Mar. 2 ............ 0.436

Mar 2, 2017 - zoo, but the ratio of 2 to I holds practically true and is 4 to I for the rise cf zoo. While this work was in progress there was publish...
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The acceleration from o o to 10’ is more marked than t h a t from 10’ to 2 to I holds practically true and is 4 t o I for the

zoo, but the ratio of rise cf zoo.

While this work was in progress there was published by Bigelow, Gore and Howard’ a description of respiration experiments with apples where there were two lots, one a t o o and the other a t 15’. These results were given in percentages of the original weights of apples. From their tables it was found that but four dates could be compared, which are given herewith, together with the percentages of carbon dioxide and the ratio between o O a n d I 5 O. Date.



Jan. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 2 3 4 per cent. CO, Jan. 2 7 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 3 0 8 Mar. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.436 Mar. 3 0 , . . . . . . . . . . 0.484

0.794 per cent. CO, 0.899

Ratio oo: 15O. 1:







1: 2 . 9

2.5 2.8

The average ratio is I : 2 . 9 , which is approximately that of I : 2 for a rise of IO’. All these results show concordance and prove- that apples undergo chemical changes fully twice a s fast and in some instances three times a s fast with a rise of temperature of 10’ between o o and 20’) or in other words, a t summer temperatures apples will undergo respiratory metabolism from 4 to 6 times as rapidly as in modern cold storage. The low temperatures a1so“prove t h a t there must be a limit to the keeping quality even there, since respiration and consequent destruction of cell tissues still goes on. N E W H A M P S H I R EA G R I C U L T U R A L EXPERIMENT STATION, D U R H A M , N. H.


Numerous investigations published in the last four or five years on the subject of the preparation of the lecithin compounds fromeggsor from animal a n d vegetable tissues have discussed more or less vaguely the stability of these products under the influence of light, heat, and atmospheric oxidation. It seems to be assumed that the lecithins in general suffer very ready decomposition, but in the literature I a m unable to find much t h a t is definite as to the extent of their decompositions which take place under the influences referred to. In the course of certain experiments in other directions I found the need of this information and felt obliged to carry out some experiments t o supply the desired data. At the outset i t may be said t h a t the conception of the term “lecithin” ’ U .S. Dept. Agr., Bur. of Chem., B a d . No. 94, “Studies on Apples.”



is still very vague, in spite of the extended studies of Thudichum,' Koch,? E r l a n d ~ e n ,Stem ~ and Thierfelder,* E. Schulze' and colleagues, and others, in addition to the well-known investigations of the older literature, and what may be affirmed of egg lecithin, as we know it to-day, does not necessarily apply in full t o an analogous product from the vegetable kingdom or from brains. The extended experiments of Thudichum and Erlandsen have contributed greatly to modify our views as to the brain and niuscle extracts of a fatty nature containing nitrogen and phosphorus, while tlie recent paper of Stern and Thierfelder, referred to, shows in clear light the fact that egg lecithin, generally supposed to be comparatively simple and containing probably two main constituents, must in reality be much more complex; but the relatively small yields secured in the fractionations described in these papers are probably not wholly due to imperfect insolubility, but are much more probably due to partial decornposition of some of the individual substances during treatment. That this is the case is shown further by the rather marked acidity of some of the fractions, which is probably due to separated glycero-phosphoric acid, or other phosphoric acid derivative. The modifying influence of the presence of some of these decomposition products on the reactions of lecithin " is generally overlooked and will be referred to later. However, it is not my intention to take up the preparation of various lecithin products a t the present time, but rather to present data bearing on the stability of some of the best known representatives of the group, a s secured through generally recognized methods. Egg lecithin WdS taken as the first of these products, as representing the simplest and most readily prepared. Experiments with Egg Lecithin. Pteparutwn.-The largest quantity of this used was made from yolks without previous drying. The yolks of 72 eggs were treated in lots of 12 eggs each. In each case 300 cc. of ether were added andshaken with the dozen yellows through several days; this was followed by the addition of 500 cc. of alcohol, after which the mixture was well shaken repeatedly a n d allowed t o settle. The alcohol-ether solution was filtered and evaporated t o a pasty condition a t a low temperature, and finally by aid of vacuum. The residue was taken up in pure ether, the solution filtered, concentrated and precipitated with pure neutral acetone in excess. This operation of dissolving in ether and precipitating by acetone was repeated three times. the last product being cartfully dried hi a

' "Die

chemtsche Konstitutaon des Gehirns des ,Menschen und der Thiere,"

Z.physiol. Chem., 36, 134, 37, 181,and elsewhere Ibid., 51, 7 1

' Ibid.,

53, 370.

