Mechanistic Studies of Postcapillary Affinity Detection for Capillary

Dec 15, 1997 - D. Scott Wilbur, Pradip M. Pathare, Donald K. Hamlin, Milah B. Frownfelter, Brian B. Kegley, Wai-Yee Leung, and Kyle R. Gee. Bioconjuga...
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Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 5152-5158

Mechanistic Studies of Postcapillary Affinity Detection for Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Based on the Biotin-Streptavidin System Jean A. Kelly, K. R. Reddy, and Cheng S. Lee*

Department of Chemistry and Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011

Postcapillary affinity detection is developed to analyze structurally related compounds following capillary zone electrophoresis separation. In this work, biotin and biotin derivatives are resolved by capillary zone electrophoresis and selectively identified on the basis of their crossreactivity with streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate, added via a postcapillary reactor. Direct sensing of the affinity reaction is achieved by monitoring the resulting fluorescence enhancement of streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate upon biotin binding. The effects of postcapillary reactor parameters, including capillary gap distance, dilution ratio, and reaction distance, on peak area and peak efficiency of the biotin-streptavidin complex are investigated. A reaction kinetic model is presented for evaluating the dynamic range and detection limits of postcapillary affinity detection as a function of streptavidin concentration in the postcapillary reactor. The detection limit for postcapillary affinity detection of biotin is on the order of 3 nM, or 4 fg. Capillary electrophoresis-based immunoassays have gained popularity as a sensitive and selective means for quantifying proteins and drugs in complex sample matrices.1-7 Initial work by Nielsen et al.1 demonstrated the ability of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) to separate free and antibody-bound human growth hormone. The transition from UV absorbance to laserinduced fluorescence detection (LIFD) improved assay sensitivity for insulin2 and human growth hormone3 using fluorescently tagged antibodies or antigens. Similarly, selective and sensitive CZE-based immunoassays have been reported for immunoglobulin G (IgG),4 morphine,5 phencyclidine,6 and cortisol.7 In related work, laser-based particle counting was employed for a CZE latex particle agglutination immunoassay for glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in single erythrocytes.8 Postcapillary affinity detection for CZE has been proposed and demonstrated to simultaneously characterize structurally related compounds and macromolecules with high selectivity and sensi-

tivity. For example, Zare and co-workers integrated CZE with a cell-based detector for the separation and identification of receptor antagonists.9 In our laboratory, human IgG Fc variants were separated by CZE and selectively identified by affinity binding with fluorescein-labeled fragment B of protein A in a postcapillary reactor.10 Affinity complexes between fragment B-fluorescein and resolved IgG-Fc variants were detected by LIFD due to an increase in fluorescence emission intensity upon binding. Such fluorescence enhancement was attributed to an increase in the local pH surrounding fragment B-fluorescein as a result of IgGFc binding.11-14 Due to changes in dynamic quenching, Bachas and coworkers15,16 observed a similar fluorescence enhancement for streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) upon biotin binding. Postcolumn addition of streptavidin-FITC was employed following a reversed-phase HPLC separation to selectively determine biotin and related derivatives.17,18 The detection limits for biotin and biocytin were measured as 2 × 10-8 M (or 97 and 149 pg, respectively).17,18 In this work, biotin and its derivatives, including biocytin, biotin ethylenediamine, 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid, and 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, are analyzed by CZE equipped with postcapillary affinity detection. Biotin and biotin derivatives are first resolved by CZE and subsequently reacted on-line with streptavidin-FITC in a postcapillary reactor (see Figure 1). Biotin-streptavidin affinity complexes are selectively detected by LIFD in the reaction capillary, due to their greater fluorescence emission intensity relative to that of unbound streptavidin-FITC. Successful resolution and selective detection of biotins in postcapillary affinity detection for CZE are reported and compared with the HPLC separation employing the biotin-streptavidin binding system.17,18 Additionally, mechanistic studies of postcapillary reactor performance and affinity reaction dynamics are carried out using the biotin-streptavidin interaction. Two separate electric fields, with different field strengths, are applied across the separation

