MEETINGS AND PROGRAMS - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - International Congress and IUPAC Conclave Scheduled For Sweden in '53. The XIIIth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry w...
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MEETINGS AND PROGRAMS International Congress and ÎUPAC Conclave Scheduled For Sweden in '53 The XHIth International Congress oi Pure a n d Applied Chemistry will b e held in conjunction w i t h t h e X V I I t h Conference of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry in Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden, July 29 to Aug. 7, 1953. The Congress will comprise a physical chemistry section and a symposium on the chemistry of wood and wood constituents, both in Stockholm from July 29 to Aug. 4 , a n d a symposium on macromolecules in Uppsala from Aug. 5 to 7. Although the X l l t h International Congress of Pure a n d Applied Chemistry in Mew York embraced the whole field of chemistry, it w a s decided that future congresses in general should cover only limited fields, as it is difficult to accommodate such big conferences. The physical chemistry section has adopted the following groupings: chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry; electro chemLs try; surface chemistry and colloid chemistry; chemical kinetics; and other fields. Papers dealing with basic research in physicochemical techniques or theories will be especially welcomed. The symposium on t h e chemistry of wood will b e divided into three groups, the first devoted t o structural chemistry of wood components, the second to t h e chemistry of cellulose and hemicellulose; and the third, the chemistry of lignin, its behavior in pulping processes and its utilization. T h e symposium on macromolecules will deal with experimental methods for investigation of macromolecules in solution and will cover work on macromolecular properties of proteins and polyelectrolytes. It is planned t o extend special invitations t o a few chemists t o give Congress Lectures. Others are invited to read papers of a maximum duration of 15 minutes. Although contributions may be presented in any language it is felt that those in English, French, or German, and especially those i n English, will b e most readily understood b y t h e majority of members. Excursions to industrial plants and laboratories are being arranged, also social events and sight-seeing trips. A special program for ladies is planned. Overseas guests intending to travel by boat are urged to book as soon as possible. As an approximate idea ( f t h e n u m b e r of guests interested in attending would b e most helpful, tentative registration is requested, if possible before Sept. 15, 1952. The first circular and preliminary application forms can b e obtained from the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington 2 5 , D. C. A sec-


ond circular containing more detailed information will be issued the last of this year. The conference of the union is held once in two years and is, in effect, t h e business meeting at which t h e review of t h e work of the previous two years is discussed. In 1953 meetings of t h e council, of the board ( o r b u r e a u ) , together with the section of physical chemistry (its commissions and subcommissions) a n d certain divisions of t h e applied chemistry section, this time t h e paper and b o a r d and the plastics and high polymers, will be scheduled. However, since travel money will not b e available for all commission members, some of the meetings may not be carried out. The union is anxious that fields other than those mentioned should b e represented at t h e conference in Stockholm. Further information on this point will b e given in the second circular.

ingly large number of engineers needed a n d comment o n t h e E M C program. In t h e afternoon a n open forum will be con­ ducted to permit questions to a p a n e l m a d e up o f Carey H . Brown, D e a n E s h bach, and A. C . Monteith.

Agricultural Chemists To Convene A record attendance is predicted for the 19th annual meeting of t h e National Agri­ cultural Chemicals Association, to meet Sept. 3 to 5 at Spring L a k e , N. J. H e a d ­ quarters will b e at the Essex a n d Sussex. Arthur W . Mohr of California SprayChemical Corp., president of t h e associa­ tion, will address t h e meeting W e d n e s d a y morning, and Clair R. Spealman of U. S. Civil Aeronautics Administration will dis­ cuss "Medical Problems in Airplane Dust­ ing and Spraying." Other speakers of n o t e in the agricultural chemicals field will be heard throxighout t h e meeting. A panel of industry axid government officials will dis­ cuss exports. X b c a n n u a l b a n q u e t will be held Thursday evening.

Trudeau Foundation Symposium Operations Research Society Organized The Operations Research Society of America was organized in May by a group of 75 scientists from university, industrial, a n d military establishments in t h e U. S., meeting at Columbia University's Arden House in Harriman, Ν. Υ. Its formation marks it as the first professional organiza­ tion of scientists devoted to promoting t h e application of operations research on this side of the Atlantic. It has been widely accepted, since ex­ perience gained b y operations research teams during W o r l d W a r II, that opera­ tions research methods might b e profitably applied to the peacetime problems of government and industry as well as to military problems. The charter members of ORSA include specialists in physics, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, biology, economics, and other fields. Philip M . More, professor of physics at M I T , was elected president; Robert F . Rinehart of Case, vice president; John B. Lathrop of Arthur D. Little, secretary; and Alfred N . Watson, Curtis Publishing Co., treasurer.

