MATERIALS HANDLING - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

New all-steel welded stacking rack with safety interlocking features has been ... Space-saving stacking and safe tiering are allowed with this rack by...
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MATERIALS Rotating Clamp Device f o r Handling Roll M a t e r i a l s A rotating clamp device is offered by Clark E q u i p m e n t Co. for use on all gas a n d electric carloader model fork-lift trucks with standard rated capacities of 3,000 to 5,000 lb. T h e new attachment has two basicactions, clamping and rotating. Paper a n d other rolls may be h a n d l e d in either vertical or horizontal position a n d c h a n g e d from either position to t h e other. A roll can be rotated at uniform speed through 9 0 ° . Both clamping and rotating actions are accomplished hydraulically and a supplementary load accumulator, hydraulically actuated, serves to prevent loss of clamping pressure. The standard rotating clamp device is detachable. H 1

Stacking Rack W i t h Safety Interlocking New all-steel welded stacking rack with safety interlocking features has been announced by Palmcr-Shile Co. Space-saving stacking and safe tiering are allowed with this rack by lift truck or crane operation. The rack can b e used for stacking wire or similar materials where head room is a critical factor. Interlocking ends are designed to prevent shifting and keep tiered racks securely in place. Of all-steel welded construction, corrugated bottom, a n d I-beam ends, t h e rack can be built to any size to fit specifications requirements. Color of paint d e sired may also be specified. H 2

Hydraulic Keg Handling Device Latest materials handling development of Towmotor Corp. picks u p , transports, stacks, a n d unloads—without a pallet—six 200-lb. kegs of spikes in one maneuver. T o pick u p a load, a guide frame m o u n t e d on an unloader accessory with 10-inch stroke is lowered over t h e kegs; as t h e unloader is retracted t h e guide frame pulls the kegs against three r u b b e r covered shoes which project from t h e face of the carriage. T h e six kegs, held in position by t h e guide frame, are pressed against t h e projecting shoes and are then picked u p and transported. T h e need for a flat carrying plate has been eliminated. Both shoes and guide frame are detachable. H 3

Adjustable Loading P l a t f o r m A device called t h e Make-It-Evener has been designed to level a loading platform or dock with the height of a n a u t o mobile truck. Built into t h e loading platform like a hydraulic elevator, t h e movable platform is usually about 18 ft. long by 6 ft. wide. T h e inside e n d of platform



suspension is semielliptic shackled t y p e , a n d t h e four-wheel steering is by means of automotive hand wheel and Ross c a m and lever gear. H 6

Fork Lift Truck For further information on any item or process mentioned here, see coupon on page 3068 is held in position by a pivot, while t h e outer end is raised or lowered by hydraulic ram operated by electric-oil, air-oil, water, or b y hand. T h e capacity can b e m a d e to suit requirements u p to 20,000 lb. T h e device is m a d e by Revolvator Co. It can b e operated b y remote control. H 4

Valving and Dumping Delivery compartment valving and d u m p i n g is said to b e simplified a n d m a d e safer by use of a newly developed hydraulic valve. This unit is announced by Shand and Jurs Co. and has been n a m e d the hydrafold valve. It has been especially designed for use on truck-tanks carrying a variety of petroleum or chemical products. According to t h e manufacturer, b e t t e r piping arrangements can be m a d e a n d each delivery h a n d l e d faster a n d surer than with manually operated manifolds. T h e installation of banked hydrafold valves is designed to permit use of preset compartment selective systems which handle any desired grouping of compartments simultaneously. T h e valves are built with 2.5- a n d 3.5-inch flanged inlets; contamination displacement is said to b e less than three quarters of a pint in t h e smaller size. L i g h t weight is secured by aluminum construction. Installation of t h e hydrafold can b e in conjunction with t h e Shand a n d Jurs internal hydraulic valving system or independent. H y d r a u l i c pressure is distributed t h r o u g h seamless copper t u b i n g for hydrafold operation, a n d fusible elements ensure automatic shut-off in case of fire. F u r t h e r safety shut-off can b e arranged by closing t h e delivery compartm e n t doors so t h a t the hydraulic system is tripped and all valves close instantaneously. H 5

