Localized Hydration in Lyophilized Myoglobin by Hydrogen

Deuterium labeling was initiated by further diluting the Mb solutions (40:1 v/v) with ... Lyophilized powder samples were reconstituted with chilled (...
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Article pubs.acs.org/molecularpharmaceutics

Localized Hydration in Lyophilized Myoglobin by Hydrogen− Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry. 1. Exchange Mapping Andreas M. Sophocleous, Jun Zhang, and Elizabeth M. Topp* Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47901 S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The local effects of hydration on myoglobin (Mb) in solid matrices containing mannitol or sucrose (1:1 w/ w, protein:additive) were mapped using hydrogen−deuterium exchange with mass spectrometric analysis (HDX−MS) at 5 °C and compared to solution controls. Solid powders were exposed to D2O(g) at controlled activity (aw) followed by reconstitution and analysis of the intact protein and peptides produced by pepsin digestion. HDX varied with matrix type, aw, and position along the protein backbone. HDX was less in sucrose matrices than in mannitol matrices at all aw while the difference in solution was negligible. Differences in HDX in the two matrices were detectable despite similarities in their bulk water content. The extent of exchange in solids is proposed as a measure of the hydration of exchangeable amide groups, as well as protein conformation and dynamics; pepsin digestion allows these effects to be mapped with peptide-level resolution. KEYWORDS: myoglobin, hydrogen−deuterium exchange, mass spectrometry, hydration, amorphous, solid, sucrose, mannitol, protein

and challenged.8 The protein dynamical transition is characterized by a sharp onset of protein motion with increasing temperature and is coupled to the glass transition of the solvent in the hydration shell. These hypotheses have been supported by physical and chemical measurements, including neutron scattering,9−12 broadband dielectric spectroscopy,12,13 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),14,15 Raman spectroscopy,16 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),5,17 and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (ssNMR).17,18 While these methods have improved our understanding of the hydration and structure of proteins in amorphous solids, most lack sufficient resolution to localize observed effects to particular protein domains. For example, neutron scattering and broadband dielectric spectroscopy have provided important insights into the dynamic modes of protein and water molecules, but cannot identify the particular protein domains involved. Methods such as FTIR and Raman spectroscopy can detect hydration-induced changes in secondary structure at the whole-protein level, but cannot localize changes to particular structural domains. Though ssNMR has been used to measure relaxation times in amorphous protein−saccharide matrices19,20 and to provide site-specific information on protein dynamics,17,18 current ssNMR methods generally require that samples

INTRODUCTION Understanding the effects of hydration on proteins in dried solids is critical to the development of solid formulations of protein drugs, to the desiccation and preservation of cells and microorganisms, and in the food sciences. In these applications, dried proteins are often amorphous solid powders and contain residual water not removed during drying or sorbed from the surroundings. Though proteins are generally more stable in amorphous solids than in solution, various chemical and physical degradation processes still occur at rates relevant to food and pharmaceutical systems. Water can influence degradation by, e.g., (i) participating in chemical reactions as a reactant, catalyst or local solvent, (ii) interacting with the protein to affect local conformation and dynamics, and/or (iii) acting as a plasticizer. Unlike aqueous solutions, amorphous solids can be spatially and dynamically heterogeneous,1 further complicating their characterization as a reactive environment. A considerable literature addresses protein−water interactions in amorphous solids. Though controversy remains, several critical hypotheses have been advanced. Early reports proposed that water does not interact uniformly with the protein surface, but occurs first at the side chains of ionizable and polar residues, proceeding to more hydrophobic regions as hydration increases.2,3 The water replacement hypothesis asserts that, in the solid state, stabilizing cosolutes replace hydrogen bonds to water to preserve protein structure.4 The unified model of protein dynamics states that protein dynamic motions are coupled (“slaved”) to α- and β-relaxation processes of the surrounding medium, with α-relaxation suppressed or absent in solids.5,6 The coupling of protein dynamics to βrelaxation of the hydration shell (βh) has also been proposed.5,6 The idea of a protein dynamical transition has been set forth7 © 2012 American Chemical Society