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (515) 294-4383. FAX: (515) 294-3578. E-mail: [email protected]. (1) Nielsen, R. G.; Rickard, E. C.; Danta, P. F.; Sharknas, D. A.; Sittampalam, G. S. J. Chromatogr. 1991, 539, 177. (2) Schultz, N. M.; Kennedy, R. T. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 3161. (3) Shimura, L.; Karger, B. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 9. (4) Reif, O.; Lausch, R.; Scheper, T.; Freitag, R. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 4027. (5) Evangelista, R. A.; Chen, F.-T. A. J. Chromatogr. A 1994, 680, 587. (6) Chen, F.-T. A.; Evangelista, R. A. Clin. Chem. 1994, 40, 1819. (7) Schmaizing, D.; Nashabeh, W.; Yao, X.; Mhatre, R.; Regnier, F. E.; Afeyan, N. B.; Fuchs, M. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 606. (8) Rosenzweig, Z.; Yeung, E. S. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 1771.

(9) Fishman, H. A.; Orwar, O.; Allbritton, N. L.; Modi, B. P.; Shear, J. B.; Scheller, R. H.; Zare, R. N. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 1181. (10) Abler, J. K.; Reddy, K. R.; Lee, C. S. J. Chromatogr. A 1997, 759, 139. (11) Lee, C. S.; Huang, P. Y.; Ayres, D. M. Anal. Chem. 1991, 63, 464. (12) Huang, P. Y.; Lee, C. S. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 997. (13) Huang, P. Y.; Heath, C.; Banik, G.; Lee, C. S. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1992, 40, 913. (14) Huang, P. Y.; Lee, C. S. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1993, 42, 37. (15) Smith-Palmer, T.; Barbarakis, M. S.; Cynkowski, T.; Bachas, L. G. Anal. Chim. Acta 1993, 279, 287. (16) Barbarakis, M. S.; Smith-Palmer, T.; Bachas, L. G.; Chen, S. Y.; Van Der Meer, B. W. Talanta 1993, 40, 1139. (17) Przyjanzny, A.; Hentz, N. G.; Bachas, L. G. J. Chromatogr. A 1993, 654, 79. (18) Hentz, N. G.; Bachas, L. G. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 1014.

5152 Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997

S0003-2700(97)00587-8 CCC: $14.00

© 1997 American Chemical Society

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of postcapillary affinity detection for CZE: (A) overview of system and (B) expanded view of postcapillary reactor. A 10-200-µm gap between the separation and reaction capillaries was surrounded by solution containing fluorescently labeled streptavidin for postcapillary reaction with biotin and its derivatives.

and reaction capillaries (see Figure 1) to transfer biotins across the gap and introduce both biotins and streptavidin-FITC into the reaction capillary. The effects of field strengths and gap distance between the separation and reaction capillaries on biotin transfer are investigated to achieve quantitative transfer and maintain high separation efficiency. A reaction kinetic model is developed to evaluate the influence of streptavidin-FITC concentration on the dynamic range and detection limits of postcapillary affinity detection for CZE. In comparison with experimental measurements, the model effectively predicts the biotin peak area over 3 orders of magnitude, with an analytically useful range of 2 decades of biotin concentration. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Capillary Zone Electrophoresis: UV Measurements. The CZE apparatus was constructed in-house using a CZE 1000R highvoltage power supply (Spellman High-Voltage Electronics, Plainview, NY). The electrophoresis buffer was prepared by titrating solutions of 10 mM monobasic and dibasic phosphate (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) to pH 8.5. Biotin and biocytin were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Biotin ethylenediamine, 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid, and 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide were purchased from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). Biotin and its derivatives, each with a concentration of 250 µM, were constituted in electrophoresis buffer. A serum-free cell culture medium containing biotin was obtained from Sigma. All solutions were filtered through a 0.22-µm filter (Costar, Cambridge, MA). CZE separations were carried out in fused silica capillaries from Polymicro Technologies (Phoenix, AZ). Capillary dimensions consisted of 50-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d., with a total length of 70 cm, 50 cm to the detector. Fused silica capillaries were treated with 100 mM sodium hydroxide (Fisher) followed by de-ionized water and then electrophoresis buffer prior to use. A constant electric potential of +21 kV (300 V/cm) was applied to the anodic reservoir for 2 s electrokinetic injection as well as for electrophoretic separation. Biotin and its derivatives were monitored by a Linear UVIS 200 detector (Linear Instruments, Reno, NV) at 200 nm. Data collection was performed by using an HP 35900D analog-to-digital interface board with the HP G1250C General Purpose Chemstation Software (Hewlett Packard, Fullerton, CA).

