Materials engineering of metal products - Journal of Chemical

Materials engineering of metal products. John T. McCormack. J. Chem. Educ. , 1950, 27 (6), p 354. DOI: 10.1021/ed027p354.2. Publication Date: June 195...
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This is good. The range of experiments covered, 45 in all, shows good selection, and good arrangement with the more difficult experiments a t the end. The really difficult experiments are intentiondly omitted, for these would obviously be taken up in a more advanced course. Only a few minor changes in the experiments are made in this edition. Most preparations are aecomprtnied by qualitative tests, and quite often the student is asked to test his compound with litmus. This is pedagogically sound. The experiments on Fractiond Distillation (demonstration),, Fractional Distillation of Petroleum, Chloroform, and Destrnetive Distillation of Soft Coal are unique. One very attractive feature is the large numher of illustrstions, for in addition to representing most apparatus common to the laboratory, many eommercid counterparts are shown. A few flow diagrams for the eommereid methods of milking some of the compounds highlight t,he int,nre~t, t,he hook. . ~. ~ ~ of ~ . . ~ l'nicrttrnatrly the revieuw cnnnot recommend this book to nny but eq,rrienced teachera. One docs appreciate tlae toil an81 effort that goes into making a text and comes to this conclusion reluetantly. ~




would do well to give this text serious consideration. If any fault could be found with this manual, it might he the fact that many directions and pieces of suggested apparatus are semiantiquated in terms of American practice. This is typically illustrated, for instance, with the absorption trains used in the quantitative carbon and hydrogen determinations. RALPH E. DUNBAR NORTR DAXOTA STATE COLZEBE FAROO. N O ~ DAKOTA H

MATERIALS ENGINEERING OF METAL PRODUCTS Norman E. Woldmoq Consulting Metallurgical Engineer. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1949. v 583 pp. 169 figs. 149 tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $10.


"THISvolume was written as a companion book to Metal Praeess Engineering, published in 1948. The latter book was eoncerned with the different metallurgical and meehanieal processes for fabricating metal parts such as casting, forging, rolling,, powARTHUR FURST der metallurgy, joining of metals, heat treatment, machinmg of ~ Tam U N I V ~ M IO~I.T8 b FRANCLBCO metals, ete. 8 m Fmcrsm, C ~ m o a m ~ "This volume presents the materials used in various type of industries and different applications in an attempt to correlate the metdurgy of the material with the engineering design and service applications. It has been written to meet the needs of PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY engineering students, profemional engineers, and production enI. J. Sudbomugh, formerly Professor of Organic Chemistry, gineers who can use the correlated and interpreted information Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and T. Campbell James, in part or as a whole with their professional work." Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University College of Wales, The preceding quotation from the preface of Dr. Woldman's Aberystwgth. Blaokie and Son, Ltd., London, 1949. Second hook describes it aptly and indicates clearly the field of interest he edition. miii 450 pp. 99 figs. 24 tables. 12.3 X 19 cm. hopes to serve. He acknowledges his indebtedness to various 15s net. $2.12. sources for the material presented as the scope of his book is very THIS work, Iimt issued in 1909, is a laborstory companion to broad and no one person could a m all the information which the author is correlating and presenting. This book make3 Nndboroueh's edition of Bernthsen's "Orrrtnic Chemistrv!' Acrording to the authors the prerclrt edition LHHl w n rornpl~tely available, in one volume, information on competing materialsrevised in the light of long t x p r i e o w Likcaiw, a n endeavor hss as aluminum, magnesium, and stainless steels for structural servbeen made to inmrpurate rnoderri niethud* uf quantitative ice. In an analogous manner the materials from which gears analysis, new synthetic methods, and such processes of degrada- may he made is discussed and the proper treatments of these tion of organic compounds as are useful in the determination of materials are indicated. In the discussion of threaded fasteners structure. The text bas been reset, the illustrations have been design is discwed and the relationship between material and proper designing is emphasized. The interdependence of dereplaced or redrawn, and the whole modernized. A careful examination of this text and laboratory manual sign and material is stressed in several places in this book. reveals the fact that it is unusually complete and comprehensive. , "Materials for the Electrical Industries" in~ludesaninterestin~ Within the 450 pages are clear, definite, and adequate directions discussion of bimetallies and their properties. Magnetic m a t e for the preparation or study of no lem than 353 organic com- rials are discussed in a very understandable way and the theoriee pounds. The hook is divided into 38 chapters, each dealing of magnetism are presented in sufficient detail to form the neceswith a major division of organic chemistry. Besides the prepa- sary background. The section on Materials for Special and ration of numerous, varied, and typical organic compounds, Severe Service contains a very good chapter on corrosion and an the text treats extensively of such topics as oxidation, reduc- interesting discussion of materials for high temperature, high tion, polymerization, condensation, cyelization, molecular re- stress service. This section will be of interest to chemical engiarrangements, isomerization, reaction velocity, moleeulax weight neers and to mechanical engineers dealing with power plants. This book presupposes s. knowledge of elementary metallurgy determinations, and elementary organic qualitative and quantitative analysis. Each chapter opens with a. brief discussion of and therefore is not suitable as a text for the courses offered the the basic principles involved in the experiments that follow. nonmetallurgieal students in many of our colleges. I t would be While these introductions are brief in many instances, they are an excellent reference book for such courses and could be used as s text in a second course in such a series of courses. The price, specific and extremely helpful. This laborstory manual is one of the most complete and eom- $10, is going to make most htrnctors think twice before adopting prehensive of an elementary type that is readily available. Those it as a text. This is a very valuable reference book for a praoinstructors ushe the Bernthsen and Sudboroueh. "Textbook of tioing engineer who has oecasion to concern himself with metal products. Organic ~hemi&y," will find this to he a very oonvenient &d practical companion volume. Likewise, teachers looking for a JOHN T. MCCORMACK mare comprehensive organic laboratory manual than is usually Puzona U N I Y Z B ~ T T LAFATEWE.INDIANA found in the common elementary books produced in this country





