Manufacturers' Literature - American Chemical Society

ment with 90° and 180° detector ports. Optometries. 406 .... stirrers, and chemical test kits are list- ed. Hanna ... Catalog lists environmen- tal ...
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±4 ppm over the 250-6000 G magnetic field range. The solid-state microwave source is tunable from 9.1 to 9.9 GHz. Micro-Now Instrument Co. 408

ΑIΑ-600 automated immunoassay ana­ lyzer is designed for the measurement of tumor markers, proteins, and thyroid and other hormones in serum samples. The system is based on enzyme immuno­ assay technology. Tosoh Medics 401 TLC. ScanDuet TLC radioimaging and analysis system, which consists of two automated scanners directed by a single multitasking computer, loads and reads up to eight 20 X 20 cm plates without operator intervention. Fifty dpm of 3 H or I4 C can be measured in 10 min. Bioscan 404 Spectrophotometer. Model U-4001 UV-vis-near-IR double-monochromator, double-beam recording spectro­ photometer, designed primarily for use with solid samples, features a large sample compartment that allows the analysis of semiconductor wafers, spe­ cial optics, glass films, and coatings. Hitachi 405 IR. RS-1250 is a modular near-IR re­ cording spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 750-1700 nm and a resolution of 1.5 nm. The optical module incorporates a scanning digital monochromator, germanium detector, 20 W source, and a sample compart­ ment with 90° and 180° detector ports. Optometries 406 Viscometer. VT501 features a built-in microprocessor for monitoring and dis­ play of viscosity, shear rate, tempera­ ture, torque, and speed. Applications include the testing of oils, polymer so­ lutions, slurries, paints, inks, lotions, creams, and foods. Haake, Fisons In­ struments 407 E P R / E S R . Model 8300 E P R / E S R spectrometer features a Hall-effect probe that provides field regulation of

Oil analysis. MOA-M multielement oil analyzer, designed primarily for lab­ oratory rather than field applications, incorporates 30 channels and an IBM PS/2 computer. The system is intend­ ed for the analysis of used oils, hydrau­ lics, and fuels. Baird 409 LC detector. Model LC-304 fluores­ cence detector features two holograph­ ic grating monochromators and a 2-nm-pathlength flow cell that is ex­ ternal to the unit. The instrument design eliminates the need for dark current correction. Linear Instruments 410 Distillation. Single effect deluxe Osmostill, which provides 1 Mohm-cm pyrogen-free ultrapure water for a vari­ ety of laboratory applications, features fully automatic controls that allow con­ tinuous 24-h operation. A resistivity meter is used to monitor final distillate quality. Osmonics 411 FIA/IC. QuikChem automated ion an­ alyzer incorporates both flow injection analysis and ion chromatography. The system can be used to profile environ­ mental samples for basic anions, alkali metals, alkaline earths, and transition metals. Lachat Instruments 412 Oxygen. Model 3160 trace oxygen ana­ lyzer features full-scale accuracy of ±2%, four measurement ranges, autho­ rization entry code to prevent tamper­ ing, automatic electronic zero, and user-selectable analog or digital out­ puts. Atmospheric air can be used for calibration. Teledyne Analytical In­ struments 413

Software Curve fitting. TableCurve performs one-pass least-squares curve fitting to 221 candidate equations. Equations are ranked by r2 coefficients; the user can examine graphically any equation and can view standard errors, the F-statistic, and prediction/confidence tables. Jandel Scientific 415

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Assays. Autoassay is a set of five com­ puter programs designed to record measurements and perform calcula­ tions for agar diffusion assays. Includ­ ed is software for quantitative analysis and screening. Giles Scientific 416

Manufacturers' Literature AA. Brochure highlights the SpectrAA-5 atomic absorption spectrome­ ter, which allows measurements to be made in absorbance, concentration, or emission modes. 4 pp. Varian Asso­ ciates 417 Temperature. Application note de­ scribes thermocouples and their use in temperature measurement. Basic con­ cepts, experimental cases, sources of measurement errors, and error minimi­ zation techniques are discussed. 21 pp. National Instruments 418 Newsletter. Biotext, Vol. 3, No. 2, in­ cludes information on a capillary col­ umn for determination of fish oil fatty acid methyl esters and on analysis of biological fluids for diuretic and anti­ inflammatory drugs. 16 pp. Supelco 419 LC. Brochure highlights the Integral 4000 liquid chromatograph, which fea­ tures a built-in four-solvent pump, 109-position random access autosampler, diode array detector, column oven, and data manipulation software. 18 pp. Perkin-Elmer 420 Vitamins. Application note discusses the spectrophotometric determination of vitamin Ε in blood serum. Appara­ tus, reagents, and procedures are de­ scribed. Beckman Instruments 421 Concentrator. Brochure describes the RC10.22 microprocessor-controlled centrifugal vacuum concentrator, which combines centrifugal force to prevent bumping and foaming with high vacuum and heat to remove sol­ vent. Jouan 422

