Matrix photoionization and radiolysis of dichloromethane and

Abstract: Matrix photoionization and radiolysis of methylene chloride and bromide produced and isolated the CH?X?+ and. CHX?+ ions for spectroscopic a...
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Andrews, Prochaska. Ault

/ Photoionization and Radiolysis of CHzCL' and CHlBr2


Matrix Photoionization and Radiolysis of CH2C12 and CH2Br2. Infrared and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra and Photolysis of CH2C12+ and CH2Br2+ Lester Andrews," Frank T. Prochaska, and Bruce S. Ault Contribution f r o m the Chemistry Department, Unicersity of Virginia, Charlottescille, Virginia 22901. Receiced April 14. I978

Abstract: Matrix photoionization and radiolysis of methylene chloride and bromide produced and isolated the C H ? X ? + and C H X ? + ions for spectroscopic and photochernical stud). T h e antisjmnietric vibrations observed for the parent ions ahon u n usual isotope shifts. which are explained by spin-orbit interaction of the lowest two electronic states of C H ? X ? + formed by removal of halogen nonbonding electrons, The major ultraviolet absorption to an excited electronic state of each ion nicely correlates with photoelectron spectra. T h e parent ions photodissociLited w i t h red-visible light, which is in accord with their limited stability in the gas phase. Ultraviolet photolysis of these matrix samples produced infrared spectra of the isolated CHX:+ ions, C H X ? radicals, and the matrix solvated proton Ar,,H+.

The absorption spectroscopy of molecular cations is of growing interest, with such techniques as ion cyclotron resonance and photoelectron spectroscopy available to study gaseous cations. Argon resonance photoionization of a precursor molecule during condensation with argon at 15 K provides a means to produce and trap molecular cations for spectroscopic and photochemical examination.' I n a study of the CF3X molecules, infrared absorption and photolysis data were obtained for the CF3+, CF*X+, and CF3X+ molecular cations.' Photoionization and fragmentation of the chlorinated and brominated methanes have been extensively investigated.'J Methylene chloride and bromide are good candidates for a matrix-isolation study since the parent ions CH?X>+have been observed in the gas phase,j and the daughter ions CHX2+ have been produced in previous matrix work with the haloWe report here the infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopic observation of the parent ions and their photochemical changes in argon matrices at 15 K.

Experimental Section The cryogenic and vacuum systems and discharge photoionization sources have been described previous1y.l.' Reagent grade CHzCI2. CHZCIBr, CH2Br2. and C H l l z and isotopic compounds CD2CI2. CD2Br2, and 13CH2C12 (90% IT, Merck Sharpe and Dohmc) were condensed, outgassed. and diluted with argon (Air Products. 99.995%) to give A r / C H ? X ? = 400/1 mixtures. These saniples were deposited at 2 mniol/h on a I5 K Csl window for 20 h with a comparable amount of argon flowing through a 12-mm o.d. discharge tube. T h e argon emission was exposed to the saniple through a I - n i n i i.d. orifice. Since a comparable amount of additional argon was codeposited with the samples, the actual A r / C H ? X ? ratio was double the sample value. Infrared spectra were recorded during and after sample deposition through a Kodak 220 far-IR transmitting filter placed in thc source compartment of a Becknian IR-12. Expanded wavenumber scale spectra were recorded before and after photolysis with a high-pressure mercury arc (General Electric. BH-6) using Water and Pyrex and Corning glass filters. Band positions are accurate to 40.5 cm-1. Additional experiments uith each compound eniployed 2-keV proton beam radiolysis of the sample during condensation followed by recording infrared spectra, exposing the sample t o a heated light bulb filament inside the vacuum chamber. and recording final spectra.'" Previous experiments have shown that the heated filament acts a5 a weak visible photolysis source.' A sample of each compound was deposited without photoionization or radiolqsis to measurc the precursor and any impurity absorptions: these bands are labeled P i n the figures. Complementary photoionization experiments were performed using the optical absorption apparatus.l] Samples were deposited for 1-3 h on a sapphire plate at 20 K exposed to the argon discharge through a 3-mm i.d. orifice. Absorption spectra Nere recorded frorn 2600 to

0002-7863/79/150l-0009$0 I .00/0

200 nm on a Cary I 7 Spectrophotometer before and after filtered mercury arc photolysis. Band positions were measured at the wavelength equally dividing the integrated absorption above the background and are accurate to f 2 nm.

