MARKETING? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehens...
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Nο.1spender proves... Meet t h e nation's No. 1 spender—Mrs. Housewife—ha_xd at work proving itp a y s to see Victor. Almost every item s h e shops for today is more to her liking, m o r e convenient to use or more healthful "because of Victor chemicals. No wonder more than 40 different industries today rely on Victor—for phosphates, formates, and oxalates t h a t h e l p put new products on t h e m a r k e t . . . p u s h present ^products. off self-service shelves a n d o n t o check-out counters.

T h e proof of the pudding is in the eating. And junior will prove it t h e moment this instant pudding cools. Victor disodium p h o s p h a t e as t h e buffering agent in prepared puddings gives t h e creamy, smooth t e x t u r e t h a t helps m a k e t h e m a best seller. Just another reason why it pays to see Victor.

Why n o t icrieck with Victor if you h a v e a marketing problem, or w a n t to c u t production costs? Like so many others, you'll find it pays t o see Victor.

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Bye bye, blues washday that is) Her laundry is light work these days, thanks to h e a v y - d u t y detergents a n d a u t o m a t i c washers. And as soap and detergent manufacturers know, it pays t o see Victor for sodium tripolyphosphate a n d tetrasodium p y r o p h o s p h a t e . Both have o u t s t a n d i n g water-softening action a n d detergent qualities. /?


alkylation, dealkyla;ion, polymerization * lation. backed by a n experiîent team. Through tivity in the developocesses, Houdry m a y the problems t h a t


It's Sti DEAR S


B r i g h t a s a d o l l a r . Victor phosphoric acid, in a special b a t h , makes aluminum sparkle . . . gives a bright finish to stainless steel, copper, brass, and other metals. B o t h bright dipping and elec­ trolytic b a t h s give b e t t e r results in less time a n d cost less t h a n mechanical buffing. If you're mar­ keting metal products, make a mental note to c o n t a c t Victor. It pays.

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You can h a r d l y n a m e a p h o s p h o r u s chemical t h a t Victor does not m a k e o r can not produce. TaJke organophosphorus derivatives, f o r exarapie, if you are inves­ tigating t h e s e new compounds, b e sure to s e e the b a c k page.

it pays to see Victor