MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

Citation Alerts. Metrics. Published online 25 May 2012. Published in print 1 August 1957. SciFinder Subscribers Sign in. Explore by: Any Author Resear...
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sistance bulbs from one convenient location. Usable with all types of pyrometers a n d resistance t h e r m o m ­ eters, they permit averaging tem­ peratures from a n u m b e r of sensing elements. Case capacities from 12 to 72 points. Dept. IEC, Thermo Electric Co., Inc., Saddle Brook, N. J. 27

Da Scaling Traablas "gat you dawn?" HIGH-SPEED, AUTOMATIC, ACCURATE


a sure


i*j5. -

Check Your Alpha? A portable battery-operated alpha survey meter combines m a x i m u m sensitivity with high stability for checking contamination of benches, floors, a n d walls. Instrument is factory calibrated directly in disin­ tegrations per minute, can also be used to detect low level beta and gamma radiation. Dept. IEC, Tech­ nical Associates, Burbank, Calif. 28

Bulk material handlers are immune to "headaches" in the scaling department—after SCHAFFER Poidometers are installed. These units supply reliable weight data at any processing stage, whether the operation involves weighing, mixing, blending, feeding, recording or proportioning. Durable, easy-to-operate Poidometers are unequalled for continu­ ous, trouble-free, economical service. Available with total weight recorders, and remote controls for showing and changing feed rate. WRITE FOR

OVER 1500





2828 Smallman St. Pittsburgh 22, Pa.

Fer farther iefenaetlei, circle number i l l A-1 ea Readers' Service Card, page 101 A


"For Scientists Everywhere"

EQUIPMENT Agitator Slide Rule. Automatic selec­ tor, offered for solution of batch mixing problems, is a pocket-sized slide rule. By turning a pointer to the size of die batch and looking in the window opposite consistency of fluid and amount of agitadon desired, the right agitator is in­ dicated. On the back of the selector is a description of features of the air motored agitator. Dept. IEC, "CapaciDial," Eclipse Air Brush Co., 300 Park Ave., Newark 7, N. J. 29 Bulk Handling and Storage. De­ scriptions, specifications, and dimensions of vertical and horizontal tanks for storing and handling bulk materials. Pneumatic conveying systems, bulk ma­ terial handling accessories, and custom fabrication are also discussed. Bull. 574, Dept. IEC, The Day Sales Co., 810 Third Ave., N.E., Minneapolis 13, Minn. 30


Box and Muffle Type FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES UP TO 2650° F. Model 30 (pictured) A u t o m a t i c tem­ perature control. From 600° F . t o 2000° F., use for ashing, d r a w i n g , igniting, tempering, etc. Above 2000° F . , for sintering, melting, clinkering, fusing and h i g h speed hardening. For use w i t h 230 v o l t s , 50-60 cycles, single phase p o w e r supply; automatic controller for 115 volts, 50-60 cycles, single phase. CAT. NO. ITEM PRICE 37-442 Box and Muffle Type Furnace, Model 30— 1500.00 (Heating chamber 7" wide χ 814" anp x 4" high) Prie» Jiiled It F.O Λ. Pittsburgh, Pa.

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Fer other models—ask fer Bulletin Ne. 3U


Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Supplies 2 2 2 3 Fifth A v e n u e , Pittsburgh 1 9 , Pennsylvania Fer farther iafenaatlea, circle ember 111 A-2 ea Readers' Service Card, paie 101 A VOL. 49, NO. 8



111 A

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE C o n v e y o r Meter. A new 4-page color bulletin describes how any belt-conveyed d r y material can be accurately, a u t o ­ matically, and continuously totalized a n d fed by the Conveyoflo meter. Design features, principles of operation, dimensions, a n d typical applications are supplemented with photographs a n d line drawings. Bull. 550-P5, Dept. IEC, Builders Providence, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 7, R. I. 31

Corrosion-Resistant Equipment.


new general catalog lists m a n y fittings, p u m p s , a n d other corrosion-resistant process equipment. Twelve pages of well illustrated and indexed informa­ tion, including a table of alloy charac­ teristics. Dept. IEC, Duriron Co., Dayton 7, Ohio. 32