Z b d , 40,


where other literature is cited.




vacuum a t a low temperature, but not so a s t o remove all the rroisture, a s r a y be done by drying over sulphuric acid through a long period. By drying in the latter way a very hard, horny product is secured, which is not easily worked Lvith later. IIJ several lots prepared in my experiments] the average water content left was 6 per cer.t. I n all, about 90 grams of the final product were secured in the form of a light yellow mass, which, on analysis, showed these results for phosphorus and nitrogen : Per c e n t , P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................

3.59 1.82

These values calculated to the anhydrous condition give : Per cent.

P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N..............................................

3.32 1.94

which correspond to an atomic ratio of

P : N : : I : 1.12,

which suggests a mixture containing some diaminomonophosphatide. With this product the following tests were made, an aqueous eniulsion containing in IOO cc. 4.476 grams of the anhydrous substance being employed in most cases. Elject of Heat.-Two portions of 2 5 cc. each were evaporated t o dryness in a current of carbon dioxide, the temperature being kept a t about 60'. The residues found weighed I . 133 and I . 136 grams in place of 1 . 1 2 grams, about, a s found by long drying over sulphuric acid. This experiment was repeated with three new portions of 2j cc. each. These were evaporated a t a temperature of 100' in a vacuum-drying oven, through which a rapid current of carbon dioxide was passed. A t the end of two days constant weights were reached a s follows: B.

A. 1.115

I . I27

C. 1.122

'Che dry residues were washed in the small dishes with portions of 2 5 cc. and then with I O cc. each of pure dry acetone, the acetone remaining half a n hour in contact with the residues. After pouring off the last act': tone the dishes were returned t o the oven and again dried in carbon dioxide. The new weights found were then: B.


I ,048



C. I


Nitrogen determinations were made on these residues, which gave the following results: A.

Per cent.



Per cent.



Per cent. I


It is evident that these final residues have about the same composition



a s the original, although sonic loss has occurred in the drying and washing with acetone. This loss is apparently through solubility of the substances a s a whole and not through (1cco:nposition. In another experiment 2 j cc. of the einulsion were evaporated to dryness in the open air. The product found was very brown and weighed I .I O I grams, that is, less rather than more than the normal. 'fhe nitrogen found in it was o , o 2I + gram, which corresponds to I ,94per cent. of the dry weight. I n spite of thc dark color no important yolatile d e composition product had hcen formed. Essentially the sanie result was found 11~.long boiling. Twenty-five cc. of the emulsion were diluted with j o cc. of water. The mixture was placed in a flask with a stopper furnished with a fine opening and boiled long enough to bring the \-olume hack t o 2 5 cc.. which required about a n hour and a half. The nitrogen found \vas I , 94 per cent. again. I t is evident that no volatile nitrogeii products were formed, and the eniulsion remained perfect. In another experiment 2 5 cc. of the emulsion were heated in a platinurli dish in an autoclave t o a temperature of 175'. through two hours. After cooling, the contents of the dish consistvd of a clear liquid and a dark fat-like ring on the dish a t the surfacc of thc liquid. Thc total nitrogen in the dish was found to be 0.0-10 graun, or I . 79 per cent. of the weight of the original dry substance. 'I'herci was evidently some loss, therefore, of this element. 1;roni these several experiments it is evident t h a t the effect of heat, alone, is not very pronounced, if tlic conditions for oxidation are absent. I t has been noticed in several other cases that even after long heating t o 100' in a n atmosphere of carbon dioxide, perfect, light-colored eniulsions could still he secured, with no change of properties. various lecithin preparations which I have exanlined Acidity.-The show a decided acidit?- to phenolphthalein, and this property in their product is referred to b y Stern and Thierfelder.' This acidity may bc observed directly in the emulsions by titration with o . I N sodium hydroxide, and more clearly after addition of neutral alcohol. Twenty-five cc. of the above emulsion, containing I . J 2 grams of anhydrous lecithin, requircd directl!- I . 3 cc. of this weak alkali, and after the addition of alcohol nearly 1 cc. 111a second test I gram of the lecithin, or o . 94 gram of dry product, was made into an ciiiulsion with 1 5 cc. of water and 2 s cc. of alcohol were added. On titration, I used now 3 . 6 cc. of the o . I nornial alkali. 'J'his acidit). does not appear t o be diie t o acid liberated on formation of tht. Lmulsion witli water, :is it is also obser\.ed on titration of R solution i n strong neutral alcohol. A solution inadr. I)!- dissolving I . 1 5 7

