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Chapter 2

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on January 11, 2013 | Publication Date: August 13, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1023.ch002

Real and Apparent Sources of Polydispersity in Molecular Weight Distributions from Radical Polymerization Gregory T. Russell Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand

This paper is intended as a guide for workers in the field of radical polymerization, the aim being to assist them to understand their molecular weight distributions better. The fundamentals of molecular weight distributions are first of all summarized, then the remainder of the paper outlines some factors that perturb ideal broadness in real systems. The following phenomena are dealt with in this context: column broadening in size exclusion chromatography (SEC); SEC calibration; baseline selection in SEC; signal intensity in timeof-flight mass spectrometry (and SEC); conversion-induced broadening; chain-length-dependent termination; and chainlength-dependent propagation.

Introduction A Holy Grail of the macromolecular chemist is to achieve the ‘purity’ in size of micromolecular chemistry. In a real sense this quest is like that of Sisyphus in Greek mythology, who was eternally condemned to rolling a boulder uphill. The macromolecular chemist will also never reach the top of the hill, because the statistical nature of all polymerizations makes true monodispersity in size impossible to achieve by chemical means. Be that as it may, the advent of living radical polymerization (LRP) has reawakened the dream, and over the last decade there have been literally tens of thousands of papers in which workers have used this tremendous new chemical principle to © 2009 American Chemical Society In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


16 strive towards the magical polydispersity index of 1. Given this it is timely to take stock of recent and ongoing investigations into factors that influence the polydispersity of molecular weight distributions (MWDs) from RP.

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Background When all is said and done, there are only two basic chain-growth polymerization paradigms: (1) ideal living polymerization, and (2) ‘conventional’ (or ‘classical’) chain-growth polymerization. Of course real systems show imperfections and may be a mixture of these paradigms. However this does not change the essential nature of such systems, of which it is well to be aware. Therefore the key MWD equations for each paradigm will now be summarized. In particular it will be stressed that there is a ‘natural broadening’ associated with each, a term that I use in analogy with spectroscopy, where it refers to the minimum possible linewidth of a signal. Ideal Living Polymerization By ideal living polymerization is meant the situation of Figure 1.

"instantaneous" initiation





and so on until all M consumed

Figure 1. Schematic representation of ideal living polymerization, where I denotes initiator and M monomer. This paradigm gives rise to a Poisson distribution of chain lengths (1):

number fraction of chains: n(i) = e−v

vi i!


For this distribution the number-average degree of polymerization is given by

DPn = v =

x [M]0 [I]0


where x is fractional conversion, and [M]0 and [I]0 are the starting monomer and initiator concentrations respectively. The polydispersity index is PDI = 1+(1/ν): this gives the ‘natural broadening’. In all these equations, chain length refers to the number of incorporated monomer units. If one wishes to regard the initiator as contributing 1 to the chain length, then ν remains the average number of

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

17 incorporated monomer units, DPn = 1 + ν, and i on the right-hand side of Equation 1 becomes i – 1. Since Equation 1 is the very best one can achieve with a living polymerization, it is instructive to carry out sample evaluations of this equation. Such are presented in Figure 2.


number fraction, n(i)

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0.08 0.06

0.04 0.02




40 chain length, i



Figure 2. Poisson chain-length distributions, Equation 1, for ν = 20 (left; PDI = 1.05) and ν = 50 (right; PDI = 1.02). Three important points are made by Figure 2: (1) Even though PDI is very close to 1, in terms of micromolecular idylls there is still a lot of heterogeneity in size. Yet this is the very best one can do with polymerization in terms of monodispersity. This emphasizes the point above that the stochastic nature of polymerization makes unreachable the Holy Grail of perfect monodispersity: it is simply not possible to make all growing chains march in unison. (2) Even though PDI is smaller for the case of DPn = 50, this distribution has a greater absolute broadness. This emphasizes that PDI is only a measure of relative broadness. (3) One cannot independently control the position (DPn) and broadness (PDI) of a Poisson distribution – they are both determined by the one parameter, ν. Equation 2 is well-known to hold for properly functioning LRP; although PDI is a little larger, it still has the same essential form as the equation above for ideal living polymerization (2-5).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

