IR/MS-CRYOLECT4800 Brings The Best Of Both Worlds Together
This Cryolect 4800 display screen compares the mass spectrum ofo-cresol with the IR fingerprint region of the same compound in the liquid, vapor and matrixisolated states. Note the wealth of clearly defined information within the matrix-isolated spectrum, shown in green.
Footnotes 1. As specified in HP publication No. 23-5954-0665. 2. Summary statement, Cryolect User's Meeting, Madison, WI, November, 1986.
You know the individual limitations of GC/MS and GC/FT-IR. GC/MS has picogram detection limits, but needs IR confirmation to identify many isomers and ring compounds. Traditional GC/FT-IR has always had molecular speci ficity, but not the sensitivity you demand. Even together, they can't provide proof-positive identification because light pipe techniques don't equal GC/MS sensitivity. And that includes GC-dedicated light pipes such as the IRD.1 Now know this: only the Cryolect 4800IR/MS combines the specificity you've always needed with the revolutionary sensitivity that only matrix isolation can bring to FT-IR. That's because only matrix isolation enhances IR bands with 100 times more intensity and extraordinarily sharper resolution than ever before. That means only the Cryolect 4800 — whether working with your GC/MS or our optional mass selective detector — can fully meet your needs for thorough, fail-safe analysis of virtually any organic compound. And the Cryolect 4800 is supported by an extensive matrix-isolated spectral library backed by Mattson Instruments' exclusive relationship with Fluka Chemicals. The new Cryolect 4800 IR/MS. Users in laboratories everywhere are regulating the environment, identifying flavor chemicals, determining com petitive formulations, in fact "... solving analytical problems daily which, in the past, were considered impossible. " 2 And when you discover how much the Cryolect 4800 can enhance your lab's capability, you'll see that you can't afford to be without it. Find out what the Cryolect 4800 can do for you. Send for a free, detailed brochure. Or ask us to put the Cryolect 4800 to work on one of your tough identification „ ... ι problems. ί"!·'3 E 1 | | The Cryolect 4 8 0 0 I R / M S . . . it brings the best of both worlds together.
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