Aoetaldehyde. drums 10-1 .. wks .... . lb. .I b. Acetaldol. 50-gal drums lb Acetamide. drums. Acetanilide. U . S P., powd bbls . . . I b. Acetic anhydride, 92-95%. cbys ... .I b. lb Acetone, drums, wkn., cA Acetphenetidin. bbls
. .......... ................ . . .. .......... .
Acetic. 28% cA., bbls ......100 lbs . 56%, c/l.. bbls .........100 lba Glacial, c/L, drums .......100 Ibs Glacial. U S P., CA., carboys 100 Ibs
. . .
. . ......................
Anthranilic. 99-100% drums
........ . ... .. ....................
Butyric, 100% basis, cbys lb Chloroacetic, mono-, bbls., wks lb Di-, cbys Ib Tri-, bbls .................... .Ib. Chlorwulfonic, drums, wks Chromic, 99%. drums ..... Cinnamic, bottles ......... Citric, U S P., cryit., bbls .I b. Crwylic, pale, drums ...........ga1. Formic, 90%, cbys., N Y .Ib. Furoic. tech., drums ............Ib . Qallic, U S P., bbls . Ib. Qlycerophosphoric Ib lb
. .......
.38 .26
.21 .12
1.30 .07 2.45 4.75 8.43 11.00 70 -72 85 40 04 80 18 1.00 2.50 04% 13% 3.25 28 60 * 11 35 77
. .. . . .
. . . . .
. .
1.40 65
................. .I b. cbys., wks .. .Ib.
, 48%,
,20° tanks, wks 100 lba Hydrofluoric. 30%, bbls., wks ... .I b. BO%, bbls., wks .I b. Hydrofluosilic. 35%. bbls., wks .. .Ib. Hypophosphorua, 30%, U S . P., 5gal demis ................... .I b. Lactic. 22%. dark, bb 48% light. bbls., w Linoleic, drums ...... Maleic, kegs ............ Mixed. tanks. wks . . . . . . . . . .N unit S unit .I b. Molybdic, 85%, kegs Naphthenic, drums., ............I b. Naphthionic. tech., bbls ........ .I b. Nitric, c P cbys .I b.
........................ .
. 16 .27
.............. .
. ..
1.35 .07 15
. . 11 . 75
..0411% . 16 .29
$07 008 1.25 14 nom . -11
. .
. . 14 .65 .30 1.60 .33 .58 .10% . 18
1.60 15.00 10.50 18.50 42.00
Tannic. tech., bb Tartaric. U . S. P., cryat., bbls . . . .I b. Tungstic. kegs Valeric, c P., 10-lb bot Alcohol. U . S . P .. 190 pro Amyl, from pentane. t a
Butyl. drums. c/l., R Capryl, tech., . . . . . . Pure ............ Denatured. No . 5 . comp denat.,
Wood. aee Methanol Aldol. 95%. drums. c/l . Alpha-naphthol. bbls . . . Alum. ammonia. lump. bbls., wks . 100 lbs casks w k s . , . . . . . . .100 lbs . Potash. lump. bbls . wks 100 lbs
. .
Aluminum. metal. Aluminum chlorid mercial. wks., drums extra. c/l ... .I b. .I b. Aluminurn stearate. 100-lb bbl Aluminum sulfate. comm'l. bags. wks 100 lbs Iron-f wks 100 lbs Aminoazobenzene. 100.... .Ib. Ammonia. anhydrous. cyl., wks lb tanka. wkn Ib Ammonia. aqua. 26'. tanks wks contained NHI .I b. Ammonium acetate. kegs . I b.
. . ..... . ............ . .. ...............
Carbonate. tech., c a s h ..
.23 .25
1.35 2.50 4.485 143 1.75 072 13 85 2.50
. . . .
. 35 4.00 . 11% 45 75
. . . 21 .65 .33
3.00 7.00 3.00 4.00 22.90
.05 . 18 1.35 1.90 1.15 15% 04%
.05% .33
. 15% . 39 .08 5.50 . 10%
3.40 12 .08% 10 24 . 20 08% 24.00 09
. . 67
5.00 11%
Sulfanilic 250-lb sulfuric, 66O, 4,
. ... ............... . .........
Furfuryl. tech., 500-lb drums . Ib. Isoamyl. drums .gal Isobutyl. ref.. drums ...........ga1. Isopropyl. ref., drums .ga1.
