Mathematical requirements for physical chemistry

The.following quotations are offered in support of these statements. Crum Brown stated in 1892: Unless the chemist learns the language of mathematics,...
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F~BRUARY, 1929

MATHEMATICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY* FARRINGTON DANIELS, UNIVERSITY OP WISCONSIN, MADISON, WISCONSIN Chemistry has graduated from the class of descriptive sciences into the class of exact, mathematical sciences. This development has taken place so fast that the training of chemists in mathematics has not kept pace. Inadequate preparation in mathematics now constitutes the greatest problem in the teaching of physical chemistry. The.following quotations are offered in support of these statements. Crum Brown stated in 1892: Unless the chemist learns the language of mathematics, be will become a provincial and the higher branches of c h e m i d work, that require reason as well as skill, will pradually pass out of his hands.

After quoting this statement, James Kendall goes on to say: Such a statement regarded then as sensational would now pass unnoticed as a platitude. Whether he likes i t or not, every physical chemist of the present timeinust also he a mathematician. The actual amount of formal mathematics which it is essential for him to assimilate is not large, but he must be able to use every particle of i t with a dear understanding.

In emphasizing the mathematical weakness of chemical training, J. R. Partington says: Exactly why thestudent of chemistry is always assumed to have much weaker equipment than other students i t is difficult t o say, but the f a d remains that i t is always customary to proceed on this assumption and t o take care that when his delicate constitution is t o be subjected to small doses of mathematics, these are always well diluted with neutral matter.

Speaking of the older physical chemistry, was customary to adopt

E. W. Washburn says fhat it

.. . a somewhat apologetic attitude and to explain that the student must takeon faith 'these few derivations,' but that be should not allow this f a d to worry him. He goes on to say that, in a modern course in physical chemistry,


..calculus is freely employed and the student is strongly advised to acquire the elements of calculus before attempting t o secure any special training in physical chemistry.

Pointing out that freshman chemistry now embraces physical chemistry as given a generation ago, H. S. Taylor states that: 'Contribution to the symposium on "The Teaching of Physical Chemistry," held by Divisions of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Education, a t the 76th Meeting of the A. C. S., September 11, 1928, a t Swampscott, Mass.

V ~ L6,. No. 2



Physical chemistry.. .is offered the possibility of substituting for the descriptive, qualitative course a more rigorous and therefore more mathematical discipline.. .Any teacher who would advise his students that he can attain to an understanding of the sdence as now developing without the mathematical knowledge, is doing an ill service to his pupils.

Professor T. W Richards said: I am a thorough believer in sound mathematical treatment and I feel that positive knowledge is not available until one has a satisfactory mathematical expression of his problem.

Professor Richards also sounded a very necessary warning as follows: Such a viewpoint.. . . i s entirely &nsistent with profound mistrust of mathematics based upon inadequate premises.

The task of the mathematical chemist is indeed more difficult than that of the mathematician for the test tube imposes many restrictions that are unknown to the pure mathematician. After emphasizing the present trend toward mathematics in chemkry the mathematical requirements for an elementary course in physical chemistry will now be reviewed briefly. The student must be able to juggle algebraic formulas and put them into the form which is necessary for any particular purpose and he must be able to solve quadratic equations.. The ability to han$e large and small numbers is essential because important advances are now being made by visualizing the individual units of matter, electricity, and radiation. For example, it used to be sufficient to say that oxygen is sixteen times as heavy as hydrogen but now we know that each atom of oxygen weighs exactly 2.64 X 10-23 gram. It is taught that 96,500 coulombs of electricity is associated with the electrolysis of a gram equivalent. This relation is known as Faraday's law and the 95,000 coulombs was formerly accepted merely as an empirical constant. Now we know that this constant is theoretically significant and is obtained by by the number simply multiplying the charge on an electron (1.59 X of atoms in a gram atom (6.06 X loz3). The Planck constant, G.57 X 10-27, is important in all quantum calculations. The student easily masters the exponential notation and acquires the ability to handle these large and small numbers. Logarithmic equations are extensively hsed by the chemist but the physicist usually employs exponential equations. The student of physical chemistry must be able to solve either and he must be able to transform one into the other. He should not hesitate to find the value of e-'* when R and T are given. Negative logarithms are met with frequently in electrochemistry and particularly in the treatment of hydrogen-ion


concentration, as pH. Many students are bothered by these calculations and do not seem to realize, for example, that in logarithms: -6.70