Results Infrared experiments for each precursor molecule and ultraviolet absorption studies for the methylene halides will be described. CH2C12. Argon-methylene chloride mixtures were deposited at 15 K with simultaneous exposure to the argon discharge emission for 20 h. Infrared spectra of these samples in regions of interest are shown in Figure 1 a and the product bands are listed in Table I. h e w features of special interest are the bands labeled P+ a t 764 and 1194 cm-I. and the 1045.4. 1042.5, 1039.8 cm-' triplet and 1292.0 cm-l absorption labeled R+. Absorptions labeled R at 900, 1220, and 1227 cm-I are due to the CHClz radical'? and the 697-cm-I band is due to the HCI2- species.9 The filtered photolysis studies are particularly important for grouping the new bands and characterizing the various product species. As shown in Figure 1 a, photolysis with 650-1000-nm light for 60 min destroyed the 764-cm-l absorption and reduced the 1 194-cm-l band by 0.04 absorbance units leaving a 1 197, - 1 194-cm-l doublet. which was unaffected by additional photolysis; the other absorptions in the spectrum were not changed by this photolysis. Exposure of the sample to 290- 1000-nm radiation for 30 min produced changes in the spectrum which are also shown in Figure l a and listed in Table I . Most notable were the growth of the triplet at 1045 cm-l and the 1292-cm-l band and the appearance of a sharp new absorption at 904.5 c1n-I. Additional photolysis with the full arc (220- 1000 nm) reduced the latter bands and increased the yield of the free radical and HC12- bands. A second study produced the same bands with similar yields and photolysis behavior. Proton radiolysis of a CH2C12 sample produced the R+ and R bands but not the P+ absorptions, which are also given in Table I . '3CHzC12. Two photoionization experiments were done with 90% 3C-enriched methylene chloride samples. Infrared spectra are illustrated in Figure 1 band the band positions and absorbances are listed in Table I I . The most interesting new features are labeled I3P+ at 757 and 1190 cm-l and I3R+ at 1019.8, 1016.9, 1014.2, and 1282.4cm-I. Red photolysisdestroyed the 757- and 1 190-cm-l absorptions as shown in the dashed trace in the figure. Photolysis with 290-1000-nm light for 15 min markedly increased the I3R+ bands and produced new 873- and 904.5-cm-I absorptions. These features were increased by 30 min of 220- 1000-nm photolysis which is shown in Figure 1 b. C 1979 American Chemical Societ)

Journal of the American C'hemicul Society


/ 101:l /

January 3, 1979



K with simultaneous cxposurc to argon discharge radiation. ( a ) C tH?CI?sample. Dashed traces show changes after 60 niin of 650-1000-nm photollsis: solid inxt sciin recorded aftcr 30 niin of 290-1000-nm photolbsic. ( b ) "CH?CI? sample. 90% I3C enrichcd. Dashed traccs s h o ~changes after 30 min o f 650-1000-nni photolysis: solid inset scan recorded after exposure to I 5 iiiin of 290- 1000-nni and 30 niin o f 220-1000-nni photollsih. Figure I . lnfrarcd spectra of nicthylenc chloridc samples, Ar/CH?CI? = 400/1. deposited at I 5

CD2C12. Photoionization experiments were performed with two CDzCl? samples. The infrared spectra are shown in Figure 2 and the bands are listed in Table I l l . The new P+ band at 61 I , 605 cm-' was destroyed by red photolysis. Absorptions at 465 cm-' due to DCI?-, 644,8 16, and 974 cm-' due to the CDCl? radical,'? and R+ triplets at 863.5, 864.5, and 865.7 cm-' and 1 124.8, I 126.3, and 1 128.0 cm-' increased with the photolysis sequence given in the table. The spectrum after 220-1000-nm photolysis is shown in Figure 2. Two radiolysis experiments were performed, the first using protons and the second deuterons. Band absorbances were slightly higher in the latter case and are given in Table 111; however, the 644cm-l band was tenfold more intense using deuteron bombardment. Exposing the sample to the heated light bulb filament destroyed the 605,611 cm-' bands without affecting the rest of the spectrum. CHZCIBr. A proton radiolysis experiment with an A r / CHlClBr = 400/ I sample produced a strong structured absorption at 860 cm-l ( A = 0.50) and bands at 1 188 and 1 196 cm-l ( A = 0.1 1 ) due to the CHClBr radical,I3a new doublet at 993, 989 cm-l ( A = 0.16,0.05) and a weaker 1256-cm-l band ( A = 0.02). An argon photoionization experiment yielded a sharp weak 1 1 6 6 - ~ r n -band ~ ( A = 0.02) and a weak 993cni-l absorption without any new bands in the carbon-halogen stretching region. Red photolysis destroyed the 1 166-cm-l feature. Pyrex-filtered photolysis produced a sharp 993.5-, 989.0-cm-I doublet ( A = 0.14, 0.045), a 1256-cm-I band ( A = 0.02). and a 904-cm-I band ( A = 0.02). Full arc photolysis halved the 989-, 993-, and 1256-cm-l features, increased weak CHClBr radical bands at 861,866, 1188, and 1196cm-', and produced a new unidentified doublet at 1 122, 1 1 18 cm-l ( A = 0.06, 0.02). CH2Br2. Methylene bromide was the subject of several studies. Photoionization produced the spectrum shown in Figure 3a and the bands listed in Table IV. The new features