Special Issue: Advances in Biophysical and Bioanalytical Protein Characterization Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 718

January 6, 2012 February 16, 2012 February 20, 2012 February 21, 2012 dx.doi.org/10.1021/mp3000088 | Mol. Pharmaceutics 2012, 9, 718−726

Molecular Pharmaceutics


vials (0.1 mL for LC/MS or 0.45 mL for PXRD and TGA) and lyophilized using a VirTis Advantage Plus freeze-dryer (SP Scientific, Gardiner, NY). The lyophilization procedure consisted of precooling the shelves to −2 °C, freezing at −40 °C, and then drying under vacuum (70 mTorr) at −35 °C for 10 h, −20 °C for 8 h, −5 °C for 8 h, and 20 °C for 8 h. Vials were backfilled with nitrogen prior to sealing. After lyophilization, none of the samples showed evidence of collapse on visual inspection. The powder in each vial contained 10 wt % phosphate buffer, 45 wt % Mb, and 45 wt % sucrose or mannitol. Samples for mass spectrometry contained 10 nmol of Mb/vial (170 μg of Mb, 378 μg total), while samples for all other analyses contained 45 nmol of Mb/vial (763 μg of Mb, 1700 μg total). In HDX studies, Mb powders were exposed to D2O vapor in equilibrium with saturated salt solutions of LiCl, KC2H3O2, MgCl2, K2CO3, and NaCl in D2O at 5 °C and atmospheric pressure. At equilibrium, the activities of water (aw) in the solid samples are 0.11, 0.23, 0.33, 0.43, and 0.75, respectively.35 Activities of D2O are assumed to be identical to those of H2O, so that “aw” refers to both D2O and H2O activity. Physical Characterization of Solid Samples. Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD). To confirm that lyophilized Mb samples were amorphous, X-ray diffractograms were collected using a Scintag X2 θ−θ diffractometer (Scintag, Inc., Curpertino, CA) equipped with a Cu Kα anode operating at a wavelength of 1.5406 Å. Prior to analysis, samples were stored for 48 h at controlled aw of 0.11, 0.23, 0.33, 0.43, and 0.75. Diffraction patterns were collected from 5° to 40° 2θ at a scan rate of 4° 2θ/min and a step size of 0.4°. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). To relate RH to water content in the solids, water sorption was measured using a gravimetric analyzer (Q5000SA; TA Instruments). The Mb powder (3−4 mg) was loaded onto the sample pan and loosely bound water removed at 358 K, 0% RH until the signal was constant ( 0.4 (Figure 1). This suggests that factors other than water content contribute to solid-state HDX. These factors may include differences in protein structure or dynamics, or spatial heterogeneities in the distribution of water in the solid. Our FTIR data indicate that Mb secondary structure is similar in both matrices (Figure 2). Thus, it is unlikely that gross differences in secondary structure are responsible for the greater exchange in mannitol, though subtle structural differences cannot be ruled out. Dynamic opening events may also be more restricted in sucrose than in mannitol, limiting overall 721

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Figure 4. Mb pepsin digestion map. Original peptides are shown in black with the two N-terminal amino acids in dark gray to indicate that these do not contribute to measured deuterium uptake. Derived peptides are shown in light gray. Secondary structure is shown above the amino acid numbers, with cylinders representing α-helices.

the solid and/or protein−matrix interactions, as well as local protein structure and dynamics.

