Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (3), pp 343A–344A ... Article Views: 8 Times. Published online 31 May 2012. Published in print 1 M...
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Chromatography Newsletter. Describes two applications in the field of gas chromatography and three applications in the field of high-pressure liquid chromatography. Applications include drug monitoring, analysis of oils and petroleum products, porphyrin in urine, and air pollutants. 35 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 426 Laboratory Glassware Washer. Countertop, under-counter, and free-standing models are illustrated by detailed photographs and informative sketches. 6 pp. American Sterilizer Co. 427 Recorder Checker. This portable, battery-operated device verifies linearity and full-scale accuracy of any 1-, 5-, or 10-mV recorder with input impedance of 100 k f i or greater. Bulletin No. 377, 4 pp. Fisher Scientific Co. 428 Audiovisual Courses. Bulletin SEO5698 describes 54 audiovisual programmed instruction courses, 28 reference texts, audiovisual equipment, and accessories. " N e w Dimensions S e r i e s " covers subjects in laboratory analysis, physiological measurement, biology, and medicine. 6 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 429 Ion-Scattering Spectrometer. Lists Model 515's major benefits and a description of six features: cylindrical mirror analyzer, MiniBeam ion gun, c o m plete electronics, charge neutralization system, modularity with other systems, and system accessories. 6 pp. 3M Co. 430 Ultrasonic Disrupters. Includes Models W-185F, W-200R, and W-350 Sonicator ultrasonic processors. Features include continuous or intermittent duty cycles, automatic tuning, built-in timer, fanless converter, output meter, and the unique Pulsar cycle timer that allows extremely high-intensity treatment over extended periods with lower heat buildup. Heat Systems-Ultrasonics, Inc. 431 Viscosity Measuring. Two brochures contain a complete listing of viscometers and viscosity measuring systems available. Schott 432 A t o m i c Absorption Spectrophotometers. Describes Models IL 1 5 1 , 2 5 1 , and 3 5 1 . Includes wavelength table, lamp currents, sensitivities, and detection . limits for 67 elements. 23 pp. Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. 435

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Repetitive Pipet. The Micro-Doser pipet is available as a solid or soft system with disposable assemblies. Simple one-hand operation loads and dispenses up to 25 reagent or other liquid samples without refilling. 3 pp. Oxford Laboratories 434 Viscometer. Describes the V i s c o / amylo/Graph temperature programmed viscometer, its accessories, and its uses, takes you through the procedures of operation, and provides photographs and a clearly labeled schematic diagram. 3 pp. C. W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 436 Gas Chromatograph. Contains information on the Series 428 modular system including the analytical module, detectors and injection ports, the modular flow systems (optional), and the modular plug-in electronic units. 9 pp. Packard 437 Tubing. Bev-a-line lined tubing is a new concept in clear, flexible purity systems. Inner liner meets or exceeds FDA, USDA, USP, and National Formulary criteria for safe food handling and use in laboratories and medical device applications. Thermoplastic Processes, Inc. 440

Manufacturers' Literature

Instrument News. The fall/winter issue includes short articles on new instrumentation in the fields of atomic absorption, infrared, gas chromatography, ultraviolet, NMR, liquid chromatography, thermal analysis, fluorescence, and Autobalances. 7 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 438 Hollow Cathode Lamps. Features c o m plete line of lamps that incorporate a major design change resulting in longer lamp life and better performance. 6 pp. Tekmar Co. 439 Phosphorus-32. Guide to safe handling of this isotope includes sections on protecting from Bremsstrahlung radiation, average dose rates from common laboratory vessels used for 3 2 P , USNRC regulatory limits data, strength of 3 2 P radiation through various densities, and safe handling practices. 8 pp. New England Nuclear 442

LOW TEMPERATURE ASHER NEW I M P R O V E D PERFORMANCE A T A NEW LOW PRICE INCREASED ASHING RATES: • improved oxidation chamber design • optimum sample " b o a t " design • 300 watts of R.F. power output • improved power coupling efficiency NEW FEATURES: • manual or patented automatic sample boat agitation • controls and logic for automatic pump-down and slow purge to prevent sample-residue disturbance or accidental loss AREAS OF APPLICATION: The LFE Low Temperature Asher is used in the separation and high percentage recovery of inorganic trace elements from an organic matrix of a food, biological, chemical, or pharmaceutical sample prior to spectrochemical analysis. In addition, the LTA is used for the separation of particles from filter matrices for study of air pollution samples. Try it in your laboratory. Call LFE for further information or for a free demonstration.


