Man and molecules - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Man and molecules. Edna Hudson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1981, 58 (1), p 65. DOI: 10.1021/ed058p65.2. Publication Date: January 1981. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ...
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RV review We are almost through another school year with so much left to cover. There is still time to order films, filmstrips, etc. and use them as a review or as another teaching technique. Sometimes we find ourselves continuing to do what we have for years because it is easier, although many of our colleagues have used A-V materials very successfully. Edna Hudson from Cedar Ridge High School has two reviews to share with us.

Chemical Symbols, Formulas and Equations The: Format:

8 to 20 minutes per filmstrip

by users resulting from actual experiences in the classroom. If you are interested in,

ChBmiSby horn Queens College and her MS



... .., .received he;E;?&ate dt Advanced Studies in Educational Administration.






Teacher Corps Project. Ms. ~riedstznhas also worked asa chemist for the Charles Pfirer Company. She was d i n for PRIS2M(Pmgram in Rochester to Interest Students in Science and Math) in the development of science materials. in the summer of 1979, she was one of five winners nationwide in the NSTA competition for Exernplav Career Activities in the Science Class.--,,,. k November of 1979, she was selected hom a mtional field to be part of the Teacher Corps Associate Program along with 24 other professionals across the country to study at the University of WisconsinMadison for the year 1979-1980.


to show the connection between the chemical language and the chemical substance. The weakest part of the series, in my opinion, is the last filmstrip which balances rather difficult equations. By this time, my students have heard the explanation that follows the correct answer too many times. I have, however, found it very helpful to use selected problems from the set as a basis of a "seat-work" oractice session. This filmstrip set comes with a complete teacher guide, including script. A reference chart which can be copied for student use lists the elements, their symbols, and some common ions and their charees. Also included are an excellent one-sheet summary of astep-by-step method of balancing eauations and ample practice problems (with answers) for each part of the seiies: EDNAHUDSON Cedar Ridge High School Old Bridge. N.J.

tape cassettes: Teacher Guide 101 $103 Bergwail Production, Inc. 839 Stewart Avenue Garden City. NY 11530 8001645-3565 or 5 l 6 l 2 2 2 - l l I l

This sound filmstri~series has been a -ereat help in surviving what could be H Iruring and rediuu.; untt ftrr m? Track I I ~,.c,llege bound but low iciencr inlrre;t I Chemistry clasA. 'l'hc fuur filmstrips lend the student.; simvly from a hasic ~!xpl;lt~:ttion of chemical entities rt:,,nwnted hy symhols, formulas, and equations through the mechanic-of-writing formulas to a thorough practice session in balancing equations. The chemicals are shown before the formula is derived and the reaction completed before an equation is written. This helps


Monroe High School Rochester, NY 14607

4 Color filmstrips (56-89 frames each): 4

Cat. No.: Price: Supplier:



Man and Molecules (over 200 individual titles) Time: Two fifteen-minute programs Format: Audio-cassettes Price: $7.001each single cassette $6.00/each 8 to 19 cassettes $4.001each any 20 or more Supplier: American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Dept. M and M

The American Chemical Society produces audio cassettes on a variety of scientific topics in their series "Man and Molecules." Each of the cassettes contains two 15-min programs. I found them useful as a n out-of-class assienment for students on a current topic. The cost is $7 for a single cassette; $6 for 8-19 cassettes; and $4 for 20 or more. Since there are too many programs to list here, I suggest you write directly to. the American Chemical Societv for their brochure describing all of the programs. Another way to receive them would he on a yearly subscription where you automatically receive cassettes bi-weekly on current scientific topics. The cost here is $75 for twenty, or $90 for 25 cassettes. You do not, however, have a choice of topics which include the fields of biology, environmental science, etc. Some programs of interest to the chemistry teacher would be: "Synthetic Metals" narrated by Dr. Alan MacDiamid naired with "Catalvsis: Coal to Chemicals" narrated bv Dr. M. Albert ~annice."Discovery of Element 106" by DR. dlenn T. Seahore and Albert Ghiorso aired with "Suoerheaw Elements" Dr. Edward ~nder'.

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Volume 58. Number 1. January 1981 / 65