Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology - American Chemical

center of the circular films with a razor blade. Sample thickness was measured with a ... software run on an IBM PC MSDOS platform. Tests were carried...
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Chapter 12

Films from Pectin, Chitosan, and Starch

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012

P. D. Hoagland Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038

Clear films from aqueous blends of chitosan HC1 and high methoxy pectin, with glycerol added as plasticizer, had good dynamic mechanical properties. The pectin stabilized chitosan HC1 films and prevented shrinkage and opacity, which presumably was the result of slow crystallization of chitosan HC1. Starch, added as a composite to chitosanHC1films, also stabilized the chitosan films with some reduction in dynamic mechanical properties.

Biodegradable films of pectin and starch have been made from renewable, stable agricultural sources (1, 2). Laminated films from two such readily available polysaccharides, pectin and chitosan have also been made with glycerol or lactic acid as a plasticizer (3). Applications are being sought for these films in order to replace some petroleum based films or to develop new specialized films in response to increasing environmental concerns. Pectin is the second most abundant plant polysaccharide (after cellulose), and is widely available from underutilized agricultural waste material. Pectin has a complex structure that can be characteristic of the plant source and the region in a given plant cell wall. It is here that pectin is found and has its biological function. The main backbone chain of pectin is composed of galacturonan (a-(l-4) galacturanopyranosyl) segments linked

This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 19% American Chemical Society

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012



cx-(l-2) to a rhamnopyranosyl unit which in turn is linked by as yet unknown a/(J conformation (1-4) to the next galacturonan segment. The galacturonan segment length as well as the rhamnose content can also be variable. In addition, some of the rhamnose units may have attached short neutral sugar side chains consisting mainly of galactose and arabinose. Such substituted rhamnosyl units are often clustered into 'hairy' regions. The carboxyl groups of the galacturonan segments can be variably methyl esterified. Pectin, therefore, can be readily modified, through demethylation. High methoxy pectins can form excellent films (1,2). The scope of films made with pectin combined with other polysaccharides was widened to include chitosan for several reasons. Firstly, chitosan is derived from chitin, the second most abundant polysaccharide on the earth and which is commercially available from stable, renewable sources, such as waste from shellfish industries. Secondly, chitosan forms good films and membranes (4-9). Thirdly, the cationic properties of chitosan potentially enable electrostatic interactions with anionic, partially demethylated pectins (20 ,22). Lastly, chitosan films and membranes are biocompatible with a range of human tissues (22). Chitosan is poly-|3-(l-4) 2-amino-2-deoxy-glucose with a content of N-acetyl groups that can vary from 0 to above 50%. Highly acetylated chitosan is chitin. The degree of acetylation can be modified to produce a polycationic polysaccharide less basic in nature than polylysine. Composites of chitosan with microcrystalline cellulose have suitable properties for biodegradable films (4). In many instances films made from chitosan solubilized with an organic acid have been treated with base to insolubilize the chitosan in order to form membranes. Some chitosan membranes have been used in permeation applications, such as the separation of water from ethanol. A composite membrane of poly(vinyl alcohol) and chitosan has been used to dehydrate alcohol by pervaporation (23). Membranes from blended chitosan and poly(ethylene oxide) have been investigated with application to haemodialysis (24). The propensity of chitosan to form ionic complexes with polyanions, such as proteins, has been exploited in the food industry to clarify juices and to treat waste water from poultry processing. Chitosan can react with polyanionic polysaccharides to form gels or insoluble gummy precipitates.

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012



FilmsfromPectin, Chitosan, and Starch

Films from chitosan and pectin in the past relied upon lamination, whereby a chitosan film was cast upon a preformed pectin film (3). Chitosan films were unsuitable foundation films, due to significant swelling. Chen et al., (7) reported that various chitosan films can absorb 40 to 80% of their weight in water. Strips of a chitosan film laminated to a pectin film curled up to form tubes, presumably due to differential swelling (25) . At no time during lamination of chitosan films to pectin films was there seen any indication of ionic interactions at the film-film interface (25). These laminated films were probably free of any significant degree of interpenetration interactions.

