lormen at the IS A Show !

tation problems. Taylor Instrument Companies, Rochester 1, N.Y., and Toronto, Canada. Tcu/lormen at the IS A Show ! J . E. Barber. P. Gilman. G F. Bar...
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E'RE FIELDING our first team at the ISA Show in Cleveland. There will be 27 top Taylormen there—the 4 shown and 23 listed below. We're proud of the ability and experience of this team.

They'll be there—with'headquarters at Booth 949-95 5—to put their skills to work on your own specific instrumentation problems. These men, drawn from our application engineering and sales departments, take to the show broad backgrounds of successful experience in the solution of instrumentation problems throughout the processing industries. They will be there only because you are going, too—so, why not stop by and put them to work on your plant's problems? These men are typical of the world-wide Taylor sales and engineer­ ing organization that stands ready to help you with your instrumen­ tation problems. Taylor Instrument Companies, Rochester 1, N.Y., and Toronto, Canada.

Tcu/lormen at the IS A Show ! J. G Ε. W R. C. D. R. A. L. F.

E. B a r b e r F. B a r n u m M. Barr . J. Berk C. B r o s t e d t S. C o n n e r D. D e c k e r 1. E d e l m a n d. Fleig L. F o r w a r d C. F u z z a r d

P. G i l m a n W . C. G r a y D. T . G r e g g G. E. H e l l e r H. W . M a u r e r , d r . R. F. M a u r e r H. G. O l s o n Η. Ε. R i s s i n g e r W . H. S e a v e r H. W . S t o l l C. B. T i b b i t s

Ε. Β. Sutherland ( V - P , Taylor-Emmett Controls)

Taylor Intruments MEAN

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