18 Conventional Chain-Growth Polymerization By conventional chain-growth polymerization is meant the situation in Figure 3. propagation continuous initiation





and so on

termination, transfer

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dead polymer

Figure 3. Schematic representation of conventional chain-growth polymerization, where a horizontal arrow denotes propagation and a vertical arrow denotes a reaction that creates a dead chain. Assuming chain-length-independent reactitivities (as signified by horizontal arrows of the same length and vertical arrows of the same length in Figure 3), this paradigm generates a Flory-Schulz (most probable) distribution (6,7): ⎛ i ⎞2 ⎛ −i ⎞ ⎛ i ⎞3 ⎛ −i ⎞ w(log10 i ) = Fw ⎜ ⎟ exp⎜ ⎟ + 0.5(1 − Fw )⎜ ⎟ exp⎜ ⎟ ln10 ⎝ν ⎠ ⎝ν ⎠ ⎝ν ⎠ ⎝ν ⎠


This is a two-parameter distribution (cf. Equation 1). For RP the values of these parameters are v=

Fw =

k p [M] k trX [X] + 2k t [R]

k trX [X] + 2k td [R] k trX [X] + 2k td [R] + 2k tc [R]



These expressions feature the rate coefficients for propagation, kp, transfer to small molecule X, ktrX, termination, kt, disproportionation, ktd and combination, ktc (kt = ktd + ktc), while [R] = [Ri/(2kt)]0.5 is the total radical concentration, Ri being the rate of initiation. In terms of physical meaning, ν is the average number of propagation events that a newly formed radical (whether by initiation or transfer) undergoes before being converted into a dead chain (some people call ν the kinetic chain length), while Fw is the weight fraction of dead polymer molecules formed by transfer and disproportionation.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


weight fraction, w(log10 i)

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0.00 1 10




chain length, i Figure 4. Flory-Schulz chain-length distributions, Equation 3, for ν = 100 (left) and ν = 1 000 (right), Fw = 1 (smaller; unbroken) and Fw = 0 (taller; dashed). Figure 4 shows some sample evaluations of Equation 3. These evaluations make clear that ν dictates the position of the MWD while Fw determines its broadness. This one can also see from the following relations:

⎛ 2Fw ⎞ DPn = v(2 − Fn ) = v⎜ 2 − ⎟ 1 + Fw ⎠ ⎝


PDI = 1 (3 − Fw )(1 + Fw )



Equation 6, where Fn = 2Fw/(1+Fw) is the number fraction of dead chains formed by disproportionation and transfer, is just the so-called Mayo equation, which is much used because it affords control of average polymer size. Equation 7 gives a minimum value of PDI = 1.5 for the case of all dead-chain formation by combination (Fw = 0) and a maximum value of PDI = 2 for the case of no combination (Fw = 1). Thus the natural broadening of a conventional radical polymerization will be somewhere between these two PDI limits, depending on the balance between transfer/disproportionation and combination that one has. The equations presented in this section have been known for many decades. One reason for giving them here is that they have tended to become lost in the mists of time, even though they remain highly useful, including for modeling of data. The other reason for giving them is that they establish reference points for

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

20 the broadness of MWDs. The remainder of this article will be about factors that perturb – either increase or decrease – this natural broadening.

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Apparent Sources of Polydispersity Perturbation In this section I will outline some apparent sources of polydispersity perturbation. What I mean by the word apparent is that the MWD of the polymer is made to appear different – whether broader or narrower – to what it truly is. Such effects are obviously instrumental in origin, although one hesitates to label them as instrumental error, because in most instances it is more a case of workers not fully appreciating exactly what the instrument is delivering. The first three subsections concern size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Although by no means a dream technique, it has many powerful virtues, and thus remains the method of choice for MWD determination of synthetic polymers. The final subsection concerns time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS), which at last is starting to emerge as a viable technique for MWD determination of relatively small macromolecules. Column Broadening in Size Exclusion Chromatography Even if one succeeds in synthesizing polymer as monodisperse as in Figure 2, this will not be observed via SEC because of column broadening (8). This is the unavoidable phenomenon of molecules of identical hydrodynamic volume having a distribution of elution times. Thus for any polymer sample the apparent MWD delivered by SEC is always broader than the true MWD of the sample. There is no routine way of deconvoluting an apparent MWD to obtain the underlying true MWD. Therefore an algorithm of Lämmel et al. (9) has been used to develop the following reverse-engineering approach (10): (1) A kinetic simulation is used to generate a MWD; (2) This MWD is divided into ‘monodisperse’ slices; (3) Each slice is subjected to an appropriate broadening function, thereby simulating what happens in SEC; (4) All the broadened slices are summed so as to obtain the simulated broadened MWD; (5) This is then compared with the experimental MWD; (6) This procedure is iterated with variation of kinetic and broadening parameters in the simulation until acceptable agreement with experiment is obtained. At this point one has parameter values that tell both about the kinetics of the polymerization and the broadening caused by the SEC instrument (10). Obviously there is some scope for ambiguity in this procedure – it may not be uniquely determined whether some broadening is due to kinetics or to the SEC columns. In our work (10) we were fortunate to know with certainty that we had a transfer-controlled system (PDI = 2, see above), and thus that all extra broadening had to be instrumental in origin. In our work (10) we used the Gaussian function to simulate column broadening in step (3), but obviously any function could be used, for example the currently favored ‘exponentially modified Gaussian’ (8,11).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

