Local section sponsored workshops for high school teachers

Uni\,ersits of Northern Colorado. The workshops were held from 8 AM t o 5 P M a t Regis College in Denver. Participants came from as far away as 100 m...
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opportunitie~in continuing education Local Section Sponsored Workshops for High school Teachers Evelyn Bank, Ph.D. reacher of Chemistry Westminster High School Past Chairman

edited by: RAYMOND D. BANGS Roselie Park High School and

Marblehead ETHYL Senior L.High SCHULTZ school

volunteered their time. At the end of the year ehch was presented a Certificate of Recognition by the Colorado Section a t the May meeting. Because of the great interest of the participants, the workshops were continued during the school year 1981-82. Since manv of the orieinal wished to attend the .. nartici~ants . follou,ingyear, we asked fur heir soggeaionsas tou~pics.With these in mind we came up with the following schedule:

Colorado Section ACS Westminster, CO 80030 Since the NSF funding of institutes for science teachers was greatly curtailed and was soon to end completely, in the school year 1980-81 the Colorado Section of the ACS inaugurated Saturdav workshoos for high school teachers to help fill the huestion&e, sent out in the spring of 1980, gap. A was so overwhelmingly encouraging that nine workshops were planned. They were held one Saturday each month for nine months. One auarter hour of credit for each workshop was arranged t h r o k h the Center for Continuing Education d t h e Uni\,ersits of Northern Colorado. The workshops were held from 8 AM t o 5 P M a t Regis College in Denver. Participants came from as far away as 100 miles. The attendance ranged from 2 5 4 0 with an average of 28 taking each workshop for credit. The workshops were arranged with invited guest speakers for the morning session from 8 AM to 12 noon. Participants who for credit did so between 1240and 1 - ~ wished - ~~~-~ to reai~ter ~" PM. The afternoon sessions from 1to 5 P M were devoted to sharine ideas on how to imolement the topic of the day in the classroom. Teaching techniques, labs, demonstrations, visual aids, hooks, etc. were discussed and often demonstrated by the &rticip&ts. This often proved to be the most helpful p& of the workshop. The topics for this first year are given below ~~




The Factor-Label Method and its Applications in Chemistry Atomic Structure (including Nuclear Structure) The States of Matter (includingthe Kinetic Molecular Theory) Bonding and the Shapes of Molecules and Ions Chemical Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics Chemical Eauilihrium Acid-Base &nc& Oxidation-Reductionand Electrochemistry The guest speakers the first year were all ACS member* who were on the staff of Colorado colleges or universities. They

How to Use the Microcomputer (APPLE) Application of the Microcomputer in H.S. Chemistry Safety in the High School Chemistry Laboratory Safety Audit, sharing of problems, etc. Pollution of the Lower Atmosphere The Stratosphere Contaminants in Food and Water Recycling Water Hazardous Waste Disposal Sharing of labs, projects, demonstrations, etc.

all day all day AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM

Source of Energy Sharing of labs, projects, demonstrations, PM etc. Because many of the topics covered this year were good for hackpround, hut did notconstitute a major portion of a chemistrv course. the format was chaneed somewhat so that only a few afternnon sessions were devked to the sharing of ideas. A number of the sneakers were not ACS members. hut they were still very willing to spend a morning or an afternoon sharing their expertise with high school teahers. This year the Certificates of Recognition were presented a t the conclusion of each session unless the soeaker was an ACS member who planned to attend the next'section meeting a t which time it was oresented. This vear attendance ranged from 2 0 4 5 with an a;erage of 25 reg$tering for credit. The nlans for the school vear 1982-83 have not been form u l a d as yet, but it is anticipated that we will try to get some industrial input. After next vear we plan to repeat the theoretical topica with different speakers. In this way we can operate our schedule on a three-year cycle.

Volume 59 Number 8

August 1982