Mechanical Dispersion by Means of the Colloid Mill'

T was impossible yesterday. So rapid has been the progress that the best methods of ten years ago are now anti- quated, as probably within five years ...
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May, 1929


fate. If this can be economically converted back into sulfuric acid, conditions in the industry will be materially changed. Considerable research has been done on this


problem in recent years, and it is understood that several possible processes are now ready for trial on a commercial scale.

Mechanical Dispersion by Means of the Colloid Mill’ Pierce M. Travis TRAVIS C O L L O I D RESEARCH COMPANY,

I K C . , AND

TRAVIS P R O C E S S C O R P O R A l l O N , 119 BROAD ST., NEWY O R E , N. Y.

HE application of mechanical devices in the process industries is constantly making possible today what was impossible yesterday. So rapid has been the progress that the best methods of ten years ago are now antiquated, as probably within five years more the best methods of 1929 will have been supplanted with still better ones. I n our hurry to keep up with the stream of contemporary developments we are, however, often subjected to the hallucinations of overenthusiastic salesmen. One of the really important devices which has suffered greatly from false claims and ill-conceived applications is the so-called “colloid mill.” This article will attempt to explain the true nature and function of the colloid mill, indicating its limitations as well as its points of particular significance to the chemical engineer. I n the first place it would be well to state the basic viewpoint that the mechanical equipment which is referred to as a “colloid mill” represents not more than 20 per cent of any problem involving its use, the remaining 80 per cent representing the fundamental knowledge of physical chemistry which is necessary for the successful application of this equipment to mechanical dispersion. At present there is a lack of trained technicians in this new field, and the colloid mill has accordingly suffered. Where it has been used improperly it has failed, and the result has been unjust and bitter criticism of the mechanical apparatus, instead of just criticism of the ignorance of fundamental scientific principles commonly exhibited by equipment salesmen. The colloid mill began its existence under an unfavorable star, for its very name has been the basis for much misunderstanding. It was a t first thought that mechanical dispersion of material to colloidal dimensions was feasible; hence the name “colloid mill” was applied to the apparatus intended to accomplish this dispersion. The generally accepted upper limit of particle size for the colloidal state is, however, a diameter of 200 m@,whereas the colloid mill rarely disperses to a particle diameter of less than 1 ~ .Particles of this size are, to be sure, in a sort of twilight zone in which they exhibit many of the properties of the colloidal state. It would be much more accurate, however, to refer to the mechanical equipment which produces them as a dispersion mill rather than a colloid mill. The name “dispersion mill” further serves truth by indicating that such equipment is, in reality, a dispersing mechanism, and not a fine grinding mill as it is popularly misconceived.


The History of the Colloid Mill

Although Plauson2 has generally received the credit for building the first colloid mill, the literature shows that the idea was anticipated by von Weimarn as early as 1906,3 and the latter has stated that he built a colloid mill for laboratory use in 1912. It was originally von Weimarn’s belief that Received August 4, 1928. U. S. Patent 1,500,845 (application April 22, 1921; granted July 8, 1924). Van Weimarn, J . Russ. Chem. Soc., 88, 466, 470 (1906); 89, 619 1

* Plauson,


colloidal dispersions could be obtained by mechanical grinding or shearing actions if some stabilizer were present to exert a protective action on the particles produced. About 1916, also before any commercial development of the Plauson mill, inventors were busy with the question of dispersing solid hydrocarbons in oils for the purpose of making liquid fuels. There are frequent references during this period to “high-speed” mills, some optimistic but erratic individuals proposing peripheral speeds of 200,000 feet per minute. At this time it was recognized that high speeds were necessary to obtain proper hydraulic shearing action, the action which has since become the most important factor in the development of the colloid mill. The Plauson machine, which in spite of von Weimam’s prior claim on the idea of a colloid mill nevertheless deserves great credit as the first actual attempt a t a machine for industrial use, has never been used to any extent in this country. Subsequent to its appearance, however, rapid development of other types of mills began, both in Europe and in the United States. In the following section a classification of colloid mills will be made on the basis of the mechanical details of the working surfaces. Classification of Colloid Mills