. . . . .
Phosphate. dibasic Sulfate. bulk wks . Amylene. tanks. wks
. 135
. 56 Amyl chlorides. mixed. tanks. wkn . . I b. . 06 Amyl lactate. drums. wks ......... .Ib. .50 Amyl mercaptan. drums. wkn ...... . I b. 1.10 .31 Amyl stearate. drums. wks ........ . I b. Aniline oil drums ................ .Ib. .16% Anthracene. 8Ct85%. casks. wks ....I b. .75 .50 Anthraquinone. subl., bbls .........I b. lb . Antimony. metal ........... . 14% Antimony chloride. drums .. lb . . 13 Oxide. bbls ..................... lb . . 10% Salt. dom., bbls ................. I b. .22 Sulfide. crimson. bbls ............ Ib . . 25 Golden. bbls ... . 16 Vermilion. bbls . 38 .07 Argols. red powder. Arsenic metal. kegs .44 Red. kegs. casea . 15% White. c/L. kegs .04%
Asbestine. bulk. c/ Barium carbonate. bbls., bags. w h .ton
................ ................. . . . ............................
Hydroxide. bbls .I b. Nitrate. casks .I b. Barium thiocyanate. 400-lb bbls ....I b. Barytes. iioated. bbla., wks ton
U . S . P., cbys .................. I b.
Benzidine base. bbls . Benzine. tanks. wk8 .ga1. Benzoyl chloride. drums .I b. Benzyl acetate. F F C., bottles . . .. l b Alcohol. drums lb
............. .......... . . . ................. . bbls ..
Beta-naphthol. Beta-naphth ylamine. Bismuth. metal. cases Bismuth. nitrate. 25-lb jars.,
..... . I b.
15.00 45.00 74.00
. 12 05 . 08% .27 I
23.00 .60 1.40 1.15 65 . 15 40 60 75 30 24 58 1.10 1.10
. . . . . . .
Oxychloride. boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lb . 2.95 Subnitrate. U S P., 25-lb jars .Ib. 1.40 Blanc fixe. dry. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ton 8 5 . 0 0 Bleaching powder. drums. wka 100 lba 1.90 Bone ash. kegs. .06 Bone black. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08% Borax. bags .................. .018 Bordeaux mixture. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . lb . 10% Bromine. bot ..................... Ib . .36 Bromobenzene. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ih . .50 Bromoform. jars ......... 1.75 .24 Acetate. drums. o/l 13 Aldehyde. drums ... .18 .60 Carbinol. sec., wka . I b. .60 Lactate. drums ................. Ib. .22% Oleate. drums lb . .25 Stearate. drums ................. I b. .25 Cadmium. metal. casIb .65 Cadmium bromide. 50-lb jars ......Ib 1.25 Cadmium sulfide. boxes .60 Caffeine. U S P., 5-lb 1.85 Calcium acetate. bags 100 Ibs 2.10 Arsenate. bbla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ib 06% Carbide. drums. ................Ib. 05% Carbonate. U S P precip., 175-lb. bbls Ib . .06% Chloride. baga. wks., flake tan 19.60 30 57 28 25.50 07% Tribas., bbls ...... 11 Camphor. Jap., slabs . .50 Carbazole. bbls .80 Carbon. activated. drums . . . . . . . . . .Ib. . 08 Carbon bisulfide. drums . . . . . . . . . . .lb . .051 Carbon black .................... .Ib . 041 Carbon dioxide. liq ayl Ib . .06 Carbon tetrachloride. drums .05i! Casein. stand gr., bbls ............. II). .1234 Cellulose acetate. bbls . lb. .80 Cerium oxalate. k .25 Charcoal. willow. .06 China clay. bulk. . 9.00 Chloral hydrate. drums .70 Chlorine. lis . c/l., cyl.* .055 Chlorine. tanks . . . . . . . . . 2.00 106 Chloroform. tech., drums . l b. .20 Chromium acetate. 20" s o h . bbls .lI). .05 8.50 2.50 Cobalt oxide. bbla 1.25 Cod liver oil. bbls 27.00 14.00 9.00 Copper carbonate. bbls., 52/54% . . .lb . 15% Chloride. bbls., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. .17 Cyanide. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11). . .37 Oxide. red. bbls., .15 Sulfate. c/l., bbls . . . . . . 3.85 Cotton. soluble. bbls . . . . .40 Cream tartar. bbls . . . . . . .16% Crotonaldehyde. 50-gal . . 26 Cyanamide. bulk. N Y . ............... 1.07% Diaminophenol. kegs 3.80 Diamylamine. drums. wks . . . . . . . . .lb 1.00 Diamylene. tanks. wks . . . . . . . . . . . .lb .08% Diamyl ether. drums. wka . . . . . . . .. I b. .09 1.10 Diamyl aulfide drums. wks . . . . . . . .lb . Diamyl phthalate. tanks .I ti. .18
. ...
