Mattson Instruments, Inc

make it better than. Now it's even more precise. We've pushed perfection to the limit and improved the Research Series signal to-noise ratios to bette...
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We put a new spin on our Research Series" FTIR spectrometer.

New added features make it better than ever. Now it's even more precise. We've pushed perfection to the limit and improved the Research Series signal-to-noise ratios to better than 80,000:1 measured peak-to-peak. Even more flexible. Choose from our conductively-cooled ICE™ source or ultra-hot fluid-cooled glowbar. Change beamsplitters and detectors for extended spectral range. Use the two external beams and separate emission port. Add Fl'-Raman, high-capacity TGA and sensitive GC interfaces, our 0.ιΐ3ηΐμη Infrared Microscope™ - and more.


And more comprehensive, more powerful than ever. As the leaders in easy-to-use FTIR software, we created WinFIRST™ software specifically for Microsoft® Windows™ 3.1. (We didn't just adapt it.) Exclusives such as our WinFIRST Infrared Tool Bar™ help you work faster, while in-depth control lets you take your work to the limits. And nothing beats our EZ-annotation™ report generator for creating fast, professional reports.

1001 Fourier Drive Madison, Wl 53717

Call us today at (608) 831-5515. Or fax us at (608) 831-2093. Our new, improved Research Series will take you into the future. And beyond.

Cahn, Orion, Mattson and Unicam are operating divisions of Analytical Technology, Inc. © 1993, Mattson Instruments, Inc.


Revolutionary. Evolutionary.