C y c l o n e S e p a r a t o r . Design improve­ ments of heavy-duty centrifugal separa­ tors as well as air flow resistance, dust recovery curves, t e m p e r a t u r e correction formula, a n d other specifications avail­ able in bulletin. Bull. 576, Dept. IEC, The Day Sales Co., 870 Third Ave., Ν. Ε., Minneapolis 73, Minn. 33

D u s t Collector. N e w type dust collec­ tor, having no moving parts, is described in 4-page bulletin. Tables of specifica­ tions and a comparison with conven­ tional types of collectors are given. Bull. 52A, Dept. IEC, Pulverizing Ma­ chinery, Summit, N. J. 34 Flexible Metal H o s e . Condensed catalog covers wide range of flexible metal hose—suitable as reference book for engineers, m a i n t e n a n c e men, a n d purchasing agents. Types, styles, a n d sizes are fully described and illustrated. Cat. ID-700A, Dept. IEC, Universal Metal Hose Co., 2733 South Kedzie Ave., Chicago, III. 35

Flow Control Pumps and Valves. A new two-color catalog titled "Positive Flow C o n t r o l , " covering proportioning p u m p s and d i a p h r a g m valves, describes four basic models of precision propor­ tioning p u m p s for flow ranges from 0-730 gallons per hour. Plastic valves for temperatures to 300° F . are shown, and d i a p h r a g m materials selection c h a r t is given. Cat. 800, Dept. IEC, HillsMcCanna Co., 3025 North Western Ave., Chicago 78, III. 36

You can measure accurately

Heat Exchangers. Nonferrous h e a t exchangers a n d other resistant process e q u i p m e n t are described in two new bulletins. Weights, capacities, d i m e n ­ sions, a n d other specifications included with well illustrated examples. Bulls. 770 and 250, Dept. IEC, Whitlock Manu­ facturing Co., West Hartford 70, Conn. 37 Machinery, Chemical & Pharma­ c e u t i c a l . Catalog file in the form of three-hole p u n c h e d sheets illustrates such e q u i p m e n t as liquid fillers, tube fillers, mixers, gran.ulators, dust collec­ tors, h a r d capsule fillers, a n d bottle conveyors. Full specifications and appli­ cation d a t a on each sheet. Dept. IEC, Arthur Colton Co., 3400 East Lafayette, Detroit 7, Mich. 38 Plastic P i p e a n d Fittings. A new 16page catalog describes high impact plastic pipe a n d fittings. Applications, chemical resistance ratings, electrical properties, physical properties, working pressures, a n d pressure d r o p a r e given. Dept. IEC, Triangle Conduit and Cable Co., Inc., New Brunswick, N. J. 39 Pressure P a c k a g i n g . Complete in­ formation a b o u t the one-use pressurized can, including the types of products which m a y be used, suppliers of valves, loading equipment, a n d i n d e p e n d e n t loading contractors. Dept. IEC, Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc., 9300 Ashton Rd., Philadelphia 36, Pa. 40

PVC Pumps, Valves, and Fittings.


A micro-microammeter and mlllivoltmeter In one instrument · Measures currents from 10-ie to 10-5 amperes · 10, 100, and 1,000 mv ranges plus recorder output · Exclusive, diaphragm-type dynamic capacitor provides longer life, greater stability and reliability · High stability, both short and long term · Extremely high input im­ pedance— 101» ohms · Better than 2% accuracy • $1.075.00 F.O.B. Carlstadt, N. J. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Electronics:

with the


Dynamic Capacitor Electrometer Electronic Component & instrument S a l e · Department

Measurement of semi-conductor parameters, lowlevel voltages, static charges, floating grid tentials, grid currents, residual noise in amplifiers, and insulation resistance Physics and Chemistry:

Mass spectrometry, pH measurements Nuclear:

Reactor control and radiation monitoring systems Industrial:

Beta and gamma gauge control systems

R e m o t e Control S y s t e m . A 12-page color bulletin shows how economical centralized control of widespread remote operations is done with the SynchroScan supervisory control system. O p e r ­ ation of a n y combination of p u m p s , valves, circuit breakers, a n d similar devices discussed. Bull. 240-P2A, Dept. IEC, Builders-Providence, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 7, R. I. 42

Biophysics and Medicine:

Measurement of stomach acidity, skin and cell potentials.





