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Chromar HPLC Solvents •φ particulate contamination. One efficient purchase order gets you immediate delivery on any of the 14 ChromAR solvents —all available from a nationwide network of wellstocked local distributors. And you also get the convenience of onesource responsibility for shipping, billing and follow-through support from the most responsive service or ganization in the business.
ChromAR solvents were the first to be d e v e l o p e d e x p r e s s l y for the unique demands of HPLC. Because of the high standards maintained throughout their manufacture, they are all guaranteed to perform as s p e c i f i e d in their r e c o m m e n d e d applications. ChromAR solvents are rigidly tested and controlled for unsurpassed purity. They have low levels of water, free acid, evaporative residue and UV absorbance; they all meet a GLC assay of 99% or better and are filtered to one micron or less to minimize
For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n call y o u r d i s t r i b u t o r or c o n t a c t SCIENCE PRODUCTS DIVISION. M a l l m c k r o d t . Inc: . Post O f f i c e B o x M, Pans. KY Ks 4 0 3 6 11.. P h o n e 8 0 0 3'>4 ;·()·',;' 142 ON RfcADt-R SERVICb CARD
N o w available: C h r o m A R w a t e r for H P L C — d e p e n d a b l y p u r e for all HPLC applications
PMoll'nck'Odt Inc. 1980