21 Given that low PDI is an explicit aim of most LRPs, it can be argued that accounting for column broadening is even more important in such work.

Another of SEC’s serious imperfections is that it relies on calibration. However there are really only a handful of polymers for which monodisperse standards are available, and all of these are common polymers. A way around this is to use universal calibration, but this firstly relies on Mark-HouwinkKuhn-Sakurada (MHKS) parameters being known, and secondly it requires that workers are aware of the need for this procedure – many evidently are not. Further, given that the aim of much research in polymer synthesis is to make new polymers for which, by definition, MHKS parameters will not be available, it follows that in many cases universal calibration will not be possible anyway. It is therefore very common (12) for workers simply to assume that calibration with one polymer holds for the different polymer that they put through a SEC instrument. This assumption has recently been investigated by Guillaneuf and Castignolles, who came to some startling conclusions (12). To illustrate these, their relatively straightforward simulation algorithm has been implemented here to generate the results of Figure 5.

1.60 1.40 10

weight fraction, w(log i)

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Size Exclusion Chromatography without Proper Calibration

1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 2 10




chain length, i Figure 5. Chain-length distributions for transfer/disproportionation (Fw = 1) with ν = 4 000. Middle (unbroken) line: direct results from Equation 3 (PDI = 2); tallest (dotted) line: apparent results for asample = 0.5, astandard = 0.8 (PDI = 1.60); lowest (dashed) line: apparent results for asample = 0.8, astandard = 0.5 (PDI = 2.83).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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22 Denoting the MHKS exponent as a, Figure 5 shows that asample > astandard results in the apparent MWD being broader than the true MWD, while asample < astandard gives a narrower apparent MWD. Further, by considering the relatively extreme case of having a of 0.5 and 0.8, Figure 5 shows that these effects can be very significant. This is especially so for LRP, where a synthesis often lives or dies according to the PDI it returns: a low apparent PDI (e.g. 1.3), suggesting a reasonably successful LRP, might actually result from a true PDI that would be judged a failure (e.g. 1.7); conversely, a high apparent PDI might be appraised a failure when in fact the true PDI is that of a living system (12). There seems little doubt that this phenomenon must routinely contribute to misinterpretation of experimental results. As is clear, the way to avoid this issue is to use a standard that has approximately the same a value as the sample under investigation. Even if the a value of the sample is completely unknown, it is usally possible to estimate it by consulting the literature on polymers of a similar chemical nature. Also coming under the broad umbrella of SEC calibration issues is branched polymers, which of course have lower hydrodynamic volume than equivalent linear polymers, as used for calibration. This topic has become of renewed focus with the advent of LRP, because it is finding much use for synthesis of a wide variety of non-linear architectures, including graft copolymers and star polymers. Readers will find this issue grappled with in a large body of literature – there is no easy, widely applicable solution. Worth specifically mentioning is a novel and elegant approach for SEC of star polymers that has been recently proposed and used by Vana et al. (13). Of course calibration issues are not the only pitfalls with SEC. Baseline selection will be considered in the following subsection. Another issue of which users need to be aware is that refractive index (RI) is molecular-weight dependent at very low sizes. Thus there are serious limitations on the use of RI detectors for quantification of oligomers via SEC (14). In other words, standard RI detection – which assumes molecular-weight-independent RI – will not yield the true MWD at oligomeric sizes, something that is of genuine importance where polymers of very small DPn are being prepared and analyzed (14). Baseline Selection in Size Exclusion Chromatography When confronted by a SEC chromatogram, it is not clear to what extent the low-lying wings are polymer material and to what extent they are just baseline noise or artefacts. This is an issue because these regions contribute disproportionately to the PDI of the resulting MWD and modern SEC software enables them to be eliminated with the click of a mouse, thereby delivering a much reduced PDI. Many workers take this option, especially those with a background in organic chemisty, and therefore schooled in the micromolecular concept of chemically different molecules – such workers naturally tend to regard a continous background signal as being noise. The result of this is to obtain an apparent MWD that is considerably narrower than the true MWD.