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Manufacturers' Literature Acrylonitrile Determination. Applica­ tion note describes the determination of acrylonitrile with an HP5711B gas chromatograph with dual nitrogen detector in concentrations well below the 50ppb level in synthetic standards. 3 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 441 Zeta Potential Instrument. Describes the Laser Zee Model 500 and includes a brief outline of zeta potential theory. 4 pp. Pen K e m , Inc. 443

Recording Spectrophotometer. De­ scribes the Cary U V - V I S - N I R automat­ ic recording spectrophotometer featur­ ing digital readout, expanded recorder ranges, and full zero suppression. The instrument is adaptable to all routine and research analyses over the entire U V - V I S - N I R wavelength range. 16 pp. Varian Instrument Div. 444

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X-ray Spectrometry. December 1976 issue of Finnigan Spectra is devoted to the use of energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry as a tool in forensic labo­ ratories. 8 pp. Finnigan Corp. 446

Medical Gas Analyzer/Mass Spec­ trometer. Describes Model MA-3A in­ cluding typical application, principle of operation, features and benefits, speci­ fications, and output illustrations. 8 pp. CVC Products, Inc. 447

Heavy-Ion and Fission-Fragment Spectroscopy. The use of silicon sur­ face-barrier detectors for improved t i m ­ ing and energy-resolution performance in heavy-ion and fission-fragment spec­ troscopy is explained in application note AN-40. 7 pp. Ortec Inc. 433

G C / M S Data System. Describes the numerous functions and capabilities of the improved HP 5934A GC/MS data system designed to perform virtually any GC/MS data handling task. 22 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 445

Reliable. Fast and Easy.

Catalogs Constant Temperature-controlled Equipment. Contains full descriptions, specifications, and prices on ovens, oil and refrigerated baths, furnaces, t e m ­ perature/humidity environmental cham­ bers, and related temperature-con­ trolled equipment. 216 pp. Blue M Elec­ tric Co., 138th & Chatham Streets, Blue Island, III. 60406 Conductivity Instrumentation. De­ scribes complete line of laboratory con­ ductivity instrumentation and accesso­ ries including the RC-16C conductivity bridge. 16 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 448 Chromatography. Features adsorbents for TLC, prepacked columns for lowpressure liquid chromatography, and equipment for dry column chromatogra­ phy. A second catalog features precoated thin-layer plates and supplies. Price lists included. Both 12 pp. Quan­ tum Industries 449 Recorders. Includes data on a new min­ iature 24-channel event recorder, a new miniature three-channel analog re­ corder, and a new line of 4-in. servo re­ corders for OEM and laboratory use. 31 pp. Gulton Industries, Inc. 450 Radiochemicals. An addendum to the 1976 catalog includes over 50 new tri­ tium, carbon-14, and iodine-125 labeled chemicals, as well as cyclic AMP and GMP RIA kits and radioactive micro­ spheres for circulation studies. 8 pp. New Englanci Nuclear 451

MCI automatic analyzer. Incorporates coulometry principle applied to Karl Fischer titration. Operation is full-automatic. Measuring time is shortened to 1/2—1/3 of conventional KF method. Accuracy is within 5^g for lO^g—1 mg H2O and within 0.5% for 1—10 mg H2O. Suitable for wide-range applications, including measurement of ultra-trace water content in liquids, solids and gases. Digital display in μ%. Range: 10//g—lOmg H2O. An optional water vaporizer may be connected to the instrument for speedy and accurate measurement of water content in plastics, grain, etc. Printer


Digital Timing Products. Lists full line of products including digital c l o c k / c a l ­ endars, time code generators, Big Time digital clocks, output buffers, Up/Down digital clock/counters, and communica­ tions couplers. 4 pp. Chrono-Log Corp. 452 Fume Hoods. Features a wide variety of exhaust fume hoods for use in every hazardous laboratory application. 40 pp. Lab Fabricators Co. 453 Chemicals. Contains a complete listing of chemicals available for research and quality control. 128 pp. Hach Chemical Co. 454

MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Instruments Dept., Mitsubishi Bldg., 5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100 Japan Telex: J 2 4 9 0 Cable Address: KASEICO TOKYO CIRCLE 134 ON READER SERVICE CARD 3 4 4 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 9 , NO. 3, MARCH


Laboratory Supplies. Features 17 major categories ranging from cleaning supplies and dispensers through nucle­ ar supplies, plasticware, and timers. Interex Corp. 455