LKB Instruments Inc

LKB LKB Instruments Inc., 4840 Rugby Ave., Washington 14, D. C.. ^ International Headquarters: LKB-Produkter AB, P.O.B. 12220, Stockholm 12, Sweden...
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automatic fraction collectors

Rugged dependability, now backed up by LKB's 3-year written warranty on the 3400B RadiRac® fraction collectors. This warranty merely corroborates the findings of users in laboratories throughout the world where RadiRac fraction collectors are judged to be a paragon of reliability. Here is what the Institute for Enzyme Research at the University of Wisconsin reported: "We've been able to move these units in and out of the coldroom with no accompanying difficulties due to changes in temperature and humidity. The other point of considerable importance is that although these units have sat idle for months at a time, whenever they have been put into operation, they have functioned perfectly.'' lor





The wide range of RadiRac sub-units form a flexiblesystem of fraction collectors, from the simplest to the most advanced set-up. Assemblies for collection by timed flow, volumetric siphoning or drop counting are available. Special components, such as sectional tube racks for LKB's patented square-wave filling, distributor funnel for preparative work, and cooling trough, add to the RadiRac s versatility. Other compatible equipment from LKB includes the MiniFlow Micropump, electrophoresis columns, and sensitive flow-analyzers such as the Conductolyzer, Uvicord UV Absorptiometer, and Multichannel Absorptiometer.

and details on warranty,

write for Literature

Vile 3-fOO A8.

LKB I n s t r u m e n t s I n c . , 4840 Rugby Ave., Washington 14, D. C. ^



LKB-Produkter AB, P.O.B. 12220, Stockholm 12, Sweden

Circle No. 3 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 35, NO. 9, AUGUST 1963

5 A