A sharp distinction should be drawn between the pressure type of homogenizer and the colloid or dispersion mill. The well-known pressure type of homogenizer, utilizing pressures of from 2000 to 3000 pounds per square inch, has been used for many years in the dairy industry, and has also been applied in pharmacy to the making of simple emulsions. It is not suitable, however, for the dispersion of solids or for the emulsification of heavy liquids. This type of equipment has been confused with the colloid mill because some of the modern machines of the latter type have been described as“ homogenizers,” an appellation which is undoubtedly true in itself but by its connotations leads to unfortunate confusion between two entirely different types of apparatus. The pressure homogenizer will not be discussed in this article. The colloid or dispersion mill, as referred to herein, is a machine that depends essentially for its dispersive action upon hydraulic shearing forces exerted on particles suspended in a fluid medium. Although some pressure is created within the machine, it is much lower than that necessary for the operation of the pressure homogenizer and is secondary instead of being the main factor in producing dispersion. Colloid mills may be classified in three main groups with regard to the mechanism utilized for producing dispersion. These groups may be called the beater type, the smoothsurface type, and the rough-surface type. BEATER-TYPEMILLS-The beater type includes the original Plauson machine and some of the modified machines derived from it. In these mills the particles to be dispersed are subjected, not only to hydraulic shearing stresses, but also to impact stresses produced by revolving blades entering and leaving the spaces between fixed blades. The power



requirements of the original Plauson were excessively high and it was operated only as a batch machine-factors which opposed its adoption in industry, although the results obtained with it were excellent. The various modifications of this type of machine have attempted to overcome its original defects, the Oderberg machine recently described4 claiming a power requirement decrease to one-seventh of that of the original Plauson mill for equal capacities.

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smooth, nearly cylindrical surfaces. Material is fed to the working surfaces through channels in the rotor. ROUGH-SURFACE TYPE-The third class of colloid mills is distinguished by the use of roughened working surfaces, which add to the hydraulic shearing action a second dispersing action of intense turbulence and beating produced by eddy currents in the liquid between the irregular surfaces. Aside from the use of roughened surfaces, this class of mill is quite similar to the centrifugal smooth-surface type, as the working surfaces are arranged either as truncated cones or opposed disks. Figure 4 illustrates in cross section a mill in which conical working surfaces covered with grooves are used, while Figure 5 shows the parts of a machine in which the working surfaces are disks. TURBINE-TYPE NILL-A machine which embodies features of both the smooth-surface and rough-surface types is shown in Figure 6. This mill is called a turbine-type machine. It is somewhat handicapped by the fact that the clearance cannot be adjusted to take up wear, but has the advantage of an intensive and prolonged dispersing action. Industrial Utilization of Colloid Mills

Figure 1-Smooth-Surface Type of Colloid Mill w l t h Truncated-Cone Working Surfaces A-Material inlet; B-Working surfaces; C-Material outlet

SMOOTH-SURFACE TYPE-This type of machine depends only upon hydraulic shearing forces for its effect. Machines of this type consist of a smooth moving surface which passes a smooth fixed surface at a high velocity (2 miles per minute or higher) and with a small clearance (0.002 inch minimum). The adsorption of films of fluid upon each of the working surfaces causes tremendous shearing stresses in the rest of the thin layer of liquid between them. These stresses are responsible for the dispersion of the particles of material suspended in this layer. Operation is continuous with these mills, but the rate of flow between the working surfaces differs in different machines. One variation maintains a steady flow of material past the working surfaces by means of centrifugal force, while a second modification has its working surfaces so shaped as to delay the movement of material past them. While the time that the material is actually on the working surfaces is only a fraction of a second in any case, it is several times longer in the second case than in the first. Centrifugal smooth-surface mills have as their working surfaces either a truncated cone rotating within a fixed cone or flat disks rotating in opposite directions. This class of mill is generally mounted on a vertical shaft, as in the truncatedcone type shown in Figure 1. In the particular mill illustrated the material is fed from the bottom, passes between the working surfaces, and is thrown off at the top owing to the increase in centrifugal force as the diameter of the rotating surface increases. The flat-disk type of machine, sometimes known as the English Plauson, is shown in Figure 2. This machine is fed through its axis, the material passing between the oppositely rotating disks, and being thrown off from their periphery into a chamber, from which it is removed by gravity. Delayed-action smooth-surface mills have cylindrical or nearly cylindrical working surfaces and are usually mounted on a horizontal shaft. Inasmuch as the peripheral speed varies but slightly over the working surfaces, the material being treated tends to remain between these surfaces a longer time than in the centrifugal-type machines. Figure 3 shows B cross-sectional view of a delayed-action colloid mill with 4

Auspitzer, IND. ENG.CRBM.,10, 413 (1928).