' L.0c.




grams of lecithin (anhydrous) in neutral alcohol, to which a little neutral ether was added, required 4 . z cc. of the o I normal alkali with phenolphthalein. The acid substance is therefore present in the original lecithin a s separated by the process outlined, and the fact that in absence of alcohol a weak acidity is shown, while after addition of the latter a much stronger acidity is developed, is evidence of the presence of two kinds of acid substances. One of them is soluble in water and is indicated in the first part of the titration, while solution in alcohol is necessary t o bring out the second substance. It is likely that the glycero-phosphoric acid complex is responsible for the first reaction, while separated fatty acids, on solution in alcohol, bring out the second. Pure glycero-phosphoric acid behaves a s a dibasic acid with phenolphthalein and is monobasic with methyl orange, while the acid complex, a s separated from lecithin, would doubtless act as monobasic with the first indicator and neutral with the second. The lecithin emulsions I have E a d e are not acid t o methyl orange. From the above it appears possible, if not probable, that the acidity observed in the lecithin is due, in part, a t least, to small amounts of dissociation or hydrolysis products, rather than to the substance itself. If we may assume that the free acid hydrogen of the phosphoric group is fully combined in the titration in aqueous solution, each cc. of the o I normal alkali used would measure 8 . 0 7 mg. of lecithin decomposed, or in the above case, would correspond t o about I O per cent. of the whole. But this assumption cannot be correct, a s a part of the phosphoric acid is apparently already combined with calcium. The ash of the lecithin contains this metal, a s shown by Thudichuni for the brain lecithin, and by Stern and Thierfelder for the egg product. Further light on the question of acidity will be given in some experiments t o be referred to below. Electrical Conductivity.-Since a determination of electrical conductivity seems t o furnish very- interesting evidence a s t o the progress of hydrolysis or other change with liberation of acid in the lecithin emulsion, I have made a large number of tests on this and other samples of lecithin from various sources. At best, the conductivity is low, and its range is indicated in the following table. The measurements were made by the usual Kohlrausch telephone method, and always a t a ternperature of zoo, accurately maintained. The lecithin was made into a n emulsion with water of high purity, the conductivity of which may always be neglected for these tests. The emulsion employed contained, like the one referred t o above, 4.476 grams of anhydrous lecithin in IOO cc. The variations in the conductivity with the dilution are shown below. The emulsion once formed, is comparatively stable, a s shown by this experiment. Twenty-five cc. of the original were mixed with 7 j cc. of water and heated on a n actively boiling water-bath two hours, in a flask. After


J. H. LOh'G.

cooling, the remaining liquid was made up to IOO cc., accuratelJ-,anti the conductid?- found. It was K~~ =: o.ooo300,that is essentially t h e same :is in the second dilution below. Conc. iii