5.30 or 3.30 - 10

Every chemist should use a slide rule not only for the sake of increased speed and efficiency but also for the training whichit gives in the evaluation of significant figures. A user of the slide rule is not likely to divide 40.0 cc. by 30.0 cc. and write a normality factor of 1.333333. The student should plan his experimental graphs so as to utilize most of his coordinate paper Frequently he becomes confused if he cannot start his scales a t zero and use the same scale along each axis. The finding of an empirical equation for a set of data is an important art. Experience in curve fitting would be welcomed by the chemist in analytical geometry. The most useful empirical equations, aside from bx cx2, straight line equations, are the parabolic equation: y = a and the semilogarithmic equation: log y = bx c. The student is much impressed when he obtains data in the laboratory, as, for example, th6 vapor pressure of a liquid a t different temperatures, plots a curve and finds its equation and then finds that the empirical constants can be derived from theoretical considerations. Calculus is absolutely essential. Simple differentiations, integrations, integration between limits, and the use of integration tables are all necessary. As a ru$ the preparation in calculus is sufficient for the meager demands of physical chemistry but the students seem to lack confidence. The cause of this lack of confidence is not easy to understand. It may be that the instructor in chemistry himself lacks confidence or it may be that the student thinks that the chief aim of calculus is to memorize half a hundred rules of differentiation and integration. The teacher of physical chemistry does not expect that the students will remember many of these rules but he does want them to understand the principles and to be able to think in terms of calculus. The compound interest law runs through many branches of physical chemistry and it should be clearly understood. Differential equations are used frequently but usually they are so simple that the student does not realize that he is solving differentialequations. The commonest examples are the van't Hoff reaction isochore:


and reaction iates such as: @ dt


k (a - z) ( b - z)

+ +

VOL. 6, No. 2



When several reactions are proceeding simultaneously more complicated differential equations are needed. Partial differentiation is the backbone of thermodynamical treatment and the student should be able to lay contour lines in every conceivable manner over a three-dimensional graph (pressure,temperature, and volume, for example) and know exactly what he is doing. The physical significance of partial differentiation is the important thing for the student to master. Partial molal quantities should now be introduced into courses in physical chemistry in order to study adequately the properties of solutions. The mathematical technic and the graphical methods necessary in using and compiling tables of entropy are important also. These newer developments in exact physical chemistry are discussed fully by Lewis and Randall.' Having outlined briefly, then, some of the mathematical requirements for a course in physical chemistry, the question arises as to how these requirements shall he met. Obviously, there is only one satisfactory answer. The student must have had courses in mathematics through integral calculus before he is permitted to take physical chemistry. It is to be. hoped in this connection that courses in mathematics will include, along with problems for engineers, some problems especially for chemists, and that some phases of the mathematical training which are of special importance in chemistry will be stressed a little more. The most important contribution of matliematics, however, is not concerned with any specific technic. The chief asset is a mathematical state of mind and i t is acquired only after long practice in solving problems. There is a difficultyin this absolute pre-requisite of calculus. Students in biology and agriculture and geology, for example, should have some physical chemistry but to demand two years of mathematics before starting physical chemistry frequently works an undue hardship on these students ' or drives them away completely. The same statement may be made concerning academic students who are taking chemistry only as an incidental subject. The subject almost calls for two courses, one for real chemists and one for others. If the inadequately prepared student is admitted to physical chemistry he should do aU that he can to study by himself the most necessary parts of mathematics. It was stated before that inadequate preparation in mathematics is the most serious difficulty in the teaching of physical chemistry. In conclusion a still stronger statement may be made. Inadequate experience i n mathmatics is the greatest single handicap in the progress of chemistry in America. Suppose that some one should make the statement that "with a few 1 Lewis and Randall, "Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances," McGraw-Hill Book Co.,New York, 1923.

exceptions the conspicuous advances in theoretical chemistry are now being made by physicists." You would say that it is not true. Then you would think of Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Rutherford, Debye, Franck, and many others and admit that there is some truth in the statement. When you reflect as to the reason, you realize that physicists are better trained in mathematics and that they have expressed our chemical phenomena with mathematical formulas, and that the expression of these formulas has led to the discovery of mechanisms which are of fundamental significance. Then we would all agree that the oncoming generation of chemists must have a better training in mathematics than the past generation has had.


I am sony that I got to this meeting only in time to hear the last few remarks of Professor Daniels on mathematics and it may be that the comments I have to make may have been covered by him in his discussion. However, even a t the risk of repetition, may I present a few observations on this subject? During the last few years, I have had some experienk in teaching rather rpathematical subjects to graduate students of chemistry and also to students of physics. It is certainly true that graduate students of chemistry have forgotten most of the mathematics that they ever knew and, what is more discouraging, they have in many cases acquired a fear of the subject. Partial derivatives and second derivatives, for example, frighten them so badly that they are ready to withdraw from any cburse in which they are used. The same is not true of physics students and I wish to ask the question, "How and where do chemists acquire this fear, while physics students escape it?' The suggestion that students who naturally like mathematics go into physics while those who are fearful of their ability to use it decide to he chemists may partly answer this question, though I don't believe that it is the complete answer. It is my belief that my professors of chemistry were not able to use mathematics easily themselves and that their advice to me in regard to the amount of mathematical equipment for chemists erred far on the side of too little mathematics. Further, I believe that is the attitude of too many of our teachers of chemistry. Students probably have acquired this nervousness about mathematics from their teachers while undergraduates. There is nothing, it seems to me, which can so effectively prevent this fault as for the professor to handle the mathematics