In transfer experiments, a 50-cm-long capillary was employed for the separation. UV absorbance in a 20-cm-long reaction capillary, with dimensions of 50-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d., was monitored at 5 cm from the postcapillary reactor (see Figure 1). For UV analysis following analyte transfer into the reaction capillary, electrophoresis buffer was placed in the postcapillary reactor. Transfer of biotin analytes was achieved by applying two separate electric fields across the separation and reaction capillaries, as first described by Cassidy et al.19 Two high-voltage power supplies were applied, +15 and -10 kV, to the inlet and outlet reservoirs, respectively. The postcapillary reactor was grounded. The larger electric field (500 V/cm) in the reaction capillary, relative to that in the separation capillary (300 V/cm), resulted in a greater electroosmotic flow in the reaction capillary and facilitated transfer of biotin and its derivatives. Postcapillary Reactor. A rectangular postcapillary reactor was machined out of Plexiglas with dimensions of 2.5 cm × 1.3 cm × 0.7 cm and a 50-µL reservoir (see Figure 1). Two 1/16 in. diameter channels accessed the reservoir from opposite sides and were fitted with Teflon tubing with 0.3-mm i.d. and 1/16-in. o.d. (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA). The small inner diameter of the tubing allowed secure alignment of the separation and reaction capillaries at the same height and lateral position. The axial distance between the capillaries was adjusted manually with a micrometer stage and visualized by a custom microscope (Edmund Scientific, Barrington, NJ) equipped with a 10× objective and a 10× eyepiece. The 10-200-µm gap distance between the capillaries was measured with a micrometer disk reticle. Postcapillary Affinity Detection for Capillary Zone Electrophoresis. During postcapillary affinity detection of biotin and related derivatives, streptavidin labeled with FITC was placed in the postcapillary reactor. Fluorescently labeled streptavidin, with 3.6 FITC per streptavidin, was obtained from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA) and diluted prior to use. Separations were performed in a 50-cm-long capillary with dimensions of 50-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d. Electric potentials of +5 (100 V/cm) and +15 kV (300 V/cm) were applied to the inlet reservoir for a 6 s sample injection (∼6 nL) and for electrophoretic separation, respectively. The reaction of biotins with streptavidin-FITC occurred in a 30cm-long reaction capillary with 50-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d. Important operation parameters, including axial gap distance, streptavidin-FITC concentration in the postcapillary reactor, electric potential applied to the outlet reservoir, and reaction distance from reactor to LIFD, were studied to optimize postcapillary affinity detection performance. The 488-nm line of an argon ion laser (Ion Laser Technology, Salt Lake City, UT) was used for LIFD. A LIFD originally designed by Yeung and co-workers20 was geometrically modified to allow the integration of a postcapillary reactor. Modifications were described in detail elsewhere.10 Homogeneous Fluorescence Assays. Homogeneous fluorescence assays for biotin using streptavidin-FITC were performed with an LS50B fluorescence spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer, Buckinghamshire, England). Fluorescence was excited at 488 nm and collected at 515 nm. During the equilibrium studies, increasing amounts of biotin were added to a 50 nM streptavidin-FITC solution with and without 100 nM biotin preincubation. To measure the pseudo-first-order association rate (19) Cassidy, R. M.; Lu, W.; Tse, V. P. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 2578. (20) Yeung, E. S.; Wang, P.; Li, W.; Giese, R. W. J. Chromatogr. 1992, 608, 73.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997