For turner Information, circle number 112 A on looters' Service Cars', psge 101 A 112 A

N e w line of P V C p u m p s , valves, and fittings being offered here following some years' experience on E u r o p e a n market. Pipe d a t a a r e supplied for the injection-molded valves a n d fittings a n d performance d a t a for p u m p s is included. Dept. IEC, Mirenda Corp., 253 Battle Ave., White Plains, Ν. Y. 41


Rotameters. Bulletin contains a diecut disk which is used to dial the a p p r o ­ priate meter for specific applications. T e m p e r a t u r e a n d pressure limitations a n d flow capacity ranges are found on the dial. Information on a n y m e t e r indicated by the dial is given in the bulletin. Bull. 770, Dept. IEC, Brooks Rotameter Co., Lansdale, Pa. 43

T u n e in on Slurry Screen. Four-page bulletin outlines operation and advantages of unique device for wet screening nonfibrous slurry feeds. Text and cutaway drawings clearly demonstrate principle. Bull. 2300, Dept. IEC, Dorr-Oliver, Inc., Barry PL, Stamford, Conn. 44 Stainless Steel Reactors. Latest sizes and styles of stainless reactors are listed in new bulletin with types and some of the properties of stainless alloys used. One section is devoted to heat treating. Bull. 944, Dept. IEC, The Pfaudler Co., 1041 West Ave., Rochester, Ν. Υ. 45 Sulfuric Acid Handling. Safe new way to handle sulfuric acid is presented in recent bulletin. Low cost safety equipment protects operators. Opera­ tion, materials of construction, and various models available are described. Bull. B-I-F P-3, Dept. IEC, Proportioneers, Inc.. 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. I. 46 Valves. Instantaneous and auto­ matic shut-off valves are described in new bulletin. Models, materials, and specifications are given for valves which can be used where full flow is required until the rate or temperature exceeds a predetermined setting. Bull. 300, Dept. IEC, Coppus Engineering Corp., Worcester, Mass. 47

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CHEMICALS A N D MATERIALS Adsorption. "Percolation Adsorptive Processes" discusses both static and moving bed processes, particularly in relation to petroleum applications. Thermal regeneration, many design equations, and maximum permissible flow rate are also treated. Bull. 401, Dept. IEC, Minerals and Chemicalst Corp. of America, Menlo Park, N. J. 48 Columbium and Tantalum. How to select the best corrosion-resistant prod­ ucts featured in a new booklet covering properties and applications of columbium metal, columbium carbide, columbium oxide, tantalum metal, tantalum carbide, and tantalum oxide. Complete chemi­ cal compositions of various powders of these materials are included. Dept. IEC, Shieldalloy Corp., Newfield, N. J. 4 9 Column Packing. Three types of column packing are described in separate bulletins. Panapak is a high capacity

Four full floors of fact-filled exhibits—over 500 displays, dram­ atizing the latest developments in the industry. . . all under one roof. . . n e w methods. . .new ways to cut costs. They reflect the results of the constant search for new processes, more efficient techniques and improved performance. Make your plans now to attend with your executives, engineers, designers and chemists. You will find hundreds of new ideas in the latest developments for the chemical industries—processing equipment, materials handling and packaging, laboratory apparatus, chemicals and raw materials, controls and instru­ ments, etc. For your convenience, new sections have been established for displays of laboratory apparatus and supplies, chemicals and raw materials. This grouping of specific exhibits will save time in securing new and helpful information. DON'T MISS the greatest concentration of new and important developments ever assembled in one convenient location. You will come away with valuable and profitable new ideas. Reserve Time and Place Now on Your Calendar.

New York Coliseum · December 2-6, 1 9 5 7 To receive any of the literature listed here, simply circle the number you find at the end of each listing on the Readers' Information Card, page 101 A.


EXPOSITION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Management International Exposition Company For further information, circle ramier 113 A on Readers' Service Card, pate 101 λ VOL. 49, NO. β



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