MARCH, 1932

MARCH, 1932. Oxygen content in iron varies with temperature. How much oxygen can d i d iron hold? This question was answered by N. A. Ziegler, ...
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Oxygen content in iron varies with temperature. How much oxygen can d i d iron hold? This question was answered by N. A. Ziegler, of Pittsburgh, before the American Society for Steel Treating recently. Mr. Ziegler said iron can dissolve as much as one-tenth of one per cent of its weight in oxygen when heated to 1000 degrees Centigrade, and will keep this gas in solution when cooled. The iduence of dissolved oxygen and mechanical properties of iron .. on the ohvsical . . . and its alloys is so important, according to Mr. Ziegler, that research work on the amounts of oxwen .. that iron can dissolve is beina carried out continuously both here and abroad. Mr. Ziealer's experiments show that above 900 degrees Centigrade the solubility of oxygen in iron is apprecinhle and increaccs rapidly up to the 1000-drme mark. Iron an eighth of an inch thick can hecome saturated with oxygen in half an hour, the oxygen penetrating the metal uniformly. Iron an inch and a half thick will dissolve its full quota of oxygen in two hours. Mr. Ziegler found. The experiments also revealed that if iron contains much carbon i t will dissolve less oxygen a t all temperatures.-Science Service ~