n . 000798


0.000 j 0 8



j5 C,

0.000 I j 2



n. 279 n . 140

0.000096 o . o00oLj4

To what is this conductivity due? In the usually accepted formula for lecithins there is a free hydrogen in thc phosphoric group, hut a s intimated above, t h e acid value of this must be low. In the preparation of these lecithins. alcohol, cther and acetonc ol ;L high degree of purity were used throughout. 'rlicsc, liquids were tested for conductivity and residues from e\-aporation of 50 cc. of each onc, taken u p with water, were also tested. In no casc was a conductii.ity found which was at all appreciable. 'I'hc triple solution in ct her and precipitation by acetonc insured the freedom from electrolytes originally present. -1s a corrcsponding degrce of conductii-ity has been found in niaiiy other sumplcs of lecithin from different sources it would seeni to be inherent in the molecule, but that this is p r o h h l y not thc casc' t h c iicxt exprriii:cnt will show.. Another emulsion of t h e 5XIl:c strength as thc last was 1rade u p niid examined in t he S R ~ Ccell, which contained thc usual platinuiil hlackcovered clcctrodi.s, wit11 capacit!.. C -= ( 1 . , p 6 . The conductivity was found to be K~~ o .ooo.;18. 'l'liinkiiig the nature of the electrodes might have sonie effect, :t new test was macle in a cell with bright electrodes and C = 0 . 3 8 3 . I found now I G ~= o.o00;15, and the value was not changed after washirig the electrotlcs with ether and alcohol. 'rwrity-fivc cubic centimeters of tlie last emulsion were nieasurcd out and precipitatctl with -1.5 cc'. of acctoiie i n a small separatory funnel, and the precipitate \ ~ a s h c dirith I O cc. and finally with 5 cc. more of acetone. Thy residue was dried in a current of washed carbon dioxide and eniulsificd with water to again make 2 , j cc. In the same cell, with the bright electrodes, I found nom a resistance over I O times a s great. or K ? ~=. o . oooo(i6. ilftcr standitig 18 hours, the rrsult was unchangcd. The acetone was Pi-aporated and the residue made up to 2 j cc. with water. During t h r ci-aporation a sillall amount of insoluble mattcr separated, which appeared to consist of soin(' of the dissol\-cd lecithin. hut which was \-cry light in color, while t he lecithin residues proper arc usually quite dark. 'The aqueous solution contained a soltiblc suhstancc, or substances, since ii conductivit!., K , ~== o . ooIgi6. was found and 011 titration o . 8 cc. of r) I normal sodium hydroxide was requircd with phenolpht halt in. :



The last emulsion was treated anew with acetone, when the surprising observation was made t h a t a very large quantity of the latter must be added. About 100 cc. were required t o do now what was accomplished with 45 cc. in the first case, and more was needed t o complete and t o wash the precipitate. The latter was made u p t o a 2 5 cc. emulsion with water, a s before, and tested for conductivity, giving K~ = 0.000041. This very considerable decrease may be here due in part t o the loss of the portion soluble in the excess of acetone, but the change in the first case, after precipitation, cannot be so explained. Several experiments have shown t h a t the recovered lecithin, after the first acetone precipitation and washing, is about 88 t o 90 per cent. of the original weight. The loss after the second precipitation is apparently much greater, while in an attempt t o precipitate a third time, nearly the whole of the substance went into solution with the acetone. The emulsions found after precipitation and taking up with water are practically neutral t o phenolphthalein. I t is evident from the above t h a t the observed conductivity of the first emulsion is due t o something not true lecithin, and that when this is separated precipitation by acetone is very difficult. To test this point, some of the supernatant acetone from a first precipitation was evaporatcd and the residue taken u p with water. A few drops of this solution added t o the second emulsion caused it t o precipitate with acetone immediately. The same result was secured by adding a few drops of a very dilute glycero-phosphoric acid solution; in this case a sharp result followed a t once, which suggests that this acid may be the fraction split off from the original lecithin and is responsible for the observed behavior. In precipitating lecithin from ether solution by acetone, in the process of preparation, glycero-phosphoric acid and other possible decomposition products seem t o be carried down and remain with the finished mass, but in precipitating from a n aqueous emulsion this is not the case apparently, and in this way a purer final product seems t o be secured. On this point, however, futher work is necessary, as experiments carried out show, in some cases, a slightly lower nitrogen and higher phosphorus content in the so-purified lecithin than in the other, which suggests that the acetone, in presence of water, may have a splitting or hydrolyzing action and leave a residue poorer in the fatty acid groups, and relatively richer in the phosphoric acid group. I t is possible, also, that a part of the nitrogen may be split off from the latter a s the following figures suggest: Two emulsions were made, having 5 and 6 grams t o IOO cc. These were precipitated with acetone, and the residues washed and dried in carbon dioxide without loss. On weighing, it was found that 8 8 . 9 per cent. of the original anhydrous lecithin was recovered. The two recovered products were made up into emulsions again and portions taken

for phosphorus and nitrogen deterniitiatioi~s.with the following result>. considering the recovered lecithin a s anhydrous : A.