Experimental Materials. Lime pectin was obtained from Grinsted Products, Inc. (Kansas City, KS) and was 65% methylated (Type 1400). Chitosan was obtained from Pronova Biopolymer, Inc. (Raymond, WA) and was 85% deacetylated (Seacure 343). Hydrochloric acid (HC1), nitric acid (HN0 ) and glycerol were ACS reagent grade. Distilled water was used to prepare all solutions. Films. Solutions of 2.0 g of chitosan , 1.0 to 2.5 g of glycerol and 200 mL of 0.1 N HC1 or H N O 3 were prepared by stirring for 1 h at room temperature. Solutions of 0.5 to 2.0 g of lime pectin and 50 mL of water were prepared by stirring at room temperature for 1 h. The two solutions were mixed and each resulting clear solution was filtered through glass wool to remove traces of residual shell particles. Films were cast with 30 mL portions of filtrate poured without bubble formation into 100 mm dia. plastic Petri dishes. In some instances, gelatinized starch was added to the filtrate (0.5 g. Amylose VII, 10 mL water, microwaved for 60 sec in a pressure safe microwave vessel (2,2)). Films from chitosan HC1 or H N O 3 were also prepared without added pectin. All films were allowed to form during exposure to the atmosphere for 72 h. 3

Mechanical Testing. Dynamic tests were performed with a Rheometrics RSAII solids analyzer (Piscataway, NJ). Liquid nitrogen was used for temperature sweeps that started below room temperature. A nominal strain of 0.1% and an applied frequency of 10 rad/s (1.59 Hz) were

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012

routinely used. Films strips, 7.0 mm x 38.1 mm were excised from the center of the circular films with a razor blade. Sample thickness was measured with a Model No. 3 Dial Comparator micrometer, B. C. Ames Co. (Waltham, MA). Data were analyzed with Rheometrics RHIOS v3.0.1 software run on an IBM PC MSDOS platform. Tests were carried out on strips and a representative data set was selected for the comparisons that are presented in the Figures.


Films prepared from chitosan HC1 with or without added glycerol up to levels of 50% of total solids were initially clear. During the final stage of drying, the films shrank and turned opaque. Added starch (20% of weight of total polysaccharide) stabilized the films only when glycerol was present at a 44% total solids level. Pectin added to chitosan HC1 solutions at total polysaccharide levels of from 28 to 50% resulted in clear, strong films that were stable for at least 6 months. Glycerol added to these films at levels up to 50% of total solids provided enough flexibility to prevent easy breakage from brittleness. These films readily dissolved in water (ca. 15 minutes) to give clear solutions when no starch was present. Films with composite starch gave turbid solutions characteristic of gelatinized starch. Films prepared with H N O 3 instead of HC1 gave similar results. Chitosan H N O 3filmsshrank and turned opaque upon standing at room temperature for 48 h. Addition of pectin stabilized chitosan H N O 3 films that were clear. When treated with 2% NaOH for 15 minutes and then washed with water, the chitosan H N O 3 film became insoluble in water and retained both its shrunken size and opacity to give a membrane. In like manner, a chitosan HCl-pectin-glycerol film was made water insoluble by treatment with 2% NaOH for 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with water. The film retained its general structure and remained clear. Storage and loss moduli plots against temperature for blends of high methoxy pectin and chitosan are shown in Figure 1. Markers

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

FilmsfromPectin, Chitosan, and Starch

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Figure 1. Storage and loss moduli of films made from blends of chitosan and pectin with added glycerol as plasticizer.

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012



represent a typical profile and the extent of observed variation between 6 data sets was within 4x of the width of the markers. The blended films of pectin and chitosan had significantly lower storage and loss moduli than pectin films. These blends also had a higher content of glycerol. Storage and loss moduli plots against temperature for films from starch composites of pectin-chitosan HC1 blends are shown in Figure 2. Here again, the pectin-starch composite film had significantly greater storage and loss moduli than those films that were made with chitosan HC1 or chitosan acetate. The added starch did not significantly lower the storage or loss moduli of films.


The shrinkage and opacity (white) observed for initially clear films of chitosan HC1 were presumably caused by crystallization of the chitosan. Added glycerol did not prevent this transformation of chitosan HC1 films. Gelatinized starch added to chitosan HC1 films with high levels of glycerol apparently prevented crystallization. The solubility of high methoxy pectin in chitosan HC1 solutions was unexpected based on earlier observations that this same pectin, even at low levels, could not be dissolved in either chitosan acetate or lactate solutions. Moreover, high methoxy pectin dissolved in chitosan HC1 solutions produced clear stable films with good dynamic mechanical properties. Completely deacetylated chitosan in the dehydrated solid state has been shown to exist in two crystalline forms. When the amino groups have each a positive charge the chitosan assumes an extended, rod-like crystalline structure. Without positive charges, the crystalline structure of chitosan is more compact and has been described as a spherulite (26). Films made from completely deacetylated chitosan HC1 were not reported to shrink or turn opaque (26). That this occurred with both HC1 and H N O 3 salts of 85% deacetylated crab chitosan can at this time possibly be best explained by the presence of the acetamido groups. Presumably, these groups allowed the chitosan in the film to convert from an extended to a compact, possibly less hydrated, structure. The high methoxy pectin in films of chitosan HC1 or H N O 3 appears to have constrained the chitosan

