Look to the creative source for specialty chemicals, Kodak. - C&EN

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: September 14, 1981 .... At the Forefront of Chemical Engineering Research Since 1909 Industrial & Engineering Chemistr...
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Look to the creative source for specialty chemicals, Kodak. Next time you ^ ^ ^ l \ ^BS^-~-^ need a specialty • | f l | r - \ ^ V I ^ ^ S\^J* chemical custom^3SFI \ \ ^ V TlS synthesized or ^iy---^-f^^J]^ ^ batch-produced in ^ | \ ^gpr , quantity, look to Kodak. * J * JL ^ Because the same hightechnology chemistry that W ^ ^ j s j o e s into Kodak photographic products is available to meet your needs, from start To finish. Depending on your needs, we can scale up production of many of the chemicals listed in the KODAK Laboratory Chemicals catalog and, often, many of the thousands of other compounds we have on computer file. In some cases, we can custom-synthesize a special chemical for your particular needs. Kodak can supply a wide range of specialty chemicals because we have a large inventory of production equipment, a reliable, capable staff, and a commitment to making innovation a daily practice. And our top-level analytical capabilities help

provide you with chemicals that meet the highest standards of quality, purity, and consistency. To learn more about Kodak capabilities in specialty chemicals, send for our "Creative Source" brochure and our latest Laboratory Chemicals catalog. Both are free. Simply write to Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Laboratory and Specialty Chemicals, Dept. 742-B, Rochester, New York 14650. To inquire directly about our I.ii*,^.^.:^ specialty-chemical resources, phone (716) 722-2915. Let us guide your imagination. © Eastman Kodak Company, 1981


The creative source.

Guide to custom syntlmi* and batch jMPductton of sjraiaJty chemicals from starttofinish