It has been claimed by the manufacturers of some colloid mills that their machines actually produce disintegration of solid particles. After a large number of experiments with various materials, the author is convinced that this is incorrect and that no colloid mill actually grinds or breaks down solid particles to any extent. What a colloid mill does accomplish is the deflocculation of particles, originally discrete, which have formed loose aggregates on packing. The colloid mill disperses these aggregates in the presence of a liquid, but

Figure 2-Smooth-Surface Type of Colloid Mill with Opposed-Disk Working Surfaces A-Material inlet C-Material outlet B-Working surfaces D-Cooling-water inlet E-Cooling-water outlet

May, 1929


Figure 3-Smooth-Surface Type of Colloid Mill w i t h Nearly Cylindrical Delayed-Action Working Surfaces A-Material inlet D-Cooling-water inlet B-Working surfaces E-Cooling-water outlet C-Material outlet F-Clearance adjustment

it does not disintegrate. To illustrate this point, we may take the example of zinc oxide. When this is first produced it is in a state of extreme subdivision, but when packed the fine particles group together in aggregates of various dimensions. These aggregates are easily dispersed again in the presence of oil by the action of the colloid mill, a large part of the action being the complete wetting of the individual particles by the oil so that they can no longer come in contact. The paint manufacturer generally considers this to be a fine grinding job, but it is really a quite different proposition. The deflocculation of solid material, as described above, is one of the most important industrial applications of the colloid mill. Pigments such as chrome yellow, iron and zinc oxide, umber, and lampblack, for use in paints and enamels are treated with good economy and high capacity in these machines. Paints such as outside whites and flat whites can be prepared in a colloid mill a t a rate of from 250 t o 300 gallons per hour, a capacity far beyond that of the roller mill. Lacquers of high grade may be prepared by the colloid mill if a supercentrifugal clarifier is used following the mill to remove any relatively large particles not dispersed in the latter. Mica, clays, and dyes have also been treated with excellent results in the colloid mill. Although the deflocculation of solid material is important, the application of colloid mills to emulsification processes is even more extended. Oils, resins, and waxes of all kinds are readily treated. Creams, sauces, blended extracts, and similar foodstuffs in general find the colloid mill an economical means of production. Milk is reconstituted in colloid mills from milk powder, sweet butter,and water. Fresh milk and icecream mixes are homogenized, and animal and vegetable fibers and tissues are subjected to efficient extraction processes. An interesting application of the colloid mill indirectly to the separation of materials is in the production of carbolic and cresylic acids from tar oils. The tar oils are first emulsified with water in a colloid mill. The emulsion is then broken and


the carbolic and cresylic acids remain dissolved in the water phase. Both the dispersion of solids and the production of emulsions depend for their success upon an accurate knowledge of the principles of colloid chemistry. Among the factors which exert particular influence in industrial work are hydrogen-ion concentration, temperature, and the utilization of protective colloids as stabilizing agents. As a demonstration of the effect of hydrogen-ion concentration consider the specific case of a vegetable-oil emulsion, such as technical olive oil containing a small quantity of free oleic acid. If 0.25 per cent of gum karaya is added to the water phase and the technical olive oil is poured in slowly with rapid agitation, a fair emulsion will be formed, particularly if the material is passed through a colloid mill. This emulsion will not coalesce readily, but it is not so good as may be obtained. It will show a reading of, say, pH 4.7. If to this emulsion one adds sodium hydroxide solution until a pH of 8.0 is obtained, the emulsion shows a decided improvement. Kow, if one continues to add sodium hydroxide, the effect is finally detrimental. On increasing the pH to 12.0, the emulsion will become less stable and less finely divided than when i t was taken slightly over the neutral point with a pH reading of 8.0 or slightly greater. hficroscopic examination will show the emulsion under this condition to be better than when the pH is either higher or lower. The example above is given merely to indicate the importance of pH adjustment in the making of emulsions. Of course, with other types of emulsions and with different oils the necessary optimum pH varies over a considerable range. As a general rule, if one wishes to make emulsions of the oilin-water type stable over long periods of time, the hydrogenion concentration should be adjusted slightly on the alkaline side. I n industrial work accurate control of pH frequently means the difference between satisfactory emulsification and a worthless product. Notwithstanding the importance of hydrogen-ion concentration in emulsification processes, it is the single factor most frequently neglected in practice. This has been due largely to the complicated apparatus required for its determination by electrical methods, and to the unsatisfactory results ob-

3 E *C

-Figure 4-Roughened-Surface Type of Colloid Mill with Conical Grooved Working Surfaces A-Material outlet D-Cooling-water inlet B-Working surfaces E-Cooling-water outlet C-Material inlet F-Clearance adjustment

tained by the use of colorimetric pH methods on turbid dispersions. Recently, however, a simple method for determining hydrogen-ion concentration in colloidal or semi-colloidal dispersions has been developed.5 This method is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes and may be used with turbid suspensions as well as with clear solutions or dispersions. Even in the hands of an inexperienced person a reading may be obtained in less than two minutes. 8 Travis, "Mechanochemistry and the Colloid Mill," Chemical Catalog Co., 1928.


