Location of Terminal Hydride Ligands in Transition Metal Hydrides

The location of the positions of terminal hydride ligands in transition metal complexes using x-ray diffraction techniques is examined by reference to...
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3 Location of Terminal Hydride Ligands in Transition Metal Hydrides JAMES A. IBERS

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Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201

The location of the positions of terminal hydride ligands in transition metal complexes using x-ray diffraction techniques is examined by reference to some recent structure determinations. These include studies of the complexes RuHX(CO)(PPh ) , where X = TolNNNTol and TolNCHNTol, RuH (N B H SMe )(PPh ) •3C H , OsH(CSSMe)(CO) (PPh)•½CH, [PtH(PhHNNCMe )(PPh ) ][BF ], and [Pt((tert-Bu)P(CH)P(tert-Bu))]. 3









3 3







2 3


3 2



lonfusion over the stereochemical role of the h y d r i d e l i g a n d was \ ^ largely cleared up some 12 years ago (see for example Ref. 1 ). T h e location f r o m x - r a y diffraction data of the h y d r i d e position i n R h H ( C O ) ( P P h ) (2, 3) was a c r u c i a l step i n this process since this was the first example of the location of a hydride ligand i n the presence of other, bulkier ligands on a transition metal. T h e R h - H bond length of 1.60(12)Â, a value that remains reasonable today, was d e t e r m i n e d b y F o u r i e r methods based on room-temperature diffraction data whose intensities had been estimated visually. T h e notion that the hydride ligand is " b u r i e d " i n the metal orbitals, though seriously u n d e r m i n e d b y this structure determination, was finally put to rest w i t h the determination of the M n - H distance of 1.602(16)À b y using neutron diffraction techniques (4). Since then the determination of the position of a t e r m i n a l h y d r i d e l i g a n d i n a transition metal h y d r i d e complex b y x-ray diffraction methods has become rather routine. I n favorable cases, the position of the h y d r i d e l i g a n d can be d e t e r m i n e d b y leastsquares procedures to an apparent accuracy of about ± 0.05Â from x-ray intensity data collected by diffractometer methods at room temperature. But not all cases are favorable. T h e purpose of this present chapter is to present some recent experiences f r o m our laboratory o n the determination of h y d r i d e positions i n various transition metal hydrides (5-10). In so doing, w e hope to point to some of the potential problems involved. Since this book is devoted to transition metal hydrides, the reasons for our studying the specific c o m p o u n d s discussed below w i l l be given w i t h utmost brevity. But w e emphasize that i n these days of the 3

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Location of Terminal Hydride




ubiquitous h y d r i d e l i g a n d , the fact that the c o m p o u n d s studied happened to be hydrides was i n c i d e n t a l to our c h e m i c a l interests. Experimental


T h e experimental procedures followed i n collecting the d i f f r a c t i o n data were standard i n this laboratory (see for example Ref. 11). Diffraction data were obtained at room temperature on a P i c k e r F A C S - I diffractometer using either filtered copper radiation or monochromatized m o l y b d e n u m radiation. Efforts were m a d e to collect as large data sets as possible. A l l data sets were corrected for absorption effects. T h e compounds to be discussed have molecular weights i n the range 8 8 0 - 1 0 7 0 a m u , p r i m a r i l y because they contain P P h or related phosphine groups. A l l least-squares refinements of these structures were carried out by f u l l - m a t r i x methods. W h e r e there were no c o m p l i c a t i n g features, the h y d r i d e positions were i n c l u d e d as part of the refinement, w i t h their positional a n d isotropic t h e r m a l parameters b e i n g varied. P h e n y l groups were refined as r i g i d groups by using techniques first developed for R h H ( C O ) ( P P h ) (3). Abbreviations used i n this chapter are: P h = p h e n y l , T o i = p - t o l y l , M e = m e t h y l , E t = ethyl, tert-Bu = terf-butyl, and C y = cyclohexyl. Unless otherwise stated, these group atoms were constrained to vibrate isotropically. Table I lists selected i n f o r m a t i o n on the various compounds to be discussed, i n c l u d i n g some details on data collection a n d on M - H b o n d lengths.

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Discussion RuHX(COXPPh )2. 3

T h e compounds X = T o l N N N T o l (triazenido) a n d

T o l N C H N T o l (amidinato) are prepared as shown i n Reactions 1 (12) a n d 2 (6, These compounds were studied because of our interest i n the diverse


b o n d i n g patterns of the triazenido a n d isoelectronic a m i d i n a t o ligands. RuH (CO)(PPh ) + TolNNHNTol — 2



RuH(TolNNNTol)(CO)(PPh ) + H 3






RuH (CO)(PPh ) + T o l N = C = N T o l — 2



RuH(TolNCHNTol)(CO)(PPh ) 3

T h e inner coordination spheres of these two complexes are presented i n F i g u r e 1.

