Look to the World's Largest Rubber Producer for All Your Rubber

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Look to the World's Largest Rubber Producer for All Your Rubber Needs /&ïs 6/7sv?J€e#4Z&' Over 1 0 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 tre^s under cultivation on Firestone's Liberian plantation—tt-»e w o r l d ' s largest single plantation IB

fefr cïtyviav&fâz' Production increased 5 0 % last y e a r in Firestone Synthetic Plants—the ΛΛ/orld's largest


has the Rubber for Every Product —for Every Application

Are y o u p l a n n i n g a n e w product . . . A r e you h a v i n g tromble o b t a i n i n g just the right rub­ ber or l a t e x for your present product? If so, w h y not do as hundreds o f manufacturers have d o n e . . . turn t o Firestone, the world's largest rub­ ber producer. O u r research a n d d e v e l o p m e n t laboratories are at y o u r service. A Firestone Technical Représentative is ready t o help y o u w i t h your com/pounding and processing problems. Call fciim i n today.

Learn h o w Firestone h i g h quality latex and d r y rubber c a n fit i n t o your operation and i m p r o v e t h e quality o f y o u r product. Why not write t o d a y for y o u r c o p i e s of the new, colorful, informa t i v e brochures o n Firestone's nerv F R S Latex a n d D r y Rubber. There's no chairge, of course. Just drop a line t o Firestone Synthetic R u b b e r a n d Latex D i v i s i o n , A k r o n , Ohio.

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