Per cent.

rl,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N.....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . I .65


Per cent.

3.98 1.68

I t will be recalled that in the original dry material the nitrogen and phosphorus were I .94 per cent. and 3.82 per cent., respectively. I t is evident, therefore, t h a t some splitting has followed, but the nature of the reaction is not clear, especially in view of the facts of low-el-conducti\.it!. arid lower acidity in the last emulsions. .Salf Piccipifafl'on.--It is stated abol-e that an emulsion which will not precipitate by addition of acetone, or a t best imperfectly, may be caused t o yield a good precipitate by the addition of a trace of glycero-phosphoric acid. I t was found t h a t weak salt solutions have the same action,and this, with thc original weak emulsions. a s well as those made up after acetone treatment. I n this respect experiments have been made with solution of sodium chloride, barium chloride, silver nitrate and aluminurn sulphate in various dilutions and with Ir-any other salts in certain 11-oltcular proportions. 'The precipitates are 11 arkedly colloidal and do not settle quickly. These findings do not swm t o agree with the results of Koch' for brain lecithin. According t o this author, dilute cniulsions of brain lecithin yicld precipitates with dilute solutions of divalent metals, but not with mono- or trivalent metals. AI!- findings are qiiite sharp aiid conclusi\.c, a n d , as will tic shown belov, hold for brain lecithin also. In this conncction another interesting observation was made. I t was found very difficult t o extract the lecithin from aqueous en:ulsions by means of ether; in fact traces onl!- seen1 t o go into solution, a n d this has been obscrvcd not only for the siniplc, emulsions used in these cxpc'rinients. hut also in some of the commercial lecithin emulsions on the riiarket. The addition of sodiuin chloride brings about a n inmediate solution, which is first shown by the color of the upper layer when the CITIUIsion is s1iakc.n with ether in a tube. and which can be proven by decanting the ether layer and evaporating. This hchavior seems to depend on tlic power of precipitating colloidal substances. possessed by many elcctrolytcxs, and was shown by se\.eral other salts as well as by sodiutn chloride, but not by urca and sugar, which are crystalline but not electrolytes. Further work is in progress on this interesting reaction. Ijigcstion ~;.:xpel.iinenfs.----The behavior of the fat-splitting ferment of the pancreas was first pointed out. apparently, by liokay,' but his cxperinleiits wcrc not extensive enough to show the rapidity of the action. I undertook soilit' in\-estigations ill this direction but did not carry them C'ircm., 37,




Ibid., I, 157.





far, a s reanwhile the work of Schumoff-Simanowski and Sieber' came t o my notice. In their extended experinents the rate of digestion by several ferments in addition t o that by the steapsin is satisfactorily denonstrated. My method of work was in principle very different and was intended t o show the rapidity of acid liberation rather than the amount liberated. It is shown above that the pure lecithin in the form of emulsion has little or no conducting power, while t h a t mixed with slrall arnounts of decomposition products shows electrical conductivity in rather marked degree. It was further shown that this was not increased by standing or by warnying on the water-bath. I found, in prelirinary experiments, t h a t the emulsions, after being mixed with pancreas extracts prepared in the laboratory, and incubated a t 40' through a number of hours, showed a greatly increased conductivity and increased acidity. But in such cases part of the increased acidity is often due t o the acids formed by changes in the ferment mixture itself b y enzymes or bacteria, and in testing several laboratory extracts a n d commercial pancreas preparations in incubated solutions, I have observed this increased acidity a n d increased conductivity. In working with the lecithin emulsions it was necessary t o guard against this source of error a s far a s possible b y the use of toluene or thymol in making u p the ferment solutions, and even t h e eniulsions themselves. I n carrying out the tests the following solutions were used: First, a n egg lecithin enulsion of approximately I per cent. strength in thymolyzed water. This was found to have a conductivity, I O ~ K ,=~ 2 . 6 6 . At the same time a moderated active pancreas extract in thymolyzed water was made and this had a conductivity, I ~ = ~5 . 2 7 K. A mixture of equal volumes of the two liquids gave I O ~ K = , ~ 4 . 0 3 . This mixture was kept in the thermostat a t 40°, a n d portions were withdrawn for tests from time t o time with the following results: Time.