constant, a reaction mixture containing 10 nM streptavidin (preincubated with 20 nM biotin) and an additional 333 nM biotin was prepared for initiating time dependence fluorescence measurements. THEORY All four biotin binding sites on streptavidin are assumed to have equal biotin affinity, i.e., no allosteric effects. The reaction of biotin (B) with streptavidin-FITC (SF) can then be written as k+1

B + SF \ {k } B-SF



where the SF concentration represents the concentration of total biotin binding sites on streptavidin. For example, a 10 nM streptavidin solution contains 40 nM of biotin binding sites. The association kinetics of biotin and streptavidin-FITC in the postcapillary reaction is described by the second-order rate law. By assuming that the reaction of biotin with streptavidin is irreversible, the concentration of biotin-streptavidin complex ([BSF]) formed in the reaction capillary is predicted as a function of initial concentrations of biotin and biotin binding sites on streptavidin-FITC in the reaction capillary ([B]o and [SF]o), reaction time (t), and association rate constant (k+1). The second-order association rate constant, k+1, can be correlated with the pseudo-first-order rate constant, k′, as

k′ ) [B]k+1


under conditions of excess biotin such that the biotin concentration remains relatively constant over the course of the reaction. By assuming that the change in fluorescence intensity is linear with formation of the biotin-streptavidin complex, the fluorescence intensity monitored during the reaction, It, is given as

It ) Iinf + (Io - Iinf) exp{-k′t}


where Io and Iinf are the fluorescence intensities of streptavidinFITC in the absence of biotin and at complete biotin binding saturation, respectively. By measuring the fluorescence intensity as a function of time for the biotin-streptavidin reaction, both the pseudo-first-order rate constant, k′, and the second-order association rate constant, k+1, can be experimentally measured using eqs 2 and 3. The biotin concentration at the peak maximum in the reaction capillary is given by

[B]o ) [B]injdtinj(Vinj/Vs)/[σ(2π)1/2]

centration of streptavidin-FITC, [SF]o, at the entrance of the reaction capillary can be estimated on the basis of the streptavidin-FITC concentration in the postcapillary reactor and the dilution ratio, d. The concentration of biotin-streptavidin complex formed at reaction time t, [B-SF], can be calculated with the known values of k+1, [B]o, and [SF]o. The peak area corresponding to [B-SF] in the reaction capillary can then be predicted as

peak area ) σ(2π)1/2FE[B-SF]/[SF]o


where F is the height of the initial fluorescence front of streptavidin-FITC introduced into the reaction capillary and E is the fluorescence enhancement factor of streptavidin-FITC upon complete binding saturation with biotin. Additionally, peak signalto-noise ratio is given by

S/N ) (F/σb)E[B-SF]/[SF]o



where Vinj and Vs are the electric potentials applied across the separation capillary for electrokinetic injection and electrophoretic separation, respectively. tinj is the injection time, [B]inj is the sample concentration, and σ is the peak variance in the reaction capillary. d is the experimentally determined dilution ratio for biotin during the transfer into the reaction capillary. Due to identical inner diameters for both the separation and reaction capillaries, the dilution of biotin during the transfer results mainly from the differences in the electroosmotic flow between the separation and reaction capillaries. Additionally, the initial con5154