of most interest appeared at 685,695, and 1 I29 cm-I, which are labeled P+, and at 897 and 1229 cm-I, labeled R+. New absorptions labeled R due to the CHBrl radical" appeared at 778,786, and 1 1 65 cm-I; bands due to CHzBr radicalI4 a t 368 and 1356 cm-l, HBr2- at 729 cm-1.15and CBrl at 641 cm-I were also observed.Ih As shown in Figure 3a, red mercury arc photolysis destroyed the 6 8 5 , 695-, and 1129-cm-I bands, uncovering a residual CH2Br absorption a t 693 cm-I, without altering the rest of the spectrum. Full arc photolysis slightly reduced the R+ bands and produced a new feature a t 904.5 cm-I, also shown in Figure 3a. Proton radiolysis of a CHzBrz sample gave more intense product bands as listed in Table IV. Sample exposure to the light-bulb filament destroyed the 6 8 5 , 695-cm-I bands; the 1 129-cm-I region was unfortunately not rescanned after photolysis in this experiment. CDZBr2. Methylene-d? bromide was subjected to argon resonance photoionization, and the infrared data are given i n Figure 3b and Table V . New features of particular interest appeared at 547 cni-l (labeled P + ) and 78 I and 1015 cm-l (labeled R+) and 1020 cm-l; the CDBr2 radical,I3 labeled R, was also observed at 725 and 899 cm-I. Red photolysis destroyed the 547-cm-l feature, Pyrex photolysis increased the R+ bands at 781 and 1014 cm-' and produced a weak 644cm-' band, and full arc photolysis reduced the R + bands and increased the 644-cm-l absorption. A proton radiolysis experiment produced a greater yield of product absorptions, as listed in Table V; light-bulb photolysis for 1 h destroyed the 547-cm-I absorption, without affecting the rest of the spectrum. CH2I2. One photoionization experiment was done with methylene iodide. Several weak product bands were observed; the most noteworthy are at 1165 cm-' ( A = 0.03), 805 cm-' ( A = 0.06), and 791 cm-' ( A = 0.03). Ultraviolet Spectra. Ultraviolet absorption spectra for samples of CHzC1.7, CHzBrr, and CHzlz condensed with si-

Andrews, Prochaska, Ault

/ Photoionization and Radiolysis of C'H2CL2and CH2Br2


Table I . Absorption Band Positions (crii-I) and Intcnsitic\ (Absorbance U n i t s ) in C t i ? C l 2Photoioni7ation and Proton

Radiolqsis Experinients" ;i




0.03 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.0

0.03 0.06 0.0 0.07 0.03 0.0 0.02 0.12 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.02h 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.18 0.22

0.04 0.08 0.0 0.14 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.37 0.55 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.02


396 697

764 898 9 00 904.5 103Y.X

1032.5 1045.4 I049 I052

I194 I197 I130 I 227 1292.0

2477 2767 7'3x6 2998

0.02 0.12 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.0X 3.18 0.22









0.0 0. I 5 0.10 0.06 0.05 0.25 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07



0.08 0.18 0.22

0.10 0.0 0.03 0.1 I 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.07 0.07 0.03


