Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes

Aizawa, Masuo, 447. Babcock, W. C, 409. Bateman, Blaine R., 119. Bresnahan, P. Α., 409. Cabasso, Israel, 305. Cadotte, John Ε., 273. Chern, R. T., 2...
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Downloaded by on March 15, 2016 | Publication Date: December 12, 1985 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1985-0269.ix001

Author Index Krause, Sonja, 351 Kyu, Thein, 365 Lee, E r i c K. L., 409 Lloyd, Douglas R., 1,47 Manabe, S e i - i c h i , 197 Meluch, Timothy B., 47 Noble, Richard D., 119 Smolders, C. Α., 327 Spencer, H. Garth, 295 Stannett, V. T., 25 Strathmann, H., 165 Tkacik, G a b r i e l , 339 Vitzthum, G. Η., 229 Vugteveen, E., 327 Wagener, Κ. Β., 229,429 Ward, Richard Α., 99 Way, J . Douglas, 119 Zeman, Leos, 339

Aizawa, Masuo, 447 Babcock, W. C , 409 Bateman, Blaine R., 119 Bresnahan, P. Α., 409 Cabasso, I s r a e l , 305 Cadotte, John Ε., 273 Chern, R. T., 25 Feldhoff, Pamela W., 99 Finken, Heinz, 245 Gerlach, Κ., 229 H i a t t , W. C , 229 Hoehn, H. H., 81 Hopfenberg, H. B., 25 J o s e f i a k , C , 229 Kamide, K e n j i , 197 Resting, R. Ε., 131 K l e i n , E l i a s , 99 Koros, W. J . , 25

Subject Index A Acetylene, polymerization, 433-34 A c r y l i c polymers, 105 A l i p h a t i c a c i d esters of wood, apparent melting temperatures, 153,154t Amalgamation o f primary p a r t i c l e s , 201,204f Amorphous polymers, 55 Annealing c e l l u l o s e acetate blend membranes, 262,264,266f porous membranes, 148-49 Apparent s o l u b i l i t i e s glassy polymers, 33,34t penetrants i n glassy polymers, 35,36f Aromatic polyamide membranes, 81-96 Asymmetric membranes c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n methods, 327-38 gas separations, 245-70 morphology, 88-91 permeation p r o p e r t i e s , 89

Ba ct e r i orhodopsi n-cont a i ning membrane, 459 B i l a y e r l i p i d membranes, pigmented, 456,457f,459 Binary system with l i m i t e d m i s c i b i l i t y , k i n e t i c and t h e r ­ modynamic d e s c r i p t i o n s , 183-85 Binodal-spinodal phase diagram, polymer-solvent-nonsolvent system, 230-32 B i o a f f i n i t y membranes, homologous and heterologous, 471,473,474f Biocatalytic function, r e g u l a t i o n , 453-54 B i o c a t a l y t i c membranes, 448-54 Biofunctional synthetic membranes, 447-75 Biomimetic-controlled membrane t r a n ­ sport systems, 452f Biosensors, f u n c t i o n a l concept using b i o a c t i v e substances, 464,465f Blushing, phase i n v e r s i o n membranes, 161-62


Lloyd; Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.