Figure 2. CZE with UV detection of 250 µM each of (1) biotin ethylenediamine, (2) 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, (3) biocytin, (4) 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid, and (5) biotin. (A) Resolution of biotins in the separation capillary; (B) transfer of resolved biotins across a 10-µm gap and into the reaction capillary.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997

where σb is the standard deviation of the background fluorescence of unbound streptavidin-FITC. The concentration detection limit for biotin can then be determined at S/N ) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-UV Studies. The separation of biotin and its derivatives, including biocytin, biotin ethylenediamine, 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid, and 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, was achieved with baseline resolution in less than 6 min (see Figure 2A). The separation efficiencies of biotin analytes ranged from 170 000 to 500 000 theoretical plates, for an effective separation length of 50 cm. Resolution, efficiency,

and analysis time were all improved in the CZE separation relative to a reversed-phase HPLC separation demonstrated by Hentz and Bachas.18 Postcapillary affinity detection of biotins required the transfer of resolved biotin derivatives across a liquid junction between the separation and reaction capillaries. Minimal loss in efficiency was particularly crucial to maintain resolution between (biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide and biocytin. Transfer of biotins was carried out by applying two separate electric fields across the separation and reaction capillaries. Biotin zones migrating through the liquid junction were confined by the electrical field lines extending across the gap, thus minimizing solute dispersion during the transfer.19,21,22 Figure 2B demonstrated the successful transfer of all five biotin zones with acceptable losses in resolution and efficiency. For instance, transfer reduced the resolution between (biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide and biocytin from 1.54 in the single capillary to 1.28 in the transfer measurement due to a decrease in peak efficiency from 350 000 to 240 000. Resolution changes due to transfer were small; however, peak height differences were notable in the UV analysis. This decrease in peak height was attributable to the postcapillary reactor design. Both the contents of the separation capillary and the electrophoresis buffer in the postcapillary reactor were introduced into the reaction capillary. On the basis of CZE-UV signal-to-noise ratio (see Figure 2), the concentrations of biotin and its derivatives in the reaction capillary were decreased by ∼45% due to dilution during the transfer between the two capillaries. Because of the differences in the electric fields between the separation and reaction capillaries, the dilution of biotin analytes was anticipated to be around 40%. Optimization of Postcapillary Reactor Conditions. Capillary gap distance, electric field strength across the reaction capillary, and reaction distance in the reaction capillary were varied (see Figure 3) to characterize the performance of our postcapillary reactor for the reaction of biotin with streptavidin-FITC. Peak area, height, and efficiency of the biotin-streptavidin complex were relatively constant at gap distances of 10-25 µm, indicating minimal changes in transfer efficiency and analyte dispersion. However, as the gap distance was increased further, peak area, height, and efficiency all dropped off considerably, suggesting analyte loss and solute dispersion during transfer. Based on these findings, the capillary gap distance was fixed at 10 µm for the remaining analyses. When the electric field strength applied across the reaction capillary was decreased, peak area, height, and efficiency of the biotin-streptavidin complex were all reduced to some extent. As the field strength was decreased, biotin and streptavidin-FITC traveled more slowly and would have more time to react with one another prior to LIFD. However, the streptavidin-FITC concentration in the reaction capillary was reduced at lower electric field strengths, decreasing reaction yield and the height of the initial fluorescence front in eq 5 for the prediction of peak area. At low fields, the biotins traveled across the 10-µm gap at slower velocities, which might increase analyte losses. Applying a field strength of 550 V/cm resulted in the highest efficiency, at the expense of a large current and solvent outgassing. As a result, the electric field strength of 500 V/cm was selected and employed in further studies. (21) Albin, M.; Weinberger, R.; Sapp, E.; Moring, S. Anal. Chem. 1991, 63, 417. (22) Kuhr, W. G.; Licklider, L.; Amankwa, L. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 277.

Figure 3. Effects of postcapillary reactor parameters on peak area, height, and efficiency of biotin-streptavidin. In all experiments, 200 nM biotin was electrokinetically injected four times, and the results were averaged. Streptavidin-FITC was diluted to 10 nM with electrophoresis buffer and placed in the postcapillary reactor. Unless stated otherwise, the gap distance was 10 µm, 500 V/cm was applied across the reaction capillary, and LIFD was monitored in the reaction capillary at 5 cm from the postcapillary reactor. (A) Gap distance varied from 10 to 200 µm. (B) Field strength applied across the reaction capillary varied from 350 to 550 V/cm. (C) Distance between postcapillary reactor and LIFD varied from 2 to 10 cm.

