unanimously approved by the committee on international relations of the Engineers Joint Council, Malcolm Pirnie, chairman of the committee, has an...
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MEETINGS AND PROGRAMS Inter-American Society Approved by U. S. Group Proposals m a d e at t h e first Pan-American Engineering Congress held in Rio de Janeiro last July for an inter-American en­ gineering organization have been unani­ mously approved by the committee o n in­ ternational relations of the Engineers Joint Council, Malcolm Pirnie, chairman of the committee, h a s announced. This action assures t h e full participation of U. S. engineering societies, with those of other American nations, in a n organiza­ tional meeting to b e held in Havana at a d a t e to be a n n o u n c e d later to launch such a federation. T h e objectives of the new organization would include t h e further advancement of engineering science a n d practice and de­ velopment of engineering skills by direct exchanges a m o n g t h e participating socie­ ties; also t o foster such collaboration among the m e m b e r s of participating so­ cieties and other international organizations as m a y be considered desirable. T h e Engineers Joint Council is composed of representatives of t h e American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Insti­ t u t e of Chemical Engineers, American In­ stitute of Mining a n d Metallurgical Engi­ neers, American Institute of Electrical En­ gineers, and American Society of Civil En­ gineers.

Banotti, Joseph II. Pratt Hospital, Boston, Mass.; Norman Blatherwick, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., N e w York City; Alfred L. Chaney, Glendale, Calif.; Oliver H. Gaebler, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich.; a n d Albert E . Sobel, Jewish Hos­ pital of Brooklyn, Ν. Υ.

New Adhesives t o Be Discussed b y Panel T h e sixth meeting of t h e Lake Erie Papermaker's and Converter's Association will b e held o n March 17 a t the Hickory Grill, 929 Chester Ave., Cleveland. The subject of "What's N e w in Adhesives?" will b e discussed by a three-man panel.

Air Pollution Conference A national conference on air pollution to b e sponsored by t h e U. S. Government will b e held in Washington, D. C , from May 3 to 5.

Forest Products Group to Discuss W o o d Finishing T h e spring section of t h e Society will b e the N e w York

meeting of t h e Northeast Forest Products Research held on April 11 and 12 at State College of Forestry,

Officials N a m e d f o r Packaging Show

T h e American Association of Clinical Chemists h a s elected t h e following officers for 1950: president, Harry Sobotka of M o u n t Sinai Hospital in N e w York City; vice president, John G. Reinhold, Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania Medical School; treas­ urer, Louis B. Dotti, St. Luke's Hospital in N e w York City; and secretary, Max M. Friedman, Queens General Hospital of N e w York City. Those elected t o serve on t h e executive committee during 1950 a r e : Joseph V O L U M E

2 8,


Southern Pine Association Schedules Annual Meeting T h e dates for t h e thirty-fifth annual meeting of t h e Southern Pine Association have been set for April 17 to 19 in N e w Orleans, La., secretary-manager H. C . Berckes has announced. Sessions will b e held at the Roosevelt Hotel.

New Society Schedules First Meeting T h e first meeting of t h e n e w l y formed American Crystallographic Society ( C&EN, Jan. 30, p a g e 2 7 2 ) is scheduled for April 10 to 12 at Pennsylvania State College. According to t h e aims s t a t e d in its constitution, " t h e object of this Society shall be to promote the study o f the ar­ rangement of atoms in matter, i t s causes, its nature a n d its consequences, and of the tools a n d methods used in such studies." T h e charter members of the new so­ ciety, totaling 496, have elected t h e officers for the first year as follows: president, I. Fankuchen, of the Polytechnic Institute of

Illustration shows a section o f the modern spray drying equipment in our plant.

\V. Gordon Bennett, ^ .eral manager of packaging a n d materir handling, Ana­ conda Copper Miniug C has been named general chairman of t) H.h annual In­ dustrial Packaging a n d j ials Handling Exposition sponsored b., ιβ Society of Industrial Packaging a n d Materials Han­ dling Engineers. T h e show will b e held in the Arena of Philadelphia's Convention Hall, Oct. 10 t o 12. F r a n k W . Green, packaging consultant, Springfield, Mass., has b e e n named as general chairman of t h e F o u r t h National Protective Packaging Competition, annu­ ally conducted as a feature of the exposi­ tion.

Clinical Chemists Choose Officers

Syracuse, Ν. Υ. T h e primary t o p i c for t h e April meeting is "Wood Finishing/* Among the various phases of t h e subject which will b e discussed are "Surfacing as It Affects Finishing," "Low-Bake Synthetic Finishes." "Gluing as It Affects Finishing," and "Finishes Resistant to Deteriorating Agents."



