Nov 12, 2010 - SAY THE WORD 'MCINTOSH' AND MOST PEOPLE THINK OF APPLES. Chem. Eng. News , 1996, 74 (46), p 4. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v074n046.p004. Publicat...
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SAY THE WORD 'MCINTOSH7 AND MOST PEOPLE THINK OF APPLES Say " M c i n t o s h " at C i b a a n d virtually everyone thinks

At the core of our Mcintosh manufacturing plant is

of our largest U.S. plant site a n d key additives manu-

a new facility where w e blend, granulate a n d pack-

facturing facility in Mcintosh, A l a b a m a . Here in 1 9 5 2 ,

a g e additives in many innovative delivery systems to

on a 1,500 acre site, 3 2 employees began operations

meet your exacting requirements.

making a single product. Today, more than 7 0 0 employees are involved in Ciba Additives production. W h a t ' s more, for the past d e c a d e , Mcintosh has been the apple of our eye. W e ' v e spent more than $ 3 5 0 million to e x p a n d a n d improve manufacturing

Since 1 9 5 2 , our vision has been constant: provide a secure source of consistently high-quality additives for our customers a n d deliver them where and when they are required. If you're looking for real value in additives tech-

capacity of Irganox®, Irgafos®, Tinuvin® a n d a

nology—and not just pie-in-the-sky—call Ciba Additives

variety of special additive products a n d systems.

at 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 8 1 - 8 4 4 9

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