In this conception of solution HDX, the protein exists in a network of hydrogen bonds, predominantly composed of intrachain hydrogen bonds and hydrogen bonds between exposed amino acid residues and water. Opening events (kop, kcl) involve the transient breaking of intrachain hydrogen bonds, allowing bonds with water to form. In the exchange reaction (kint), hydrogen bonds are involved in the −OD catalyzed abstraction of the exchanging proton and in the donation of deuterium from D2O. Both opening and chemical exchange occur in the dynamic extended network of hydrogen bonds that characterize liquid water. HDX in amorphous solids differs from solution HDX in several respects. First, and most obviously, the concentration of water (or D2O) in amorphous solids is less than in than aqueous solutions and varies with RH (i.e., aw). Opening events and the exchange reaction show dependences on aw, a phenomenon not observed in solution. Second, hydrogen bonds form between the protein and components of the solid other than water. These interactions partially couple the protein to the solid matrix and restrict protein dynamics. As a result, some dynamic modes available in solution are not attainable and the rates of opening events and exchange may be altered. Third, because amorphous solids are spatially and dynamically heterogeneous, the local environment for exchange is likely to vary within the solid matrix, producing protein subpopulations that undergo opening and exchange events at different rates. For example, the local concentrations of water and buffer salts

DISCUSSION In neutral solution, HDX is base catalyzed. The reaction involves the initial abstraction of the amide proton, typically by − OD, followed by the formation of a new N−D bond to D2O with regeneration of −OD.46 The intrinsic rate of exchange in unstructured peptides, kint, is affected by temperature, amino acid sequence, pH, and ionic strength.39 However, far greater effects are exerted by local protein structure. It is generally accepted that exchangeable amide hydrogens are either solvent exposed or located in domains in which “opening events” allow for transient disruption of intrachain hydrogen bonds. Opening events can involve local fluctuations or subdomain unfolding, as well as global unfolding of the molecule as a whole.47 Protected amide residues extensively involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonds and those in more rigid structural domains exchange slowly, if at all. The observed rate of exchange in solution, kobs, reflects both transient opening events (kop/kcl = Kop) and the intrinsic chemical rate of exchange (kint), as described by the Linderstrom−Lang scheme.48 kop

k int


X−Hclosed XoooY X−Hopen ⎯⎯⎯→ X−Dopen XoooY X−Dclosed kcl


(1) 722

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Figure 6. The protection of the sucrose matrix, relative to mannitol, calculated as the difference in the percent exchange (mannitol − sucrose; Figure 5) for selected peptic peptides: (long-dashed line) P16, (dotted line) P26, (short-dashed line) P37, and (solid line) average of P1−P24; (n = 3 ± SE). See also Figure 7B.

Linderstrom−Lang scheme, which is noncommittal about the nature of an opening event and the environment in which it occurs. For exchange to occur at a particular amide proton in a solid sample, it must at least have access to a source of deuterium. Since D2O is the only source of deuterium in these studies, exchange is evidence that the site has been exposed to D2O or species derived from it. Exposure to deuterium may occur through the local interaction of the amide group with sorbed D2O or related species, or through conduction of deuterium through hydrogen bond networks in the solid. In this sense, then, the propensity for exchange HDX in solids is a measure of the local hydration of the amide group. This differs from solution HDX, in which D2O is present in excess and does not limit exchange. However, the exposure of a particular amide group to D2O in a solid sample is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for exchange. As in solution, intramolecular hydrogen bonds must also be broken (i.e., in an opening event) for exchange to occur. Since hydrogen bonds link the protein to components of the solid other than water, an opening event may also require that these bonds be broken. Accordingly, we propose that solid HDX data can be interpreted as a measure of protein conformation and dynamics in amorphous solids, according to the Linderstrom−Lang scheme, with the following provisos: (i) the rate (kop, kcl, kint) and extent of ssHDX may depend on aw and composition as well as protein conformation and dynamics; (ii) the rate and extent of HDX may vary spatially within the solid matrix, reflecting heterogeneities in solid composition and protein dynamics; and (iii) other kinetic processes, such as D2O vapor sorption/diffusion and structural relaxation, may influence solid HDX when they occur on the time scale of the experiment. Our results support this proposal. FTIR results reported by us elsewhere21,23,24 demonstrate that solids that show protection from exchange by HDX also show retention of structure by FTIR and, conversely, that solids that show loss of secondary structure by FTIR (e.g., including guanidine hydrochloride) also show reduced protection from exchange. The results presented here also show that exchange in Mb solids varies with time, aw, composition, and position in the protein sequence (Figures 5 and 7). The dependence on aw reflects changes in the hydration of exchangeable amide groups, as well as changes in protein conformation and dynamics induced by the changing water content of the solid. The results also show that HDX depends on solid composition. That the extent of exchange is generally greater in mannitol samples than in sucrose samples (Figures 3, 5, and 7), despite similar or lower bulk water content in mannitol (Figure 1), implies that aw and solid composition are not strict covariates. That is, composition has an effect on solid HDX apart from its effect on bulk water content. The dependence of HDX on position in the protein sequence and the difference in the two solids (Figure 5) suggest that HDX in solids is not merely solution HDX at a slower rate. Rather, this is consistent with an effect of the solid matrix on exchange through hydrogen bonds to the protein and/or the restriction of opening events.