Val. 21, No. 5


.Although hydrogen-ion concentration is the most important factor in many industrial processes, proper control of temperature is likewise of vital importance in the preparation of emulsions and dispcrsoids. For example8 in cases wlierc albumin is used as a stahilizing agent, the nccidental attniiiment of a temperature of 90" C. in the colloid mill would cook

which opposes the aggregation or flocculation of the particles of dispersed material. It is generally an emulsoid colloid. but it may also be a finely divided solid material, such as the cocoa powder cited above, which must be insoluble in both of the phases. An excellent common illustration of the effect of colloidal protection is ordinary milk, where the casein, which by itself gives an unstable dispersion, is stabilized by lactalbumin. Gelatin is frequently cited as one of the best protective colloids and is used extensively in ice-cream mixes. For other purposes other materials prove far more suitable-for cxample. sodium lycalbinate and sodium protaibinate. I n fact, in the present state of our knowledge i t is necessary to carry 011 constant investigation to determine the best protective colloid for use in each specific case. The Colloid Mill and the Engineer

Figure 5-Rou9hened-Surfafe Type of Collold M i l l with Opposed-Disk Working Surfaces

the albumin and destroy its value as a stabilizer. The importance of temperature is also illustrated in the case of codliver oil emulsions made by the usual pharmaceutical methods, using gum tragacanth and acacia. If the temperature of the material passing through the colloid mill used for dispersion is allowed to exceed 35" C., the product is unstable and quite likely to separate into oil and water phases after short periods of standing. Some emulsions are also affected by the absorption of carbon dioxide from contact with the air, but this effect has been found t o he negligible below 15" C. I n each of the cases cited abovc, proper control of temperature is of fundamental importance. The decrease in stability of many dispersions with increase in temperature sometimes limits the choice between various types of colloid mills or limits the rate at which a certain mill may be run for a certain process. I n general, the more vigorous action of roughened-surface machines causes them to heat up to a decidedly greater degree than the smooth-surface machines. This t.endency toward heating can sometimes be corrected by increasing tho surface of the cooling jacket, but in other instances it may be necessary to use only the smoothsurface type of mill. Overheatiog has been a real problem, for example, in the preparation of lithopone paints by colloid mills, but the smooth-surface type of machine has been able t o produce highly satisfactory results. The use of protective colloids is the third important factor which must be considered by the chemical engineer using a colloid mill for emulsification. Most common emulsions are of the oil-in-water type, which in general necessitates the use of a protective colloid whenever the concentration of the dispersed phase exceeds 1.5 per cent, in order that the emulsion may be stable over long periods of time. Frequently, however, the material to be dispersed carries its own protective colloid. For example, the cocoa fat of chocolate emulsions is stabilized both by fine solid particles of cocoa powder and by proteins naturally present in the material. I n many other cases i t is imperative, however, that some material be added as an emulsifying agent to aid in the maintenance of the dispersion produced in the colloid mill. Some of the waters o l u ~ l ecolloids most used industrially are the sodium and potassium soaps; egg albumin, pectin, glue, and other proteins; gum arabic; Irish moss; starch; saponin and various bark extracts. The protective colloid or stabilizing agent is a material.

Emphasis has previously been placed on the fact that the colloid mill is a dispersing and not a grinding mechanism. If this point is granted, there are some important corollaries dealing with the operation of colloid mills. In the first place, the colloid mill should never be required to handle solid particles which are larger than the clearance between the working surfaces, unless these particles are of an extremely soft material. If yon feed a colloid mill with particles larger than its clearance, yon try to make a grinding mill out of it, with the result that you Taste power, produce overheating, and wear the working surfaces of the mill much more rapidly than if proper conditions were maintained. Solids which are to be dispersed in colloid mills should practically always have a preliminary grinding to 80 mesh or smaller, depending on the clearance used in the specific mill. Together with the preliminary grinding of material, the mill itself should be operated at a clearance of from 0.006 to 0.008 inch in most cases, in spite of the claims made for some mills that they may be operated at a clearance of 0.002 inch. The actual clearance employed for any specific case depends largely upon the viscosity of the dispersing medium and the

Pisure 6-Turbine A--Material

Type of Colloid Mill inlet; B-Working surfaces: C-Materid


properties of the material to be dispersed. I n some cases these factors mav reouire much lareer clearances than those ~. quoted above. Because colloid milk are ormated at s o d s of 3600 r. D. m. or higher, there is inevitable wear on the working surfaces even when conditions are the best. Mills used for emulsification are naturally subject to less wear than those used for the dispersion of solids, but in all cases wear does occur. Mills which allow, first, for the adjustment of the clearance to compensate for wear, and finally for the ready replacement of the workine surfaces.. enjoy . -a n advantaee over mills not so advantageousiy designed. Unsatisfactory results obtained with a colloid mill should ~