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


FilmsfromPectin, Chitosan, and Starch

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chitosan : pectin : amylose VII: glycerol 56 [Ac] 14 30

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50 Temperature,

100 0



Figure 2. Storage and loss moduli of films made from blends of chitosan and pectin with added composite starch and glycerol as plasticizer.

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012



to an extended, possibly hydrated, structure. When these latter blended films were treated with NaOH to deprotonate amino groups, the films retained their general shape and clarity. Below pH ca. 3 the unesterified carboxyl groups of high methoxy pectin (65% DE) would be negatively charged. This would tend to maintain an extended structure for pectin. Crystallinity of pectin is suppressed by rhamnose-induced kinks between galacturonan segments that constitute the pectin backbone and possibly by neutral sugar side chains clustered in 'hairy' regions. These structural features undoubtedly account, in part, for the remarkably strong films that have been prepared from pectin (1,2). Films prepared from chitosan HC1 or HNO3 were similar in their appearance (shrinkage and opacity). This would not be unusual save for the observation of Saito et al. (17) that powders of completely deacetylated chitosan HC1 and HNO3 had different solid state C spectra. From this and complementary x-ray diffraction studies they have proposed two helical structures for chitosan inorganic salts. Type 1 (HNO3 ) is a 2-fold helical structure that excludes water in its crystalline state. Type 2 (HC1) is a more open 4-fold or 8-fold helical structure that can accommodate some water. The shrinkage of the chitosan HC1 or HNO3 films suggests that type 1 crystallinity prevails with a tighter structure that excludes water. The overall structural influence of acetamido groups (15%) in the chitosan HC1 or HNO3 films probably overrides the notable structural differences between completely deacetylated chitosan HC1 and HNO3 powders. In earlier work we observed that pectin films had greater storage and loss moduli than pure chitosan acetate or lactate films containing comparable levels of glycerol (3). To date, films made from pectin have had the highest storage and loss moduli of all films made from any polysaccharide (1, 2). The finding that starch added as a composite to pectin-chitosan HC1 films did not significantly lower storage and loss moduli is in agreement with observations by Coffin and Fishman (1, 2) for films made from composites of pectin and starch with various levels of glycerol added as plasticizer. A plasticizer, such as glycerol, was required to increase flexibility of the chitosan HC1 films, with or without added pectin and/or starch. Hosokawa et al. (4) obtained good flexibility in films made from chitosan-cellulose composites without added glycerol. 1 3

In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012


FilmsfromPectin, Chitosan, and Starch


Coffin and Fishman (1, 2), however, found that glycerol added to films made from pectin-starch composites improved flexibility. In the case of chitosan, satisfactory flexibility was obtained with films made from chitosan and lactic acid (3). Here the lactic acid served both to solubilize the chitosan and to plasticize. We have also found that films made with citric acid and chitosan and/or pectin are prone to brittleness even with added glycerol (15). Chitosan HC1 or H N O 3 films made with pectin are stable over time and readily dissolve in water. When acetic acid is used to prepare chitosan films, the acetic acid can slowly leave the film by evaporation to pull the hydrolysis of the weak amine acetate salt towards the free amine state (18). This process is encouraged by free water held in the film at room temperature. The solubility of the film is thereby reduced. Lactic acid does not leave chitosan films exposed to air, since it probably hydrogen bonds to the polysaccharide (3,18). Films from blends of chitosan inorganic salts of HC1 or H N O 3 with high methoxy pectin can be prepared in both water soluble and water insoluble forms. Flexibility can be controlled by added glycerol and the films can be filled with starch. The films had good dynamic mechanical properties. These films can be prepared from renewable agriculture sources and are biodegradable. Acknowledgments

I am grateful to Mr. Trung Ly for his technical assistance. Drs. David Coffin and Marshall Fishman are gratefully acknowledged for their helpful discussions. Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by U. S. Department of Agriculture above others of a similar nature not mentioned. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4.

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In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on September 12, 2012 | Publication Date: November 19, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0650.ch012



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In Macromolecular Interactions in Food Technology; Parris, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.