............. .................. ............ . . .
. .
.. . .........................
. .
. . .
.. ............
......... ..
. .
......... ? T h i s is the approximate F . 0. B . shipping point price . Quotations are now all on a dehverad basis and vary with the section . * F . 0 . B . destination .
Dianisidine. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ib . Dibutoxyethyl phthalate. uks., drums ............................ lb . Dibutyl ether, dru Dibutylphthalate, Dibutyl tartrate. Dichlorethyl ethe c/l ........ Dichloropentane Diethanolamine. Diethylaniline. d Diethylene glycol Monobutyl ether. drums Ib Monoethyl ether. drums .........Ib Diethylene oxide. 50-gal drums., .Ib Diethyl carbinol. drums. wks ...... .I b. .Ib. Diethyl phthalate. drums .I b. Diethyl sulfate. tech., drums Didycol oleate. drums Ib Dimethylamine. pure 25.40% sol.-
......... . . . .. . ......... ...... ............. .
Dimethyl ethyl carbinol. drums. Ib Dimethylsulfate. drums
............ . ..........
Dinitronaphthalene. bbls .I b. Dinitrophenol. bbls ...............Ib Diphenyl Diphenylamine. bble Diphenylguanidine.
Ether. conc., drum
............... . .......... ..... . ............... .......... . . . ............
Ether. nitrous. bot .I b. .I b. Ethyl acetate. tanks. c/l Acetoacetate. 110-gal drums Ib Bromide. drums .I b. Carbonate. 90%. 6O-gal drums .gal Chlorcarbonate. carboy3 Ib Chloride. drums
hlonomethyl ether. druma .I b. Oxide cylinders .I b. Fddapar. bulk .................. .ton Ferric chloride. tech., bbls Ib Ferrous chloride. cryst., bbla Ib Ferrous sulfide. bbls 100 Ibs
.......... . ....... .
.. 3020
.35 .21 . 02% . 31
. 15%
. 15 .26 -60 .18% .20 .24 . 95
..29 60 . 45 .20
. 17 . 1434 .34 ..2315 .31 .36 1.80 09 75 07% I37 50 1.85 30
... .
. -22 .50 5.00 . 30
. 17 .20 . 15 . 16% .21 .75
10.00 05
.06 . . 31.00 2.50 .06 .37% 6.50
Furfural. drums. t works
......... .
. 42
..8805% .75
Ethylbeniylaniline. 3
2 . :I3
........... ........
Glycerine. c P., drums .I b. Glyceryl phthalate. drums .I b. Glycol phthalate. drums .......... . I b. Hexamethylenetetramine. tech., drums .I b. Hydrogen peroxide. 25 vol., bbla., . I b.
10 6.00 1.00 3.14 . 14% * 28
.29 .23 .42
1.20 12 15s I d 1.90 03
Indigo. 20% paste. Iodine. crude. 200-1 Isobutyl carbinol (128-132' C.), tanka. ...................... . I b. Kieselguhr. bags .ton
. . . . 32
50.00 3.75 .I b. 11 Lead acetate. bbla., white * 08 Arsenate. bbls ..................I b. 0525 Oxide. litharge. bbls., 20-ton l o b . .I b. Peroxide. drums .I b. 20 0625 .I b. Red. bbls., 20-ton lots 06 .I b. Sulfate bbla White. 'baaic carb., hbla ..........I b. 06% 86 Lime. hydrated. bbls 100 Ibs Lime. live. chemical. bbh., wks., 1.70 280 Ibs 4.50 Limestone. around baga. wks .ton 0434 .I b. Lithopone bbla Maanenit; calcined. 500-lb bbln., wks .ton 60.00
. . ............... .. .......... . ................... .......... . .. .........
........................ ..... . ..................
. ..........................
. . . .
