Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1973, 45 (8), pp 757A–758A ... Published online 24 May 2012. Published in print 1 July 1973. Learn more abo...
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Manufacturers' Literature

Instrument Rental Catalog 1973 68-p catalog contains prices and specifications of nearly 1300 different types and models of equipment for rental including amplifiers, computers, meters, oscilloscopes, power supplies, recorders, etc. Rental Electronics, Inc. 452

Microscopy A 26-p brochure covers the principles, advantages, and applications of field emission scanning electron microscopy. Coates & Welter Instrument Corp. 442

Chromatography Supplies Vol 14, No. 3, 8 p, of Gas-Chrom Newsletter describes pretested pesticide packings, thick-layer Prekotes, new glass columns and column packages, carbohydrates, and other new chemicals. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. 443

Centrifuges and Microtome-Cryostats Condensed catalog provides illustrations and descriptions in four languages (English, Spanish, French, and German). Damon Corp. 444

Programming Guide A self-learning text describes the use of NUTRAN, a FORTRAN-like conversational language developed by the company. The guide is designed to permit those with little or no programming experience to communicate directly with and exercise specific functions of a minicomputer. Applications are numerous. Nuclear Data, Inc., 1330 East Golf Rd., Palatine, 111. 60067. 312-529-4600

Specialty Gases Catalog lists more than 100 specialty gases and gas mixtures. Included is information on the gas itself, cylinder sizes and contents, equipment recommendations, prices, and handling information. Canadian Liquid Air Ltd. 446

GC Techniques and Applications A 16-p booklet for all levels of workers in gas chromatography emphasizes applications and explanations of sample analysis and data-handling systems and includes an annotated bibliography of more than 60 articles which are also available free of charge. Perkin-Elmer 453

Dye Laser Products An 8-p catalog includes application information on the Xenon-500 laserpumped tunable dye laser and a description of equipment needed. Xenon Corp. 445

Laser Selection Guide A 32-p catalog contains information on helium-neon and cadmium lasers with outputs from the UV and blue to the red and IR wavelengths. Accessories and holography kits are also covered. Métrologie Instruments, Inc. 447

Instrumentation Modules An 8-p catalog gives specifications, illustrations, and prices for the company's line of instruments. Two housings with power supplies and 19 plug-in units are described. McKeePedersen Instruments 448

Metals, Inorganic Products A 90-p catalog covers over 3000 different metals, alloys, intermetallics, and chemicals in varying purities, compositions, and forms. Atomergic Chemetals Co. 449

Multiplexer/ Analog-to-Digital Convertor Data sheet 186A, 8 p, describes the Vidar 600 instrument which multiplexes up to 1024 differential-input analog signals at rates to 20,000 channels/sec. Vidar 450 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards

Spectroscopic Electrodes Four-page price list for various styles and types of electrodes and graphite powders supersedes previous electrode prices. Baird-Atomic 441

Glass Apparatus Comprehensive loose-leaf three-ring binder catalog of glass apparatus includes sections on cryogenics, distillation, vacuum, heating tapes and mantles, quartz, and miscellaneous. Pope Scientific Inc. 451

Image Analysis A bibliography of articles on automatic quantitative microscopy covers the use of TV-based image-analyzing computers. Over 100 publications are listed from the early 1960's through 1972. General references and references in the physical and life sciences are included. Imanco 454

IR and UV Sampling Accessories 1973 Catalog, 16 p, covers an extended line of sampling handling accessories. Spectroscopic Accessory Co., 241 Main Rd., Sidcup, Kent DA14 6QS, England

Environmental Products A catalog of more than 100 data sheets includes environmental measuring instrumentation systems, health and safety instruments, industrial units, and océanographie sensors. Bendix 455

Radiochemical Catalog A 50-p catalog of isotopically labeled biochemical research chemicals also includes a short discussion on methods of titration. Biochemical & Nuclear Corp. 456

Controlled-Pore Glass Bibliography An 11-p bibliography is arranged by subject classification with a reference index. Included are reviews and a listing by substances chromatographed. Electro-Nucleonics, Inc. 457


Manufacturers' Literature

Investigate the great detectors Bendix detectors for: Mass Spectrometers ESCA Field Ion Microscopes.... Electron Microscopes.... UV Photon Spectrometers Electron Spectrometers . . LEED Spectrometers Other

Lab Equipment

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

(circle inquiry number)

Bendix electrical detectors (continuous dynode electron multipliers and multiplier arrays) repre­ sent a unique new approach. For most every application. We have detectors that do particle counting, analog mode. That detect moderate energy ions, soft X-rays, UV photons, electrons, beta particles, protons. They come in sensing area diameters from 1 millimeter to over 75 millimeters, with a remark­ able degree of compatibility (and we'll gladly work with you on special circumstances). They can be operated at electron gains up to 1 χ 107 - and higher—with the loss of very few counts and low noise. Investigate these great detectors by circling the inquiry number that fits. We'll send you detailed information about a very interesting solution. (Also ask us about Bendix Fused Glass Capillary Arrays for such things as micro cell filtration and gas particle collimation. Circle number 18 ) Contact: The Bendix Corporation Electro-Optics Division Galileo Park, Sturbridge, MA 01518 (617)347-9191 Bendix

758 A · A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY


The company's 96-p catalog features the latest in lab fume handling equip­ ment, fiberglass safety enclosures, lab carts, glassware washers, Kjeldahl ap­ paratus, and other new products for the lab. Labconco Corp. 458

Applications Drug Analysis Bulletin A-83756, 8 p, describes the forensic mass spectrometer analyses of drug samples in dosage forms and from body fluids. Examples of specific drugs and applications such as the use of mass chromatograms and library search are given. Du Pont 459

Pesticide Residue Analysis Florisil PR, 30 p, compiles the data from four significant papers dealing with pesticide residue analysis pro­ cedures. Floridin Co. 460

PCB Analyses Bulletin A-83760, 4 p, describes the use of the 21-490B Series mass spec­ trometers and 21-094 MS data system to solve complex environmental problems. This bulletin shows the use­ fulness of GC/MS. Du Pont 461

Fluorescence News Vol 7, No. 2, 16 p, contains articles on the assay of amino acids, proteins, and other primary amines with fluorescamine, fluorometric analysis of selenium. Extensive bibliographic information is given. American In­ strument Co. 462

Analysis with Membrane Filters An 80-p manual gives more than 50 procedures for sampling, sample prep­ aration, and analysis covering the known uses of Millipore membrane filters in microchemical analysis by various instrumental methods. Millipore Corp. 463

LC at Work A series of eight single- and two-page notes titled "Liquid Chromatography at Work" deals with specific applica­ tions and improving LC performance. Varian/Instrument Div. 464