rent ISCO dual-beam flow monitors and can be adapted to earlier models with slight ... cords and they will perform most electro- and photo- metric ins...
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W i t h an ISCO t w o channel O.D. recorder

and from your system with an electron­ ically controlled drive to provide con­ stant output regardless of system pres­ sure. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co., 7425 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 60648. 424 Plastics Resistance Guide A pocket slide guide shows the effects of over 200 different chemical reagents on nine plastics resins including conven­ tional and linear polyethylene, polypro­ pylene, TPX, Teflon (Dupont), FEB, and polycarbonate. Effects at both room temperature and 52 °C are given. The guide also included a chart showing the plastics' physical properties, includ­ ing temperature limits, autoclavability, transparency, flexibility, and specific gravity. Nalge Co., 75 Panorama Creek Dr., Rochester, N.Y. 14625 425

you can: •

Monitor one c o l u m n a t both 2 5 4 a n d 2 8 0 σ ί μ .

Or t w o c o l u m n s a t either wavelength.

Or one c o l u m n a t two optical p a t h lengths.

Or r a t i o r e c o r d o n e c o l u m n to c o m p e n s a t e for e l u t i o n g r a d i e n t s .

Universal Ovens

A new standard line of 8-cubic-foot electric ovens is comprised of five units with maximum temperatures of 500, 650, 850, 1000, and 1250 °F. These ovens are designed for baking, drying, preheating, annealing, etc. They may be used as bench units or with legs. Standard features include temperature controller, blower and heater pilot lights, adjustable fresh air intake and exhaust dampers, and explosion venting latches. Grieve Corp., 1330 N. Elston Ave., Chicago, 111. 60622. 426

A new accessory for ISCO q u a n t i t a ­ tive dual-beam flow monitors pro­ vides these applications. The Model 580Channel Alternator will f i t all cur­ rent ISCO dual-beam flow monitors and can be adapted to earlier models with slight m o d i f i c a t i o n . All ISCO UV flow monitors have an o u t p u t calibrated in linear absorbance ( 0 . D.). They have t h e narrow­ est bandwidth available and one model will operate a f r a c t i o n collector in such a way t h a t separate UV ab­ sorbing peaks are deposited in sep­ arate tubes. They are available in single and dual-beam versions oper­ ating at two discrete UV wavelengths and c o n t i n u o u s l y t h r o u g h o u t the visible s p e c t r u m . And they cost no more t h a n most i n s t r u m e n t s having none of these features. Send for brochure U A 3 1 1 7 for f u r t h e r details.


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when you need to be


it helps to have instruments capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. The versatile MP-System gives you the basic building blocks common to most electronic instruments. Interconnect the precision modules with patch cords and they will perform most electro- and photo­ metric instrument functions.* NEED ASSISTANCE? Our 114 page manual answers most questions. It contains detailed descriptions, practical applications and set-ups. A new lab manual by L. P. Morgenthaler explains operational amplifiers and their use in chemical instrumentation. In addition, the bi-monthly MPI Applications Notes keeps you up-to-date on new uses. ECONOMICAL Simplicity, solid state circuitry and good design have been combined to permit the lowest price consistent with high performance.

Model 1003 plasma machine features low temperature ashing. The appara­ tus is capable of ashing up to 2.0 grams per hour at up to 300 watts of rf power. Simultaneous ashing is possi­ ble through two large 3" by 6 " cham­ bers which provide space for 10-gram samples. Metered gas flow is precisely controlled so as not to disturb delicate samples. International Plasma Corp., 25222 Cypress Ave., Hayward, Calif. 427

*coulometry, polarography, pH titrations, spectrophotometry, colorimetry, filter fluorometry, conductimetry, temperature measurement, etc.

MPI McKEEPEDERSEN INSTRUMENTS BOX 322, DANVILLE, CA 94526 Circle No. 39 on Readers' Service Card