CHCI? CtiC12 Ar,,H+ CH"CI2+ CH3iC137CI+


0.38 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.10 0.26

0.03 0.00 0.00 1.2 0.12 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.03



'! Filtcred iiicrcur) arc photol5sis wavelengths used i n photoioniiation stud!: is 30 niin of 650-1000 nm. hr!? is 35 niin of 330-600 nm. h ~ is j 35 min o f 290- I000 nni. and hvd is 40 niin of 220- IO00 nrii hrjl


1 )

"CH>CI, ~-

filtered mercury-arc photolysis: h 1 9 1 i \ 30 i i i i n of 650- I000 nm. I5 niin of 290- I000 nm. and h i 8 3 is 30 niin of' 220- I000 n m pholol q sis . h r ~ 2i \

multaneous exposure to intense argon resonance radiation are contrasted in Figure 4. The new product absorption bands shifted to the red with increasing halogen size. The spectrum of 2 mmol of an Ar/CH212 = 400/1 sample revealed two weak absorptions at 245 and 285 nm ( A = 0.02 and 0.09, respectively) due to CH212; photoionization of 2 additional mmol of sample during deposition for 1 h produced the spectrum shown in Figure 4c. Notice the strong absorption at 375 nm ( A = 0.28) and the two weak relatively broad bands at 465 and 555

nm. The sample was photolyzed with 650-1000-nm highpressure mercury arc light for 30 min using a 45" ultraviolet mirror to direct the radiation; the 375 and 555 nm absorptions were reduced to half of their initial absorbance above the background, while the 465-nm band increased to 150% and the 285- and 245-nm bands remained unchanged. A similar photolysis with 500-1000-nm light reduced the 375- and 555-nm bands to 25% of their original intensity, increased the 465-nm band to 200%, and left the CH212 bands unchanged; the spectrum following this irradiation is shown displaced in Figure 4c. Additional photolysis with 290-1000-nm light further reduced the 375- and 555-nm bands slightly, but the CH212 bands also decreased by 20% suggesting competing photolysis reactions. The ultraviolet spectrum of 2 mmol of Ar/CH2Br2 = 400/ 1

A n d r e w , Prochaska, Ault









363 498

0.03 0.07 0.1 I 0.26 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0. I 2 0.16 0.09

0.03 0.07 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.09

0.03 0.07 0.00 0. I 4 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.09

0.03 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.1 I 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.09

0.0 0.10 0.18 2 h 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.03 h

CD2Br DBrlCD:Br?+ CBr2 Ar,, D+ CDBr2 CDBr?+ CDBr: CDBr?+ CD2Br product HB CD7Br-

1030 21 30 2208



Table V. Absorption Band Positions (cm-I) and Intensities (Absorbance Units) in CD2Br2 P1iotoioni;l;ition and Proton Radiolysih Experinicnts"

547 641 644 725 781 X99 1015 IO16


Photoionization and Radiolysis of CH?CL?and CHlBr?

' l Filtered photolysis for photoionization stud): h o t is 30 niin of 650- 1000 n m . hit? is 30 min of 290- 1000 nm. and h v j is 30 n i i n of 220.- I000 nm photollsis. Not resolved from adjacent absorption.

The near-UV absorptions at 342, 362, and 375 nm are assigned to transitions of the parent ions CH?CI?+, CH?Brl+, and CH212+; the upper state corresponds to the same excited state reached by the 15.2, 14.1, and 12.8 eV photoelectron bands3 of the methylene halides, respectively. The transition from the parent ion ground state to this excited state can be calculated from the photoelectron spectrum as the difference between the ionization energies of this excited state and the ground ionic state. The calculated absorption band positions are 320, 357, and 379 nm, respectively, for CHrCI?+, CH?Br?+,and CH212+, as compared to the observed absorption band centers of 342, 362, and 375 nm. The small differences probably arise from slightly different Franck-Condon factors for the two ionization transitions and the observed electronic transition of the ion. This agreement between the matrix absorption and gaseous photoelectron spectra provides strong support for the matrix spectroscopic observation of the methylene halide parent ions. The ultraviolet electronic transition for each of the parent cations probably involves promotion of an electron from a C-X bonding orbital (probably (b?))' to the hole in the mostly nonbonding halogen lone-pair orbital of the ground state ion. Since the ultraviolet absorptions were destroyed by visible radiation, this excited state is apparently repulsive, dissociating to CH2X+ and X . The new infrared absorptions labeled P+ are grouped by their sensitivity to visible radiation, which is consistent with their assignment to the parent ions CH?X2+. Three sharp infrared bands in the 1 100-cm-' region, 1 194 cm-' for CH,CI., 1 166 cm-I for CH>CIBr, and 1 129 cm-' for CHIBrl, demonstrate a dependence on two halogens since only three new bands were observed. These new bands are respectively 73,65, and 66 cm-' below the strong ug (bz) hydrogen wagging mode of the corresponding neutral parent molecule. This single sharp I3P+ band at 1190 cm-l exhibits a 4-cm-' I3Cshift, the same as the ux parent band. and shows that this absorber contains a single carbon atom. The 1 194-, 1 166-, and 1 129-cm-I bands are assigned to vg of the parent ions. The deuterium counterparts of these bands were unfortunately too weak to be observed. In the carbon-halogen stretching region, the P+ bands were observed above the uq (b?) antisymmetric C-X2 modes for the parent hydrogen compounds and below the u9 modes for the parent deuterium precursors, which are compared in Table VI. Halogen stretching modes were not observed for CH?CIBr+ owing possibly to low intensity or masking by the par en t . The first photoelectron band for CH?CI?+ shows three vi-