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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23 Some years ago the Moads carried out some simulations to investigate this (15). They showed that even just ignoring the bottom 1% of a classical transfer/disproportionation MWD could result in PDI decreasing from 2 to as little as 1.76, a result confirmed by calculations for the present work. So this effect can be very significant. Further, one can expect it to be even more important in LRP investigations, where there will be a Poisson-like central peak (see Figure 2) on top of a broad but low-level expanse of ‘background’ polymer. Writing off this background as baseline noise results in misleadingly low PDI being reported. What can be done about this situation? Experimentally, correct baseline selection is a skill that comes with SEC experience. Theoretically, one should be on the lookout for unrealistically low PDI. For example, a LRP with DPn = 20 has a natural broadening of PDI = 1.05, and with SEC broadening operating on top of this one should expect a reported PDI of no less than 1.1. Signal Intensity in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Without even noticing it, most polymer chemists have assumed that the signal intensity from TOF MS is proportional to the number of chains. A few years ago Schnöll-Bitai et al. drew attention to the fact that this is not the case (16), and in very recent work they have investigated this (17). The actual situation for TOF MS is that signal intensity is proportional to i0.5n(i) (16,17). Figure 6 shows the implication of this for a transfer/disproportionation chainlength distribution (CLD) from classical RP (17). As can be seen, if one is unaware of this subtlety, then TOF MS will yield an apparent MWD that is narrower and considerably different to the true MWD. In fact many reported TOF MS distributions from RP look remarkably like the apparent MWD in Figure 6, e.g. (18). In view of this it has been customary to say that TOF MS simply does not yield accurate n(i) at very low i. A large contributing factor to this situation may just be that signal intensites have not been correctly transformed into n(i). Similar can also be said of signal intensities from SEC with RI detection. For many years it was popularly taken that these intensities are the weight-CLD, w(i), because RI detectors measure the weight of polymer. In fact the relationship is more complicated than this: to good approximation the actual situation is that signal intensity ~ i w(i) ~ i2 n(i) (19,20). While modern SEC software carries out these transformations automatically for users, it is always to the advantage of workers to understand precisely what they are measuring, and therefore it is well to be familiar with the theory (19,20).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


0.012 true CLD apparent CLD from TOF MS

number fraction, n(i)

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0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000



200 chain length, i



Figure 6. Unbroken line: Equation 3 with ν = 100 and Fw = 1; dashed line: apparent MWD from TOF MS if it is assumed that signal intensity ~ n(i).

Real Sources of Polydispersity Perturbation In this section I will summarize some real sources of polydispersity perturbation, i.e., factors that alter the true PDI of a MWD. Effect of Conversion During a polymerization, all concentrations and some rate coefficients change in value. Thus the parameter ν of Equation 4 is constantly changing in value, meaning that the instantaneous molecular weight distribution, Equation 3, is constantly changing. Of course what one determines from an experiment is the cumulative MWD, which is the sum of MWDs from each instant. The consequence of this is that the (cumulative) MWD is broader than each of the underlying instantaneous MWDs. To see that this is so, consider the simple example of summing two instantaneous exponential MWDs (Fw = 1 in Equation 3 gives an exponential n(i), e.g. see Figure 6). It is well known that the resulting cumulative MWD must have PDI > 2, and thus be broader than any exponential MWD (PDI = 2). Conversion-induced MWD broadening is a familiar (6) and much studied phenomenon. The main culprit in causing it is the rate coefficient for

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

25 termination, kt, which sometimes decreases by many orders of magnitude during a polymerization (21). This is a consequence of termination being a diffusioncontrolled reaction, which thus is sensitive to the large increases of viscosity that occur as polymer is produced. The archetypal monomer in this regard is methyl methacrylate, which shows large increases in DPn (see Equations 4 and 6) and PDI as (bulk) polymerization proceeds. This is nicely presented and analyzed in (22), for example.

