Mattson Revolutionary. Evolutionary

your software just as easily. What's more, you can choose ... Call us at. Mattson Instruments today.1-608-831-5515. We re taking you into tomorrow. An...
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Turning spectroscopy on its ear. Once again.

Mattson introduces the Research Series FTIR spectrometer. Once again, we're introducing a first. The first spectrometer with signal-to-noise ratios exceeding 50,000:1. That's the highest signal-to-noise you can get. Our Research Series is the only high-end spectrometer that works on a standard computer platform. (We were Ée first to introduce that concept, too.) So every time one of the computer biggies makes a big breakthrough, you're right there with them. Upgrading. Evolving. You can upgrade your software just as easily. What's more, you can choose from 8 different plug-and-play options to add on as your research needs change. You just can't get a better spectrometer. Call us at Mattson Instruments today. 1-608-831-5515. We're taking you into tomorrow. And beyond. CIRCLE 85 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Mattson Revolutionary. Evolutionary. Mattson Instruments, Orion Research, Cahn Instruments and Unicam are operating divisions of Analytical Technology, Inc. Research Series is a trademark of Mattson Instruments. © 1992, Malison Instruments, Inc.