Marine Toxins - American Chemical Society

of a new dinoflagellate species named Gambierdiscus toxicus (7) and that ... cause massive fish mortality and human intoxication during "red tides" in...
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Chapter 13

The Molecular Basis of Ciguatoxin Action 1



Christian Frelin , Monique Durand-Clement , Jean-Noël Bidard , and Michel Lazdunski 1

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Centre de Biochimie du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Pare Valrose, 06034 Nice Cedex, France Institut National de la S a n t éet de la Recherche Médicale, U 303, B.P. 3, 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France


Ciguatoxin is the main toxin involved i n ciguatera fish poisoning. It is produced by the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus and accumulates i n large piscivorous fishes. Ciguatoxin increases the membrane permeability to Na ions o f excitable tissues by opening the voltage-dependent Na channel. Ciguatoxin binds to the Na channel at a binding site that is different from all other toxin binding sites previously recognized. This action accounts for the neurotoxicity o f the compound. Brevetoxins also act specifically o n voltage-dependent Na channels; their site o f action is identical to the site o f action o f ciguatoxin. +




Ciguatera, a specific endemic affliction o f many tropical islands, is due to alimentary consumption o f toxic individuals o f many species o f fishes that are associated w i t h coral reefs (1). This food poisoning includes both gastrointestinal and polymorphous neurological symptoms (2) with typical gastroenteritis, itching o f the skin, peripheral neuropathy, and central nervous system dysfunction (3). Symptoms usually appear from a few hours to twelve hours after fish consumption and pass w i t h i n a few weeks. S o m e o f the neurological disorders may persist for months. T h e disease is severe but rarely fatal (less than 0.5% mortality); it may affect up to 1% o f the individuals i n some Pacific island populations. N o effective drug is currently k n o w n for therapy. T h e major toxic c o m p o u n d that is responsible for the illness, ciguatoxin (CTx), was first isolated from the liver o f moray eels by Scheuer et al. (4). R a n d a l l (5) suggested that C T x might be synthesized at the base o f the food chain, by a benthic alga associated with coral reefs. Y a s u m o t o et al. (6) found later that ciguateric reefs i n the G a m b i e r islands (Pacific) were populated by large populations o f a new dinoflagellate species named Gambierdiscus toxicus (7) and that fish toxicity i n the G a m b i e r islands was correlated to Gambierdiscus toxicus p o p u l a t i o n levels. T h e dinoflagellate is found i n an epibenthic association o n various macroalgae hosts. B e n t h i c phytoplankton samples were collected and extracted to yield two toxins: C T x and a more polar toxin, maitotoxin (8). T h e two toxins are transmitted to fish through the marine food chain (2,5,9). M a i t o t o x i n is mainly found i n the gut o f herbivorous fishes. C T x , which seems to be chemically more stable than maitotoxin, is mainly found i n the liver (10) but also i n muscles, skin, and bones o f large carnivorous fishes (2,11). It may even be found i n some pelagic species (12). A l t h o u g h Gambierdiscus toxicus was the first dinoflagellate species to be involved i n the genesis o f ciguateric toxins, other toxic dinoflagellates have been

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Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



The Molecular Basis of Ciguatoxin Action

suspected to be potential sources o f ciguateric toxins (13,14). Therefore, a number o f benthic microorganisms may contribute to the complex syndrome o f ciguatera fish poisoning (15,16). Cultures o f Gambierdiscus toxicus have been obtained i n several laboratories (14,17-19). These cultures produce large amounts o f maitotoxin and l o w amounts o f lipid-soluble C T x - l i k e toxin. However, i n most cases, this toxin has not been unequivocally identified as C T x . T h e only firm evidence that cultures o f Gambierdiscus toxicus produce C T x was provided by Baden et al. (20) w h o used r a d i o i m m u noassays and electrophysiological experiments to characterize the toxin. It is possible that cultured Gambierdiscus toxicus produce only trace amounts o f C T x and that levels o f production comparable to those found i n natural populations are dependent o n yet undefined environmental parameters. C h e m i c a l characterization o f C T x has been difficult because o f its very l o w c o n centration i n fishes (1-20 ppb). T h e full molecular structure has not yet been elucidated. D a t a obtained at this time indicate that it is a polar, highly oxygenated polyether c o m p o u n d o f molecular weight 1112 and o f formula C H j N 0 C H - , 0 . (27). T h e purified toxin can be separated into two relaxed forms by o

