Manufacturers' Literature Software

corder/Analyzer records up to 48 ... Software. Electronic handbooks. “Selected. Tables” contains more than 80 data ... of solids, math tables, and...
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PRODUCTS R e a c t i o n d a t a b a s e . Chemlnform RX is the electronic version of Chemlnform, a weekly compendium of reaction information extracted from 250 chemistry journals covering syntheses and preparative methods. The database cross-correlates reactions through data fields and an indexing system for reaction types, compound classes, and other criteria. The first release contains 62,000 reactions and associated data from the 1991 issues of Chemlnform; 60,000 reactions will be added annually. Molecular Design 416

ReactIR reaction analysis systems, designed for chemical product and process development, can be config­ ured for specific application require­ ments. The systems permit quantitative analysis of reactants, intermediates, and products without disturbing reaction conditions. Mechanisms and kinetics can be determined in real time. Applied Systems 412

sembly. The sensor has a peripheral ceramic junction to prevent clogging. Van London 413 HPLC. Shodex RI-71 analytical and RI-72 preparative refractive index detectors for HPLC are designed for measurement of analytes with no UV absorption, for use with eluents that absorb UV, or for measurement of molecular weight d i s t r i b u t i o n of polymer samples. The RI-71 has a maximum flow rate of 10 mL/min and linearity range to 60 χ 10 5 RIU; the RI-72 preparative model has a maximum flow rate of 100 mL/min and linearity to 80 χ 10" 4 RIU. JM Science 414

Software Electronic h a n d b o o k s . "Selected Tables" contains more than 80 data tables from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 73rd éd., including basic constants, element properties, thermodynamics, biochemistry and analytical chemistry, properties of solids, math tables, and health and safety information. The Mathcad live document interface allows users to lift equations, formulas, and diagrams from the handbook and enter them into another document, calculate results, change parameters and plots, and display r e s u l t s in the handbook or on a worksheet. MathSoft 415

Data acquisition. Chartstream Recorder/Analyzer records up to 48 channels simultaneously with total throughput up to 32,000 samples/s, displaying results in real time in tabular, strip-chart, scatter, or x-y plots. User-defined parameters and analysis features allow for added flexibility. The analyzer imports data files in a variety of common formats, including ASCII and Lotus 1-2-3, and graphs can be generated on most common printers. Intelligent Instrumentation 417

Manufacturers' Literature Environmental monitoring. "Performance-Based Specifications" document lists analytes and quantitat i o n l i m i t s for I - C H E M s a m p l e containers and compares them with EPA Superfund specifications. Fourteen new pesticides and PCBs have been added to the list of inorganic, volatile and semivolatile organic, pesticide, and PCB a n a l y t e s . I-CHEM 418 Electron microscopy. Electron Optics Bulletin No. 132 contains articles describing e n h a n c e m e n t s for high-resolution EM to characterize surface reactions, microscopic evaluation of magnetic storage materials, and observation of the atomic structure of CoSi 2 /Si. Philips Analytical 419 HPLC. Troubleshooting Guide for HPLC Injection Problems covers leaks, artifact peaks, nonreproducible results, decreased system pressure, blockage and high back pressure, and noise and drift. Injection ports are illustrated, and margin comments accompany text. 36 pp. Rheodyne 420 G C / S F C . DET Report No. 23 features articles on thermionic detection of oxygenates in gasolines, including a section on commercial


alcohol-in-gasoline reference standards, and discusses selective detection of linear chain hydrocarbons with a T I D - 1 - N 2 detector. Chromatograms are included. 12 pp. Detector Engineering & Technology 421 MS. Brochure describes the Quattro MS/MS instrument line, including single and triple quadrupole mass spectrometers and an APcI-electrospray i n s t r u m e n t for LC/MS/MS. Component d i a g r a m s and assemblies, functional screen displays from MassLynx data acquisition, and instrument control software for Windows are illustrated. 24 pp. Fisons Instruments 422

Catalogs Laboratory products. Catalog feat u r e s more t h a n 35,000 products such as analytical balances, elemental analysis i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n , pH/ ORP indicators and controllers, flow meters, microdispensers, and pumps. Also included are sections on technical data, conversion factors, and fittings. 1536 pp. Cole-Parmer 423 Stable isotopes. Catalog lists physical data, application information, structures, and packaging types for stable isotopes. Some equipment listings are included, and an NMR section features spectra for deuterated NMR solvents. 44 pp. Aldrich 424 Gene libraries. ATCC/NIH Repository Catalogue of Human and Mouse DNA Probes and Libraries, 6th ed. provides a directory for probes, cloned genes, genomic libraries, bacterial hosts, and the CEPH/ATCC chromosome 1 mapping kit. The catalog includes literature citations and general information on handling cult u r e s . E x p a n d e d i n f o r m a t i o n is available through online access and PC diskettes. 136 pp. American Type Culture Collection 425 V i s c o s i t y t e s t i n g . Catalog offers viscometers, pressure reaction vessels, balances, furnaces, liquid dispensers, stirring motors, and tubing couplings for viscosity-specific res e a r c h , q u a l i t y control, a n d inprocess applications. 20 pp. Thomas Scientific 426

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