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Chain-Length-Dependent Termination The defining assumption of the classical model of RP kinetics, Equation 3, is that of chain-length-independent reactivities: each reaction has a rate coefficient that is independent of chain length in value, as symbolized by the arrow sizes of Figure 3. This assumption is most gravely flawed for the reaction of termination, which, being diffusion controlled, results in small, mobile radicals reacting faster than large, ponderous radicals (21). This is the phenomenon of chain-length-dependent termination (CLDT). The simplest realistic model of CLDT (23) is k ti,i = k t1,1i−α


Here kti,i is the rate coefficient for termination between radicals of chain length i, and α is an exponent quantifying the strength of CLDT (α = 0 for chain-lengthindependent termination). Of course Equation 8 specifies only homotermination rate coefficients; one requires also cross-termination rate coefficients. A simple model for these is that of the geometric mean: k ti, j = (k ti,ik tj, j )1/2 = k t1,1(ij)−α /2


There is no physical basis for Equation 9, but it is nevertheless useful because it is the only model for kti,j that yields closed expressions for polymerization quantities. In regrettably ignored work, Olaj et al. showed that the result for MWD in the absence of transfer is (24)

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ n(i) = FnCi−0.5α exp⎜−C' i p ⎟ + (1− Fn ) A2 pi1−α exp⎜− Ai p ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝


Here C = (2Rikt1,1)0.5/(kp[M]) is the inverse of the classical kinetic chain length (see Equation 4), p = 1–(α/2), C’ = C/p, A = 4C’/(4–α) and Fn is as already defined (see below Equation 6). In analogy with the term ‘stretched exponential’ and its meaning, one might say that Equation 10 is a ‘stretched Flory-Schulz’ distribution. It has three parameters: Fn as before, C replacing ν, and the new parameter α.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.



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weight fraction, w(log i)

1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2.0




log i 10

Figure 7. Chain-length distributions calculated using Equation 10 with Fn = 1 (100% disporportionation). Full line: α = 0 (chain-length-independent termination); dashed line: α = 0.3 (CLDT). For both distributions DPn = 1 000. Figure 7 presents calculations with Equation 10 that illustrate the effect of CLDT on MWD broadness. Fn = 1 (100% disproportionation) was used, and for ease of comparison C was varied so as to give constant DPn. It is clear that the effect of CLDT is to broaden MWDs. What about combination? (Fn = 0). Not surprisingly, Figure 8 shows that in this case CLDT has the same effect of broadening the MWD. Figure 8 also shows results from low-conversion polymerization of styrene at 80 ˚C (25). Previously this data was fitted with Equation 3 (α = 0), yielding Fw = ktd/kt = 0.25 (7). This value is unrealistic, because it is well known that styrene terminates (almost) exclusively by combination (26). On the other hand, the new modeling of Figure 8, with Fw = 0 and α = 0.19, is highly satisfactory in that it is impeccable and in that it is well established that α ≈ 0.2 for long-chain polystyrene (23). In fact the true value of α from this data might be even closer to the theoretically expected value of 0.16 (23), because the modeling assumes that all broadening in the experimental data comes from CLDT, but in fact there will also be a small contribution from the SEC columns (see above).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.



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weight fraction, w(log i)

1.4 1.2

theory, α = 0 theory, α = 0.19 experiment

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 10







chain length, i Figure 8. Lines: Equation 10 with Fn = 0 (100% combination) and DPn = 425 for α = 0 (full) and α = 0.19 (dotted). Points: results for styrene at 80 ˚C (25). In view of the success of the modeling of Figure 8, it may be useful to have a quick reference guide for the effect of CLDT on broadening. Such can be obtained from the following expression for PDI that can be derived for the model of Equation 9 (20,24): ⎧ ⎪ 1 + λ ⎪⎪ PDI = ⎨ 2 ⎪⎡ ⎪⎢ ⎪⎩ ⎣