Engineering Manpower Problem To Be Debated National attention will be focused on the current engineering m a n p o w e r short­ age problem on Sept. 7 in Chicago, at a conference of the Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council in the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Carey H. Brown, chairman of the commission, will present a statement that deals with Uni­ versal Military Training, universal mili­ tary service, expanded R O T C proposals, unified reserve legislation, selective serv­ ice, and industrial utilization. A discussors session at the conference will b e held by prominent manpower au­ thorities who will point out t h e alarm­


Plans a r e being m a d e for the Seventh Saranac Symposium to b e held at the Saranac Laboratory of t h e E d w a r d L. Trudeau Foundation, Saranac Lake, Ν . Υ., for five clays "beginning Sept. 22. T h e major portion -of t h e sessions will be de­ voted to the latest developments in the field of pulmonary dust disease and con­ sideration will be given to some of the newer forms of pneumoconiosis. The agenda will i n c l u d e definition of terms, ultramicroscoplc dusts a n d pulmonary disease, t h e relationship b e t w e e n the in­ halation of dixst a n d p u l m o n a r y cancer, pulmonary- disability, a n d t h e most recent aspects of compensation a n d medicolegal phases of pneixrnoconiosis.

Agricultural Research Institute Being Organized Invitations t o membership in the Agri­ cultural Research Institute a r e being issued to those companies who qualify as having a stake in agricultural developments. T h e ARI was organized under t h e auspices of the National Academy of Sciences—Na­ tional Research Council at the request of approximately 10O scientists, representa­ tive of agricultural industries, and agri­ cultural research agencies, w h o partici­ pated in a conference o n Dec. 10, 1951. The concept: of t h e ARI is to provide a mechanism f o r collaboration of agricul­ tural scientists in p r o m o t i n g t h e kinds of agricultural research a n d practices which will h e l p develop national agricultural resources. Thte plan includes a dual ar­ rangement for (1) the ARI as a functional and fiscal organization of voluntary par­ ticipant members a n d ( 2 ) t b e Agricultural Board as a functional a n d deliberative body of scientists a p p o i n t e d b y the N R C to survey independently the scientific potential of agriculture. Dues-paying members of t h e ARI are




to b e drawn from corporations engaged in production, processing, or marketing of agricultural products, or those provid­ ing equipment, materials, o r supplies for agricultural industry. Technical personnel will b e designated to represent t h e m e m ­ b e r corporations in t h e affairs of t h e A R I . Non-dues-paying m e m b e r s to b e nomi­ nated by t h e N R C will b e d r a w n from state and federal agricultural experiment stations, academic institutions, scientific societies, and others e n g a g e d hi nonprofit agricultural research activities. F u r t h e r information m a y b e obtained from t h e office of t h e Agricultural I n f i ­ nite, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D. C.

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SPE A w a r d s t o Be G i v e n T h e Society of Plastics Engineers, I n c . , is sponsoring its annual National S P E Prize Paper Contest to encourage plastics technicians t o prepare technical papers on various phases of t h e plastics, industry. Besides prizes offered b y t h e local sec­ tions of the society, t h e national prizes are $200, $100, $50, a n d t h e presentation of the papers b y t h e authors at t h e annual technical conference t o b e held at t h e Hotel Statler in Boston J a n . 21 to 2 3 , 1953. Complete contest rules will b e furnished by t h e Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc., 409 Security Bank Building, Athens, Ohio.



Electronics Conference To M e e t in Chicago



T h e 8th Annual National Electronics Conference will convene Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 at t h e Sherman Hotel, Chicago. T h e greatly expanded technical program offers 99 papers covering a b r o a d field of elec­ tronic research, development, and indus­ trial application a n d is supplemented b y over 75 exhibits by manufacturers a n d in­ stitutions foremost in t h e electronics field.

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Lubricating G r e a s e institute T h e National Lubricating Grease Insti­ tute will hold its annual meeting in Chi­ cago, Oct. 27 to 29 at t h e E d g e w a t e r Beach Hotel. T h e institute announces that it is urgently necessary to make hotel reservations early, as a record turnout is expected. Those wishing reservations should write E d g e w a t e r Beach Hotel, Reservation Department, 5300 Block Sheridan Road, Chicago 4 0 , 111.



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CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 122nd National Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 1 4 - 1 9 , 1 9 5 2 . 123rd National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., March 1 5 - 1 9 , 1953. O t h e r Organizations Fourth Annual O a k Ridge Summer Sym­ posium, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 2 5 - 3 0 . 7th National Chemical Exposition. Chi­ cago Coliseum, Chicago, 111., Sept. 9 13. V O L U M E

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