Lummus-Built Plant Will Double Phthalic Capacity For Pittsburgh Coke

5 Nov 2010 - ... Division, The Lummus Company is engineering and constructing a $3,000,000 plant on Neville Island in the Ohio River below Pittsburgh...
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Lummus-Built Plant Will Double Phthalic Capacity For Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical P a i n t a n d Plastics Producers to Benefit From Expansion T o double t h e phthalic anhydride capacity o f Pittsburgh Coke and Chemical Company's Coal Chemi­ cals Division, T h e Lummus Com­ pany is engineering and construct­ ing a $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 plant on Neville Island in the Ohio River below Pittsburgh. T h e new plant, to be completed by Fall 1 9 5 6 , is a fur­ ther s t e p in P i t t s b u r g h C o k e ' s chemical expansion. T h i s second installation is being built because plasticizer and alkyd resin manufacturers need more phthalic. Since 1949, vinyl plastics consumption has risen 1 0 0 % ; alkyd resin paints 50 % ; polyester plastics 4 0 0 % . Phthalic, as a basic raw material for these industries, is in e v e r - i n c r e a s i n g d e m a n d . Increased phthalic consumption by Pittsburgh Coke and Chemical's own Plasticizer Division has also been a major factor in the com­ pany's planning. A s a result of its l o n g chemical e x p e r i e n c e , L u m m u s is well

Artist's conception of expanded facilities.

equipped to carry out this project for the manufacture o f phthalic, T h e new facilities will incorporate many improvements in production efficiency and product purity. O t h e r current chemical projects at Lummus include ammonia and ammonia products installations, a vinyl acetate unit a n d acetylene d e r i v a t i v e s f a c i l i t i e s . A n d our books show hundreds of completed p l a n t s f o r a w i d e r a n g e of products f r o m ethylene through butadiene.

W h e n you plan your next plant, call o n Lurnmus—designing engi­ neers and constructors f o r the petroleum and chemical industries. T h e Lummus Company, 3 8 5 M a d i s o n Avenue, N e w York 17, N.Y. Engineering and Sales Officers: N e w Y o r k , H o u s t o n , Montreal, London, Paris, T h e H a g u e , Bombay. Sales Offices: Chicago, Caracas. H e a t Exchanger Plant ι Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Fabricated Piping Plant: East Chicago, Indiana. JULY

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