Look no further than Β&Δ
As the nation's largest producer of fluorides, B&A manufactures six double salt fluorides. T h e y are
listed below, in the coupon. These double salts are part of an extremely wide range of fluorides and fluorine chemicals manufac tured by General Chemical, ranging from elemental fluorine and hydrofluoric acid to a host of inorganic compounds and the newest fluoro-organic complexes. General's leadership in fluorides is backed by extensive resources, embracing our own fluorspar mines and mills . , . versatile, large-scale production facilities . . . a continuous major fluorochemical research program...and long, diversified experience. BAKER & A D A M S O N ® Fine Chemicals
That's why your best source for double and other high purity fluorides is Baker & Adamson. You need look no further. Send coupon for further information. Baker & Adamson Fine Chemicals General Chemical Division Allied Chemical Corporation 40 Rector Street, New York 6, Ν. Υ.
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Chromium Potassium Fluoride Potassium Ferric Fluoride Potassium Titanium Fluoride Potassium Zinc Fluoride Potassium Zirconium Fluoride Sodium Zirconium Fluoride • Please have representative call.
Title GENERAL CHEMICAL D I V I S I O N 40 Rector Street, New York 6, N.Y. Please send export inquiries to: Allied Chemical International, 40 Rector St., Ν. Υ. 6
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