Reaction kinetics were evaluated by varying the LIFD observation position while holding all other conditions constant. Since the electric field strength in the reaction capillary remained constant, reaction distance was directly proportional to reaction time. As the distance between the postcapillary reactor and the LIFD was increased, both peak height and peak area of the biotin-streptavidin complex increased significantly, while peak efficiency dropped. Free biotin and the biotin-streptavidin complex migrated through the reaction capillary with different electrophoretic velocities, which resulted in greater band broadening at longer reaction distances. For further postcapillary affinity detection of biotin, streptavidin-FITC and biotin were allowed to react for 5 cm in the reaction capillary, corresponding to a reaction time of approximately 20 s, prior to LIFD to maximize reaction yield while preserving peak efficiency. Dynamic Range and Detection Limits of Postcapillary Affinity Detection. The homogeneous equilibrium binding assay for biotin using streptavidin-FITC (see Figure 4) indicated a nonlinear calibration curve at low biotin concentrations. However, preincubation of 50 nM streptavidin-FITC with 100 nM biotin, prior to the binding assay, resulted in a linear relationship between fluorescence intensity and added concentration of biotin. The binding sites on streptavidin-FITC which were preferentially filled at low biotin concentrations exhibited smaller fluorescence enhancements upon biotin binding. One key assumption needed for development of our reaction kinetic model for postcapillary affinity detection involved the linear dependence of affinity Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997


Figure 4. Homogeneous equilibrium binding assays for biotin in the absence and presence of biotin preincubation: O, 50 nM streptavidin-FITC; b, 50 nM streptavidin-FITC preincubated with 100 nM biotin, prior to the biotin binding assay.

Figure 5. Time dependence measurements of pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics between 10 nM streptavidin-FITC (preincubated with 20 nM biotin) and 333 nM biotin. The solid curve was the best fit of fluorescence data based on eq 3.

complex formation on the change in the fluorescence intensity monitored by LIFD. Thus, further experimental studies and theoretical predictions were performed using streptavidin-FITC, with two of the four biotin binding sites already filled during preincubation with biotin. The second-order association rate constant, k+1, was estimated from fluorescence time dependence measurements under pseudofirst-order conditions, due to excess biotin (see Figure 5). Fluorescence data were fit to eq 3 by minimizing the sum of the squares of the residuals, which yielded a k+1 of 1.11 × 105 M-1 s-1 for the association of biotin with streptavidin-FITC. Oosterkamp et al. studied the biotin-avidin interaction, using a competitive HPLC biotin assay, and obtained high correlation between experimental and theoretical data, with a k+1 of 2 × 106 M-1 s-1.23 Because free biotin and the biotin-streptavidin complex migrated with different electrophoretic velocities, the peak efficiency of the complex in the reaction capillary was a function of (23) Oosterkamp, A. J.; Irth, H.; Tjaden, U. R.; van der Greef, J. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 4295.

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Figure 6. Comparison of theoretical predictions (solid curve) with postcapillary affinity detection of biotin (open circles). 25 nM streptavidin-FITC was preincubated with 50 nM biotin and placed in the postcapillary reactor. The gap distance between the separation and reaction capillaries was 10 µm; -15 kV (500 V/cm) was applied to the outlet reservoir. LIFD was monitored in the reaction capillary at 5 cm from the postcapillary reactor. Triplicate injections were carried out for each biotin concentration, with an experimental RSD of 0.312%.

