it's a specialized container engineered to make it easier for you to use. Analytical Reagents. “It is the 7u ost helpful advance in reagent packagin...
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ENGINEERED The Concave Sides fit your hand

F o r many months, Mallinckrodt worked with glass industry engineers to perfect the STORMOR bottle. That's why it's f a r more t h a n just a new package design — it's a specialized container engineered to make it easier for you to use Analytical Reagents. "It is the most helpful advance in reagent packaging in many years," was the reply when Mallinckrodt checked independent chemists who used AR's in STORMORs. They liked the feel of the bottle's concave sides, and they appreciated the space it saved. I t s modern appearance in the laboratory pleased them, and they thought the new label had better visibility. Today Mallinckrodt AR's in STORMOR bottles (1 lb. and % lb. sizes available, except liquids) are s t a n d a r d laboratory equipment t h r o u g h o u t the country. S h a r p increases in the number of chemists using AR's leave no doubt of this. Ask your Mallinckrodt dealer for AR's in STORMORs — you'll pay no premium.


in STORMOR's L be aiways faces front · Dresses up the ab Saves she f space · Easier to handle - Fits the hand New label design - more readable

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