may vary spatially within the matrix, influencing the effective local pH. Finally, because solid-state HDX involves sorption of D2O from the vapor phase and its subsequent diffusion in the solid, these rate processes may influence the observed rate of exchange, though this is not the case in the studies reported here. None of these differences necessarily invalidate the

CONCLUSIONS The studies reported here address the effects of hydration on Mb HDX in amorphous solids containing mannitol or sucrose. The extent of exchange varied with matrix type, aw, and position in the protein backbone. Since HDX requires the exposure of an amide group to D2O or species derived from it,

Figure 5. Deuterium uptake for peptic peptides (P1−P38) from Mb in lyophilized solids containing 1:1 w/w (a) mannitol and (b) sucrose at aw = 0.11 (blue), 0.23 (red), 0.33 (green), 0.43 (purple), and 0.75 (pink), and compared to a fully hydrated, solution control (orange) (n = 3). The data is replotted for individual peptides with SE in Figure S2 in the Supporting Information.


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Figure 7. (A) High-resolution ribbon diagram of hydration effect on deuterium uptake for Mb in mannitol (top) and sucrose (bottom). From left to right: aw = 0.11, 0.23, 0.33, 0.43, 0.75, D2O solution. The deuterium uptake for each region was determined by selecting the shortest fragment corresponding to that particular region. Images were generated using PyMOL (PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.3, Schrödinger, LLC) from the RCSB PDB (www.pdb.org) crystal structure of PDB ID 1WLA.49 The deuterium uptake for each region was determined by selecting the shortest fragment corresponding to that particular region. See Table S3 in the Supporting Information for fragment assignments. (B) Highresolution diagrams of hydration effect on deuterium uptake for Mb in mannitol (solid line) and sucrose (dashed line), shown as a function of amino acid number. Panels a−f correspond to aw = 0.11, 0.23, 0.33, 0.43, 0.75, D2O solution, respectively. The difference in protection from exchange afforded by the two additives (i.e., sucrose vs mannitol) can be estimated from the difference between the two plots.

Lafayette, IN 47907-2091. Phone: 765-494-1450. Fax: 765494-6545. E-mail: [email protected].

the extent of exchange in solids is a measure of the hydration of exchangeable amide groups, as well as protein conformation and dynamics. HDX with pepsin digestion allows these effects to be mapped with peptide-level resolution.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.


* Supporting Information S

Additional figures and tables as discussed in the manuscript. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.


Financial support was provided through NIH RO1 GM085293 (PI: E.M.T.), through a Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation postdoctoral fellowship (to A.M.S.), and from the College of Pharmacy at Purdue University. The authors are grateful to Dr. David D. Weis of the Department of Chemistry at The University of Kansas for helpful discussions.


Corresponding Author

*Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Purdue University, 575 Stadium Mall Drive, Room 124D, West 724

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dx.doi.org/10.1021/mp3000088 | Mol. Pharmaceutics 2012, 9, 718−726