the rate of the affinity reaction. Thus, the selection of a rapid reaction, such as the biotin-streptavidin system in this study, maximized reaction yield for affinity detection while preserving peak efficiency. The determination of k+1 for the association of biotin with streptavidin-FITC allowed prediction of biotinstreptavidin peak area, formed in the reaction capillary, as a function of biotin concentration in the sample and streptavidinFITC concentration in the postcapillary affinity reactor using eq 5. Excellent agreement was observed (see Figure 6) between the predicted and actual response over 3 orders of magnitude, with an analytically useful range of 2 decades of biotin concentration. The dynamic range of postcapillary affinity detection for biotin increased with increasing streptavidin concentration. Based on eq 6, the reaction kinetic model also permitted the calculation of theoretical biotin detection limit as a function of streptavidinFITC concentration in the postcapillary reactor. Initially, the S/N ratio of the biotin-streptavidin peak increased as the concentration of streptavidin-FITC was increased due to an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio of the background fluorescence front, F/σb. However, the bound fraction of streptavidin-FITC ([B-SF]/ [SF]o) decreased slightly as the concentration of streptavidinFITC was increased. In addition, the signal-to-noise ratio of the background fluorescence front started to decrease at high streptavidin-FITC concentrations. The detection limits predicted by the reaction kinetic model were compared with those experimentally determined at various streptavidin-FITC concentrations (see Table 1). The optimum concentration of streptavidin-FITC for biotin detection was predicted and observed around 25 nM, with biotin detection limits of about 3 nM, or 4 fg. Postcapillary Affinity Detection of Biotin Derivatives in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis. Postcapillary affinity detection of biotin and its derivatives was achieved under the optimum conditions (see Figure 7). Initially, a fluorescence front was observed due to introduction of streptavidin-FITC from the

Table 1. Detection Limit Studies detection limit for biotin (nM) concn of streptavidin-FITCa (nM)



5 10 25 50 100

7 6 3 5 7

6 5 3 5 6

a Two of the four biotin binding sites on streptavidin-FITC were filled prior to analysis by preincubation with biotin. b Observed detection limit was determined from measuring S/N of three biotin concentrations near the detection limit and extrapolating to S/N ) 3. c Calculated detection limit was based on eq 6 using k 5 +1 ) 1.11 × 10 M-1 s-1, d ) 0.45, σ ) 0.039 min, E ) 1.7, and t ) 20 s. F and σb were dependent on the concentration of streptavidin-FITC and were determined experimentally.

Figure 8. Affinity complex formation prior to CZE analysis. CZE separation was performed in a 40-cm-long fused silica capillary with 25 cm to LIFD at 515 nm. Separation buffer was 10 mM phosphate at pH 8.5. Applied 12 kV for 3 s sample injection as well as during the separation. The reaction mixture was prepared in the electrophoresis buffer with (A) 100 nM streptavidin-FITC and (B) 100 nM streptavidin-FITC and 150 nM of each biotin derivative.

Figure 7. Postcapillary affinity detection of 100 nM each of (1) biotin ethylenediamine, (2) 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, (3) biocytin, (4) 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid, and (5) biotin in CZE. A 25 nM streptavidin-FITC solution (preincubated with 50 nM biotin) was placed in the postcapillary reactor. Other conditions were identical to those in Figure 6.

postcapillary reactor into the reaction capillary. On top of the fluorescence background, five peaks appeared at migration times corresponding to those of biotin and its derivatives. However, the peak height pattern for the five analytes was different from that observed in CZE-UV studies (see Figure 2). Fluorescence time drive assays indicated that biotin ethylenediamine, 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, and biocytin had larger k+1 values for association with streptavidin-FITC, relative to those for 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid and biotin. Additionally, the fluorescence enhancement was greater for biotin ethylenediamine than for biocytin and 6-(biotinoylamino)caproic acid hydrazide, suggesting a more significant change in the local environment around the streptavidin-biotin ethylenediamine complex. Peak resolution and efficiency decreased slightly in the postcapillary affinity analysis, relative to the UV transfer experiments (see Figure 2B), as a result of the affinity reaction. Differences in electrophoretic mobility between free biotin and the biotinstreptavidin complex likely contributed to additional band broadening.