1 0 ~ 5 ~ .

ohours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





" I '

....................................... .......................................


6.77 10.16 12.50 13.02

In the 96 hours through which the experiment was carried the conductivity of the pancreas alone increased from I O ~ K ,=~ 5 . 2 7 t o 6 . 3 4 , or 2 0 . 3 per cent., while the increase in the mixture was 223 per cent. At the same time there was a very marked increase in the total acidity of the mixture determined by titration with 0 ,I normal sodium hydroxide after the addition of alcohol. At the beginning 25 cc. of the mixture re2. physiol. Chem., 49, 5 0 .




J. 13. L O S G .

quired I . 6 cc. of the alkali, while at the end of the experiments ol-er 6 cc. were required. The increased acidit?. was about 4 . j cc. of 0 . I N alkali which measures a marked degree of acid liberation. including, apparently. part of the phosphoric acid. 1;rorii the results given above for the increased conductivity of the pancreas solution alone, it is probable t h a t a part of the developed acidity must hcs due t o t h e fcsrxi;(.iit itseli. 'This is a Foint which is usually overlooked in fat-splitting experiments, and it appears t o have been overlooked in one of t h e results of Schun,off-Simaiiowski and Sieher.' in which the acid forn:t.d is evidently x o r e than could have been liberated, under tho conditions of t lie experiment iron1 tlic lecithin molecule. Additional Expciamerkts with Iigg I.ecI'thiii.---bIany of the test s made ahove were repeated with egg lecithin obtained h?. soinewhat different processes, but it will not be necessary to go into the details of the results. Sonic data from two cases onl?. need be rcferrcd to. In the first of them a product was obtained from tioiled eggs by e s tracting with ether only. The vggs w r c h i l e d until thoroughlJ- hardened, a n d then thc yellows were separated a n d ground u p with clear quartz sand without a n y preliminar!- clrying. The iiiass so obtained was thoroughly estracted in thc Soxhlrt apparatus. T h e crude ether extract was concentrated and the rcsidue dried a t a low teniperature. It was taken up with dry cther and precipitated with acetone in the usual way. The precipitate was washed with acetone and dried iii carbon dioxide. A nitrogen determination gave 2 . 0 8 per cent. The electrical conductivity of an emulsion made up a s before was found to be much lowcr t h a n with the former product, pointing, possiblJ-,to the presence of smaller amounts of dissociation products. 'I'hc. purified lecithin obtained l>y treatment of the emulsion with acetone, when macle up into a new ciiiulsion, gave, likewise, a very low cotiductivity. In the preparation of this last lecithin froni hard-boiled eggs. the mass left in the Soxhlct apparatus after ether extraction. was estracted through several days with redistilled alcohol. 'l'he alcoholic solution was c\*aporated a t a low ternperatuw. leaving R considerable residues, in fact nearly as large a s that from the cthcr extraction. Xost of this residue was found t o he soluble in absolute ether. which mas somewhat wiiiarkahle, in view of the preliminary treatment. ( h i coilcentration of the rther s o h tion and precipitation with acetone a light illass was secured closely rcsembling that from the ether extraction. Xfter repeated washings with acetone it was dried and used as in the other case. I: determination of nitrogen gai.e a high result, "~'2'2.. 2 . 3 4 per cent. 'This would suggest the presence of R considerable amount of diaminophosphatide. and is not a t variance with the results of some of the esperimcnts of Stern a n d LOC.




