Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry - American

Jun 15, 1993 - and reviews techniques for measuring species in the troposphere and mesosphere. An excellent reference for atmospheric scientists and a...
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Please send m e more information on the ACS Short Course, Bench Top GC/MS, to be held J u n e 15-18, 1993, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.

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402 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 8, APRIL 15. 1993

Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry


resenting discussions on state-ofthe-art techniques and instrumentation used for atmospheric measurements, Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry summarizes progress in a variety of areas of atmospheric research and identifies areas that should now be addressed by the research community. It provides in-depth coverage of the measurement of both aerosols and gases and reviews techniques for measuring species in the troposphere and mésosphère. An excellent reference for atmospheric scientists and an ideal introduction to the field for analytical and gas-phase researchers interested in atmospheric measurement. CONTENTS Sampling of Selected Labile Atmospheric Pollutants Automated Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Gases Fast-Response Chemical Sensors Used for Eddy Correlation Flux Measurements Tropospheric Sampling with Aircraft In Situ Measurements of Stratospheric Reactive Trace Gases Probing the Chemical Dynamics of Aerosols Compositional Analysis of Size-Segregated Aerosol Samples Measuring the Strong Acid Content of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Measurement Challenges of Nitrogen Species in the Atmosphere Analytical Methods Used to Identify Nonmethane Organic Compounds in Ambient Atmospheres Measurement Methods for Peroxy Radicals in the Atmosphere Tropospheric Hydroxyl Radical Measurement of Personal Exposure to Air Pollution Leonard Newman, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Editor Advances in Chemistry Series No. 232 408 pages (1993) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2470-6 $94.95 O

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