May, 1929

not be laid a t the door of the machine itself until i t is definitely determined that the mill is being correctly used, and that the factors of hydrogen-ion concentration, temperature, and protective-colloid action have been carefully studied. It


should be reiterated in conclusion that the mechanism is only one-fifth of the problem and the knowledge and correct application of physical chemistry is the important four-fifths of the utilization of the colloid mill.

Welding in the Chemical and Process Industries’ W. Spraragen AMERICAN BUREAUOF


I T H I N the last ten or twelve years welding has been accepted by industry as one of its most important production and repair processes. Formerly welding was employed principally to repah broken parts of machinery and other metal parts, but until comparatively recent years its value as a standard method of joining metal pieces in general manufacturing was not fully appreciated. During the World War, however, the various welding processes came into their own rapidly because speed of production in every metal-using and metal-fabricating industry became a vital matter. At first welding was limited to use on small or less important parts, but as favorable experience soon showed the desirability its field of application was gradually extended to heavier and more important construction and repair work. Many

Design of Flued Outlets with Reinforcing Pads Oxyacetylene Welded

practical demonstrations of the utility of welding focused attention on its marked economic advantages, with the result that now all melding processes are widely used in all branches of manufacturing. Welding is employed for an almost limitless number of applications, from the manufacture of such small articles as watch stems to the largest metal-fabricated structures-ships, locomotives, trunk oil and gas pipe lines, gas tanks, and the largest turbine electric generators. Before considering the applications of welding a brief description will be given of the various methods by which it is accomplished. This will be followed by a discussion of the fundamentals of welding which are more or less common to all its applications in important construction work, and finally with problems that are peculiar to the chemical arid process industries.

29 WE5T 3 9 T H ST., N E W Y O R K , N. k’

Metal Arc Welding with Bare Electrodes. In this method an arc is struck between the wire or rod of suitable composition, called the electrode, and the parts to be welded. The parts to be joined are made one side of an electric circuit, the other being the electrode. The parts to be melded should be prop erly shaped and are usually beveled on both edges in the case of plates to be joined in the same plane by a “butt” weld. The metal is fused a t both ends of the arc and the fused electrode deposited in the joint until the latter is properly filled. The power is usually supplied by a suitable transformer or by an arc-welding generator which delivers an open-circuit voltage ranging from 35 to 75 volts. The arc should be as short as possible in order to avoid oxidation of the metal and the inclusion of harmful gases and to secure the proper penetration. Metal Arc Welding with Coated Electrodes. These have been used in some form almost from the beginning of arc welding. I n general, the coatings serve as a fluxing or deoxidizing medium, or provide a protective vapor around the arc. Arc Welding in a Reducing Flame. I n this method a cylindrical jet of gas surrounds the electrode and burns around the arc. Pure hydrogen, water gas, alcohol vapor, and a number of other gas combinations have been tried with considerable success. These welds are, in general, superior to the bare electrode welds, particularly as regards ductility. The reducing flame generally serves the same purpose as the electrode coatings and apparently with somewhat better results, although this method is still in the experimental stage. Atomic Hydrogen Arc Welding. A fine jet of hydrogen is forced through an arc formed between two tungsten electrcdes. The high temperature of the arc breaks up the hydrogen molecules into hydrogen atoms, which recombine into




Welding Processes

FORGE WELDING-~Tkil about forty years ago this was the only available method, and it has been in use to some extent for centuries. After properly shaping the two surfaces to be joined, the parts are heated to welding temperature in a forge or furnace and then hammered, rolled, or pressed together, usually with the aid of some fluxing material. ARCWELDING-There are several divisions in this method, as w ill be indicated below. Several of these divisions may be further subdivided as to whether the current is direct or alternating and whether the operation is manual, semi-automatic, or automatic. 1

Received March 5 , 1929.

Making a B u t t Weld in Pipe

molecules after passing through the arc, giving up the heat absorbed during dissociation in the arc. The welding wire is fused in this flame and deposited in the joint exactly as in the case of gas welding, described elsewhere. The intensely reducing character of this hydrogen flame results in a nearly perfect weld. Carbon Arc Welding. I n this method, invented in 1881, an arc is struck between a carbon (or graphite) electrode and the parts to be welded. The welding wire is then fed into the arc and fused into the joint. For hand operation this