'\qK I

1 500




Figure 4. Absorption spectra from 200-700-nni for rnethjlenc hiilide samples. A r / C H 2 X l = 400,'I. depositcd at 20 K a i t h simultaneous exposure to argon discharge radiation: ( a ) CH2C12. ( b ) CHzBr2, (c) CHl12. The trace displaced belotr each scan was recorded after successive 30 min of 650- 1000-nm and 500- 1000-nin photoiisis periods. The arro"i denote t h e position of transition5 from the ground stntc o f t h e ions 10 the excited state o f t h e ions determined I'roni the photoeicctron spectra in ref 3.

Table \'I. Antis\iiiiiietric ( b ? ) Vibrational Mode Frequencies ( c m - I ) l'or the Meth)lcnc Chloride a n d Bromide Neutrals ;ind Cations i n Solid Argon

CH:CI? C H.C12+

I267 I191

747 764

"CH:CI? I 'CH ?C I:+

I263 I190

729 757


723 61 I

CHZBr: C fi:Br:+

I195 I129

650 695


62 I 547

,Analogousdata for t h e C H ~ a a g o f C t i ~ C l D r a n d C H ? C I B r + a r e 113 I and 1166 cni-I. rc\pcctivci?.

brational peaks with spacings of 650 cm-I which have been attributed to the symmetric C-CI2 stretching frequency of the ion;' this observation is compatible with the present 764-cm-l measurement of the antisymmetric C-CI? stretching mode of CH?Cl?+. The ratio of the uy modes for CH2Cll and CH2Br2, 1 . I 5, is a quantitative measure of the carbon-halogen stretching