-\InenePiurn. n . I b. 30 -\hmesium ca . I b. 06% Chloride dr . . . . . ..ton 36.00 Fluosilicate. cryst., bbls .I b. 10 . I b. Oxide. U S . P., light. bbls., . 42 Manganese chloride. casks 0734 Dioxide. 80%. bbls., SO .00 . 09 .i l 73.00 Meta-nitroaniline. bbls . 67 Meta-phenylenediamin 82 Mota-tolylenediamine bbls .........Ib . 67 hlethanol. pure. synthetic. drums. delivered c/l ............... .pa1. . 3734 Tanks. delivered .pa1. .3534 Methyl acetone. tanka., 44 Methyl chloride. cylinders . 46 Hexyl ketone. pure 1.20 Ifethyl propyl carbinol. dru 60 Methyl salicylate casea .I b. 42 M . ichler's ketone bbls Ib . 2.50 Monoamylamine druma. wks ....... Ib. 1.00 . 31 .75 Naphthalene. flake. bbls . .04% 35 Nickel salt single. bble . Ib. 11% .I b. Double. bbls 11% Niter cake. bulk .ton 11.50 Nitrobenzene. drums. .09 Octyl acetate. tanks 15 Oil. castor No 1...... 13% Coconut. tanks .Ib. 05% .gsI. .34 Cod. N F., bbls Corn. crude. tanks. milk .I b. 09 .I b. Cottonseed. oil refined. tanks 12% . I b. Linseed. bbls . 095 .ga1. Menhaden. crude. tanka . 28 .I b. .11% Neat's-foot pure. bbL .I b. Oleo. No 1. bbls . 13 Olive oil denat., bbls . a sI. 82 Foots. bbls .I b. 08% .I b. Peanut. crude. tanks 09% Ib Perilla. bbls 07% Rapeseed. bbls .paI. 43 . 09 ?4 .095 * 099 Whale. bbla., natural. refined .I b. . 064 2.15 . 08 Ortho-nitrochlorobenzene. drums .I b. .2 8 Ib . Ortho-nitrophenol. bbls 85 Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums .I b. . 07 Ortho-toluidine. bhls 14 Paraldehyde. 110-50-gal Arums Ib. 16 Para-aminophenol kega Ib 78 Para-dichlorobenzene Ib 16 Para-formaldehyde, cases .I b. 38 Paraldehyde. tech., dru 20% Para-nitraniline. drums * 48 Para-nitrochlorobenzen .25 45 92 Para-nitrotoluene. 35 Para-phenylenedia 1.15 Para-tertiary amyl phenol. drums. wks .I b. 50 Para-toluidine. bbla Ib .56 Paris Green. kega .I b. 23 Phenol. drums .I b. 14% Phenolphthalein. drums lb. .60 Pbenylethyl alcohol. bot .I b. 3.75 Phloroglucinol. tech., drums Ib 15.00 c P., drums .I b. 20.00 Phosphorus. red. cases Ib 45 Oxychloride. 175.1b . cylinders .20 Trichloride. cy1 lb 18 Phthalic anhydride. bbls lb . 144; Platinum. metal. solid oa 36.00 Potash. caustic. drums 06% Potassium abietate .I b. 06 .I b. Acetate. kegs 27 Ib Bicarbonate. casks 07% Bichromate. casks .I b. os34 I b. 14 Binoxalate. bbla Bromide .I b. 35 .07 Carbonate. 80-85%. calc., casks .I b. 09 Chlorate kegs .I b. .04% .I b. Chloride. crystals. bbls 55 Cyanide. caaeE., .I b. 10% Meta-bisulfite. bbls .I b. 40 Muriate. fert., bulk. per KaO unit Permanganate. drumn Ib 18%
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................... ............ . ..... ........ . ................... ............. . . ................. . ........... ............. . .... ............... .................. .............. . .............. ................. ...................... . . ................. ......... ...............
