Manufacturers' Literature

feature automated sample injection, microprocessor control, menu selection of operating conditions, and a 42-sam- ple carousel. 6 pp. Dohrmann. 420. X...
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ric pressure is factored in as a straightline correction over the oxygen solubility range. Orion 407 LC. ST/800C biochromatograph is a preparative HPLC instrument that accommodates 1-, 2-, or 3-in. i.d. columns and permits scale-up from a 150-g column to a 2.5-kg column. Features include pressure capability of up to 4000 psi. SepTech 408 pH meter. Solar-powered pH meter features a V2-in. LCD display; a replaceable electrode with a 39-in. cable; and calibration, slope, and temperature adjustments. Accuracy to 0.02 pH and resolution to 0.01 pH can be achieved. Extech Instruments 409

Model 300 sulfur chemiluminescence detector is selective for aliphatic mercaptans, sulfides, disulfides, and other straight or branched-chain organosulfur compounds at the low-ppb level. Response is linear over 3 orders of magnitude. Sievers Research 401

Sorption measurement. Model 100CX Omnisorp analyzer provides surface area, pore size distribution, and chemisorption evaluations. Applications include physisorption work on catalysts, zeolites, carbon blacks, and ceramics and chemisorption testing on metal-supported catalysts. Omicron Technology 410

Elemental analysis. CHN-O-S analyzer features a 49-position sample carousel, direct input electrobalance for sample weighing, automatic calibration, a computer data-handling and display system, and sample size capability of up to 200 mg. UIC 404

FT-IR. PCM-4000 FT-IR systems provide continuous real-time monitoring of process variables such as chemical composition, degree of cure, impurity levels, and film thickness. Features include PC/AT-compatible data system and modular optical design. Analect Instruments 411

X-ray diffraction. X-ray diffractometer, a benchtop instrument, uses a curved multichannel detector instead of conventional scanning detectors. Applications include kinetic or dynamic studies, powder diffraction, phase transitions, and texture and stress analysis. Spectrolab 405

Environmental analysis. Sulfide ion detector tubes are designed for quantitative field determination of sulfides in wastewater. Determinations from 10 to 1000 ppm are possible with high-range tube 211H and from 1 to 100 ppm with low-range tube 211L. Sensidyne 412

Water purifier. Model 816 HPLCgrade water purifier produces 7 L of water with organic levels of 1 ppb. Photochemical oxidation reduces organic contamination in deionized and distilled water. Vangard International 406

Particle sizer. NICOMP Model 370/ Autodilute submicron particle sizer contains a fluid system that automatically dilutes the sample to optimum concentration for dynamic light scattering. Applications include on-line process monitoring in the plastics, paint, and ceramics industries. Pacific Scientific 413

Oxygen meter. Model SL-9 portable dissolved oxygen meter provides direct readout of both ppm and percent saturation. Ranges are 0-200% and 0-199.9 ppm with accuracy of ±2% and ±0.2 ppm, respectively. Baromet-

Software LC. OPTIM 3 is a software package for automated LC methods development.


The program evaluates each chromatogram for the solvent system chosen and changes the solvent composition for the next separation based on the previous results. The best isocratic or gradient conditions are then determined. Spectra-Physics 415 Chemical structures. Chemlntosh DA enables chemical structures to be drawn and transferred to a word-processing document without leaving the word processor. The program, which runs on any Macintosh computer, requires a minimum of 512K bytes of RAM and a double-sided floppy or a hard disk drive. SoftShell 416

Manufacturers' Literature Newsletter. Chromatography Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, discusses the application of Fourier transform techniques to chromatography and a BASIC program for automatic pH gradient generation. 16 pp. Spectra-Physics 418 Photodocumentation. Brochure describes the Reprostar/Transilluminator II for laboratory photodocumentation of thin-layer chromatograms and electropherograms. Features include polarized light sources and a large shield to protect users from direct UV light. 12 pp. Camag 419 Sulfur and chlorine analysis. Brochure highlights the MCTS 130/120 sulfur and chlorine analyzers, which feature automated sample injection, microprocessor control, menu selection of operating conditions, and a 42-sample carousel. 6 pp. Dohrmann 420 XRF. Literature package describes the use of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for the analysis, identification, and conservation of art, antiques, and artifacts. Kevex 421 GC. GC Derivatization Guide discusses reasons for derivatization, the basic types of derivatization reactions, and typical procedures for each reagent. Alltech Associates 422 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards