Mechanism and Kinetics of Peptide Partitioning into Membranes from

Feb 17, 2010 - Martin B. Ulmschneider,*,† Jacques P. F. Doux,† J. Antoinette Killian,†. Jeremy C. Smith,‡,§ and Jakob P. Ulmschneider*,§. De...
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Published on Web 02/17/2010

Mechanism and Kinetics of Peptide Partitioning into Membranes from All-Atom Simulations of Thermostable Peptides Martin B. Ulmschneider,*,† Jacques P. F. Doux,† J. Antoinette Killian,† Jeremy C. Smith,‡,§ and Jakob P. Ulmschneider*,§ Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennesee, and IWR, UniVersity of Heidelberg, Germany Received November 4, 2009; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: Partitioning properties of transmembrane (TM) polypeptide segments directly determine membrane protein folding, stability, and function, and their understanding is vital for rational design of membrane active peptides. However, direct determination of water-to-bilayer transfer of TM peptides has proved difficult. Experimentally, sufficiently hydrophobic peptides tend to aggregate, while atomistic computer simulations at physiological temperatures cannot yet reach the long time scales required to capture partitioning. Elevating temperatures to accelerate the dynamics has been avoided, as this was thought to lead to rapid denaturing. However, we show here that model TM peptides (WALP) are exceptionally thermostable. Circular dichroism experiments reveal that the peptides remain inserted into the lipid bilayer and are fully helical, even at 90 °C. At these temperatures, sampling is ∼50-500 times faster, sufficient to directly simulate spontaneous partitioning at atomic resolution. A folded insertion pathway is observed, consistent with three-stage partitioning theory. Elevated temperature simulation ensembles further allow the direct calculation of the insertion kinetics, which is found to be first-order for all systems. Insertion barriers are ∆Hinq ) 15 kcal/mol for a general hydrophobic peptide and ∼23 kcal/mol for the tryptophan-flanked WALP peptides. The corresponding insertion times at room temperature range from 8.5 µs to 163 ms. High-temperature simulations of experimentally validated thermostable systems suggest a new avenue for systematic exploration of peptide partitioning properties.


Determination of the partitioning properties of polypeptide segments into lipid bilayers is critical to understanding the insertion, assembly, and function of membrane proteins.1 Unfortunately, experiments aimed at directly measuring the transfer of peptides from water into bilayers have not so far been successful, primarily because sequences that are sufficiently hydrophobic to spontaneously insert without disrupting the membrane have a tendency to aggregate.2,3 Current partitioning theory has instead been assembled from a large body of indirect experimental and computational evidence, as previously reviewed.4,5 The physical basis is the trans-bilayer hydrophobicity profile, which allows suitably hydrophobic peptides to bury themselves through helix formation. Unfolded insertion is generally ruled out due to the large energetic penalty associated with desolvating an exposed peptide backbone.5 This vital backbone contribution is lacking in transmembrane potentials †

University of Utrecht. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. § University of Heidelberg. (1) White, S. H.; von Heijne, G. Annu. ReV. Biophys. 2008, 37, 23–42. (2) Wimley, W. C.; White, S. H. Biochemistry 2000, 39 (15), 4432–42. (3) Ladokhin, A. S.; White, S. H. Biochemistry 2004, 43 (19), 5782– 5791. (4) White, S. H.; Wimley, W. C. Annu. ReV. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 1999, 28, 319–365. (5) White, S. H. AdV. Protein Chem. 2006, 72, 157–172. ‡



J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2010, 132, 3452–3460

of mean force derived for side chain analogs6 or small peptides that cannot assume secondary structure.7 Computational methods in which the membrane is represented implicitly have been developed and applied to simulate folding and insertion of small hydrophobic peptides, providing a confirmation of the folded insertion pathway and rough estimates of the energetics involved.8-10 However, the complex physiochemical properties of fluid phase lipid bilayers, especially at the interfaces, have proved difficult to capture with implicit solvation models. Clearly, an atomic detail bilayer description is desirable. However, previous molecular dynamics simulations studying the partitioning of WALP peptides into explicit DPPC bilayers have reported incorrect insertion pathways due to inadequate simulation time scales and problems with the underlying lipid parameters.11,12 Crucial to the success of the present project was a new lipid parametrization recently carried out by us.13 We present here an approach that determines the monomeric partitioning properties of hydrophobic peptides into lipid bilayers (6) MacCallum, J. L.; Bennett, W. F. D.; Tieleman, D. P. J. Gen. Physiol. 2007, 129 (5), 371–377. (7) Babakhani, A.; Gorfe, A. A.; Kim, J. E.; McCammon, J. A. J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112 (34), 10528–34. (8) Im, W.; Brooks, C. L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2005, 102 (19), 6771–6776. (9) Ulmschneider, M. B.; Ulmschneider, J. P. Mol. Membr. Biol. 2008, 25 (3), 245–257. (10) Ulmschneider, J. P.; Ulmschneider, M. B. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2007, 3, 2335–2346. 10.1021/ja909347x  2010 American Chemical Society

Peptide Partitioning into Membranes

through all-atom simulation at elevated temperatures. Key is the remarkable stability against thermal denaturation of hydrophobic membrane inserting peptides, validated using circular dichroism experiments. This enables simple direct determination of atomic detail information on the partitioning pathways, intermediate states, as well as insertion kinetics and related barriers. Materials and Methods Molecular Dynamics. Simulations were performed and analyzed using Gromacs version 4.0 ( and Hippo BETA ( All systems were simulated in the NPT ensemble using the OPLS all-atom (OPLS-AA) protein force field15 in combination with the TIP3P water model16 and OPLS-AAcompatible united-atom lipid parameters recently parametrized by us.13 Electrostatic interactions were computed using PME, and a cutoff of 10 Å was used for van der Waals interactions. Bonds involving hydrogen atoms were restrained using LINCS.17 Simulations were run with a 2 fs integration time step and neighbor lists were updated every five steps. Water, lipids, and the protein were each coupled separately to a heat bath with time constant τT ) 0.1 ps using weak temperature coupling.18 Atmospheric pressure of 1 bar was maintained using weak semi-isotropic pressure coupling with compressibility κz ) κxy ) 4.6 × 10-5 bar-1 and time constant τP ) 1 ps.19 Control Simulations. We have previously established that the OPLS-AA force field used in our simulations has no underlying helical bias.20 For the present study further control simulations were performed to ascertain that peptide folding is a consequence of partitioning into the hydrophobic lipid bilayer and not an intrinsic property of the peptide sequence itself. This issue was addressed by simulating equilibrated helical conformers in water. The helices unfold immediately (>70% loss of helicity in