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Software. Catalog features computer programs for college faculty and stu­ dents. Software for data acquisition and entry, graphic display, word proc­ essing, and quantitative analysis is in­ cluded. 78 pp. Academic Computing Specialists 434 Chromatography. Catalog features products and accessories for prepara­ tive, semipreparative, and analytical chromatography. A light-scattering de­ tector, pulse dampener, and prepara­ tive gradient former are included. Varex 446 Biotechnology. Catalog lists pipets; reusable and disposable glassware; in­ strumentation; and products for cell culture, ELISA, cryogenics, centrifugation, filtration, and liquid handling and storage. Corning 447 Instrumentation. Catalog features laboratory instrumentation and porta­ ble systems for analysis. Hand-held testers, pH meters, electrodes, dis­ solved oxygen meters, thermometers, stirrers, and chemical test kits are list­ ed. Hanna Instruments 448

SFE sample preparation system incor­ porates a programmable syringe pump and extractor. Extractants can be col­ lected in small volumes of solvent or routed to a user-supplied interface for on-line analysis. Isco 402

Catalogs Safety. Catalog includes respirators, gloves, eye baths, and products for spill control, industrial hygiene, and haz­ ardous material storage. Glossaries, se­ lection tables, and charts of perfor­ mance characteristics are provided. 208 pp. Fisher Scientific 424 Water purification. Catalog describes products for deionization, distillation, reverse osmosis, UV oxidation, and sterilization. 80 pp. Barnstead/Thermolyne Corp. 433 GC. Catalog features GC packings and metal and glass packed columns. FDAregistered clinical packings for diag­ nostic applications are included. 12 pp. Supelco 426 Standards. Catalog contains stan­ dards for environmental and pollution analyses. Included are dioxins, furans, PCBs, PBBs, and pesticides. 52 pp. AccuStandard 427

Drugs. Catalog contains standards and products for chromatographic drug analysis. Included are columns, derivatization reagents, filtration equipment, and more than 90 chromatograms. Alltech-Applied Science 425 Standards. Catalog lists environmen­ tal contaminant standards, including labeled and unlabeled chlorodioxins, chlorofurans, bromodioxins, bromofurans, PCBs, and priority pollutants. Cambridge Isotope Laboratories 428 Instrumentation. Catalog describes reconditioned Hewlett-Packard equip­ ment, including computers, analytical instruments, and peripherals. The re­ conditioning process is discussed. Al­ pha & Omega 429 Lasers. Catalog contains laser and electrooptics accessories. Alignment aids, harmonic generators, photodetectors, polarizers, and energy and power meters are listed. Laser Applications, Lasermetrics 430 SFC/SFE. Catalog lists more than 200 items for SFC and SFE, including ex­ traction vessels, columns, and restrictors. Suprex 431 Industrial hygiene. Catalog contains adsorption tubes, bulk adsorbents, passive monitors, and thermal desorption equipment. Supelco 432

Analytical Biotechnology Capillary Electrophoresis and Chromatography


he past decade has been one of explosive growth in the biotechnological industries, including improvements in analytical techniques. This volume is devoted to recent developments in capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography as they are used in the biotechnological industry. The authors, drawn from both industry and academia, represent leaders in the field. Among the topics they address are: • Quality control • Analysis of cyclic nucleotides using ultraviolet detection • Validation of protein impurity immunoassays for rDNA products • Analyses of mating pheromones

Also discussed are mass spectrometry as used in structural determination of peptides and displacement mode chromatography as a preparative technique. CONTENTS Capillary Electrophoresis · Applications to Quality Control • Analysis of Cyclic nucleotides · On-Column Radioisotope Detection · Examination of Biological Pharmaceuticals · Therapeutic Proteins · Protein Impur­ ity Immunoassays for rDNA Products · Minimum Variance Purity Con­ trai * Analyses of Mating Pheromones of Euplotts Rilkovi · Mlcropelllcular Sorbents for Rapid H P U · Displacement Chromatographic Separations

Csaba Horvâth, Editor. Yale University John C. Nikelly, Editor. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society

ACS Symposium Series No. 434 213 pages (1990) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1819-6 LC 90-40212 $49.95 Ο · R · D · Ε · R

F · R · Ο · M

American Chemical Society Distribution Office. Dept. 81 1155 Sixteenth St.. N.W. Washington. DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE

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