Journal of the American Chemical Society

/ 101:l / January 3, I979

character of this vibration; this ratio for the analogous P+ system involving p- orbitals, its removal will strengthen the bands is 1.10. Similarly, the v g ratio for the deuterated neutrals C-X bonds and increase the C-X2 vibrational frequency, as is 1 . I 7 and the P+ band ratio is 1.12. These ratios indicate found experimentally. mode mixing with another vibration in the ion, which is conThe weak bands at 1165 and 805 cm-' in the CH2l2 exfirmed by the isotopic shifts. The I3C shift from 764 to 757 periment are tentatively assigned to the antisymmetric decm-' for the ion is considerably less than the parent compound formation and C-12 stretching modes, respectively, of C H l > + . "C shift from 749 to 728 cm-I, while the deuterium shift of These values correlate nicely with the halogen trend in Table 764 to 61 1 cm-' for the ion is considerably more than the VI1 and the analogous frequencies for CHI2 radical.'" analogous parent shift of 749 to 723 cm-I. All of the above Ar,D+ and Ar,H+. The sharp 644-cm-I absorption which facts indicate that the lower frequency set of P+ bands are due appeared on photolysis in CD2C12 and CD2Br2 experiments is due to Ar,iD+.9.20The 644-cm-' band increased from A = to a mixed hydrogen rocking carbon-halogen stretching vibration of the parent cation. In the CD?CI2+ and CH2Brl+ 0.04 to I .2 on full arc photolysis in the CD7CI2 experiment. It cases, this band is site split by the matrix. is noteworthy that H + bombardment of CD2CI2 samples produced the 644-cm-' band ( A = 0.20), but D+ radiolysis A possible explanation for the unusual isotopic frequency gave an increased 644-cm-' band yield ( A > 2). The hydrogen shifts and mode mixing in the parent cations involves electronic 4tate considerations. Theoretical calculations predict that the counterpart, produced on photolysis in all of these CH2X2 ground state of CH2C12+ is formed by removal of a [(bl)] experiments at 904.5 cm-I, is the Ar,,H+ species. electron, while the state produced by ionization of a [(bz)] Mechanism of Formation. A substantial amount of evidence has shown that the open argon discharge tube functions as a electron lies only slightly higher in energy.17 The CH*C12+ photoelectron spectrum shows two strong peaks in the lowest photoionization source in these experiments.1-x~9~2' Since the ionization potentials of CHzCl2 and CH2Br2, 11.32 and 10.52 energy region which have been assigned to removal of electrons eV,435are easily reached by the intense argon resonance lines from the four halogen molecular orbitals, with each photoa t 11.6 and 11.8 eV, it is proposed that the parent ions are electron peak assigned to two overlapping bands.3 Hence, the produced by direct photoionization, reactions 1 and 2 , during ground state of the ion has an excited state quite close in enmatrix sample condensation. ergy. When spin-orbit coupling of the electron spin on the ionized chlorine in the parent cation is taken into account, these CHzC12 hu ( 1 1.6-1 1.8 eV) CH?C12+ e(I) two electronic states have the same spin-orbit representation, E 2 , and they can strongly interact. This electronic interaction CH2Br2 hu ( 1 1.6-1 1.8 eV) CH>Brl+ e(2) through spin-orbit mixing can shift the electronic energy levels The daughter radical arises from precursor photodissociaand/or change the vibrational potential function for the ion.I8 tion, reaction 3. Ionization energies of these radicals are A similar spin-orbit interaction in CH3CI+ has distorted the 9.5-8.1 eV," lower vibrational levels of the ground state of the ion, as seen i n the first photoelectron band of CH3CI+.' CHX2 H (3) C H 2 X 2 hu ( I I .6-11.8 eV) Daughter Ions. The triplet a t 1045.4, 1042.5, and 1039.8 and they can be ionized by a second vacuum-ultraviolet phocm-l i n CH2CI. experiments exhibits the appropriate relative ton, intensities for isotopic splittings of two equivalent chlorine atoms in natural abundance. The I3C shifted triplet at 1019.8 CHX2+ e(4) CHXz hu ( 1 1.6-1 1.8 eV) 1016.9, and 1014.2 cm-I exhibits identical 2.8 f 0.1 cm-I Mechanism of Photolysis. Selective photolysis of the matrix chlorine isotopic splittings. The relative intensities of the "C samples formed by precursor photoionization is important to and ' I C bands i n the 90% I3C enriched CHzClz experiment characterize the new ion products and their photochemistry. confirm the presence of a single carbon atom in this new R+ The appearance potential of CH>CI+from CH2C12, 12.14 eV, species. The isotopic data dictate assignment of this R+ band and the ionization potential of CH2C12, 11.32 eV,4 give the to the antisymmetric C-CI vibration of CHCl2+. This triplet energy for dissociation of CH2CI2+, reaction 5, as is 7 cm-l higher than the triplet observed in chloroform ~ o r k ~ .threshold ~ 0.82 eV. which has been recently shown to be due to (CHCI2+)CI, i.e., the CHC12+ cation with the other chlorine atom from the CH2C12+ hu (650-1000 nm) CH?CI+ CI (5) CHC13 precursor trapped i n the same matrix cage.8 The hydrogen deformation mode of the isolated cation at 1292.0 cm-l Although the absorption maximum for CHlCI?+ appears in is 1 cm-l above this mode for ( C H C I ~ - + ) CasI is the case for the ultraviolet at 342 nm, this ion absorbs continuously and the I3C counterpart a t 1282.4 cni-I. photodissociates in the visible; analogous arguments hold for I n the deuterium species, the deformation is displaced into CHzBr2+. Both of these parent ions are in fact extremely facile the region of the antisymmetric C-CI? stretching vibration and in the gas phase; they undergo collisional dissociation with considerable mode mixing results, which is illustrated by the endoergicities of 0.7-0.8 eV.4,6The extreme photosensitivity triplet chlorine isotopic splittings for each deuterium R+ band. of these parent cations explains the failure to observe CH2C12+ The present CDC12+ bands are also slightly higher in frequency in the proton beam experiment and the need to use a far-inthan their analogues produced from CDC13, owing to the extra frared transmitting filter to prevent near-infrared source light chlorine from the latter precursor being trapped with the from destroying these species while infrared spectra were redaughter cation. corded. A similar case can be made for the R+ bands in CH>CIBr, N o new infrared absorptions appeared in the spectra after CH2Br2, and CD2Br2 experiments. The assignments are 650- 1000-nm photolysis; apparently, the CH?X+ product was summarized in Table VI1 where the present CHX2+ modes are not formed in detectable quantity. However, photolysis with contrasted with the (CHX?+)X species from haloform exnear-ultraviolet light caused further reaction of the C H ? X + periments8 and the CHXz radical Librations. It is seen that the and X photoproducts of reaction 5 , which must be trapped in presence of another halogen atom in the matrix cage displaces the same matrix cage. the C-X2 modes 1 to 13 cm-I from the isolated ion values. Of more chemical interest is the radical-cation comparison. (CH2X+)X hu (290-1000 nm) CHX2+ H ( 6 ) Substantial increases i n both C-X? stretching and H-C-X (CH2X+)X nAr hu (220-1000 nm) deformation frequencies are found upon ionization. Since the C H X ? Ar,fi+ (7) free-radical electron is antibonding in a C-X2 molecular orbital


