Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (9), pp 819A–819A. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 24 May 2012. Published in print 1 August 197...
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Manufacturers' Literature

Conductivity Instruments. Describes the SM-400 Series Solu Meter Control­ lers for continuous measurement and control of acid or caustic solutions. 2 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 430

Ozone Meter. Features the Model 1100, designed to provide specific measure­ ment of ozone without interference from N 0 2 , S 0 2 , or other interfering gases. 6 pp. Columbia Scientific Indus­ tries Corp. 421

COD Digestion. Discusses a semiauto­ matic digestion technique using reagent ready-sealed glass ampuls as combus­ tion tubes and cuvettes. 4 pp. Oceanog­ raphy International Corp. 431

Strip Chart Recorder. Describes the Model 9176 10-in. laboratory recorder which offers both single- and dual-pen models and a choice of plug-in span and chart speed modules. 4 pp. Varian Instrument Div. 422 Photon Counting Spectrofluorometer. SLM 8000 features modular design and the latest state-of-the-art electronic and fluorescence technology. 8 pp. SLM Instruments, Inc. 423 Pharmaceutical Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 1 contains articles on the use of Technicon automated systems by a poultry breeding farm and small pharmaceuti­ cal manufacturers, as well as informa­ tion on literature and books of interest. 6 pp. Technicon Industrial Systems 424

Liquid Scintillation Counting Theory and Techniques. Presents an overview covering the aspects of LS counting necessary for valid interpretation of ex­ perimental data: physical process, in­ strumental operation of the LS counter, and chemical and mechanical pro­ cesses. 56 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 432 A / D and D/A Conversion Modules. In­ cludes the complete line of data con­ version products and a wide variety of new products and improved specifica­ tions as well as guidelines to design and selection. 16 pp. Analogic 433 Quantitative Gas Chromatography. Bulletin 770 is a basic introduction to quantitative GC and points out limita­ tions in the technique and how to over­ c o m e them. 4 pp. Supelco, Inc. 435

Digital Temperature Standards. Dis­ cusses line of temperature measure­ ment standards available in complete systems consisting of a calibrated plati­ num RTD probe and a drift-free preci­ sion digital indicator calibrated to match the probe characteristics. 6 pp. Doric Scientific Div., Emerson Electric Co. 434 Oscilloscopes. Two brochures describe Explorer II and Explorer III, two generalpurpose digital oscilloscopes for lowfrequency, high-precision waveform measurement. Nicolet Instrument Corp.

436 Dual-Detector Spectrophotometer. De­ scribes Model D-117 dual-detector stopped-flow spectrophotometer for dual-wavelength and polarization mea­ surements of fast chemical reactions. The modular design is explained, and applications are discussed. 4 pp. Durrum Instrument Corp. 437 Aminco Laboratory News. Vol. 32, No. 1 features many articles of interest in­ cluding ones on mutant respiratory pro­ teins, a new creatine phosphokinase screening method, automated blood chemistry analysis, and a radioactive waste gas compressor. 28 pp. A m e r i ­ can Instrument Co. 438

Liquid Chromatography. LC at Work Series offers three new application notes, "Quantitative Determination of Caffeine in Beverages", "Separation and Quantitative Analysis of Phenothiazines by Liquid Chromatography", and "Separation and Quantitative Determi­ nation of Corticosteroids in Pharmaceu­ tical Preparations". Varian Instrument Div. 425 Microparticle Standards. Describes the expanded line of standards useful as reference compounds to calibrate parti­ cle analyzers, check filters, and c o m ­ pare microscopy specimens. 4 pp. Duke Scientific Corp. 426 Hydrogen Purifiers. Features full line of palladium alloy hydrogen purifiers ranging from 1 to 500 SCFH. 4 pp. Re­ source Systems, Inc. 427 Ultrafiltration Membranes and Sys­ tems. Guide includes information on the complete line of laboratory-scale systems for concentrating, desalting, and fractionating macromolecules and viruses. 9 pp. Millipore Corp. 429 Molecular Weight Standards. De­ scribes narrow molecular weight distri­ bution standards for instrument calibra­ tion and polymer characterization by membrane osmometry, vapor-pressure osmometry, liquid chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, and light scattering. Arro Laboratories 443