5 3






2 4



alumina chromatography (22). Toxicity o f the purified toxin is high i n mice [0.45 Mg/kg, i.p. (23)]. C T x is also toxic to mangooses, cats, chicken, and mosquitos (24). A l l these species can be used i n toxicological screenings. M o r e recent approaches use anti-ciguatoxin antibodies (25,26) o r anti-brevetoxin antibodies (20). Brevetoxins (PbTx) are toxins synthesized by another dinoflagellate species (Ptychodiscus brevis). Brevetoxins are also o f polycyclic etheral structure (27). They cause massive fish mortality and human intoxication during "red tides" i n the G u l f o f M e x i c o and F l o r i d a coast. Toxicity results from ingestion o f contaminated shellfish and from inhalation o f sea spray aerosols (28). N e u r o t o x i c shellfish poisoning syndrome consists o f both gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms (29). They are very similar to those produced by ciguatoxin. This chapter summarizes recent work o n the molecular basis o f the toxic actions o f ciguatoxin and brevetoxins. It is shown (i) that the molecular target for these toxins is the voltage-dependent N a channel o f excitable tissues arid (ii) that ciguatoxin and brevetoxins share a c o m m o n receptor site o n the N a channel. +



The Voltage-Dependent Na Channel +

T h e voltage-dependent N a channel is an important protein structure o f the plasma membrane o f excitable cells, such as neuronal cells, skeletal muscle cells and cardiac cells. It is responsible for the ascending phase o f the action potential. T h e channel consists o f a single polypeptide chain o f large molecular weight (270 kD)(3036). T h e structure has been cloned and its amino acid sequence determined (37, 38). T h e purified protein has been reconstituted into l i p i d bilayers (39-42). T h e cloned protein has been expressed i n Xenopus oocytes (38,43,44). These experiments showed that a l l the properties o f the channel, i.e. the voltage dependence o f its o p e n i n g and closing, its ionic selectivity, and its sensitivity to various neurotoxins, are encoded by the 270 k D protein. +

O n e important point is that the voltage-dependent N a channel is the target for a large variety o f neurotoxins. Five groups o f neurotoxins have been recognized. E a c h group corresponds to a distinct binding site o n the N a channel and produces well-defined changes i n the N a channel response to depolarizing stimuli. These are: +




T h e N a channel antagonists tetrodotoxin ( T T X ) and saxitoxin (45). Tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin are important tools to discriminate between different types o f N a channels. S o m e excitable tissues (e.g., neuronal cells and innervated +

Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




m a m m a l i a n skeletal muscle) express N a channels that are highly sensitive to T T X ( K = 1 n M ) . Conversely, denervated skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle cells express N a channels that are 100 to 1000 times less sensitive to T T X (46-51). T h e T T X and saxitoxin binding site is also recognized by uconotoxins isolated from the venom o f Conus geographus. T h e /i-conotoxins are single polypeptide chains o f 22 amino acids. They specifically inhibit, i n a T T X - l i k e fashion, N a channels from innervated skeletal muscles a n d from related tissues such as the eel electroplax. They are inactive o n N a channels from neuronal tissues and o n T T X - i n s e n s i t i v e N a channels o f denervated muscles and heart (52-55). d






T h e lipid-soluble toxins (veratridine, batrachotoxin, aconitine, grayanotoxins). These toxins cause persistent activation o f N a channels, i.e., their permanent o p e n i n g and hence membrane depolarization (56-58). +


T h e polypeptide neurotoxins from sea anemone (Ammonia sulcata, Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Actinodendron plumosum, Stoichactis giganteus, Radianthus paumotensis) and from the venoms o f the scorpions Leiurus quinquestriatus and Androctonus australis. T h e different sea anemone toxins display large sequence homologies. They are unrelated to scorpion toxins. S o m e o f them are highly toxic to invertebrates, others are more toxic to vertebrate species. Site 3 toxins specifically slow down the inactivation o f the N a channel and dramatically p r o l o n g the duration o f action potentials (59-61). Sea anemone toxins are useful tools to distinguish different isoforms o f the N a channel. A s a rule, N a channels that have a high affinity for T T X and saxitoxin have a l o w affinity for the various sea anemone toxins. Conversely, N a channels that have a l o w affinity for T T X and saxitoxin have a high affinity for sea anemone toxins (62). +





T h e polypeptide toxins from the scorpions Centruroides suffusus and Tityus serrulatus. These toxins act by shifting the voltage dependence o f the activation o f N a channels, thereby inducing a N a channel activity at negative potentials at w h i c h N a channels are normally closed (63,64). Site 4 toxins, because o f their high affinity for the N a channel, have been efficient tools to elucidate the molecular structure o f the N a channel (30,65,66). +







T h e pyrethroid insecticides. slower ones (67-69).