W h i l e the R u - H distance is w e l l defined i n the a m i d i n a t o , it is not i n

the triazenido complex.

Yet reference to T a b l e I indicates that the triazenido

structure is "better" if one uses the unreliable criterion that the lower the R index, the better the structure.

In this instance, the low R index i n the triazenido

complex results f r o m an elaboration of the usual group refinement m o d e l (3), allowing for anisotropic motion of the group atoms.

T h i s elaboration introduces

a large n u m b e r of a d d i t i o n a l variables a n d provides us w i t h an o p p o r t u n i t y to lower the R index!

M o r e i m p o r t a n t l y , we established that the other features of

the structure were v i r t u a l l y unaffected b y this elaboration.

W e conclude that

w i t h problems of this type, such an elaboration probably is not justified by the expense involved.

W h y can't the h y d r i d e position be located accurately i n the

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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Figure 1. (top) The inner coordination sphere of RuH(TolNNNTolXCOXPPhz) ; (bottom) the inner coordination sphere of the isoelectronic RuH(TolNCHNTolXCO)(PPhzh 2

triazenido w h i l e it was refined isotropically i n the a m i d i n a t o c o m p l e x ?

In this

instance the reason is clear: i n the triazenido structure there is a C O - Η disorder w i t h about 80% of the C O at the position shown i n F i g u r e 1 (top). T h e overlap of the 20% C O w i t h the 80% H is sufficient to obscure the position of the hydride ligand. T h i s disorder is not imposed crystallographically. O n the other h a n d , the amidinato structure, w h i c h crystallizes i n a different space group, is perfectly ordered.

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.


Location of Terminal Hydride




In the triazenido complex, there is a slight trans l a b i l i z i n g effect of the h y d r i d e over the c a r b o n y l , as reflected i n the trans R u - N distances.

T h i s effect

is m u c h more pronounced i n the a m i d i n a t o complex because of the absence of disorder and perhaps because the f our-membered ring has opened u p so that atom N(2) is more nearly trans to the h y d r i d e ligand. These two structures illustrate a f u n d a m e n t a l a n d d i s t u r b i n g point about diffraction experiments.

It is not u n t i l the late stages of refinement, after c o n -

siderable time and money has been spent on the experiment, that one sometimes discovers his i n a b i l i t y to define accurately a salient feature of the s t r u c t u r e — i n this instance the h y d r i d e position i n the triazenido complex.

T h e r e is no w a y

f r o m the formula, space group, or films to have predicted this; nor are there any

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usefully consistent methods that enable one to predict, especially i n c o m m o n l o w - s y m m e t r y space groups, w h e n disorder w i l l occur. RuH (N2BioH SMe2)(PPh3)3*3C H . 2



T h e synthesis of this c o m p o u n d is:



RuH (N )(PPh ) + l,10-N B H SMe 2







1 0




= 2240 c m " )

1 hr under N



RuH (N B H SMe )(PPh ) 2


1 0


(I»NN = 2060





cm" )



T h e c o m p o u n d is of interest to us because of our studies of the v a r y i n g b o n d i n g modes of the N R species. 2

F r o m the very h i g h value of the N N stretching fre-

quency, we believed (and confirmed) that the complex represents the first exa m p l e of the linear attachment of an R N group to a transition metal. 2


structural study (Table I) was straightforward, and the inner coordination sphere is shown i n F i g u r e 2.

T h e R index is somewhat higher than expected, probably

because of some residual electron density i n the region of the S M e Nevertheless, the two hydride positions refined successfully.



T h e resultant R u - H

distances, insignificantly different f r o m one another, are as expected.


trans-labilizing effect of the h y d r i d e ligand relative to a triarylphosphine group is apparent.




The inner coordination sphere of R u H ^ i V ^ B i o H s S M e ^ (PPhk

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



T a b l e I.

Some E x p e r i m e n t a l Details

Space Group

Formula Units/ Cell

C,-P1 C * - C2/c Q - PI

2 8 2

C,-PI C - P2i/c C / i - C2/c

2 4

Compound RuH(TolNNNTol)(CO)(PPh ) RuH(TolNCHNTol)(CO)(PPh ) 3



1 0





H SMe2)(PPh3)3-3C H 6


OsH(CSSMe)(CO) (PPh3)2-V2C H 6






[PtH(PhHNNCMe )(PPh ) ] [BF ] [Pt((ieri-Bu) P(CH )3P(ieri-Bu)2)]2 2


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2 / l







R(F ) = 2||Fo|-|F ||/Z|Fo|. 0


OsHfCSSMeXCO) PPha)2CeHe. 2

T h i s c o m p o u n d was synthesized by

the f o l l o w i n g route (16): Os(C H xCO).,(PPh ), + CS, --> Os,(PPh ) 2



;i 2

J Mel











SMe" (4)


T h e c o m p o u n d is interesting to us because of the novelty of the C S S M e l i g a n d a n d the possibility of v a r y i n g modes of attachment of this l i g a n d to transition metals. T h e structural study was completely straightforward (see T a b l e I) a n d the inner coordination sphere is shown i n F i g u r e 3.