⎛6 −α ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝2 −α ⎠


2 ⎛ 4 − α ⎞⎤ ⎜ ⎟⎥ ⎝ 2 − α ⎠⎦


⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎪ +1− λ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎭


Here λ = ktd/kt (= Fw when ktrX = 0 – see Equation 5) and Γ is the gamma function. Equation 11 is evaluated in Figure 9. If one knows the fraction of termination by disproportionation (λ) and the strength of the CLDT (α), then one may use Figure 9 to look up the extent to which PDI is increased for a conventional radical polymerization. The figure makes clear that, as one would expect, stronger CLDT results in increased MWD broadness.

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


4.0 3.5



3.0 2.5 mixed

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2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0

combination 0.1








Figure 9. Polydispersity index, PDI, as a function of CLDT exponent α for disproportionation, combination and λ = 0.333 (“mixed”), as indicated. In reality homotermination is usually more complicated than Equation 8 and cross-termination is different to Equation 9 (23). Remarkably, these details generally have no significant effect on MWDs (23), meaning that to all intents and purposes one can use the equations of this subsection for real systems. Of course the quantitative results here do not apply for LRP. The ‘background’ polymer of such systems – i.e., the non-living polymer that mostly is not part of the central peak – is often largely formed by termination. What can be said from the work of this section is that this background portion of the MWD must become broader as a result of CLDT, which will cause kt to decerase with time as the living chains become longer (see Equation 8). This in turn will result in the whole system – dormant and dead polymer – having increased PDI. Chain-Length Dependent Propagation Olaj et al. (27) rekindled interest in the issue of chain-length-dependent propagation (CLDP), an issue that Heuts and coworkers have pursued most recently (28-31). CLDP results in very small radicals growing relatively quickly (28), and thus – opposite to CLDT – it causes narrowing of a MWD (29). The effect can be substantial, with PDI of 1.5 having been observed for transfercontrolled systems with DPn ≈ 15 (30), as opposed to the classical kinetics value

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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29 of 2 for such systems (Equation 7 with Fw = 1). Further, these experimental results have been well reproduced by modeling that incorporated CLDP (31). What emerged from this modeling is that CLDP can have an effect for DPn of order 100 or less (28), which is well above the chain length for which kp is actually elevated, but at the same time is well below what is observed in the majority of conventional RPs. Turning briefly to LRP, such systems have DPn that typically are smaller than in conventional RP. Also, CLDP will influence the central MWD peak of living polymer (cf. CLDT with LRP). Thus CLDP is more likely to be relevant than in conventional RP. Now the dominant framework is that of Equation 1 rather than Equation 3, although clearly the effect will still be one of narrowing. Matyjaszewski (32) has remarked that this may operate to counteract various broadening effects and keep LRP MWDs narrow; this remains to be properly investigated.

Conclusion A cynic may look at the figures of this paper and, in view of their sameness, remark that this work has been an exercise in making mountains out of molehills. Indeed, some may say this of kinetics in general. Be that as it may, the fact remains that an MWD does indeed look like a ‘mountain’, and the position (as commonly quantifed by DPn) and broadness (PDI) of the mountain are matters that remain of great scientific and technical importance. This is especially so in the era of LRP, a major raison d’être for which is lowering of PDI. Therefore it is of relevance to understand the broadness of molecular weight distributions in radical polymerization, as has been the subject of interest here. Although most illustrations have involved conventional RP, it has been made clear that the qualitative effects are the same in LRP. The overall moral to emerge from the deliberations here would have to be that potentically many factors contribute to MWD broadness, and thus one should beware simple descriptions that seek to ascribe PDI totally to one factor – life is rarely, if ever, that straightforward. Acknowledgements Greg Smith, Kim van Berkel, Hans Heuts, Chris Barner-Kowollik and Bob Gilbert are all acknowledged for their contributions, great and small, to the author’s publications associated with this work. The author would also like to thank Irene Schnöll-Bitai, Yohann Guillaneuf and Patrice Castignolles for friendly discussions on the work of theirs that has been outlined here. May the author also take this opportunity to pay his deep respects to the memory of Irene Schnöll-Bitai, recently deceased on 4 December 2008 – indeed, Du hast den Berg erstiegen (33).

In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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In Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP; Matyjaszewski, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.