MARATHON - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 25, 2012 - MARATHON. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1960, 52 (3), pp 83A–83A. DOI: 10.1021/i650603a766. Publication Date: March 1960. Copyright © 1960 ...
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Solder Joint, Bronze Valves for Use with Copper Tubing New line of rising stem, bronze gate valves is available for indus­ trial installations of copper tubing. Prices range from $4.20 for the smallest size ( 3 /s inch) to $39.80 for the largest (3 inches). Dept. IEC, Walworth Co., 750 Third Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 7

Temperature Control Valves Piloted temperature control valves in 1 / 4 - to 2-inch sizes are available for sensitive control of severe pressure drops in process heating or cooling applications. Price range is from $155 t o $249 depending on size and design. Dept. IEC, OPW-Jordan Corp., 6013 Wiehe Rd., Cincinnati 13, Ohio. 8

Compact, Leak-Proof Pump Low-cost canned p u m p weighs less than 7 pounds and pumps over 800 g.p.h. Constructed of corro­ sion-resistant materials, Model 420D D y n a p u m p is priced a t $55. Dept. IEC, Dynapump Division, Fostoria Corp., P.O. Box 35-3, Huntingdon Valley, Pa. 9

Hydrogen Purifier Serfass purifier uses patented palladium-silver alloy t h a t is per­ meable to hydrogen and deuterium to separate effectively hydrogen from other gases under pressures to 150 p.s.i. Price available on re­ quest. Dept. IEC, Serfass Corp., 1300 East Mermaid Lane, Philadel­ phia 18, Pa. 10

F o u r - w a y pilot-operated control valves feature fast, automatic com­ pletion of electrical and pneumatic circuits. Incorporating one-piece solenoid housings and aluminum • W E ore i n f o r m a t i o n is as n e a r as y o u r Just circle the number o f the

item in which y o u a r e interested on the Readers' Information this section


Dispersion of insoluble solids is the answer. Marasperses pre­ vent flocculation of small solids particles. Same mechanism is responsible for eliminating, or slowing down, sedimentation of solids in dilute suspensions. If your products have to be suspended in water for use, Marasperse dis­ persants will keep them from settling. Or maybe you're making water-soluble formulations that become "contaminated" with insolubles during use. The Marasperses will keep the solids in suspension, increase the effective life of your formulations. Ordinarily less than 3 % Marasperse (based on the weight of solids in the aqueous system) will do the job for you. In some applications, only 0.1 to 0.2% is enough. And the Marasperses cost just a few cents a pound! You can decide in a few minutes if a Marasperse dispersant will solve your suspensibility problems. The simple laboratory screening tests described in our literature tell you how. Write for Marasperse samples and technical bulletins.


Solenoid Control Valves


Use a little Marasperse® . . you'll find that a very small amount will make a thick aqueous slurry thinner, more pumpable. Or let you cut back on the slurry water, if you're shooting for higher drying rates later in the process.


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Circle No. 26 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 52, NO. 3

MARCH 1960

83 A