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2 7,

ê . § ? M > i ^ t i c 6 o . P-0- BOX 247, MONTREAL, CANADA 1950


MEETINGS A N D PROGRAMS Brooklyn; vice president, R. W . G. W y ckoff of t h e National I n s t i t u t e s of H e a l t h ; secretary, H o w a r d T. E v a n s , Jr.. of Philips Laboratories, Inc.; a n d t r e a s u r e r . J. Karle of t h e N a v a l Research L a b o r a t o r i e s .

Protective Coatings C o n f e r e n c e A conference on t h e use of p r o t e c t i v e coatings will b e held in M o n t r e a l , Q u e . , on M a r c h 17, in the M o u n t Royal H o t e l . This is t h e fourth a n n u a l E a s t e r n Regional Conference of the protective coatings g r o u p of t h e Chemical I n s t i t u t e of C a n a d a . T h e conference is to last for o n e d a y , a n d t h e p a p e r s to b e presented follow. W . Ε . Κ. M I D D L E T O N . C o l o r i m e t r y a n d t h e Paint I n d u s t r y . T . H. G. M I C H A E L . The I ' s c of S t y r e n e in Protective Coatings. F . H . L E H B E R G . ( title not vet avail­ able). C. Y. H O P K I N S . Some A s p e c t s of F i r e R e t a r d a n t Paint. C. E . B A R N E T T . I l o w P i g m e n t s W o r k .

M a r k e t i n g Conference T h e sixth national M a r k e t i n g C o n f e r e n c e will b e held on Feb. 28 a n d M a r c h 1 a t t h e Book-Cadillac Motel in D e t r o i t , M i c h . T h e m e of this year's m e e t i n g will b e : " W h a t is b e i n g done about t h e r e t u r n of the b u y e r ' s market?"

Industrial Exposition to be H e l d in Britain T h e 1950 British I n d u s t r i e s F a i r will b e held at Earls Court a n d O l y m p i a , L o n d o n , a n d Castle Bromwich, B i r m i n g h a m , from M a y 8 to 19.

Milk Sugar Institute Elects 1950 Officers At t h e a n n u a l meeting of Milk S u g a r Institute, Inc., t h e following w e r e e l e c t e d directors a n d officers of t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n : president, E . F . Miller of N a t i o n a l Milk Sugar C o . ; vice president, S a m u e l B. G i l -

CALENDAR OF EVENTS A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society 117th N a t i o n a l M e e t i n g ( d i v i d e d ) . H o u s ­ ton, Tex., March 2 6 - 3 0 , 1950; P h i l a ­ d e l p h i a , Pa., April 9 - 1 3 , 1950; D e t r o i t , Mich., April 16-^20, 1950. U S t h N a t i o n a l Meeting, C h i c a g o , 111., Sept. 3 - 8 , 1950. Second National Medicinal Chemistry S y m p o s i u m , Notre D a m e University, S o u t h B e n d , Ind., J u n e 1 5 - 1 7 , 1950. Other Organizations A M E R I C A N SOCIETY F O R T E S T I N G M A T E ­ RIALS. S p r i n g meeting. W i l l i a m P e n n Hotel, Pittsburgh, P a . F e b . 2 7 - M a r c h 2. D R U G , C H E M I C A L AND A L L I E D T R A D E S S E C ­ T I O N , N E W YORK BOARD O F T R A D E , A n ­ nual Dinner. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, N e w York, N . Y. March 9 . O P T I C A L SOCIETY O F A M E R I C A . Hotel Statler, N e w York, N . Y. M a r c h 9 - 1 1 .


reservations may b e o b t a i n e d b y w r i t i n g t o Arthur Adel, A r i z o n a S t a t e C o l l e g e , Flagstaff, A r i z .

pin, Avoset C o . ; t r e a s u r e r , J. G. B r e r e t o n , Sheffield F a r m s Co. I n c . ; directors, S. R. Bennett, B o r d e n C o . , a n d C. R. R o b e r t s , Sheffield F a r m s Co. I n c . Robert T . Bald­ win was elected s e c r e t a r y a n d assistant treasurer.

Production Show C a n c e l e d The N a t i o n a l Production Exposition, which w a s s c h e d u l e d for Chicago i n A p r i l , h a s now b e ^ n canceled., it is a n n o u n c e d by the CTiicago Technical Societies Council. A late starrt and conditions in s o m e s u p ­ porting indimstries w e r e listed as r e a s o n s for c a n c e l i n g . T h e Council officers felt it would b e b e t t e r t o call off t h e exposition entirely this year, r a t h e r t h a n risk an i n ­ ferior show.

