2; L&.osTaV06, 137125-14-5;Li,,,18NbV05, 137126-15-6; L&,22TaVO6,137125-16-7.