Comparison with Reported Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis Techniques. Affinity capillary electrophoresis techniques reported in the literature,1-7 involving complex formation prior to CZE analysis, were employed to analyze biotin and its derivatives. As shown in Figure 8A, the electropherogram of streptavidin-FITC contained a number of species, likely due to heterogeneity in the labeling process as well as impurities. The reaction of biotins with streptavidin-FITC significantly increased the fluorescence intensity of the first streptavidin-FITC peak, indicating complex formation (see Figure 8B). However, no clear resolution among various biotin-streptavidin complexes was observed, and individual biotin analytes could not be identified. Comparing Figure 7 with Figure 8B, postcapillary affinity detection clearly exhibited greater resolving power for examining structurally related compounds, such as biotin and its derivatives. Analysis of Cell Culture Medium. Postcapillary affinity detection was employed to analyze the biotin concentration in serum-free cell culture medium with high selectivity and sensitivity. In the CZE separation with UV absorbance detection, multiple peaks were observed for the medium, yet biotin levels could not be determined due to the presence of comigrating compounds (see Figure 9A). In contrast, postcapillary affinity detection in CZE not only simplified the electropherogram (see Figure 9B) but also identified biotin without any interference from comigrating compounds in cell culture medium. Because of the additional migration distance in the reaction capillary, biotin’s migration time increased by approximately 40 s in postcapillary affinity detection in comparison with that in the CZE-UV measurement. Due to greater sensitivity in postcapillary affinity detection, relative to UV absorbance, approximately 550 nM biotin was selectively determined. CONCLUSIONS In this work, postcapillary affinity detection was developed and optimized to analyze structurally related compounds with high Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997


with minimal losses in peak efficiency and peak resolution. Introduction of streptavidin-FITC, through a postcapillary reactor, allowed all five biotin zones to be detected with enhanced sensitivity and selectivity relative to those of UV absorbance detection. In comparison with the literature affinity capillary electrophoresis techniques,1-7 postcapillary affinity detection in CZE clearly exhibited greater resolving power for the analysis of structurally related analytes, such as biotin and its derivatives. Evaluation of postcapillary reactor performance revealed the importance of capillary gap distance, electric potential applied across the reaction capillary, and the reaction distance in the postcapillary reactor design. A reaction kinetic model, combined with a number of theoretical and experimental parameters, was employed to predict the peak area of biotin-streptavidin in the reaction capillary. Excellent agreement was obtained between theoretical and experimental peak area over 3 orders of magnitude in biotin concentration.

Figure 9. Analysis of serum-free cell culture medium. (A) CZE separation with UV detection in fused silica capillary with 20-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d. Run buffer ionic strength was increased to 50 mM phosphate at pH 8.5. Serum-free medium was injected without dilution. Other conditions were identical to those in Figure 2A. (B) Postcapillary affinity detection of biotin in serum-free medium. Separation and reaction capillaries were fused silica with 20-µm i.d. and 375-µm o.d. Run buffer ionic strength was increased to 50 mM phosphate at pH 8.5. Serum-free medium was injected without dilution. Other conditions were identical to those in Figure 7.

sensitivity and selectivity. Biotin and its derivatives were successfully resolved by CZE and transferred across a 10-µm gap


Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 24, December 15, 1997

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Assistance by Dr. Edward S. Yeung in the design and modification of laser optics is appreciated. Helpful discussions on reaction kinetics with Brian Cooper are noted with thanks. Support for this work by a NSF grant (BES-9525821) and the Carver Trust Fund of Iowa State University is gratefully acknowledged. The Graduate Assistantship in Areas of National Need (GAANN) from the Department of Education for J.A.K. is noted with thanks. C.S.L. is a National Science Foundation Young Investigator (BCS9258652). Received for review June 5, 1997. Accepted September 30, 1997.X AC9705879 X

Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, November 15, 1997.