+ +





+ +







+ +






Andrews, Prochaska, Ault Table VII. i c m - l ) for

/ Photoionization and Radiolysis of CH2CL2 and CH2Br2

C o m p a r i s o n of A n t i s y m m e t r i c V i b r a t i o n a l Frequencies CHX, Species

CHC12+ (CHCI>+)CI CHClz I045 I292

1038 1291

902 1226

CDC12+ (CDC12+)CI CDC12 866 I128

864 I122

816 974

( C HCI B r + ) -




993 I256


866 1186


CHBr2+ ( C H B r > + ) B r CHBr2 897




786 1165




717 1112


CDBr2+ (CDBr,+)Br 781 101s

768 I008

CDBr2 725 899

F o r comparison. (CHC113r+)CI absorbs a t 988 a n d 1254 cni-i r c f 8.


Conclusions Matrix photoionization of CHlCll and CH2Br2 produced and trapped the CH2X2+ and CHX2+ ions i n solid argon for spectroscopic and photochemical study. The antisymmetric vibrations observed for the parent ions show unusual mode mixing, which is explained by spin-orbit interaction of the lowest two electronic states of CH2X2+ with some distortion of the vibrational potential function. The ions CH2C12+ and CH?Br2+ photodissociated with red-visible light, which is consistent with their matrix electronic absorption spectra and their limited stability in the gas phase. Ultraviolet photolysis of these matrix samples produced the isolated CHX2+ ions, CHX2 radicals, and the matrix solvated proton Ar,,H+, which shows that the parent ion photolysis products were retained in the original matrix cage. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum for each parent ion corresponds to transitions to excited elec tronic ionic states observed i n photoelectron spectra. Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleurii Research Fund, administered by the American Chemic? I Society, for support of this research. References and Notes

The daughter cation absorptions significantly increased with Pyrex-filtered photolysis reaction 6; the bands produced by photolysis were identical in position to the original photoionization product, which is assigned here to the isolated CHX2+ ion. With continued full arc photolysis, the radical CHX2 and Ar,H+ absorptions increased (reaction 7 ) , and the CHX2+ absorptions decreased in all of the present experiments. Photodetachment of electrons from halide ions, formed in the matrix photoionization process, is accessible with this energy radiation,?) and neutralization of some CHX2+ could also result i n the growth of C H X ? radical, CHXz+

+ X- + hv (220-1000 nm) -*




Further evidence for the trapping of the original halogen atom from the precursor molecule i n the same matrix cage in reaction 5 , and for the mechanisms 6 and 7, comes from the CHzClBr experiments. Mercury arc photolysis produced growth of CHCIBr+ and CHClBr radical with no CHC12+, CHC12. CHBr2+, or CHBr2 being formed. Analogous behavior was found in the earlier haloform experiments: photolysis gave marked growth of CXj+ and CX3 absorptions, and with mixed chlorobromo precursors, no halogen scrambling was found.8

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