Manufacturers' Literature
Inspect this new
Lab Products. Four pages picture, de scribe, and price drawer spacers, clamps, thermometer holders, etc., for the lab. Spectrum Medical Industries, Inc. 213-483-9984 610 X-Ray
4-page brochure describes the Model 700 X-ray fluorescence analyzer and its applications with accuracy detection limit data. Columbia Scientific Indus tries. 512-926-1530 611
Magnetically Operated Solid-State Switches. A 20-page manual, "Appli cation Notes on Magnetically Operated Solid-State Switching," gives detailed descriptions of these new Hall-effect switches. Honeywell, Inc. 215-6431300 612 Tic. Four pages, Bulletin 14, provide principles and instructions for thin layer chromatography. Included is a bibliography. Applied Science Lab oratories, Inc. 814-238-2406 613
The 1971 edition of "Index to Kodak Technical Information," L-5, lists more than 500 pamphlets, data books, and photo guides about all aspects of pho tography. Eastman Kodak Co., Dept. 412-L, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14650
Then send for it! It's FREE This u n i q u e 56 page r e f e r e n c e was d e s i g n e d to assist the Spectroscopist and researcher in se lecting t h e right solvent for each application. This b o o k obviates the need to consult several refer e n c e s as it contains c o m p l e t e information on usage, transmittance, absorbance, physical prop erties and M C & B specifications with over 300 charts and graphs. Do w e pass i n s p e c t i o n ? If so, fill out the handy c o u p o n and mail.
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Rotometers. A 4-page bulletin, DS1110-24, describes Models 1110-24 and 1140-24 rotometers which have a stan dard calibrated accuracy of ± 1 % of reading from 100 to 10% of full scale. The rotometers are available in seven meter sizes. Emerson Electric Co. 215-247-0876 614 Determination of Chlorine and Sulfide.
A 4-page bulletin explains how the so dium electrode can replace the conven tional silver wire or billet in argentometric measurements and titrations. With the sodium electrode, chlorine and sulfide can be determined potentiometrically with a pH meter or volumetrically with an automatic titrator. Fisher Scientific Co. 412-391-1330 615 Automation Computer. A 24-page brochure describes the company's SPC-16 automation computer. The computer can be used in industrial ap plications, and in process control, data acquisition, and laboratory and instru mentation. General Automation, Inc. 714-778-4800 616 Chemical Catalog. The company's Alfa 1971 catalog lists 2500 research materials including inorganic, organometallic and ultrapure chemicals, pure metals, and assay information on par ticular research chemicals. R. Locke, Ventron Corp., Chemicals Div., Con gress St., Beverly, Mass. 01915
Circle No. 127 on Readers' Service Card
132 A .
Coulometric Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer.
A 6-page bulletin, 4097-A, shows how the Model 906A works on the coulo metric principle and features an auto matic water addition for long periods of unattended operation. Beckman In struments, Inc. 714-871-4848 617 Electrical Microbalances. An 8-page bulletin, 7173-A, describes the principle of operation of the LM 500 and LM 600 microbalances; full specifications are given. Accessories for the instru ments are also fully described and pic tured. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714871-4848 618 Flexible Connectors. Four pages de scribe flexible connectors of stainless steel and glass for vacuum and pressure applications and Teflon and glass for chemical applications. Pope Scientific, Inc. 414-251-9300 619 Ultracentrifuges. A 12-page bulletin, SB-364, provides complete information on the Model L2-65B which operates at 65,000 rpm and generates forces up to 420,000 g, and the Model L2-75B with its 75,000-rpm and 503,000-^ potentials. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714-8714848 620 Flash
9-page bibliography includes photo chemistry, visual pigment studies, trip let-triplet absorption studies, photo synthesis, electron transfer reactions, and gas-phase photochemistry related to atmospheric pollution studies, photodynamics of RNA and DNA, and many more. Xenon Corp. 617-395-7634 621 Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Tests. Il lustrated bulletin, 85AP, gives full de tails and prices on the Model 85 dis solved oxygen meter with unique sample agitator accessory for rapid and easy DO and BOD tests. Delta Scientific. 516-884-4422 622 Thermometers. Catalog 710, 34 pages, describes a complete line of lab ther mometers, including mercury-in-glass, general use, and precision thermome ters with accuracies up to 1 / 2 oo°C, and others. Brooklyn Thermometer Co., Inc. 516-694-7610 623 Lab Equipment. Catalog 700, 20 pages, describes lab racks and accessories, brackets, clamps, Plastisol-coated wire racks and baskets, stirring blades, tub ing clamps, scientific rubber stamps,' and many other lab items. Penn-Chem Corp. 717-397-0308 624 Environmental Rooms. A 12-page il lustrated bulletin describes the EnvironLab line of environmental rooms in cluding reach-in and walk-in models. Lab-Line Environeers, Inc. 312-3457400 625