AAAS Divisional M e e t i n g T h e 1 9 5 0 m e e t i n g of t h e S o u t h w e s t e r n division of t h e A m e r i c a n Association for t h e A d v a n c e m e n t of S c i e n c e will b e h e l d in Flagstaff a n d G r a n d C a n o n , Ariz., from April 30 t o M a y 4. H o s t s for t h e m e e t i n g s will be A r i z o n i a S t a t e C o l l e g e , L o w e l O b ­ servatory, M u s e u m of N o r t h e r n Arizona, a n d G r a n d C a n o n N a t i o n a l Park. Hotel

ACS Local Sections PLACE


California, University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley Central Massachusetts, Clark University, Worcester Central Ohio Valley, Ventura Hotel, Ashland Cincinnati, Engineering Society Headquarters Connecticut Valley, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Cornell, Baker Laboratory. Ithaca East T e n n e s s e e , D a b n e y Hall, U. of Tennessee, Kno.willr Eastern New York, State Col­ lege, Albany Florida, U . of Florida, Gaines­ ville Indiana, Hotel Warren, I n d i a n ­ apolis (noon luncheon meet­ ing) Indiana, Butler University, In­ dianapolis Kanawha Valley, North Charles­ ton Recreation Center Lexington, Kastle Hall, Univer­ sity of Kentucky Louisville, Speed Scientific School, U. of Louisville Mohave Desert, Unified High School, Trona, Calif. Monmouth County, Squier Signal Lab., Fort Monmouth, N . J. Nashville, F u r m a n Hall, V a n d e r bilt University New H a v e n , Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, Yale University New York, Hotel Statler ( N i c h ­ ols Medal meeting ) Northeast Tennessee, Kingsport


Northeastern, Room 10-250, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge


8 9 8 11 9 9 8


Michael Fleischer W . A. Mudge

-Abundance a n d Distribution of the Chemical Elements 'Catalysis by Ultrasonics

W . C. Fernelius Michael Fleischer J. A. Hedvall J. W. Kennedy

Reactions of Solutions of Metals in L i q u i d Ammonia a b u n d a n c e a n d Distribution of the Chemical Elements ΉεηοΗνίίν of Solids T h e Heaviest Elements

Chemistry of Explosives

Otto Beeck

Heactions of Isotopic Hydro­ carbons Batch Fractional Distillation







Economic a n d Technical Changes in t h e Shortening Industry



W . C. Fernelius W . C. Fernelius J. P. Greenstein J. P. Greenstein A. E. Finholt

Tleactions of Solutions of Metals in Liquid Ammonia Reactions of Solutions of Metals in Liquid Ammonia Enzymatic Resolution of Raccmic Amino Acids Enzymatic Resolution of Racemic Amino Acids The Complex Hydrides


C . F. Hiskey

Hydrogen over Voltage


J. W. Kennedy

The Heaviest


Michael Fleischer Oskar Wintersteiner J . W. Kennedy

Abundance a n d Distribution of the Chemical Elements The Hypotensive Principles of Veratrum Viride

W . J. Hamburger H- R. Wake-

Textile Fibers as Basic Physical Components Textile Fibers as Chemical Struc­ tures

7 9 8

10 10


Oregon Pennsylvania-New York W e s t e r n Border, Kane Manor, Kane, Pa. Philadelphia ( Analytical and Microchemical G r o u p ) , Smith, Kline & French Laboratories Purdue, P u r d u e University, L a ­ fayette Rhode Island, Albertus Magnus Hall, Providence College Rochester, Cutler Union, U n i ­ versity of Rochester Southern I n d i a n a , I n d i a n a Uni­ versity, Bloomington St. Louis, Alhambra Grotto Syracuse, Bowne Hall, Syracuse University ( jointly with T e c h ­ nology Club ) Virginia, Hopewell W a b a s h Valley, Science Bldg., Indiana State Teachers Col­ lege, Terre H a u t e



F . P. Bowden

11 9

( afternoon ) Michael Fleischer ( evening ) A . E. Finholt J . N. Breston


Abundance a n d Distribution of the Chemical Elements The Complex Hydrides Secondary Recovery of Petroleum in t h e Appalachian Fields


C . M. Mitchell R. J. Ferlauto

Pharmaceutical Control Microbiological Analysis


J. P. Greenstein Michael Fleischer George Walt

Enzymatic Resolution of Racemic Amino Acids Abundance a n d Distribution of the Chemical Elements Chemistry of Rod Vision

J. P. Greenstein M. G. Mellon R. W. Dodson

Enzymatic Resolution of Recemic Amino Acids Chemistry, Curves, and Color Nuclear Chemistry

G. E. Pendray W . C. Fernelius

Coming Age of Rocket Power Reactions of Solutions of Metals in Liquid Ammonia

10 6 10 6 6 10 10

O t h e r Local G r o u p s Akron Polymer Lecture G r o u p , Room 155, Simmons Hall, University of Akron


L . P. Hammett


Properties of Ion Exchange Resins as Acid Catalysts