H e a v y Duty Electric Industrial T r a c t o r Mercury Mfg. C o . has announced a n e w heavy-duty electric industrial tractor designated as model A-800-3. T h e n e w tractor is a two-motor, four-wheel drive, four-wheel steer machine which develops a maximum tractive effort in excess of 4,000 lb. Light travel speed is better t h a n six miles per hour a n d the tractor chassis weight, less p o w e r source, is 4,700 l b . Recommended p o w e r source is a b a t t e r y of 48 volts and not less t h a n 450 a m p e r e hours' rating. E a c h of the separately powered drive axles is of fully enclosed double reduction spiral bevel a n d spur gear t y p e , with heavy duty automotive differential. Spring


Loads weighing u p to 4,000 lb. can b e h a n d l e d by a new m o d e l of m e d i u m weight electric power fork truck a n n o u n c e d b y Elwell-Parker Electric Co. In tiering operations this truck lifts to a b a s e height of 130 inches in 26 sec. Going up light, t h e fork attains the full 130-inch height in 15 s e c , a n d it lowers a capacity load from s a m e h e i g h t in 16 sec. Travel speed on straightaway w i t h full load is 5.5 miles per hour. Lift cylinder is above vision point w h e n load is elevated. Contributing to this is a ^ewly developed telescoping single-cylinder, lowpressure, double-action hydraulic system in t h e center of t h e telescoping u p r i g h t s . Also, friction b e t w e e n this secondary hoist and t h e primary u p r i g h t column is r e d u c e d to a minimum b y six antifriction self-lubricating rollers serving as bearings. Truck's upright column is* hydraulically tilted 5° forward from vertical in 2 sec. and 12° b a c k w a r d from vertical in 4 sec. High location of double side tilt levers stabilizes mechanism for high tiering, with inner uprights extended. Truck's over-all length with 36-inch fork is 116 inches; w i d t h , 41 inches; h e i g h t with uprights telescoped, 8 3 inches. It has a short turning radius, 7 4 inches in intersecting aisles a n d 134 inches in right-angle aisles. M e d i u m weight is 7,600 lb. H 7

T o t e m a s t e r Burden C a r r i e r Levvis-Shepard Products, Inc., has ann o u n c e d a new addition t o its line of materials h a n d l i n g e q u i p m e n t . T h e " T o t e m a s t e r " b u r d e n carrier is ideally suited for use by railroads, steamship companies, industrial plants, express companies, w a r e houses, utilities, foundries, factory m a i n t e n a n c e a n d repair service, to mention only a few7. Called t h e Totemaster ( M o d e l G C 2 - 5 6 ) it has a capacity of 2,000 l b . a n d has 21 sq. ft. of loading space. P o w e r e d b y a 2 0 - h p . , four-cylinder, high-compression, water-cooled engine, it is governor-controlled for speeds u p to 20 miles per hour. F u r t h e r s t a n d a r d specifications include an electric starter, hydraulic airplane t y p e brakes, seat-operated p a r k i n g b r a k e , T h a n d l e steering, p n e u m a t i c tires, and t w o w h e e l drive through automotive-type differential. T h r e e speeds forward, one reverse, are designed to save strain o n engine, increase g r a d e performance w i t h heavy loads, and lower m a i n t e n a n c e cost. *-* 0

U n d e r - C a r Unloader^ George Haiss Mfg. Co., Inc., division of P e t t i b o n e Mulliken Corp., h a s introd u c e d a combination belt a n d positive chain drive h o p p e r b o t t o m cdr unloader for h a n d l i n g aggregates. Capacity of n e w machine is u p to 3 tons per minute. H 9