Matheson has 189 Flowmeters - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Matheson has

189 Flowmeters Specialty Gas Handling equipment is our business. Matheson has engineered 189 different flowmeters, all of which feature accuracy, precision, quality and durability. When you buy from Matheson, our experience and technology allow you to measure the flow of over 130 different gases.

Electronic Mass Flow Controllers And 150mm Flowmeter Units, 7600 Series Matheson's most versatile rotameter series. Flowmeters These electronic units sense the mass flow Can be panel or bench mounted with the "B .--..._!· ~"~


of gas by measuring the differential cooling between two points. They are dependent on heat capacity and provide accurate readings r e g a r d l e s s of t e m p e r a t u r e and p r e s s u r e changes in the gas stream. All meter circuitry is solid state. The long list· of units includes over 30 linear models ideal for use with in­ tegrators, totalizers and computer data re­ duction equipment.

valve on the outlet or inlet. Accuracy of 3 % and 5% of full scale depending upon the rate of flow. The series offers a wide selection of flowmeter tubes with ranges from 0.0084 SCFH to 104 SCFH. Floats of glass, stainless steel, and tantalum. Accessories of brass, stainless s t e e l , and M o n e l . A v a i l a b l e w i t h v a r i o u s needle valves including Matheson's new PC metering valve. Typical calibration curves for many gases available. 24 basic models to choose from.

Mass flow controllers incorporate a valve con­ trolled by the flow transducer to reduce or increase flow to maintain a constant stream. CIRCLE 31 O N READER SERVICE CARD

The Gas Proportioner A 2-component mixture with component ac­ curacy to ± 5 % can be made with this unit. Most simply it consists of 2-150mm tubes, a mixing tube, valves (we recommend high ac­ curacy valves) and is compensated for back pressure by outlet valves. A high sensitivity regulator (Matheson's No. 8) is a necessary accessory. You specify the mixture you need — Matheson does the rest. CIRCLE 33 O N READER SERVICE CARD


Acrylic Purge Meters, 7260 Series IfS^I


These have an accuracy of 10% full scale. They are low-priced units for use with noncorrosive gases. Direct reading scales indi­ cate maximum flows from 0.01 to 50 SCFH of air. This series can by easily panel mounted. The acrylic body is protected by an aluminum frame. Pressure is rated at 100 psig, tempera­ ture to 150°F. Four standard ranges available. CIRCLE 3 4 O N READER SERVICE CARD

65mm Flowmeter Units, 7200 Series 150mm Four Tube Flowmeter Units, This glass flowmeter is accurate to 5 % of full 7400 Series Four tube units can produce 3 and 4 com­ ponent gas mixtures, or permit metering of 4 separate streams of gases by changing the configurations. You can specify 3 tube mixers and a mixing tube to produce a homogeneous mixture of 3 gases. Or, 4 tubes and one dis­ charge port to produce a 4 component mix­ ture. Four tubes and 4 outlets permit the monitoring of 4 separate streams. Specifica­ tions are the same as those for the 150mm Series. Two models available in brass and 316 stainless steel. CIRCLE 35 O N READER SERVICE CARD

scale. It possesses a single float and is cali­ brated to read directly in SCFH of air (the series range is 0.2 to 45 max SCFH air). Cor­ rection factors for many gases are available. Fittings are of aluminum and stainless steel. Pressure to 200 psig; temperature to 250°F. Five standard ranges are available. CIRCLE 3 6 O N READER SERVICE CARD

Flowmeter Calibration Services Calibration of all Matheson flowmeters can be provided for virtually any gas and pressure. An actual flowmeter calibration can increase accuracy of your flow measurements. The gases shown are a partial listing of some past calibrations. Air, argon, 1,3-butadiene, butane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyclopropane, dimethyl ether, ethane, ethylene, helium, hydrogen, isobutane, isobutylene, methane, methyl acetylene, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, propane, propylene, refrigerants, sulfur hexafluoride and vinyl chloride.



C&ENMay 17, 1976

Matheson L y n d h u r s t , N.J. 0 7 0 7 1

East Rutherford, N.j. 07073 Morrow, Georgia 30260 Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 Joliet, Illinois 60430 La Porte, Texas 77571

Cucamonga, California 91730 Newark, California 94560 Whitby, Ontario, Canada L1Ν 5R9 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5B 4K6 Β 2431 Oevel, Belgium