Note, i n particular, the successful

refinement of the h y d r i d e position (and isotropic t h e r m a l parameter) i n the presence of a t h i r d - r o w element.

As judged b y the agreement a m o n g what are

expected to be chemically equivalent distances w i t h i n the complex, the assigned standard deviations are reasonable; hence, the O s - Η distance has been determined to ±0.06 Â.

T h e complex itself contains 50 nonhydrogen atoms and 36 hydrogen

atoms i n a d d i t i o n to the h y d r o g e n atom of the h y d r i d e l i g a n d .

As a result, the

c o m p o u n d w o u l d present a formidable neutron diffraction study.

Such a study

m i g h t not lead to a m u c h better d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the h y d r i d e position.

In our

opinion, a neutron diffraction study is not justified on a transition metal h y d r i d e c o n t a i n i n g only a t e r m i n a l h y d r i d e if this h y d r i d e position has been reasonably w e l l defined f r o m an x-ray study.

It is wiser to a p p l y the l i m i t e d neutron d i f -

fraction resources to the study of structures i n v o l v i n g b r i d g i n g h y d r i d e ligands where small positional changes m a y affect our interpretation of the b o n d i n g . N o t e the t r a n s - l a b i l i z i n g effect of the h y d r i d e l i g a n d relative to the C S S M e group.

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



Location of Terminal Hydride Ligands


o n Selected T r a n s i t i o n M e t a l H y d r i d e s No,

No. of Obser­ vations

(2γ) \


of Vari­ ables

/ max



R(F ) 0


5847 5805 6544

0.562 0.576 0.479

436 192 324

0.038 0.063 0.072

7005 5635 5350

0.627 0.559 0.700

182 214 204

0.036 0.046 0.030

7 1.58(7) 1.74(7) 1.53(7) 1.64(6) No Η

Ref. 5 6 7 8 9 10

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* T h e dimer has crystallographically imposed C2 symmetry.

[PtH(PhHNNCMe XPPh )2PF4]. 2


T h e synthesis of this c o m p o u n d is


irans-PtHCKPPh ), +






J a cet' THF irans-PtHCl(PPh ), +








Because there are at least three ways i n w h i c h the hydrazone ligand could attach itself to a transition metal and because hydrazone complexes of transition metals barely have been investigated, this type of c o m p o u n d is interesting to us. As contrasted w i t h the studies discussed above, w e were unable to locate a n d refine the h y d r i d e position i n this c o m p o u n d (see T a b l e I). T h e inner c o o r d i ­ nation sphere (Figure 4) shows the h y d r i d e ligand d r a w n at an assumed position. T h e reasons for our failure are not clear, but we are led to the sobering conclusion that success cannot always be guaranteed i n studies of this k i n d . O n e might ask if intrinsic differences i n the M - H bond m i g h t affect our ability to locate the h y d r i d e l i g a n d . O b v i o u s l y , as one goes i n a f o r m a l sense f r o m M - H ~ to M ~ - H , that is, if the h y d r i d e were to lose its electron, the h y d r i d e ligand w o u l d become transparent to x-rays. In principle, then, our inability to locate h y d r i d e positions i n certain complexes might correlate w i t h such a hypothetical electron transfer. B u t spectroscopic differences also should manifest themselves. T h e spectroscopic properties of the P t - H bond i n this hydrazone complex are normal. Thus, i>pt_H 2220 c m a n d r p _ H 27.36 p p m . ( C o m p a r e these values w i t h those of 2119 c m a n d 23.37 p p m i n the a m i d i n a t o complex above where the h y d r i d e position was located without difficulty.) W e believe it to be far more likely that failure to locate the h y d r i d e position i n this hydrazone complex results f r o m undetected errors i n our data or i n our m o d e l a n d not f r o m an intrinsic property of the P t - H bond. +



- 1



- 1

[Pt(( tert-Bu)2P(CH )3P(tert-Bu) )] . W e e n d this brief s u m m a r y of recent structural studies i n our laboratory b y discussing a c o m p o u n d that apparently 2



Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




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Figure 3. The inner coordination sphere of OsH(CSSMeXCO) (PPh ) 2

is not a h y d r i d e .