These molecules transform fast N a channels into

A n important point is that two toxins that act o n distinct binding sites can synergize each other. This means that interactions between different neurotoxin binding sites exist so that the binding o f o n e toxin to its binding site can influence the binding o f a second toxin to its o w n binding site. Interactions between site 2, w h i c h recognizes lipid-soluble toxins, site 3, w h i c h recognizes sea anemone toxins, and site 5, w h i c h recognizes pyrethroid molecules have been analyzed i n great detail (70-73). T h e interaction o f neurotoxins w i t h the N a channel are usually studied using electrophysiological experiments, Na uptake experiments, and also binding experiments involving radiolabelled toxins. +

2 2


Evidence that CTx and PbTx Act on the N a C T x that has been purified from release o f neurotransmitters such brain nerve terminals. It causes t o m a cells and, under appropriate



muscles o f Gymnothorax javanicus stimulates the as 7-aminobutyric acid a n d dopamine from rat a membrane depolarization o f mouse neuroblasconditions, it creates spontaneous oscillations o f

Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




The Molecular Basis of Ciguatoxin Action

the membrane potential and repetitive action potentials. It stimulates the influx o f i n mouse neuroblastoma cells and i n rat skeletal muscle cells. A l l these effects are blocked by tetrodotoxin (74). In frog sartorius muscle C T x causes a N a - d e p e n d e n t and TTX-sensitive depolarization (75). I n isolated cardiac preparations, C T x produces a positive inotropic effect which is mediated by the release o f endogenous catecholamines and by a direct action o n N a channels o f the cardiac cells (76-78). C T x also produces contraction o f guinea p i g vas deferens and relaxat i o n o f guinea p i g taenia caecum (79-81). These actions are believed to be mediated v i a a release o f endogenous neurotransmitters from adrenergic nerves. Detailed voltage-clamp experiments performed o n the node o f R a n v i e r indicate that C T x causes spontaneous action potentials by modifying a fraction o f N a channels. In the presence o f C T x these channels open normally but do n o t close during long-lasting depolarizations (82). +



In squid giant axons, P b T x causes a depolarization o f the plasma membrane, repetitive discharges followed by depression o f action potentials, and a complete blockade o f excitability. This action is antagonized by T T X (83,84). P b T x depolarizes nerve terminals and induces neurotransmitter release (85,86); it depolarizes skeletal muscle cells (87) and increases the frequency o f action potentials i n crayfish nerve cord (88). PbTx also produces a contraction o f the guinea p i g ileum (89). A l l these effects are prevented by T T X . A l l these results are clear indications that C T x and P b T x have similar modes o f action and that they increase the membrane perm ability o f excitable cells to N a ions by opening voltage-dependent N a channels. This action fully accounts for the toxicity o f ciguatoxin and brevetoxins. +


Characterization of the Binding Site for CTx 2 2


2 2


In mouse neuroblastoma cells and i n rat skeletal muscle cells, C T x stimulates Na uptake through the voltage-dependent N a channel. T h e action o f C T x is synergistically enhanced by veratridine and batrachotoxin (site 2 toxins), by sea anemone and Androctonus toxins (site 3 toxins), and by pyrethroid insecticides (site 5 toxins). It is blocked by T T X (site 1 toxin) (74). CTx has qualitatively similar effects o n mouse neuroblastoma cells and o n rat skeletal muscle cells. This means that the toxin is unable to discriminate between isoforms o f the N a channel that differ i n their sensitivity to T T X , saxitoxin, and sea anemone toxins. B i n d i n g experiments further show that C T x does not prevent the binding o f I - l a b e l l e d Tuyus toxin (site 4 toxin) to the N a channel i n rat brain synaptosomes (74). Finally L o m b e t et a l . (90) reported that C T x stimulates the binding o f labelled batrachotoxinin A 20 a-benzoate to rat brain synaptosomes and that this effect is potentiated by sea anemone toxins. These results indicate that C T x binds to a site o n the N a channel that is distinct from all previously recognized binding sites for neurotoxins. +