OUR SMALL-SPACE METERING PUMP IS BIG ON ACCURACY. Our Series 20 Chem/Meter hydraulic diaphragm metering pump will give you repetitive accuracy within ± 1% or better. Measuring only 9%" χ 4>έ" χ 3^ί6", it's designed for steady, con­ tinuous feeding of clear fluids. How? The programmed cam drive produces a constant velocity discharge—when the full displace­ ment of two plungers working 180° apart are combined in a common manifold, a steady flow is established. And it provides capacities to 4.9 and 16.0 ML/min —with pressures to 1000 psig. The series 20 Chem/Meter's wetted parts are made of corro­ sive resistant stainless steel with sapphire balls-seats and teflon diaphragms.With its totally enclosed, no-seal leakproof design and remote capacity control, its features make it ideal for applications such as chromatography columns, laboratory apparatus and indus­ trial wet process analytical equipment. To get all the details on why our little Chem/Meter is a big per­ former, write Chempump Division, CraneCo., Warrington, Pa. 18976.




Manufacturers' Literature Gas Chromatographs. Features new generation of Basic gas chromatographs to perform one of 15 different specific applications. 8 pp. Carle Instruments, Inc. 428 Recorder. Bulletin F614 describes the Miniservo 10 CM recorder and lists specifications of the battery-operated DC Miniservo recorder. 2 pp. Esterline Angus Instrument Corp. 440 Gas Analyzer Calibration Instruments. Features the Dynacalibrator line of calibration instruments and includes applications information and full specifications for three different models. 6 pp. Metronics Associates, Inc. 441 Inkless Recorder. Model VP-6232S heat-sensitive inkless recorder with 16 input spans of 1 mV to 100 V and 22 chart speeds is described. Soltec Corp. 442 Solvents for Liquid Chromatography. Features complete line of ChromAR solvents and includes tables of performance figures and prices. 4 pp. Mallinckrodt, Inc. 444

High-Purity Metals for Thin Film Evaporation Sputtering. Application note series covers all metals of practical interest including aluminum and its alloys, gold, chromium, silver, titanium/tungsten, and platinum. Materials Research Corp. 439

Light Measurement Instrumentation. Contains information on high-voltage power supplies, photomultiplier tube housings, photon counting instrumentation, current measuring instrumentation, light systems, and accessories. 35 pp. Pacific Photometric Instruments 448

Glucose Analyzer. Describes the Model 23A which provides stat glucose analysis under normal operating conditions at an analysis rate of at least 40 samples/h. 4 pp. Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. 445

Safety Supplies. Includes a wide variety of products including toxic vapor monitoring equipment and an analysis service for air samples. Also describes the hazardous waste disposal service for both spent chemicals and radioactive waste disposal. 72 pp. Interex Corp. 449

Catalogs Laboratory Products. Science Specialties, summer 77, features new additions to the product line and introduces the Digi-Sense digital thermistor thermometer. 32 pp. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 447 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards

Diagnostic Reagents. Lists reagents available for use in metabolite chemistry, protein chemistry, lipid chemistry, electrolyte chemistry, enzyme chemistry, hormone chemistry, and hemoglobin chemistry. 13 pp. Hycel, Inc. 451 Gases. Contains sections on pure gases, gas mixtures, crosg reference services, gases in disposable containers, and gas handling equipment and accessory products. 128 pp. Scott Specialty Gases 454

WRONG! The CHROMATOPAC-E1A DATA PROCESSOR will automatically select the most ideal operating parameters for your needs. The system adjusts the slope sensitivity and drift parameters automatically to analyze your chromatograms no matter what the baseline does. Its ability to calculate contents in five different ways, not to mention its capability to be used for peak heights, as well as peak areas, make the CIIROMATOPAC-EIA suitable for use with other types of instrumentation, not just gas and liquid chromatographs. One of the most amazing things is that it will do all this without breaking your budget. Contact us today for all details on this latest addition to an excellent line of gas chromatographs and accessories.

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