Manufacturers' Literature

Model 788 dual-channel variable-wave- length detector, the Model 787 variable- wavelength detector, and ... rators, electron multipliers, ion gauge tu...
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Manufacturers' Literature Luminescence. Poster explains the ba­ sic principles involved in biological and chemical luminescent assays. Topics addressed are light production, the gen­ eralized chemiluminescence reaction, and three types of specific luminescent reactions. LKB Instruments, Inc. 431 Spectrophotometer cells. Handbook is designed to help users select cells for specific applications. It details impor­ tant considerations such as internal vol­ ume, type, optical characteristics, pathlength, wavelength, window materials, and supplier. 12 pp. Markson Science 432 Lasers. Brochure describes the Series 2000 excimer laser product line, which includes 12 models that offer energies from 100 m j to 750 m j and repetition rates up to 400 Hz. Details about each subsystem and about features such as constant power and automatic gas re­ plenishment during laser operation are included. 20 pp. Questek, Inc. 433 Materials characterization. Literature details the range of materials testing, analysis, and research services offered. Instrumentation for performing powder diffraction analysis; optical, scanningelectron, and transmission microscopy; and thermal analysis is available. 16 pp. Manlabs, Inc. 434 Analyzers. Catalog features carbon, or­ ganic halide, nitrogen, sulfur, and chlo­ rine analyzers. Instrument applications include analysis of high-purity, process, and waste water; pollution monitoring; detection of corrosive and polluting ele­ ments in petroleum; and determination of sulfur in coal. Xertex 435 HPLC detectors. Leaflet details the Model 788 dual-channel variable-wave­ length detector, the Model 787 variablewavelength detector, and the Model 791 fixed-wavelength detector. Specifi­ cations are also listed. Micromeritics

436 Cryoscope. Literature describes the Cryette WR, which can measure the freezing point depression of solutions with freezing points from —6 to + 2 6 °C. Solvents suitable for use in molecular weight and concentration measurements are given, together with an explanation of instrument operation and methodology. 4 pp. Precision Sys­ tems, Inc. 439

X-ray fluorescence. Brochure presents the 8660 simultaneous XRF and the 8680 simultaneous and sequential XRF spectrometers, automatic sample-han­ dling systems, and data-processing and software packages. Features include modular construction and up to 31 changeable monochromators, permit­ ting additions to programs with mini­ mum downtime. 16 pp. Applied Re­ search Laboratories 437 UV-VIS. Features, specifications, and available accessories for the Lambda 4 series spectrophotometers (Lambda 4A, 4B, and 4C) are given. Sample spectra demonstrate the instruments' low stray-light levels, automatic peak selection, automatic scale expansion, stability, and low noise. 16 pp. PerkinElmer 438 HPLC separations. Data sheets show HPLC separations using 3- and 5-μπ\ Microsorb columns. Typical applica­ tions include determination of anticon­ vulsant drugs and rapid analysis of aromatics and OPA-derivatized amino ac­ ids. Rainin Instrument Co. 440

Catalogs HPLC. "HPLC Columns/Accessories 1985" describes more than 100 HPLC columns and 21 stationary phase chem­ istries. Chromatograms, practical hints for improving chromatography, and a listing of references from the recent lit­ erature are included. Beckman 444 Filtration. "The Filter Book" contains information on product performance, specifications, chemical compatibili­ ties, and summaries of filters and appa­ ratus available for air analysis, HPLC, water and beverage analysis, and water purification applications. 151 pp. Gelman Sciences 445 NMR supplies. Buying guide includes information about sample tubes, tube accessories, deuterated solvents, lock solvents, shift reagents, reference standards, inserts, and miscellaneous accessories. 48 pp. Wilmad Glass Co.

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Stable Isotopes. 1985 stable isotopes and NMR catalog features sections on NMR solvents, shift reagents, chart pa­ per, and accessories. The stable iso­ topes section contains more than 1500 compounds and a listing of books of in­ terest to the stable isotope user. Stohler/Kor Stable Isotopes 442 Safety equipment. Products for the safe handling of hazardous materials, including protective clothing and gloves, respirators, safety cans and cabinets, monitoring devices, safety signs and books, and spill control equipment are presented in the 1986 catalog. 216 pp. Lab Safety Supply Co. 443 Cryogenic equipment. Catalog de­ scribes instrumentation and containers for liquid nitrogen, including a gravityfed, automatic liquid nitrogen level con­ trol. Available in 10-, 20-, 30-, and 50-L sizes, the stainless steel containers have a static loss rate of < 1 . 5 L per day. Andonian Cryogenics, Inc. 447 Chromatography supplies. Catalog contains GC, HPLC, and TLC accesso­ ries and standards as well as environ­ mental standards. Expanded capillary and packed-columns sections describe the latest developments in separation technologies. 330 pp. Foxboro 448 Market research reports. Booklet de­ tails available reports for the health care and analytical instrumentation in­ dustries, including analytical computer software, hyphenated analytical instru­ ments, computers in the analytical lab­ oratory, GC systems, and industrial and research HPLC. 32 pp. Theta Corpora­ tion 449 Instrument supplies. 1985/86 catalog features MS supplies such as jet sepa­ rators, electron multipliers, ion gauge tubes, and filaments; GC accessories including glass and fused-silica capil­ lary columns, glass-lined tubing, and GC fittings; vacuum system supplies; and wires, tools, custom parts, and acces­ sories for SEMs. 288 pp. Scientific In­ strument Services, Inc. 450 Chemicals. Catalog No. 52 contains more than 4000 laboratory chemical products for industrial, academic, and research applications. Alphabetical list­ ings include purity specifications, prop­ erties, structural and molecular formu­ las, and health and disposal informa­ tion. 642 pp. Kodak 451