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VOL 27. N O. 6
............ .35 .18 .......... .32 ................ . 1.26 . ......... . 2.75 ............ .75 . . .14 ..................... .44 ................... . 1.70 .................. 13.00 ............. .06 .................. 22.00 . .......... .53% ..................... . 1.23 ............ . 2.60 ............ . .06 .................. .05 ............... .64 ................. .46 ........... . 1.86 ............... . .06% .................. .03 .. . . ......... .35 ................. .05 ................. 12.00 ................. .16% ................. .07% . . 19 .......... . 3.26 .. ..... . 2.66 ............ . .13 .52 . . . ............................ 24.80 ................... .07X ................. .17 ................ .20 ... . 2.10 ... . 2.60 ................ .67 ............... .11% . . .so ............. .04 >d ............... .33 ........ . 1.30 .............. . .02% .................. .03% ............... .30 .02% ................ .90 ... .07% .................. .08% . ......... 1.26 .......... 18.00 ........ .05 .03% .... .07 .......... .10 . .... . .08% ............... . .25
Pruaiate. red. C M ~ . I b. ~ . I b. Yellow. C M ................. Titanium oxalate. bbla .Ib. .gal Pyridine. drums Pyrocatechin. c P., drums ib Resorcinol. tech., kegs .I b. Rochelle salt. bbla., U 5. P .........Ib R salt. bbls .I b. Saccharin. cans Ib Salt cake. bulk .ton Saltpeter. gran., bbls . I b. Silica ref., baga ton Silver nitrate. 16.07, bot . O 1. Soda. ash. 58% light. bagm contract. 100 Iba wks Soda. caustic. 76%. aolid. drums. contract. wks 100 Ibo Sodium abietate. drums Ib Acetate. bbla .I b. Alginate. drums .I b. Bensoate. bbls .I b. Bicarbonate. bbls 100 Ibs Bichromate. casks Ib Bisulfite. bbls .I b. Bromide. bbls U S P .I b. Chlorate. kegn .I b. Chloride bags .ton Cyanide. caaes .I b. Fluoride. bbla .I b. Metallic. druma. 121/clb bricks . .I b. Metasilicate. cryat 100 Iba Metasilicate. gran bbls 100 Ibs Naphthenate. drum6 Ib Naphthionate. bbls ............. .I b. Nitrate. crude. 200-lb bags. N Y ton .I b. Nitrite. bbla .I b. Perborate. bbla Peroxide. canen. Ib. Phosphate. disodium. baga 100 Iba Phosphate. trisodium. bbla 100 Ibs Picramate. kegs .I b. Prussiate. bbla., .I b. Silicate. drums. tanks. 40O.. 100 Ibs Silicofluoride. bhla .I b. Stannate. drums . I b. 100 Iba Sulfate. anhyd., bbls Sulfide. cryst., bbls Ib Solid. 60% . I b. lb . Sulfocyanide. bbla Thiosulfate. reg., cryst bbla .... .I b. .I b. Tungetate. kegs Strontium carbonate. tech., bbls . I b. .I b. Nitrate. bbls .I b. Peroxide. 100-lb drums Sulfur. bulk. mines. wks .ton Sulfur chloride. red. drums .I b. Yellow. drums ................. .I b. .I b. Sulfur dioxide. commercial. cy1 .I b. Sulfuryl chloride. druma Ib Tetrachlorethane. 50-gal drum Thiocarbanilid. bble Ib Tin .I b. Tin tetrachloride. anhydrous. drums. bbls .I b. .Ib. Oxide. bbla Titanium dioxide. bbls., wks .I b. Toluene. tanks .gaI. Triamylamine. drums. wks .I b. Triamyl borate. drums wks .I b. .I b. Tribromophenol. caseo Ib . Trichloroethylene. 50-gal . drums Triethanolamine. 50-gal drums lb Trihydroxyethylamine oleate. drums lb Stearate Ib Triphenylguanidine. drums Ib Triphenyl phosphate bbla .I b. . I b. Tungsten. powder., I b. Urea. pure. cases .I b. Vinyl chloride. cylinders .ton Whiting. bags Xylene. 100. tanks. wks Xylidine. drums .I b. 100 Ibs Zinc. metal. E . St Louis Zinc ammonium chloride. bbls lb Chloride. granulated. drums ..... .I b. .I b. Oxide. Amer., bbls Perborate. 100-lb drums ........ .I b. .I b. Peroxide. 100-lb drums Stearate. bbls .I b. . . I b. Zino dust bbls., c/l
........................ ....................
.................. ........ ....... ............ .... . ..... . ....................... . ....................... . ......... .
. ........ ..............
.................. . ..... ................... . ................. . ...... . ...... . ............. . . ......... ..................
.507 .26 .53
.17% .30 1.25 .40 1.10 .09% .26 .40
.35 .68 .37 1.66 .15 1.00 7.00 .30 -36 4.20
..05 0465 .06
1.26 1.26 .20