Manufacturers of Precision Recording Instruments

rpHE QUESTION OF llOW IllUCh SeO. A ondary calibration ... services did not remain with NBS but were deposited in ... THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY...
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the EDITOR'S column

Heavy-duty · Large Capacity


L.T. Hallett, Editor


how much sec­ ondary calibration work should be done by the National Bureau of Standards has arisen once again. NBS calibrates, on a fee basis, a wide variety of commercially pro­ duced items for the technical public. Until recent years the fees charged by NBS for calibration services did not remain with NBS but were deposited in the U. S. Treasury. As a result, each year NBS had to include an item in its budget to cover the cost of this activity. When Congress did not provide sufficient funds to pay for this, NBS faced serious problems. This problem was resolved by enactment of legislation which allowed NBS to retain its testing fees. This solved the question of receiving sufficient income to offset the direct costs of this calibration service. Earlier this year NBS proposed that it cease testing of burets, pipets, and flasks for end use. It would, however, continue to provide primary calibration of manu­ facturer's or distributer's standards which could be used to calibrate other items for users. There are several reasons why NBS wishes to discontinue routine testing of flasks, burets, and pipets. NBS fees, while covering direct and some indirect costs, do not cover the costs of facilities used nor the re­ search costs of developing standards and standard methods. Typical fees for calibrating these items range from $1.25 to $4.00. In­ creases in these fees result in com­ plaints. Another reason is that it is difficult to obtain and train suffi­ cient personnel to do this work. NBS also feels that instead of uti­ lizing its personnel for routine test­ ing and calibration, it can use these HE QUESTION OF

Capacity 1610 g. Sensitive to 0.05 g.

No. 4032.

T h i s larger-size b a l a n c e is r e c o m m e n d e d for general weighing in b o t h c h e m i s t r y a n d physics l a b o r a t o r i e s . I t is especially useful for gross weighings of chemicals. I t is 15 χ 13Viinches high a n d all exposed m e t a l p a r t s a r e of corrosion-resistance N o . 4032C.

N o . 4032. E a c h , $47.25 P l a s t i c C o v e r for N o . 4032 B a l a n c e E a c h , $1.70


1515 Sedgwick Street, Dept. A - l f Chicago 10 f Illinois, U.S.A. Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments Laboratory Apparatus


• 1 MV full scale • maximum signal source resistance: 50 Κ ohms

Recorder prices start at

$320.00 Model JY-120

You can measure l / 1 0 0 t h of a millivolt with this superior quality potentiometer recorder. Unit is extremely accurate 0 / 2 % of span), and fast (l/2 second balance time). Step selection of ranges up to 10 V is provided by attenuator on front panel. Standard features include a floating input with separate chassis ground . . . 5" chart width . . . hum suppressor . . . chopper stabilization . . . changeable chart speeds. Write for Bulletin. 10 MV fixed span 10 MV to 100 V 1 MV full scale


$320.00 $395.00 $535.00

Model JY-100 ModelJY-110 Model JY-120

Manufacturers of Precision Recording Instruments 509 S. Hindry Avenue, Inglewood, California Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card

V O L 3 4 , N O . 7 , JUNE 1 9 6 2