Characterization of the Binding Site for Brevetoxins In mouse neuroblastoma cells, PbTx potentiates the action o f veratridine o n N a uptake (91). It stimulates the binding o f [ H]batrachotoxinin A 20 a-benzoate (90,92) and o f labelled Centruroides suffusus toxin (site 4 toxin) (93) to rat brain synaptosomes. A s for C T x , the action o f PbTx o n [ H]batrachotoxinin A 20 a benzoate binding is synergistically enhanced by sea anemone toxins (90). T h e properties o f the PbTx binding to the N a channel were further analyzed using tritiated PbTx-3 (94). [ H ] P b T x - 3 binding to rat brain synaptosomes is best observed when N a channels have been treated with sea anemone toxins o r pyrethroid insecticides, i.e., binding is enhanced by site 3 and site 5 toxins. U n d e r these conditions, [ H]PbTx-3 binds to a single family o f sites i n rat brain synaptosomes with a 3






Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



K_j value o f 17 n M a n d a maximum number o f binding sites o f 6 p m o l / m g o f protein. U s i n g slightly different experimental conditions, P o l i et a l . (94) reported a K value for p H ] P b T x - 3 o f 2.9 n M and a maximum binding capacity o f 6.8 p m o l / m g o f protein. B i n d i n g is unaffected by T T X o r veratridine, meaning that the binding site for P b T x is not site 1 o r site 2 (90). These results indicate that PbTx binds to a site o n the N a channel that is distinct from a l l previously recognized binding sites for neurotoxins. d



Evidence that CTx and PbTx Bind to the Same Receptor Site on the Na Channel Similarities i n the actions o f C T x and PbTx suggest that the two toxins might share a c o m m o n receptor site o n the N a channel. This is readily checked using [ H ] P b T x - 3 binding experiments. C T x , like PbTx-2, was found to inhibit [ H ] P b T x - 3 binding to nerve terminals. I n the presence o f C T x , the apparent affinity o f the Na channel for [ H ] P b T x - 3 is decreased and the maximum number o f binding sites is n o t modified (90). These observations suggest that C T x i n h i b i t i o n o f [ H ] P b T x - 3 binding is competitive. Furthermore, C T x does not accelerate the dissociation o f [ H ] P b T x - 3 from its receptor site (90). This is good evidence that the two toxins share a c o m m o n receptor site o n the N a channel. This result is consistent w i t h the observation that the symptoms that follow ingestion o f food poisoned by C T x or by P b T x are nearly identical. T h e only difference between the two toxins is potency. I n binding experiments, C T x (Kj = 0.14 n M ) is 40 times more potent than P b T x - 2 ( K j = 5.6 n M ) (90). T h e same difference i n potency was noted by comparing the toxicities o f the two compounds after intraperitoneal injection to mice. T h e L D for C T x is 0.45 ug/kg whereas the L D for P b T x - 2 is 180 ug/kg (23,95). Further evidence that C T x and PbTx are related toxins comes from the observation that C T x recognizes anti-brevetoxin antibodies (20). It w i l l be o f interest to k n o w the detailed chemical structure o f C T x and to define its relationship w i t h the k n o w n structures o f brevetoxins. +








5 Q

5 Q

Conclusion A l l these results taken together indicate that ciguatoxin and brevetoxins act specifically o n the voltage-dependent N a channel o f excitable tissues. They also indicate that the two toxins b i n d to the same receptor site o n the N a channel and that this receptor site is distinct from the other neurotoxin binding sites o n the channel. T h e action o f the two toxins is synergistically enhanced by sea anemone toxins (site 3 toxins) and by pyrethroid insecticides (site 5 toxins). Conversely, C T x and PbTx enhance the effect o f the lipid-soluble toxins veratridine and batrachotoxin (site 2 toxins). Finally P b T x enhances the binding o f site 4 toxins to t h e N a channel. These findings improve o u r knowledge o f the functioning o f the voltage-dependent Na channel, o f the relationships between the different neurotoxin binding sites o n the channel, and o f their effect o n the gating mechanism. They also provide new analytical techniques for detecting C T x - o r PbTx-like compounds i n toxic sea food. +




Acknowledgments Thanks are due to D r . K . Nakanishi for his generous gift o f P b T x and t o D r . R . Bagnis a n d A M . Legrand for providing the original extracts w h i c h served i n the purification o f C T x .

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Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


The Molecular Basis of Ciguatoxin Action


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Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



The Molecular Basis ofCiguatoxin Action


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Hall and Strichartz; Marine Toxins ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.