3 2

W e attempted the preparation of the new complexes M ( P P ) ,

where P P represents a bidentate phosphorus l i g a n d constrained by geometry to present cis phosphorus atoms to the metal M . T h e resultant bent M ( P P ) complex should exhibit h i g h reactivity and unusual chemistry. the d i m e r i c c o m p o u n d was characterized (10).

In the course of this work, precipitated a n d

[Pt((tert-Bu) P(CH )3P(tert-Bu) )] 2




T h e preparative scheme is: Na/Hg

PtCl (diphos) 2


• ds-PtH (diphos) 2

(6) J[Pt(diphos)], ^


diphos = (ieri-Bu) P(CH ) ,P(terf-Bu> 2




T h e inner coordination sphere of the d i m e r is shown i n F i g u r e 5.

B y the n o r m a l

rules of electron counting, the rare-gas configuration is obeyed at p l a t i n u m if a P t = P t double bond is invoked. or slightly long, single bond.

Yet the P t - P t distance of 2.765(1)Â is a normal

O n e thus wonders if the c o m p o u n d m i g h t be a

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



Location of Terminal Hydride Ligands y [Pt(diphos)] + D 2



PtD (diphos)




P t H D (diphos) PtH




[Pt(diphos)] + 2


CHCI3 — •

P t C l (diphos) + C H C l 40% 92% 2




Some chemistry of this d i m e r (Reactions 7 a n d 8) suggests that it could

be a h y d r i d e , presumably c o n t a i n i n g P t - H - P t bridges. As we noted above, there are instances where one fails to locate the h y d r i d e

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position i n a k n o w n transition m e t a l h y d r i d e .

Consequently, f a i l u r e to locate

residual electron density i n positions thought to be reasonable for hydride ligands hardly can be taken as strong evidence against a given compound being a hydride. T h e classic diagnostic tool for detecting hydrides has been the h i g h - f i e l d shift of the h y d r i d e proton i n the N M R spectrum.

T h e present d i m e r shows no such

shift; nor is there i r evidence for the presence of h y d r i d e bridges.


H a y m o r e (17) and Stone (see C h a p t e r 8) (18) have demonstrated that the proton signal i n the N M R spectrum is not always f o u n d at h i g h f i e l d but rather m a y be f o u n d at low field.

Stone's example, i n fact, is the c o m p o u n d [Pt(M-H)(SiEta)-

(PCy3)] , a c o m p o u n d closely related to the present one. 2

N o x-ray evidence for

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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The inner coordination

b r i d g i n g hydrides was f o u n d there.

sphere of Bu)2)h

[Pt((teTt-Bu) P(CH2)^P(teTt 2

B u t there was i r evidence for P t - H b o n d -

i n g — e v i d e n c e that was later corroborated b y the successful location of the h y d r i d e signal i n the N M R spectrum.

T h e r e is x-ray, N M R , a n d i r evidence to

support bridging hydrides i n the similar compound [ N i ( M - H ) ( C y P ( C H ) 3 P C y ) ] 2





In both of these v e r i f i e d b r i d g i n g h y d r i d e structures, the L M L / L M L i n -

terplanar angles are near 23°.

I n our d i m e r , this angle is 82°.

In essence then,

there is negative d i f f r a c t i o n a n d spectroscopic evidence for the presence of h y d r i d e bridges i n the present complex, but negative evidence is never f u l l y satisfactory.

H e r e we must appeal to stereochemical arguments that if the compound

were a h y d r i d e , the P P t P / P P t P interplanar angle w o u l d be close to 0 ° .


example illustrates, p a r t i c u l a r l y for transition metal complexes c o n t a i n i n g or possibly c o n t a i n i n g b r i d g i n g h y d r i d e ligands, that x-ray d i f f r a c t i o n a n d spectroscopic results m a y not always lead to a totally satisfying conclusion.

Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.


Location of Terminal Hydride Ligands


Conclusions In this short chapter, I have attempted to provide an overview of the types of results that one can expect to obtain from x-ray diffraction studies of transition metal hydride complexes. The salient points seem to me to be: ( 1 ) one cannot predict at the outset whether one will be successful in locating the hydride position or, in fact, a given feature of a structure owing to the possibility of disorder and, at times, to unknown causes; (2) in favorable cases, the hydride position can be located to an accuracy commensurate with or exceeding our ability to use such information in theoretical models; (3) our expectations concerning the stereo­ chemistry of transition metal hydrides that contain terminal hydride ligands have changed little in the 12 years since the determination of the structure of RhH(CO)(PPh )3; hence it is unlikely that the study of such structures in them­ selves is a fertile field of structural chemistry.

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Acknowledgment Most of the work discussed here was kindly supported by the National Science Foundation.

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Bau; Transition Metal Hydrides Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.