’I‘hierfelder.’ A phosphorus determination was not wade because of lack of material. An emulsion was niade with the portion not used in the nitrogen test, a n d this had a concentration of 3 I per cent. It was characterized by a relatively high conductivity, and for equivalent concentrations almost four times a s great a s for the portion extracted with ether alone. The emulsions in both cases precipitate metallic solutions readily a n d both have a n acid reaction when tested directly. That the two extracts are a a r k e d l y different is shown not only by the different nitrogen contents but by the great variation in conducting power. It is apparent t h a t the alcohol has brought a larger quantity of decomposition products into solution than was the case with the ether. Experiments with Brain Lecithin. It is well known that the product termed lecithin, a s obtained from the brain, is usually a mixture of considerable complexity, and that some, a t least, of the constituents of this mixture are very unstable compounds. This is well illustrated by a few commercial substances which are now sold under the name ‘&lecithin,”a n d obtained from brain extracts. I n beginning some experiments with brain lecithin, I attempted t o use a crude product made by a local manufacturing firm, and which was obtainable in quantity. This material dissolved readily in ether, and the solution gave a good precipitate with acetone, but on attempting t o redissolve and purify it, it became dark. Even after repeated solution in ether and precipitation by acetone the products secured remained dark and failed t o yield a characteristic emulsion with water. The crude extract had been prepared by extraction with the light hydrocarbon sold a s ‘Lhexanc,’’and in some stage of the work had probably been exposed to a high temperature, which brought about a marked decomposition. The products of decomposition were evidently carried down with the acetone precipitate in the first and following attempts a t purification. I mention these facts because they throw light on some of the commercial “lecithin” preparations on the market, which in recent years have been highly advertised a s curative agents. Not being able t o utilize the commercial product, I dried down about a kilogram of minced calves’ brains in a current of warm air, a s recommended by Erlandsen,* and extracted with ether thoroughly. This ether extract was concentrated and the solid portion finally dried at a low temperature in a rapid current of carbon dioxide. The pasty mass was taken u p with absolute ether, which left a residue amounting t o about 60 per cent. of the crude solid extract, and this new ether extract was concenI L O C . C2.t.

’ 2. physzol

Chem., 51, 7 1 .

trated t o a small bulk. This was precipitated with acetone. which furnished a nearl>- white mass. The latter was dried and after expelling the acetone conipletely was redissolved in absolute ether a n d again prccipitated with acetone in a large flask. The greater part of the supcrnatant liquid was easily removed by pouring and the remainder was drawn out b!. a current of carbon dioxide passed rapidly through the ilasl; which meanwhile was immersed in a \,esse1 of warm water. I n this \va!. a good yield of a light ?,ellow mass was rcco\.crctl, with which the following cspcritncnts 'cwrc made. On atial!,sis thc pliosphorus contcnt was fount1 to bc. '3. 76 per cent. and t h e 1iitrogc.n content 2 . 1%; per cciit., bot11 calculated on the anhydrous lyasis. This gives a n aton!ic ratio. 'I'he product is naturally a mixture of different phosphatides. a d for tliv purposes of the present examination is sufficient. The esperieiicci of Stern, and Thierfelder' shows the cxtrcirx difficulty of securing products of constant composition, in quantity, froni the analogous egg lccit hin, a s well as the great losses which accompany re-solution and precipitation. Efject o j Heat.-Tests were made here as with the egg product, and the

general results were essentially the same. However, this difference was noted: in all the evaporations, whether of thc aqueous emulsion or of the ether solution, the brain product remained much lighter in color than was the case with the other. 'I'his suggests a greater degree of stability, although from the apparently greater complexity the reverse might be assumed. After evaporating the emulsions t o dryness and iuaking up t o the original volunic with water. no perceptible change iii color followed, and no essential change in conductivity. 1;roiii n i ~ .various experiments in this direction I must conclude that the Iccithin conipound, such as is secured in the method of extraction outlined, is much more stable than would be inferred from Iiiany statements in the litcrature. In thc process of preparation, t h a t is, while the lecithin is iiiixcd with other substances, it evidently changes readily, but wheii isolated is apparciitl!. much more stable. I n \-iew of inany observations I havc made, I initst consider the statement of Hangz on this point as too strong. Aciditj,.---The brain lecithin shows a greater acidity toward pliciiolphthalein than was noted with the egg product. A s before, this is best observed in the aqueous emulsion. To test the point quantitatively, a11 emulsion was made containing in roo cc. 4 , j. grains. \\:hen directly tested, 2 5 cc. of this. containing I . 1 3 grams, required 2 . I cc. of o . I normal alkali for neutralization. For a second 2 5 CC. mixed with an excess of neutral alcohol, 7 . 4 cc. of the dilute alkali were required. This is a strong degree of acidity.

' LOC. 2


"Ergebnisse der Physiologie,'' 1'1 Jahrgang, 11.




A second 50 cc. of this emulsion was precipitated and washed with pure neutral acetone, using 1 2 0 cc. in all. This acetone solution was divided into equal portions, one of which was titrated for acid and then used for a phosphorus test, while the second portion was tested for nitrogen. I n the titration, 6 . 5 cc. of 0 .I normal alkali were required, and this for a yolume corresponding t o 2 5 cc. of the original emulsion. A good test for phosphoric acid was also secured. The portion reserved for nitrogen was concentrated and decomposed in the usual manner for the Kjeldahl determination. The ammonia obtained was I 2 . 6 mg., corresponding t o nitrogen equivalent t o 0.92 per cent. of the original lecithin in the volume taken. The purified lecithin residue left after the acetone treatment was dried in carbon dioxide, then freed from this gas by a current of air with gentle warming, and made u p with water t o a volume of 50 cc. A portion titrated was found t o be Perfectly neutral with phenolphthalein and alkali, even after addition of alcohol. Twenty cc. of the new emulsion furnished 0 . 0 1 0 6 gram nitrogen, which amounts t o 1 . 1 7 per cent. of the anhydrous lecithin originally present in the equivalent volume. Ten cc. of the emulsion gave 0 . 0 1 0 5 gram phosphorus, corresponding t o 2 . 3 4 of the lecithin originally present in the equivalent volume. I t is evident that the treatment of the emulsion with excess of acetone has resulted in precipitating lecithin, apparently, with considerable loss, and also in changing the ratio of the nitrogen t o the phosphorus. In the original substance we had 3 7 6 per cent. P and 2 . 1 5 per cent. N , with an atomic ratio of P : N:: I : I . 27. Here, in the “purified” emulsion, we have 2 . 3 4 per cent. of phosphorus and I . 1 7 per cent. of nitrogen for the same recovered weight, or a ratio of P: N:: I : I . 17. I n other words, there is a relatively greater loss of nitrogen than of phosphorus, a s was found to be the case with the egg product, and the acetone treatment may have then the effect suggested for the egg lecithin. No quantitative determination of the weight lost on treating the brain lecithin emulsion with acetone was made, but superficial observation showed it was much higher than with the egg lecithin, a n d besides this the supernatant liquid was not perfectly clear a s in the other case. We have then a rather marked degree of solubility in the acetone, and this seems t o be accompanied by the formation of some decomposition products which are likewise soluble. It must be recalled, however, t h a t the total acidity of the acetone solution is not greater than the original, but, in fact, a little less, which complicates any attempt a t explanation of what actually takes place in the treatment. Electrical Conductivity.-For these tests some of the same emulsion,


J. 11. LOhG.

with 4. j 2 grains to I W cc., was eiriployed, and thc obscrvatioris were made as before a t zoo. T h e following results were‘ obtained : Cotic.

i i i 100 cc

4.52 2.26 I . I 3

o . 565


In general, the values found arc not greatly diflerent ironi thost- for t h e egg emulsions. It appears in this case also that precipitation with acetone lurriishes a product with much lower conductivit?.. :IS was show11 by prccipitating 25 cc. with acetone. in a bottle, pouring oii the acetonr and washing several times with fresh portions. The residue was dricd i n a n atmosphere of carbon dioxide and after csspulsion of thc gas was emulsified with water and inade tip to 2 j cc. again. 1 !IC ronductivity was now found t o he K ~ , , =: o.oo01z7,or about one-sixth of what i t was originally. The ncw emulsion was ncut ral in reaction. The great change must be due t o the loss of decomposition product, ratlivr t1i:iti to the loss of lecithin itself through solubility. Some of this last emulsion was alloneti to staiici about t \ v o weeks and esatnincd again to detect a possible incrcBasc in conductivity l q - hydrolysis through long contact with n i t e r . hut no such incr and this again speaks for the compar:iti\-r stability of t h e substanre. Pwcipitutioi?. b y .Svcral salts and i n :I niaririer yuitc distinct from that described 12)- I